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Posts posted by SalvorMallow

  1. 19 minutes ago, bumpyphish1 said:

    Nonsense, he has been no worse on defense this season.  The ankle may still be bothering him, but it ain't age.

    I'm sure he goes on a tear soon, and I'll have to be sure to revisit this post....as I will the Horford thread when we re-sign him to a reasonable, fair contract.

    Kyle Korver is performing worse in nearly every single statistical category available on basketball reference, and in many cases, significantly worse.  The only things he has maintained are his steals, blocks and turnovers, and he is actually shooting the 2 ball at a much better clip up to .53 from .47.

    Everything else, and I mean everything from free throw attempts and free throw percentage to defensive rating and DBPM he is doing worse. 

     While I don't think it's time to panic, it definitely wouldn't hurt to see how a Baze, Sef starting lineup would look for a game or two, right?

    • Like 1
  2. 9 minutes ago, bumpyphish1 said:

    He's one year removed from the best season of his career and coming off an injury.  Posts like this are silly.

    He's in a rut.  He didn't all of a sudden forget how to shoot.

    And shocker, it's Lurker.  Why do you post?  Are you masochist?  Your posts are definitely sadistic to the intelligent posters--that is for certain,  Please for the love of God stop posting that the world is on fire every time we lose a game.


    I understand your point, but my biggest issue has been his lack of athleticism.  It looks to me like that ankle injury might have slowed his lateral movement and his first step quite noticeably.  Last year, Korver was quick and smart enough to at least guide players taking him off the dribble into help.  This year, he is really struggling with that, especially when he's put into PNR situations.  Not sure how much additional time is going to help with these challenges...

  3. Personally, I'd like for Dennis to be there with Edy and be limited to only 1 position as well.  That said, I'm curious to see how these new guys work out.  


    Agreed.  Dennis got absolutely manhandled by bigger PGs last year (Remember him guarding Deron Williams in the playoffs?  Ouch) so putting him at the 2 for anything outside of spot minutes is asking for trouble on the defensive end.

    • Like 1
  4. Ah. Missed that announcement. I'm driving around Atlanta and didn't notice any. Checked the Georgia DMV and they didn't have it listed... If it's in the works, then I'll give them a pass until then!

    So you moved already?

  5. 2 things:


    1) I understand hawks fans will always preceive this differently but what exactly history of Delly is there? He wasn't known as a dirty player in college, wasn't known as a dirty player in the last 2 regular seasons. His rep has always been a hardworker, but its not like hes throwing elbows every time someone annoys him (hmm Howard), I would say having a "history" is a bit of a exaggeration.


    2) Lets be honest here, Al Horford ended TJ Ford's career on a very "questionable" foul. I get that the guy has been a model citizen since then, but if we're going with the standards that you guys are applying to Delly, Horford is no saint either.



    Nice try buddy



    If I've learned nothing else about Al Horford the past six months, it's that he's a class act. That was clear the first day I met him and it was never more clear than last night, after his hard fouls sent Toronto point guard T.J. Ford crashing to the floor late in the Hawks' loss to the Raptors at Philips Arena.

    I'll be the first person to sound off in defense of this guy, because long before everyone else had vacated the premises Tuesday night, Horford made his way to Piedmont Hospital to check on Ford, who remained under observation overnight but reportedly had movement in all of his extremities.

    Horford was one of several people affiliated with the Hawks to go directly to the hospital to check on Ford - Dominique Wilkins and Josh Smith's father Pete S

    mith were there, too - and make sure he knew that what happened was purely accidental.

    Horford, I'm told, waited quite a while for Ford to get done with tests just to make sure he got the chance to speak with him personally. And when told that Horford came to check on him and wanted to speak with him, Ford let it be known that he knew Horford's lick wasn't intentional and that he welcomed Horford to stop by and visit.

    None of that will make it on the highlight shows. But it's just an example of the class shown by all involved.



    • Like 1
  6. I was thinking about this during the second half of the season too. Our offense is about rhythm, pace, and everyone being on the same page. Why mess with your chemistry in order to rest guys? Terrible coaching idea! I can't remember the name of the Squawker that made the post about this very same topic. Maybe it was Diesel, Bonkers, or MaceCase? I can't remember.. But the resting strategy ended up being a disaster so far.


    I always have trouble differentiating the posts from @Diesel @Bonkers and @MaceCase

    • Like 2
  7. Im not a rocket scientist or mathematician, but all that mumbo jumbo lead to .23 block shots per game, 4.8 points and you need a calculator to calculate the 0.0 whatever assists that Pero had during the regular season. I care NOTHING about the nuances when they are not producing anything........... 


    The 16 points, 15 rebounds and some blocked shots Payne put up in that clipper game are numbers i can work with.


    Come on, don't be that guy,  This reminds me of the old threads about Jordan Crawford.

  8. Is this stat real?


    Scott played most of his minutes in garbage time in the playoffs, so naturally his playoff stats will be bloated.

    The Hawks shipped Payne out of here. They wasnt paying him anything. There is nothing you can say to make me see any value in Pero Antić. There are TONS of dude in the nba making nothing that could take his place and PRODUCE. The dude is a scrub.


    Is Payne better than Pero?  He might be in the future, but Payne wouldn't see a single minute of floor time in this series.

  9. The POINT is other teams have TALENT in the paint. Thats what the comparison was. They have TALENT, the Hawks have a scrub called Pero Antić. Read the whole thing.

    Oh man, and GS has Andre Iguodala and we have lowly KENT BAZEMORE.  I'd much rather have Iguodala, but Bazemore makes 2 million while Iguodala makes 13.5 million.  You have to compare apples to apples.  Pero is one of the best value centers in the NBA, and it isn't that close.

  10. LMAO......... spacing the floor. ANYBODY that can put on tennis shoes can stand out there and SPACE THE FLOOR.......AND DEFENSE.........LMAO.......We deploy Antić, other teams deploy Thristan Thompson, heck, even NENE and Gortat........I would even take zero baskeball i.q. Josh Smith over Antić.......Korver of all people is a better paint defender than Antić and thats a FACT.....


    This is the thing, and WHY i keep harping on Antić. Antić GETS playing time and gives the Hawks NOTHING. NO rebounding, shooting, block shots, NOTHING. All he does is come in, stand around the 3 point line and either fake pumps a 3 and try and get fouled, or hoists a brick. In the paint, rebounds come RIGHT AT HIM, and he cant jump more than two inches off the ground and fails to grab the rebound. AT least Scott gives us 3 point shooter AND gets out on the break, etc. With Antić, you would be benching NOTHING, to gain SOMETHING. Thats why you have to question bud's rotations......


    During the regular season, Antić gave them 4.8 points, 2.9 rebounds, .02 assists per game ( there goes the spacing the floor excuse) and less than 1 block a game at .23




    On another note, yes, Schröder is the best bench player. My bad......

    Did you seriously just compare Antić to TT, Nene, and Gortat?


    TT makes 4 million

    Nene makes 13 million

    Gortat makes 8 million

    Pero makes 1.25 million


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