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Posts posted by Marvin24Williams

  1. Assuming Solo and Lou come back and Cooper earns himself a guaranteed contract that's 14 spots filled. With OO being out to start, look for a cheap option in FA to fill that void until he comes back. Knight on a 2 way works and lets us keep roster flexibility by leaving 1 slot open. Would really like an actual vet big though a la Dedmon, Dieng, Len, etc.

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  2. 8 minutes ago, Diesel said:

    Former MVP for Harrell and KVP....    That sucks. He may not be coveted by a lot of the league people but he's going to work in Lebron's system.   He can score.

    Is it hard to see because of the rumors?

    Rumors for sure but also a gut feeling. Seems like ownership is trying to save money. That horrendous trade of packaging Reddish + 20 to move up accomplishes that 

    Hoping it doesn’t happen obviously, but I just can’t help but feel that it’s inevitably going to happen 

  3. I see some mocks giving us Cam Thomas. Don't really like him as a prospect. Good scorer sure but lord his game looks horrendous. Putrid defender, terrible playmaker, and his offensive game lives off a steady diet of highly contested midrange jumpshots. I don't mind if we get him in say the 2nd round but just not feeling him at all as a 1st round pick.

  4. We definitely need one. I want to keep Lou Williams but I don’t like him in the backup pg role. He’s more of an instant offense look for his own offense guy. Need to play him with a PG who will do the job of setting other guys up. Not quite sure whose available, but Goodwin should be kept as insurance. He has his limitations, but he has shown he can fill in nicely at times if needed 

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