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Everything posted by TheNorthCydeRises

  1. Holman is entertaining. Even when we were getting our azzes kicked last Saturday, he was clowning the Hawks. He calls it like he sees it. But when the Hawks have it going, he's definitely one of the better "homer" announcers in the game.
  2. I agree. It's an excellent article, because it uses facts to show a fair opinion of the good and bad about Josh Smith. I like the shot breakdown too, because it's reminiscent to what I did with Marvin about a year and a half ago, when people were complaining about him. So I did about 2 or 3 extensive breakdowns of games following ONLY what Marvin did. I've always compared Smoove to Michael Vick. Athletically, there's no one close to him. But mentally, there always seemed to be something missing. But both were/are exciting to watch, so their particular fan bases would either give them a pass for how they played . . . or tend to be highly critical of them, because their sports IQ would always get in the way from them reaching the next level as a player. A lot of basketball people believed that Rasheed Wallace and Derrick Coleman could've been much better basketball players, if not for their unwillingness to play to the strength of their game. That's why I keep saying that Smoove wants to be the next Rasheed Wallace. But he shows flashes of how great he could be, especially with that blow-by dunk he had when he went strong to the hole. I'm a Bengals fan, so Smoove to me, is also comparable to Chad Johnson. All the talent in the world, but immature as hell, which takes away from how great he could be. It's frustrating as hell . . but you still gotta love him. Just wish the light would come on.
  3. LOL . . exactly. If I would've seen this thread first, it would've saved me a lot of typing in the "Josh Smith" thread, where I pretty much say the same thing.
  4. You gotta love "homer" fanbases. - Orlando fans think that Dwight Howard shouldn't have been suspended for that elbow he threw. - Boston fans think that the rake across the face that Rondo did to Brad Miller, was simply him "trying to play the ball" - And Hawks fans think that a between the legs dunk attempt in a blowout playoff game by Smoove, is totally acceptable. All I hope is that Josh Smith comes out in Game 6, playing at the highest level possible, because the Heat are going to try to immeadiately punk him. Don't be surprised if a player that they don't need, like a Jamal Magloire, tries to take Smoove out. You think Hawk fans booing Wade is impressive . . just wait till we get to Miami on Friday, and hear Smoove's reception there. What Smoove did, is equivalent to T.O.'s touchdown pose on the Dallas star at midfield . . . or a baseball player literally walking about the basepads after a grand slam . . or the Tennessee Titans stomping on the Terrible Towel after their regular season win against Pittsburgh. It was just flat out disrespectful and uncalled for. All he had to do was his signature dunk, and the house still would've come down. But he had to go to extreme with the ish. And yes, players remember ish like that. The Steelers didn't lose a game, after being "disrespected" by the Titans, after the Terrible Towel incident. Yeah . . the ish is funny and all smiles now. I just hope we're all smiling this time early Saturday morning, and not bytching about how terrible the Hawks looked in Game 6. I for one DO NOT want to see a player of Dwyane Wade's caliber come back to ATL for a decisive Game 7. That'll be the game he picks to drop 45 on us. And if that happens, both Smoove and JJ better bring their best ish. There's not going to be a single media person outside of Atlanta, who will approve of what Smoove did. Not one. All I know, is his azz better come ready to play on Friday, after pulling that stunt.
  5. This is a good article. I don't mind JJ, at the beginning of games, playing the "team player" role. Kobe does the same thing. But eventually, the star players play a little selfishly, and look for their own offense. It's the low shooting percentage AND the low assist numbers, that bother me. And when he sees the Hawks struggling, HE has to be the one to stabilize things . . not an Al Horford post move, or a Josh Smith 3-pointer. Also, his personal amount of 3-point attempts need to go up. He averaged a little over five 3-point attempts during the season. So far in 4 games, he's only taken 9 threes ( 2.25 a game ). A shooter like him can't impact a game, if he doesn't shoot. Then again, it would help if some plays were designed to get him better looks at the basket. Even if he were to simply take a quick 3 pointer off the dribble, I'd rather see that, than him always waiting for the double team.
