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Posts posted by SalvorMallow

  1. 39 minutes ago, Hawkmoor said:


    Maybe its YOU that can't read the Queen's English:



    Full Definition of loss


    :  a person or thing or an amount that is lost




    Lost – is past tense of the verb ‘lose  ( the game has already been LOST)


    Loss – is a noun. The fact or process of losing something or someone  ( the team hasnt LOST YET)


    Please don't quote one out of 10 definitions of loss and use that as the basis of a broken argument.



    4 a :  failure to gain, win, obtain, or utilize


    So a loss represents a failure to win, i.e.  "In this loss" where loss refers to an instance when the team failed to win.

    Lost is a verb, and in your sentence, you were not describing the act of losing, you were describing an instance of said failure.

    • Like 2
  2. 8 minutes ago, hylndr11 said:

    I wish mike scott was a starter, hes got the potential.  Dman he pisses me off.  why did we get rid of lou williams again ?

    Undersized, bad defense, didn't play well in our offense (potentially because of injury).  I still remember how bad I wanted Lou gone in his season after the ACL tear, so I think it was the right call at the time.


    P.S.  Scott, a starter?  Let's not exaggerate because he's on a good game streak.  When he isn't rolling on offense, he really doesn't provide much.

  3. 4 minutes ago, kg01 said:

    It's not totally out of the realm of possibility.  In fact, I'd say we'd probably have 2-3 less wins than last year at this point if he were still here (and not injured).  That's not to say that DMC is individually great.  It's more about righting the rotations.  Having an actual starter at the 3 instead of what we have floundering out there most games would make a significant difference.

    Thats crazy to think 1 player would give us 10 additional wins pre-allstar break.  We didn't lose KD on the wing, it was DMC.

    • Like 4
  4. 12 minutes ago, Alex said:

    First round exit like I have been saying all along.  I also don't understand this idea about the Hawks making moves at the trade deadline.  Where is this imaginary cap room coming from?

    I must've missed where he said we are making moves that involve taking back more salary than we're sending out. 

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, JayBirdHawk said:

    Huh? I'm talking about what my expectations were for Teague to start the season  up to now. I didn't expect this jekyll n hyde bull again, his rimpotense, lack of aggressiveness etc. 

    I was just saying he really hasn't been giving us too much jekyll lately.  

  6. 1 hour ago, JayBirdHawk said:

    Who  the hell knows what's going on with Teague.  All I know is I never know what I'm going to get with him and it's frustrating as heck.  Will he be aggressive or won't he? Will he look like he cares or not? Will he play defense or not. Same with Al for that matter.

    My expectations for these two were HIGHER than anybody else on the team just because of the point in their careers - Just disappointing so far is all.  And I'm not expecting some amazing transformation to their games just some level of consistency and 'want to'.

    Unfortunately, this isn't even true this year.  We know EXACTLY what we'll be getting from Teague.  He has been consistently terrible all season.  He can't finish, isn't interested in fighting through screens, throws lazy passes, and makes boneheaded plays.  At least he's been strokin the three ball, I guess.

  7. 16 minutes ago, JayBirdHawk said:

    Missing my point entirely.

    Take whatever you consider to be a good impactful game for Al (or fir any player for that matter)  for every 6 games he has 5 good ones and  1 stinker - you wouldn't take that?

    Sorry, I didn't know we were speaking hypothetically.


    If he has 5 actually good games and 1 average bad game, then yes, I would definitely take that.  

    5 good games to 1 last night?  No way.  A performance like that in the playoffs could singlehandedly lose a crucial game and, therefore, a series.  This team isn't good enough for our all-stars to be taking nights off.

  8. 1 hour ago, Sothron said:

    Uh, newsflash: everyone has a bad game. Gasp, shock, awe. It happens. Someone that was balling out five or six games before that has one bad game to break the streak of really good games. It happens.

    Are we expected to judge all levels of bad the same?  When I hear Al had a bad game I think of him going 12 and 6 on 40% shooting.  He had 2 points and 2 rebounds, and perhaps most concerning, he only took 4 shots.  To put this into context, I did a search on NBA,com

    Al has only scored 2 or less points in 6 games in his entire career.  The last time this happened was 5 years ago in a game where he was limited to 14 minutes.  

    We all know how hilariously inconsistent Al is at pulling down rebounds, but how many times has he only had 2 rebounds in a game?  Only 13 in his entire career.  Unfortunately, the majority of those performance are trended towards recent years, so his last 2 rebound performance was December 21.  

