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Posts posted by Marvin24Williams

  1. My bad, I took someone whose already taken. Let me find someone whose not drafted and i'll reply when I find him

    Ok, I choose Dorell Wright with my 4th round pick.

    He can score, defend and shoot the 3 at a high percentage. It's hard to find SFs in this league but Wright does all the things you want from an SF.

  2. With my 3rd round pick I choose: Ty Lawson

    When you talk about young upcoming point guards Ty Lawson is up there. He can run the offense, penetrate, get to the line, and has a jumpshot. His defense might be a concern when going up against stronger point guards, but I think he'll be just fine on the defensive end with my 2nd round pick Andrew Bogut guarding the paint.

  3. What do you guys think of speeding up the clock for the 3rd round ?

    How much faster? I live in California, so it's kind of hard to draft at the same time as you guys. Thats why i'm late sometimes, sorry about that guys.
  4. Wow, didn't know he was still on the board. Great pick if he goes back to 09-'10 form.

    Yeah I couldn't believe he wasn't picked yet. I was actually planning on taking Lamarcus but someone took him
  5. With my 2nd round pick, I choose: Andrew Bogut

    Bogut is one of the most underrated centers in this league, imo. I chose him because he's a great defensive presence in the paint, he gives you rebounding, scoring in the low post, and shot blocking. The only concern with him is his injuries, other then that I like his game.

  6. Marvin fans? C'mon Diesel, you know better than that. Unless his parents post here, I'm pretty sure there are no more Marvin fans left on this board. That boat done sailed a long time ago, and at this point everyone realizes that Marvin just pretty much plain sucks as a basketball player.

    I'm the biggest Marvin fan in this world. I still believe in the dude

  7. We could beat any team in the ECF imo. If we would've gotten past chicago I believe we could've taken Miami. I mean, you look at out roster and there's one thing that stands out more then other teams: Our scoring ability. You look at 4 of our 5 guys in the starting lineup: Teague, Joe, Smoove, and Horf. They're all scoring threats and can defend their own positions pretty good. Now, if we can somehow Sign an SF whose a knockdown shooter and can defend their position, then we're set. Sliding Marv to the 7th or 8th man, moving Hinrich to the backup pg, and resigning Crawford will make our bench that much stronger.






    That's a damn good bench.

    • Like 1
  8. Kobe Bryant

    He may be old, but he's still effective. With him at the 2 spot, it gives you defense, shooting, playmaking, and most importantly a closer. A team always needs a closer to go to when things get close, so when that happens you can always count on Kobe Bryant.

  9. Dwight Howard

    Thank you for the second position. I like to build with the most important position on the floor. That's the Center. In Howard, I get a shot blocking, rebounding, scoring big man... The best in the business. I got the guy who will continue to control the offensive and defensive side of the floor for the next 7 years!!

    Darn you!! I thought Everyone was going to pick a SG, PG, or SF first
  10. I chose: Dirk, Joe, Howard, and B. Diddy

    I chose Dirk because I would want a low post presence who we can give the ball to and ask to score for us. I chose Howard because he's an elite defender and he could make up for the poor defense from Dirk. Joe's my 2 because I like someone who can create his own shot, and have a post up game. He's also big so it's harder for smaller guards to guard him. And last, I chose Baron Davis because he can score, and his passing is elite. His defense in his prime was also very solid.

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