  6. Yeah, be creative. http://www.xtranormal.com/watch?e=20090429041552180
  7. Do I think that any of the remaining teams could sweep us, if we advanced to the 2nd round? NO Will the other team be the favorite? DEFINITELY. ( I'd even say that Philly would be favored over us, based on them beating Orlando ) But when this team defends well, we can compete with anybody. We should have 2 home wins over the Cavs, and we can definitely beat Boston with no KG. A series vs Orlando and Philly would at least go 6 games, if not 7. But miami is the focus. I do agree that the Hawks need to play better though. They're capable of playing a lot better. And JJ needs to play better.
  8. My thing is this. Bibby was jumping around like a damn grasshopper the entire game. He could've easily have been called for 2 fouls, when Wade pump faked, Bibby jumps, and Wade jumped into him, trying to get a foul call. The refs, while they usually call that, let it go both times for some reason. Bibby's mistake was that he reached back with his arm, as he was going by Jones. Even if he didn't touch Jones, it does create the possibility that he may have hit him somewhere. It may have been a bad call, but I blame Bibby for even putting himself in that situation. The same goes with Solo jumping all out of control at Jones, on the first 4-point play.
  9. That's isn't incapability though. He's just being too much of a team player, when he probably should be a little more selfish. It's the same stuff they used to accuse Kevin Garnett of, before Sam Cassell and Latrell Spreewell helped him reach the Western Conference Finals. Like KG . . . JJ may trust his teammates a little TOO MUCH. I think this team would look much different, if JJ had people to toss the ball to, that could acutally knock down 20 foot jumpers on the regular. But all of our shooters are streaky as best. That's why when others are struggling, he probably needs to be more assertive. It's almost better for him to shoot and miss, and us possibly getting an offensive rebound via Smoove or Horford grabbing a board . . than it is for him to pass to Smoove or Horford, and have them miss a jumper, with only one of them of size, able to get the rebound. I would love to see how many assists JJ has via passing to Marvin for a jumper. Marvin needs to play in Game 5. If not for anything, but for his rebounding and defense.
  10. The OP said that JJ was "incapable" of stepping up. I said that he just isn't stepping up. Yes, saying that he's not stepping up is the the same as saying that he's not asserting himself. But just because he isn't asserting himself, doesn't mean that he's incapable of doing it. Make no mistake folks. JJ isn't playing nearly at the level that she should be playing at. But at the same time, his defense and the 21 points he either scored or created, helped us win that game last night. The 3 that Flip hit in that 4th quarter, came via JJ driving toward the lane, but seeing Flip open in the corner. I'd like to see JJ either around 22 ppg with 5 assists . . or 18 ppg with 8 assists. Either way, he either needs to be scoring a lot, or creating a lot of opportunities for others.
  11. Incapable of stepping up? We're all disappointed in JJ, but don't say stupid stuff. This guy isnt a 3-time all-star for nothing. Teams aren't doubling him, for nothing. The fact is that he's just not asserting himself for some reason. Why? I don't know. But it's not because he's incapable of doing it. He just isn't doing it. He was better tonight, than he was in both games 2 and 3 though. All I want the guy to do, is when he has single coverage on him, he needs to immeadiatly try to score on his man, instead of waiting for the double team. Because when the double comes, he'll end up tossing it to Smoove who is way out of his range. He needs to play with the same sense of urgency that Wade plays with sometimes. He's just being way too passive. To move to the next round, he'll either have to step up, or we'll have to continue to play tremendous defense. He definitely deserves criticism though, for his lackluster play. But incapable of stepping up? It's like some of you have completely forgotten the last 4 years, and last year's playoff game, when he was virtually unstoppable in Game 4.
