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Everything posted by Marvin24Williams

  1. Oh boy I'm getting anxious. I'd love to see the Hawks win this game in convincing fashion
  2. I still don't think Bruno is as bad as he has shown this season. Seems to be all mental with him imo. Hope he continues to play freely today
  3. Mo Evans. I remember the good old days in the chat when he used to come in and whenever he'd mess up people would always go "no mo evans". that was hilarious
  4. Are Knight and Mays going to be on the playoff roster? Not sure how 2 ways work this year
  5. Thought Bogi played some pretty damn good defense on Westbrook down the stretch
  6. No more Solomon Hill slander from me. Until the playoffs that is
  7. Solomon Hill managed to achieve a +/- of -23 in 10 minutes of play. Amazing.
  8. I need to see this team come out with fire this 2nd half. Horrible 1st half from them.
  9. Trae is being way too cute with his passes. It's killing us
  10. The scales would have tipped to our favor if Clint made that lob for the lead. That had to be deflating to the team
  11. Lou really needs to get going. He's been terrible as of late
  12. Trae is too loose with the ball to begin. Needs to settle down
  13. Start Dunn in the 2nd half. I want no part of Solomon
  14. I am absolutely sick of Solomon Hill
  15. Solo's offensive ineptitude never fails to amaze
  16. Did kev injure the same shoulder that Jokic karate chopped at with his meat hooks?
  17. Dunn's debut is finally upon us. Not expecting a lot on offense due to rust, but it'd be nice to see some great D today
  18. Guys are fooling themselves if they think this team is better without Trae
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