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Posts posted by Marvin24Williams

  1. Nice info Supes. I wonder who the Pels are high on.. assuming they keep the pick I can see them passing on Culver. There's some major spacing issues with Ball, Ingram, Zion & now Culver. Garland to 4 seems to be picking up some steam for the Pels but I still think they select Hunter. Which leaves Culver to the Cavs (unless they're really low on Sexton as a PG) and paves way for Garland & White landing Phoenix & Chicago with leaves us with Reddish. Wishful thinking of course but I hope this scenario plays out.

  2. 11 minutes ago, EazyRoc said:

    Don’t count out Nic Claxton as an offensive fit either. He’s got good handling and passing ability for a big. His shot is a little questionable right now, but our shooting coaches have proven to be able to help guys in that department. Long term  he could really become a DPS center while also being an anchor defensively.

    He's one of my guys at 17 if we keep it.

  3. Still hoping we get Culver or Cam but i'm fine if they're not there and we just take Sekou at 8. Not a fan of Little at all but maybe he pans out so picking him at 10 doesn't sound too bad. Then just take one of Fernando, Claxton, Goga, Kabengele.. whoever is left of them.

  4. 17 minutes ago, capstone21 said:

    I would offer 10,17 and a couple seconds to see if that gets traction ... I would consider 8 and 17 (plus seconds) but I wouldn’t do 8 and 10 ... I would even think about Cavs pick with 10 and 17 ... not sure if cavs pick will ever go so it might end up beings seconds anyway.

    Yeah, i'm fine with 8+17, or 10+17. No way am I giving up both 8 and 10 for 4 tho. I'd do 10+17 for the Cavs pick as well if they bite on it.

  5. Sorry if this was posted already folks

    Now that's a lineup.  I'm just really feeling Keldon with 17 atm. Porter is intriguing because of his dynamic skill set and I wouldn't mind taking a flier on him but he may very well be your typical black hole inefficient scorer. 

  6. I just can't get myself to like Little. Don't get me wrong, if we draft him I'll definitely root for him but man he just doesn't excite me all that much. Fine man defender but he was bad at team defense.. bouncy but not quick or explosive off the dribble, no handle, questionable jumper & IQ on both ends of the floor. Hopefully he proves me wrong but count me as one wanting to avoid him come draft night.

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  7. 31 minutes ago, TheTruth said:

    It's gonna be one hell of a lean year for the Hawks.

    Listen, I know we don't have the most talent in the world, but early returns from Pierce aren't looking so good. I'm not impressed with him at all.

    Been saying this for a while. It's still early obviously but I'm just not seeing it with him either. I see no gameplan on either ends of the floor, it's just guys doing whatever they want out there hence the large amount of turnovers. 

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