  12. JJ has played almost 24,000 minutes in his career, when you include regular season and playoffs. In comparison: - Wade: 17,000+ - Melo: 18,000+ - Jason Richardson: 21,000+ - LeBron: 21,000+ - Gasol: 22,000+ - Richard Jefferson: 23,000+ - Joe Johnson: almost 24,000 - Odom: 26,000+ - Jason Terry: 29,000+ - Bibby: 30,000+ - Pierce: 33,000+ - Dirk: 34,000+ - Ray Allen: 37,000+ - Duncan: 39,000+ - Kobe: 40,000+ - Iverson: 40,000+ - dominique: 40,000+ - magic johnson: 41,000+ - shaq: 47,000+ I think the fact that JJ didn't play much in his first 2 years, and hasn't had a long term injury to hamper him physically, is an indication that he could at least play at this level ( not the 2009 playoff level, but how he played in the regular season the past 4 years ), for at least another 5 years easily. I'm not worried about his minutes. I'm more worried about if he has what it takes to keep us at a playoff level, and then turn his game up in the playoffs. That's the question with him. If he plays 3,000 minutes for the next 5 years, plus have us in the playoffs, that will put him around the 40,000 minute mark that Kobe and Iverson are now at. I would assume though, that he's not going to continue to play 40+ minutes a night, for the next 5 years. So that number should be lower. Probably closer to 37,000 minutes. So by the time he gets into the last year of his deal ( 6 years from now ), he'll either be trade bait as a declining player ( much like Bibby was ), or still be an effective scorer in a complimentary role ( ala Ray Allen )
  13. We are DEFINITELY the better team. It's just that their superstar is playing like a superstar. And our star player is playing like complete garbage. If JJ plays close to his season averages, we probably win Game 2 ( barely ), but still lose Game 3. That Miami squad is just as schizophrenic as we are, because their players do exactly like we do at times. The Hawks are simply being outplayed by the Heat, and are not willing to grind this ish out, like they should be doing. From a coaching standpoint, Woody has to either play a zone, and run the risk of Wade carving that zone up. Or simply play Wade straight up, and defend him when he gets in the paint. But our guys are going to have to stay at home with their shooters. Force Wade to hit every mid-range and long-range jumper that he can. I would like to see Solo in a few stretches, just to see if he can have an impact on the boards, and with his shot blocking.
  14. That's the thing though Truth. He actually DOES have a superstar-like game. He's done it for the last 4 years he's been here. It isn't too many people in the league that can check that dude when he's looking to score. He has an elite all-around game that only a few players in this league has. But there is absolutely no excuse for him not to be averaging 20 ppg in these playoffs, even if he has to take 23 shots to get those 20 points. It's just that he needs something to click in his head that this is HIS TEAM, and that this team lives and dies by the way HE PLAYS. All of that "we" stuff is all well and good. But LeBron, Kobe, and Wade always refers to their respective teammates as "my team". That's the difference. They're not going to wait for their teammates to step up, in order to get a victory. THEY'RE THE ONES that will "step up", and hope their teammates follow their lead. It's funny, but I wish he'd play more like Flip sometimes . . . from a gunner, selfish type standpoint. When Flip gets going, or tries to get it going, he's not looking to pass at all. He's literally trying to take over the game. That's the mentality that JJ has to take on sometimes. He's the one guy on our team ( Flip being the other ) who can create his own shot, and get a decent look, even with a man on him. I don't want to see another game out of him this series, where he's not taking at least 20 shots, and not attempting at least 4 FTs a game. It's almost unbelievable that he hasn't had neither a 20 point game nor a 6 assist game the entire playoffs. Sometimes, I think he defers to his teammates, because he doesn't want all of the criticizm heaped all on him. But if we lose this series, and his statline looks like this . . . 14.7 ppg 2.1 asst 2.9 rebs 39% FG 59% FT ( 10 - 17 FT ) 30% 3FG . . . then ALL of the blame should be placed on JJ. And the national, and especially the local media, should tear right into that guy. I mean fug . . he has 12 turnovers, compared to only 5 assists. 5 assists? When is the last time this dude had 5 total assists in any 3 game stretch he's played since he's been here? That's not coaching. That's just him playing like complete garbage. He is a MUCH, MUCH BETTER PLAYER than what he is showing. I've been citing a stat about the Hawks and JJ for a few years now. When JJ scores and creates at least 30 - 35 points a game, the Hawks are usually OK, and are in good position to get a win. We're going to need that, maybe more, in order to secure the win tonight. We'll see if the 23 point - 8 assist version of JJ shows up tonight. I'll even take the 29 point - 4 assist version. But this 14 points - 2 assist version is not going to fly.
