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Everything posted by 99PROBL3MS

  1. With Perkins out for the next 5-6 months, Shaq would be Boston's starting center for the first 3 months of the season or so. I would start Shaq here in Atlanta. That would make Horford's job sooooo much easier. Why not start him? What do we have to lose by starting Shaq?
  2. I bet Coach Drew is happier than a pig in slop to see this deal get done. Hopefully he can get JJ easy shots/looks and help his game reach that elite status.
  3. There is so much truth to this post I just had to quote it. Lol. Hopefully Sund makes the moves necessary to complete this team.
  4. Congrats to JJ and the Hawks for getting a deal done. If he plays like this everynight, he will earn his money. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4l4pMmB6_ow
  5. I would love to have Duhon as a Backup PG. Not many teams have a backup PG of that quality. Some don't have a starter of that quality.
  6. You are asking for the answer to a question that I didn't even pose.....Why are you asking me that? Where did I say that they WOULD send Randolph? All I said is that I would rather it be Randolph. Wouldn't you too?
  7. I would rather it be Randolph. He has Odom type potential. Wright is a huge question mark imo. He has some potential though.
  8. We are still MUCH better at SG with JJ, JC and now JC2. I will take Marvin over Maggette anyday. Smoove and Horf at PF there is no contest. Both are better than Gooden. The difference is PG and C. I still think we are the better team on paper at least. At this point do we even know if Salmons will be a Buck? Redd is a crapshoot at this point in his career.
  9. Averaging 20pts per game on a 50+ win team is not easy. Averaging 20pts per game on any team is not easy. JJ isn't a first tier superstar (Kobe, Lebron, D12, Duncan, Wade) but he is firmly in that second tier with Melo, Pierce, Amare, Bosh, Roy. How was Woody's offense not bad for JJ as well? How was putting him in an isolation where he be readily double-teamed good for him? We didn't even have the shooters to space the floor properly and make them pay for doubling and collapsing. We have a PF who is very good around the rim that likes to play most of the game 20ft out. How has the bar been lowered. For what a max player is? If Smoove has to be moved to improve the team so be it. I think the issue is that so many Hawk fans have a sentimental attachment to Smoove because he is a hometown guy. That is also a reason many hawk/Smoove fans think he is worth more to us in the long run than Horford. That train of thought baffles me to say the least. Horford has the game, style of play and potential to be a difference maker in this leaglue for ten more seasons. Who knows what we will get from Smoove in another 4 or 5 years when his pure athleticism begins to diminish.
  10. I think one thing we fail to mention while crunching numbers is that JJ being here is one of the most (and probably the most) enticing things about potential acquisitionns whether it be through trades or free agency. As sturt pointing out, if JJs contract was so sorely out of place, all the other teams that covet him would have walked away the moment Atlanta's max offer became eminent. I could see a Melo agreeing to be traded here if the opportunity to play with JJ presents itself. Smoove and Horford are great young players but I don't know how much of a draw they would be without JJ.
  11. Dennis didn't say much specific. He did say that the Hawks planned on hiring Drew from the start and should have done so sooner. He said now that they will probably retain JJ they need to decide who to trade between Marvin and Josh to get a big man because JJ wants the help. I know Josh has some market value but what would the value be for Marvin? Could he get us anything worth noting?
  12. So players don't have the privilege to vacation somehwere else? Wow.
  13. While you are at it, why don't you remind us how old he was the last time he was a freeagent..........you really think Lebron is gonna sign another 5 year max deal at 32-33yrs of age???? He will be a 13yr vet after his new contract expires. You say it won't be his last max deal.......you think Lebron will play 20yrs? There is more to the situation than meets the eye. The fact that his style of play is predicated mostly on his athleticism makes me question how long he will/wants to play. That is a lot of games.
  14. Its just my opinion but I don't think Lebron is going anywhere. I honestly think he just enjoys the media attention and is eating this stuff up. He makes no secret that he aspires to be a billionaire. I see no way he passes up on that 6th year of max money. At the end of this contract Lebron will be approaching his Mid 30s. He may not be near the same player then that he is now. It wouldn't shock me at all to see him sign a 3yr deal with Cleveland and if they can't win a championship in those three years he is gone. I have always thought JJ would stay with the Hawks. My guess is that he was waiting for assurance that they would possibly improve the team. That is the part I want to see.
