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Posts posted by Marvin24Williams

  1. Not really. The teams that really have a shot for CP3 is ATL and NYK. We would moreso have to take Okafor contract which is a player with need anyway so it's not a bad move for us and Jarrett Jack. Something like this.. The BYC would make it hard to trade Horford anywhere much less.


    Hornets GMs are rolling over there grave

  2. Smoove. More talent, better D, better post moves, but nothing like horf when it comes to consistensy. If he can learn how to play within his own skill set, he'll be a better fit then horf going foward. However, if he's going to be the jumpshooting brickhouse builder that he's been this whole season then keep Horf.

    • Like 1
  3. Marvin may wind up going down as one of the worst #2 picks of all time. He has no handle, can't create his own shot and isn't paricularly good at anything other than falling on his arse three to four times a game.

    I would take a bottle of crown and a pattymelt for Marvin. He is awful. Plain and simple.

    Al Horford can't create his own shot.

  4. Marvin sucks.

    Marvin does absolutely nothing when he's on the floor. We know who Marvin is. Marvin will step up when we're already up, but he won't do much if it's close game.

    I would rather play Damien.

    To hell with Marvin. In fact, the first trade we get, we should send him. I don't care if it's Marvin for the rights of Popeye Jones. Marvin is a cancer that is taking hold of us at the wrong time. The cancer is that of Indifference. Marvin doesn't have a winners mindset. He's not willing to do what needs to be done. He's happy just going out there and doing the least that he can. F that. Give me somebody who is hungry. I want somebody who we can put in the jungle and they will come out wearing Leopard Skin and Lion's coats looking about 25 pounds fatter. That's not Marvin, there's no hunger in him. He's just here for the check.

    Marvin is better then Damien.

    • Like 2
  5. Let's not blame this on the ref guys. I know the referees make mistakes, but they're only human. This game was up for grabs in the 4th, we were only down by a point and we were in good position to snatch this win. This game came down to will, unfortunately chicago wanted it more then us. We didn't execute our offense in the 4th nor did we make adjustments on defense. I still feel good though, I think we can take this series still. Shut down Rose, shut down the Bulls.

    Lets go Hawks!

  6. “Honestly, I don't know man,” Joe said. “In Game 4, I am definitely going to force shots. I am not going to succumb to the double team and give it up every time because honestly, I'm a superstar. We are not playing iso basketball. I blame myself for that.”

    per AJC, Michael Cunningham

    So what do you guys think, personally I like the mentality but Joe isn't talented enough to make plays through a double team and he is just too damn slow. But on the other hand nobody is really stepping up when either he or Jamal gets doubled. What I wanna know is, if one of them is getting doubled, can't the other one get free or get at least single coverage?


  7. You be the judge. Many people have been saying that he had no buisness walking under Rose while he was in mid-air because he could've easily injured Roses ankle if he stepped on Teagues foot. I personally think he had no intention to do that and walked under him on accident.

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