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Posts posted by SalvorMallow

  1. 26 minutes ago, Spud2Nique said:

    If ur ever in the South Bay you need to hit it up...unless you've lived in NY or Chicago, this could be the best I've ever had. Then again I like it think and crisp...I hate deep dish Chicago fatty style pie.

    I live in Santa Cruz and I can attest to what you are saying.  The pizza out here is freakin expensive but oh so delicious.


    P.S.  Where do you bet?  I definitely wanna drop 100 at those odds.

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, hazer said:

    With a D8 barreling down the court close behind to grab the ORB and jam it back. Sap and freshPrice at the arc set to fire off 3s or pump fake/spin past. That's my vision for a lethal attack.

    Wait a second...I noticed you've conveniently left someone out of this offensive explosion????:Baze:

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, PSSSHHHRRR87 said:

    Yeah, I'm more of a lurker these days as my only access to the site is through Tapatalk now that my computer's wifi card burnt up and I don't have my laptop anymore. That laptop was what I used to watch the games and to access the chat during the games.  I'm looking into upgrading my desktop and getting a new laptop soon, so I should be more active come playoffs. Come on tax return!



    You can get a USB wifi card for super cheap and alls you have to do is plug it in :)

    • Like 1
  4. 6 hours ago, lethalweapon3 said:

    ^tiebreaker head-to-head.

    And I trust the "Das Racist!" commentary applies to Chawls, and not directly at specific Squawkers who do a much better job of critiquing than Charles ever does. (Maybe an exception to the "millions of people" rule, at least in Sir Charlie's case)


    I know this bears repeating, but the Ugly OKC/San Antonio Women rule applies here.

    Chuck is a Jimmy The Greek-style loner who lives off of people engaging him in discussion (that, and perhaps gravy), and he prides himself on being a touchstone, no matter the topic.

    When Charles ventures into middle America during playoff time, he's (a) bored to tears, and (b) wants people to "prove him wrong." So he comes off with a dismissive statement, like "All the women in this here cowtown are hideous" so that "All the women" in Oklahoma city/state come running out in droves to "prove him wrong." He already knows he's wrong. That's the point of the carnival.

    Charles would love to be feted daily in a big NBA market (like LA), but instead, he's rolling up in Atlanta drive-thrus on most nights looking for a meal to reheat before heading back to whatever he calls his humble abode in town.

    When he's not up all night kissing donkey posteriors at Turner studios, he's bored to tears. So, simply to pass the time, he gets his jollies off with "Man, I hate watching these Hawks play." Or outright pretending they don't exist, hoping someone will say, "Hey! Wait a minute!"

    If Charles came off and said, Dolfan-style, "I don't like the Hawks because they get blown out way too often, an inordinate amount, by good teams and bad ones," that would actually come across as the analysis he's being paid for. He doesn't do that. He prefers to be intentionally reductive, because it makes people talk... not just about him, TO him.

    The Hawks pull off an upset or two: "Jowls wuz wrong!", we cheer. Then the Hawks go out and flop: "Chawls waz right," we screech. No, your own logistical reasoning led you toward a correct conclusion. Charles is just fishing for bait. Whether he catches a marlin or a galosh doesn't matter. What matters is that your team's season teeters on the question of whether a man who doesn't really care either way is "right." Now, when he's spotted around town, maybe a Hawks fan will come up and give him a piece of his/her mind, along with that piece of pie.

    His critique of LeBron, however sloppy, worked. Simply being thoughtful and constructive with his commentary makes him basically David Aldridge. Do you know what DA, or a player/analyst like Kevin McHale or Brent Barry, said about LeBron's playmaker demands? Exactly, you don't care to know.

    Instead, Chawlz uses his weekly platform to call the reigning Finals MVP "whiny". Charles would deserve the Stephen from Django treatment (something he is quite used to, and immune to, by now) if he indeed suggested James was being "lazy," but thankfully that was not what he said. His leading question of, "He don't want to compete?" was prefaced by "He's the best player in the world," which you tend not to be if you're indeed "lazy."

    Now, the media is running around like schoolyard instigators, and LeBron James is rummaging through Wiki pages and daring Chuckles to come see The King, face to face! Now he's got all night Thursday to come up with more softballs for LBJ to swing at. It's not like he's coming to work to watch Hawks-Rockets.

    "I May Be Wrong... But I Doubt It. Either Way, Buy My Book!" That's the Carnival. Whether you choose to play with him, under his tent, is up to you.


    Excellent piece.  No doubt Chuck is the rabble rouser of the ages.

  5. 1 minute ago, Lurker said:

    Put in a better effort though. There's no hiding it, the wings on this team miss Horford HORRIBLY.

    lol we "put up a better effort" against the wolves.  That speaks volumes to the extent that Horford helped this team.  Maybe we were slightly better with him, but I'm sick of people acting like he would have an impact on our w/l .

    • Like 2
  6. On 12/17/2016 at 4:38 AM, Gray Mule said:

    Walter Edy Tavares seldom played.  He was on the Hawks roster and many

    fans, including yours truly, thought he was special and always looked

    forward to his two or three minutes of play here and there, always hoping

    to see him improving and getting more time.

    Hawks were winning.

    Then, they decided that Edy wasn't ever going to become a legitimate NBA

    player.  They released him and replaced him on the roster with Ryan Kelly.

    When was the last time he was in any game and what did he do while he

    was in the game?

    I know.  One thing has no effect whatsoever on the other.  But, just for the

    heck of it, check out the record of Atlanta before they released Edy and the

    record with Ryan Kelly on the roster.

    Correlation does not necessarily imply causation! 

  7. 5 hours ago, macdaddy said:

    Watched the end of the Celtics game last night.   Horford is a solid player, especially defensively.   They were without Thomas so maybe a little unfair but the Celtics seem about the same as they were last year.   They play as a team though.   They look like us the last two years.   They're jump shooters for the most part though.   Thomas really elevates them but that won't be enough.   

    If we could get our crap together though then we can be better than most of the teams in the east below Cavs and Raps.   It's really about defense, cutting out the turnovers, and just respectable shooting.   These are all things we are capable of.

    Hmmm, 30 million for 13-5-4 0blk 0stl with 2 TO on 4/12 shooting?  No thanks.  

    • Like 4
  8. 2 hours ago, JTB said:

    lol that's somewhat funny but what I'm confused about is if this was fixed or not. Sadly I don't even recall this happening and I watched this whole damn game from pregame to post game.

    Now this shit right here....is damn awesome! Lol

    It was fixed about a second after this clip.

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