  15. If this team found a way to land Melo and JJ without giving up Horford that is one helluva a start towards competing for the title. It certainly seems like wishful thinking though. JJ and Melo are 2nd tier superstars but togetherthey would be a force.
  16. I quoted the wrong post Sothron. My bad. Wasn't trying to call you out. I just wanted to point that out since we had a few people in this thread trying to say he is better than JJ.
  17. 2009-2010 Stats from hoopdata.com At the Rim: JJ- 58.1% KM- 56.0% <10 Feet: JJ- 51.1% KM- 49.1% 10-15 Feet: JJ- 47.7% KM- 30.9% 16-23 Feet: JJ- 40.49% KM- 40.5% 3pt Shots: JJ- 36.9% KM- 33.1% JJ is far superior to KM in every single facet of the game with the exception of getting to the FT line and shooting 3-4* better from there. Getting him would be better than getting nothing if JJ walks without a SnT. Lets not get carried away and make KM seem like more than he is. The emergence of Tyreke Evans made him expendable. If he was so good, teams wouldn't be so eager to move him. I will say again he is better than nothing though. Good high quality scorer. His defense leaves alot to be desired though.
  18. Nelly says RB is going no where. If Lebron is a possibility then the kid is good as gone but otherwise it sounds like wishful thinking. Maybe they value JJ enough to give him up.
  19. I just don't see anyway they part with RB. Just three days ago on ESPN, they were talking about Jason Kidd starting some games on the bench so RB can get some starts and Kidd can get some rest as well. I'm not saying there is no way they trade him but I just don't see it.
  20. This just isn't true. When it comes to turnovers by all-star guard/forwards, JJ is as good as it gets. One of the few things that makes him elite is that he doesn't turn the ball over. Joe Johnson: 1.9 TO/gm Dwyane Wade: 3.3 TO/gm Steve Nash: 3.6 TO/gm Lebron James: 2.3 TO/gm Brandon Roy: 2.0 TO/gm Kobe Bryant: 3.2 TO/gm Carmelo Anthony: 3.0 TO/gm Derrick Rose: 2.8 TO/gm Deron Williams: 3.3 TO/gm Gerald Wallace: 2.3 TO/gm Chris Paul: 2.5 TO/gm Rajon Rondo: 3.0 TO/gm Kevin Durant: 3.3 TO/gm He also played in 76gms and only had 66 ball handling turnovers, 69 bad passes, and 10 offensive fouls. No one else on that list is even close to those numbers.
  21. Having first hand knowledge of how Lebron acted at Mo Williams summer camp when there was no media or cameras around, I skwirm everytime I here someone mention how much he "cares". He had absolutely no interest in signing autographs for a few 8year olds and was constantly asking his entourage if it was time to go/how long he had to stay. Mo Williams wasn't pleased. He isn't Lebron's best buddy. I can say that much.
  22. At the Rim: JJ- 58.1% KM- 56.0% <10 Feet: JJ- 51.1% KM- 49.1% 10-15 Feet: JJ- 47.7% KM- 30.9% 16-23 Feet: JJ- 40.49% KM- 40.5% 3pt Shots: JJ- 36.9% KM- 33.1% If Kevin Martin is the best we can do then I am comfortable with that. He does a much better job of getting to the line but JJ is far and away the better offensive player and defense isn't close. With that said, I won't fret at an SnT involving Martin but my hope is to hold on to JJ.
  23. I really can't blame all for being a little salty. He has neededhelp in the post since he arrived. Zaza is making 500,000 more than him and Smoove makes a few million more. The team has drafted guards as opposed to bigs since he has been here and made no serious efforts to acquire difference makers at th PF or C position. He and JJ always appeared to have good chemistry and were the leaders of this team. If one of them has to be moved, I am all for trying to move Josh for a C like Al Jefferson. The difference is that Josh has so much more sentimental value to Hawk fans because he is a hometown guy. He may notneed to say those things to the media but that doesn't mean they don't carry merit.
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