    But both of these events occurring in one game?   It has only happened once in his career in his 10th game as a pro where he was only given 7 minutes back in 2008.

    It shows that Al was on the floor and didn't feel like playing.  Whether that be from injury or something else, he didnt bring 100%, he didnt even bring 60% based on his impact on the game.  This is more dangerous then him shooting 1-12 and just having a bad night, he is starting to lose his effort, which has always been one of his biggest strengths.

  9. 43 minutes ago, JayBirdHawk said:

    If Al has 5 good games for every one bad game from now until the rest of the season - then YES.

    So if in the next 42 games he has 35 good games (like his previous 5) and 7 bad games, you wouldn't take that?

    I guess we're considering Al's 13 PT 3 RBD  +/-  -14 DRtg 122 performance one of those good games?

    Or Al's oh so impactful "Almost triple-double" when he had a +/- of -6 and a DRtg 118 in the loss to the NYK?


    No, I wouldn't take that.  

  10. 2 hours ago, benhillboy said:

    The Thunder can't get better until one if their superstars is gone.  Their team just doesn't have flow anymore and is a shell of themselves from when they had the humble role playing James Harden that everybody loved.  Hell, they looked better with Derrick  Fisher running the point.  

    Ibaka kills them too though.  If you told me he'd become a perimeter player 5 years ago I'd think you were crazy.  Turns out I'm the crazy one.  He and Al trying to be Bosh.  They ain't Bosh and never played with LeBron.

    The difference is that Bosh frequently complained about not getting touches in the post.  Al seems perfectly content manning his station at the top of the key on every play.

    • Like 3
  11. 2 hours ago, JayBirdHawk said:

    Agreed.  If I can get 5 MORE good games to 1 bad one...I'll take that ratio any day.

    Let's see what happens in the next 6 games against Bucks, Nets, Magic, Blazers, Kings and Suns.

    You're willing to accept a career-worst game from our all-star starting center in his prime as long as he had a few good games?  Have we really lowered our standard that much as fans?

    • Like 3
  12. 2 hours ago, Sothron said:

    This is absurd. Guy has five or six great games, one bad game, then the trolls show up. Seriously? Yeah, he played like a dog tonight. I'll take five great games to one awful game.

    Dude, Horford didn't go 12 and 6, he had as many turnovers as points and rebounds COMBINED!!!!!!!  This was one of the worst games of his career, if not the worst considering this is supposed to be his season.

    • Like 1
  13. 6 hours ago, MaceCase said:

    I'm laughing at Joe giving up money in a buyout because during his last free agency he said a big part of him not signing with the Knicks or even asking for a sign and trade was because their brass informed him he'd need to spend money on an apartment close to their practice facility in addition to buying a new home and he was like "naw, mayne."

    Is this real?


    EDIT: Just saw the post from HawksFanatic   WTF!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Like 1
  14. 9 minutes ago, kg01 said:

    So fkng what.  Did yall think last season was gonna turn any of our guys into leaguewide fan favorites?

    No.  They still are what they always were.  A good group, greater than the sum of the parts.  None of them stand out individually especially not to a bunch of mouthbreathing, online voting fans.

    Congrats to Zaza.  This is in no way Hawks-related.



    I have a deviated septum and am offended by your comment.

  15. 7 minutes ago, Hawkmoor said:

    Hawks DEFINITELY need toughness. Its a shame that Cleveland has a GUARD, a GUARD that brings them toughness along with Mosgov and Thompson, while the Hawks sit back and LET Sap get manhandled every game.  They NEED ZEBO:



    Our answer is a rapidly declining 34 year old who's already under contract?  I'd take Millsap and Horford over Zbo any day.

  16. 1 hour ago, Jody23 said:

    I acknowledge Al is a good passer, but there's a difference between passing and "creating".

    Absolutely agreed.  Mentioning Jason Kidd's ability to move defenders in the same breath as Al Horford is a joke.  

    Al makes some solid passes to guys who get themselves open through cuts and screens, but he is not drawing a double in the paint or driving to shift a defense for a pass.

    • Like 4
  17. 3 hours ago, macdaddy said:

    We'd be pretty crappy considering out of our 4  Sap's the only guy playing like an all star.    We'd be starting Horf and splitter and with splitter out we'd be starting horf and muscala.   In other words we'd be in bad shape.


    Our front court would be CHARMIN STRONG!

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