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Everything posted by Marvin24Williams

  1. Team is just so inconsistent. So disappointing
  2. Please make one team change their jersey color NBA
  3. You gotta be kidding me with this Red/Orange matchup
  4. Bonkers realizing that we can put the LP pitchforks down for now
  5. Unreal defense by Trae and Gallo on the last possession. Good grief
  6. We won't even get a used up jock strap in return for both of them
  7. Whole teams runs fastbreaks like Bazemore and Bembry. Awful
  8. Cam is pitiful What exactly was he working on last offseason?
  9. This is just pathetic. JC better not be talking about a max anytime soon
  10. Bonkers about to come in here guns ablazin
  11. I wanted Burks badly last free agency.
  12. On the bright side, Mays looks like he can become a solid rotational player. Hope we keep him.
  13. Hawks miss shots, opposing team make shots. What else is new
  14. Fire Pierce before this gets out of hand
  15. Anyone know when the two ways end? Has to be coming up soon right
  16. Give Mays more opportunities to run the backup point spot. Rondo and Goodwin have been proven to be ineffective anyway
  17. Absolutely disgusting. Low effort, unprepared, guys confused, etc. These are the type of losses I hoped this team would put behind them already.
  18. Sure could have used some of that in the playoffs Hardaway...
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