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Posts posted by Marvin24Williams

  1. Please help me here cap experts. Been reading up on BYC and found this via reddit

    "First off, here is an overview of Base Year Compensation (BYC): http://www.cbafaq.com/salarycap.htm#Q93

    BYC affects sign-and-trade transactions. If the player being S&T'd meets all of the following:

    A Bird or Early Bird FA

    Receiving a new salary greater than the minimum

    Receiving a 20% raise from his previous salary

    His original team is at or above the cap right after signing him


    His outgoing salary is equal to the greater of his previous year's salary OR 50% of his new salary

    His incoming salary is equal to his new salary

    So what does this mean?

    The cap next year is projected to come in at $122 M. Assuming Deandre Ayton is receiving the 25% max in a S&T, his first year salary will be $30,500,000.

    For the Suns, that means his outgoing salary is equal to half of that, or $15,250,000. The Suns can take back a maximum of $20,250,000 (unless they go into the tax, then it will be $19,162,500).

    For the team receiving Ayton, his salary is still $30,500,000, so they must send back a minimum of $24,320,000.

    This means that a straight two team S&T trade for Ayton on a max contract is impossible. This is a rule built into the CBA, there is no getting around it."

    I am confused on how he came up with "$24,320,000" for the minimum a team must send back in any Ayton S&T

  2. Is a 3 way with the kings possible cap wise? I have a feeling its something like 


    Hawks in: Murray, Barnes

    Hawks out: Gallo, Collins, picks

    Kings in: Collins 

    Kings out: Barnes + Pick

    Spurs in: Gallo + picks + pick from Kings trade

    Spurs out: Murray

    • Thanks 2
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