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Everything posted by Marvin24Williams

  1. Feels like OKC is goona trade their whole roster outside of SGA, Dort, and Bazley
  2. I'd be fine with Maxey as well, he's got that dog in him on defense.
  3. Not a fan of moving back for 13 and 17 but if the deal were done I'd snag Tyrell Terry with one of the picks
  4. I call BS on that Harden rumor. They can get so much more for Harden than what Brooklyn has to offer imo
  5. Still boggles my mind as to why free agency comes after the draft
  6. Don’t think I said it yet but I Really appreciate you and @thecampster Sharing y’all’s info.
  7. Supes you killin me man lol
  8. Harden Trae Gerald Green? WTF
  9. Reddish can play both positions but I see him as more of a 2 tbh. I also like the thought of surrounding Trae with as much length and size as they can on the perimeter.
  10. I'm not opposed to it if we get good value in return. However, most mocks or trades I've seen have us trading for someone like DeRozan or another expiring contract. What's the point of giving up #6 for a 1 year rental who may or may not resign. If a deal's not there don't force it. Just keep the pick and fill out the roster with cheap options who can help the team win next year.
  11. I also want Cam starting but if him off the bench gives him more opportunities for ball handling duties, I'm all for it. He's got a lot of untapped potential as a ball handler. I want to see Pierce & company let him run a lot more pick and rolls this upcoming season.
  12. @NBASupes Any draft news? Such as some prospects the Hawks are quite high on right now
  13. I’m not a fan of him at all. His defense is absolutely brutal. All his limitations on that end are only going to be amplified in the faster, stronger NBA. Just don’t like non defending bigs - especially when you have someone as exploitable as Trae on the perimeter. Those two are going to be ripped to shreds on defense. Teams are going to pick and roll them to death.
  14. Hayes or Okongwu. Leaning towards Hayes right now though. Really like what I see from him.
  15. I am not a fan of Toppin at all. His defense needs A LOT of work it’s scary. Definitely an Okongwu guy if it came down to picking between them two. Shown enough flashes on offense and is tiers above Toppin as a defender. Love his defensive versatility.
  16. Lol Hunter was smirking at the line.. then proceeds to calmly hit 3 free throws. So clutch
  17. Trae wanted an extra quarter to pad his stats
  18. I'm actually on the LaMelo bandwagon myself. I think he's goona be special.
  19. Why are there 5 Bembrys on the floor for the Hawks?
  20. I never forgave those clowns for glitching out when Mayweather/Pac happened.
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