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Posts posted by SalvorMallow

  1. 39 minutes ago, capstone21 said:

    It was depression ... for the min and the potential impact he could eventually have as a backup center ... I would take a flyer ... if he doesn't work out then release him ... 

    Then he has motivation issues.  Either way, we don't need players on the squad that need to be babysat.

  2. 13 minutes ago, Diesel said:

    I think the Hawks are poised to Shock the world.   Right now, everybody is so caught up on Floor spreading and have neglected old school post play.  However, Basketball innovation is cyclic..   It always goes back to having a strong force in the center and strong plays like PNR.  That's why seeing KAT and Davis  and Porzingis is signalling a New Day (i.e. a return to the old). 

    I would hardly consider Porzingis or Davis a "Return to old school basketball".   

    • Like 2
  3. Wow!  Crawford would be amazing for us!  I really hope we can bring him back, he was one of my favorite players during the JJ era.

    3 minutes ago, Hotlanta1981 said:

    I don't think a trio of Dennis/Crawford/Howard is a good idea.

    Why is that?

  4. 35 minutes ago, JayBirdHawk said:

    1. Our real problem is still a go to scorer and BU pg.

    2. Trading Paul b4 FAcy makes even less sense. How do you say to Al, we traded Teague and Millsap here's your max.

    3. Noah was locked in on his hometown Knicks. If Al was interested in staying and had issues with D12 he could have made an effort to recruit Noah.


    I would much, much rather have D12 than Noah on their respective contracts.  It's not even close.

    • Like 2
  5. Just now, NBASupes said:

    He wasn't really doing them with Jeremy Lin either though. 

    He was injured in LA.  I feel like I'm making a lot of excuses, but he's shown more than a few hints of his old self over the past couple seasons.  I think in a great system involving a lot of PnR, he could easily return to a 20-10 guy who is a dominant presence down low on the defensive end.  I really hope to see that this year.  

    The thought of a healthy D12, healthy Korver pairing should make any fan swoon. 

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, Hotlanta1981 said:

    He finished the year averaging 13.7 PPG.

    His athletic ability is on the decline and and he isn't an overly skilled offensive player to start with. He is on the downside of his career.

    People want to suddenly blame everyone else for Dwight's uninspired play.

    He needs to work in the PnR, not watch Harden dribble the air out of the ball.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Hotlanta1981 said:

    He has lost his athleticism and he isn't that driven of a player.

    Trading Sap for fodder means the Hawks have only shoved pieces and lost talent.

    I agree 100%.  I am definitely not advocating trading Millsap unless we get a return worthy of a top 15 NBA talent.  I think we should be able to get deals done shipping off Splitter, THJ, and Scott, or whatever it takes to resign Horford.  We would have a historically strong front court with a rotation of Horford, Millsap, and Howard.

  8. 1 minute ago, Hotlanta1981 said:

    That was 2009. A long time ago. He is not the same player.

    When has he had the opportunity?  Howard is finally healthy, motivated and not playing next to an ultra ball dominant guard like Kobe or Harden.  I think he is going to surprise a lot of people this season.

    • Like 1
  9. Just now, JTB said:

    He probably could but he's not someone to drop points for you when you need a bucket. Sap is the best at that on this team

    Seems like you don't remember how effective Dwight was the last time he played with a solid PnR PG.  We were on the receiving end of a historical playoff smashing at their hands.

  10. Just now, Hotlanta1981 said:

    That line up will not be able to score dude. You'll have Dennis throwing up an endless number of bad shots because nobody else can score.

    Howard can score in the pick and roll.  He was a dominant finisher as a roll man in Orlando.  If we exercise all of D12s talents like the Rockets never did, I think he can still be quite effective.

    • Like 1
  11. Just now, NBASupes said:

    I would say it's a 48 win team but let's be clear, trading Millsap for nothing is a MISTAKE. They need to trade Splitter and Thabo. 

    D12 is such a wild card, it's really hard to make predictions.

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