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Everything posted by Marvin24Williams

  1. Finally!! Games like this are why i'm not on the Pierce bandwagon. Too many games this team shows up undisciplined and looking like a mess.
  2. This is a Woodson-esque blowout. Disorganized basketball on both ends of the floor.
  3. I would like a word with Saric's barber
  4. I still like Cam a lot. Just gotta get thrrough the growing pains. I think a lot of us have been spoiled because of how good Trae was his rookie year. That's pretty much an outlier for any rookie. Gotta let the young guys develop before we jump to any conclusions.
  5. I'm still loling at that Jokic defense. Dude didn't even bother to move and just flung his arms around
  6. Cam looks to be at his best when looking to facilitate off of pick and rolls.
  7. Pierce really needs to clean up his rotations. Some of the lineups he puts out there just make you scratch your head
  8. Melvin Hunt probably causing havoc in the locker rooms
  9. Need a high energy game from the guys tonight. Only caught the first half of the last game but even then the body language was just awful from the beginning. I can't stand games like those.
  10. Yeah cams problem isn’t his handle. He’s got such a weak base and his game is too finesse. He’s avoiding contact at all costs, he needs to hit the weight room
  11. Screw work, I can only watch the 1st half
  12. I’ve only been a Hawk fan since 2008 but I can definitely say he’s the first player to ever give me a superstar vibe, like someone you know you can trust to put the ball in the basket or make the right play when the the team needs it the most. No disrespect to guys like Joe Johnson, Millsap, Or Horford but none of them ever gave me that feeling
  13. DeRozan's stats seem so empty. He put up 22/4/4 but at no point did I feel like he was a threat in this game.
  14. Jones is easily the worst rebounder in the league. Beyond pathetic in that aspect of the game
  15. I'm honestly fine with Reddish just starting the whole way through. The wing defense between him and Hunter is great. If only we had a legit rim protector at center.
  16. Jones has so much potential as a defender with his size and length, he's showing glimpses in this game. Unfortunately he just has no understanding of the game. He's terrible at rebounding and boxing out and those are killers. You need to be able to close out defensive positions
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