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IheartVolt last won the day on March 5 2014

IheartVolt had the most liked content!

About IheartVolt

  • Birthday 09/16/1978

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  • Location
    Guyton , Ga.
  • Interests
    Hawks basketball ,Falcons football,college sports(UGA),X-BOX Live,cooking,history,reading,
    beer,and family

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  1. Kevin God bless you and your whole family
  2. The Nets.. The Bucks are a far worse match up for the Hawks. I like our chances more against the Nets then the Bucks.
  3. Trae just yelled fck you to the league. Loved it!
  4. Just for the record, I do not hate LP or anyone for that matter, but I have criticized him here often. It was a marriage that was due a divorce and Nate proves that more after every game
  5. If you believe Leroid is not juicing then your head is in the sand
  6. You guys are on a special roll today.. Lmao
  7. As a white boy, that's just funny shit right there
  8. Nah no thanks.. this is the other coast
  9. Yes no nick names please. Besides why recycle something from Golden State?
  10. I prefer my basketball just like I enjoyed my school work.. Magic mathematical formula free
  11. I don't think it hurts the board. I mean fck do we really want a nursing home here?
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