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Everything posted by Marvin24Williams

  1. Good to hear Hills not guaranteed. I’d love to pick up a vet big as insurance for the final roster spot. Dedmon, Noah, or Kyle O’Quinn would be nice. Wouldn’t mind bringing back Skal either.
  2. There was a reddit thread where Schlenk stated Gallo agreed to come off the bench when he signed his contract. Hunter and Cam will duke it out for the starting 3 spot
  3. I havent had this much fun looking at a depth chart in ages
  4. Goona watch Bogi, Capela, and Gallo highlights all night
  5. So hype. This upcoming season should be fun
  6. They actually the same age, I think only Buddys younger by a couple of months. He got his birthday fixed when he got in the league I believe he was actually born in 92
  7. Yeah was just looking at that. It’s essentially Bogi money. Definitely worth a look if Snell is all it takes. He does have diva-ish tendencies though so that’s something to take into account
  8. The Queens are goona take this til the last minute then match it aren’t they
  9. So much for the deadline being at noon
  10. From what I've read, teams usually do it right away if they intend to match, so we got that going for us. We'll know by tomorrow. Can't wait!
  11. Yeah I have it 60/40 Sacramento favored. Like you said, I just don’t see them wanting to lose him for nothing.
  12. Trae/Rondo/Dunn/Goodwin Huerter/Reddish Hunter/Snell Collins/Gallo/Hill Capela/Okongwu/Bruno Im guessing Mays is a 2 way? Along with the undrafted rookie we signed. That leaves one more spot for Bogi if Kings don’t match
  13. Yeah, love me some Collins but if he were to get a Tatum deal... I wouldn't be a fan of that at all
  14. 4/72 is fair market value for him. He'll still be a tradable asset.
  15. I think if there’s no Hield deal by Tuesday, they won’t match Bogi. I could see them electing to keep that cap space and instead use it to absorb bad contracts to get additional picks in future drafts
  16. This is goona be a long 48 hours.
  17. Suns fans are in for a “treat” this season
  18. Come on Joe Dumars do something good for once
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