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Everything posted by Marvin24Williams

  1. Throw Bruno out there and see what he can do against Embiid
  2. 4/$90 million is my sweet spot for him, just not a fan of anything above that. Obviously though, the Hawks can't afford to lose a player of his caliber so they should match anything in restricted FA if a trade can't be made.
  3. Lol honestly I just wanna see Cam get his taste of playoff basketball. He was underwhelming this season but I truly believe he at whatever percent he is on right now is a better option than throwing Solo out there
  4. It's the best move for him, he never did look quite the same coming back from injury offensively. Rust for sure played a role but he also looked uncomfortable and unsure of himself again. I don't remember anything about the first surgery though, what exactly was the procedure done the first time around?
  5. That was one of the things I loved most about him. He was a monster on the offensive boards. That energy just isnt there anymore
  6. What an absolute stinker put up by Collins. That's not helping his case for a max contract
  7. I fear for a Woodson-esque playoff type blowout
  8. Solo is the only negative plus minus (-10)... just... how? lol
  9. Getting a kick out of all these Knick fans on twitter bashing Trae for taunting them in the closing minutes. Like they weren't yelling expletives at him the whole time he was there. You reap what you sow
  10. Just a year ago we were 20-47 and now? First playoff series won. Proud of these guys.
  11. He was just awful in his minutes. Tunnel vision, bad shot selection, etc.
  12. Need more from Bogi. If he's on in the 2nd half, I feel good about getting this game
  13. Another great win. I feel confident in this team closing them out in game 5. On to the next one, not going to celebrate until we win this series.
  14. Playoff Trae is a whole different animal. Beautiful floor game from him tonight
  15. This one is on Nate. What the hell is he doing with these lineups? Why is he acting like Trae is a 36 year old
  16. I don't understand why we are playing an all bench unit against Rose and Randle. I just don't.
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