  15. I'll say Hawks in 7, even though I voted that I had no idea. I think Game 4 may be the most important game in JJ's career. If he has another lackluster game and the Hawks get blown out, people are really going to start dogging this cat on a national media scale. I wouldn't be surprised if Skip Bayless does exactly that, on First Take tomorrow. This cat HAS TO STEP UP and match Wade's energy and effectiveness. If he doesn't, we're dead.
  16. Another thing is this. Well, actually 2 things. - We don't have a low post scorer, who can efficiently score with his back to the basket AND draw a ton of fouls. That's one of the reasons why I think Woody should be posting up JJ. And when JJ gets the ball in the post, he should make his move before the double team comes and try to score . . not try to find the open man from down there. Well, he can pass it out sometimes. But Miami is trying to play him in-between . . from all out doubling him, to sagging back in the passing lanes. Sometimes, you just have to GO. Just GO, and try to score, without worrying about passing. - We don't have a PG that can break down the defense and either score in the paint, get in the paint and pass the ball out to open shooters, or draw the foul when he gets in the paint. Well . . we do possibly have a guy that can do that, but he doesn't play, and doesn't convert enough when he goes to the hole. But because Bibby is a jump shooting PG, he's not creating opportunities in the halfcourt set, like a guy like Dre Miller, Chris Paul, or a Rondo does. This team misses Marvin more than they realize, on both ends of the floor. They especially miss his dual ability to knock down open jumpers, and put the ball on the floor to get to the hole and draw fouls. But that ish can be overcome if Smoove and JJ start attacking the hole HARD, so that the refs will be forced to call a foul on the defender.
  17. High, you are exactly right in your assessment, especially about JJ. He's the one that needs to step it up. If he steps it up, everybody else may follow. Mental toughness is something I don't question about Woody, because he stresses rebounding and defense all the time. So when those guys aren't doing it, I have to blame the players. Defintely blame Woody for the stagnant offense. But even with that, the players have to be more aggressive and more decisive about the shots they take. - I don't want JJ to go another game, without shooting a FT. - I don't want to see Smoove be listless on the boards for minutes/quarters/halves at a time Those are the 2 that really need to step their games up. But it mainly begins with the captain.
  18. That's part of the problem. The other problem is players don't play to their strengths. You see how we played in that 3rd quarter. We looked like a different basketball team, partially because guys started playing to their strengths. And I'll say this . . we're a SOFT basketball team. We're athletic as hell, but very soft as a team. JJ should NEVER have a game, in which he shoots zero FTs. That's an indication that he's either not being aggressive, or not going to the hole, looking to draw a foul. Even on jumpshots, the stars will pump fake you at times, and when you jump, they'll jump into you to draw a foul. JJ hardly ever does that. JJ has a huge physical advantage over most 2 guards, but he doesn't use his size to bully people. Because he's soft. Smoove should NEVER go through a half without grabbing a single rebound. Even if he only played 4 minutes in a half, he should have a rebound. His lack of rebounding, considering that he is BY FAR the best athlete on the floor, is strictly because of effort, and his unwillingness to mix it up on the inside. Because he's soft. I tell you what though. If we don't win Game 4, we don't win this series. Because there is no way this team is going to go down 3 - 1 . . then win Game 5 at home . . then have to go back to Miami to win Game 6, to extend the series. Wade won't let that ish happen at all.
  19. I'm sorry folks. People can try to spin the last 2 games, and try to blame Woodson or anybody else. But those last 2 games are a direct reflection of the play of our captain. JJ CANNOT play this poorly, and expect us to pull games out. He just can't. I expect Smoove to disappear on the road, like he routinely does against good teams. His first half performance was pathetic. He had a decent 2nd half. I expect Horford to look awkward as hell trying to assert himself as a scoring force. From that initial airball, he seemed to press the entire game, before settling down a little. I expect Woody to not make major adjustments during the game, and maybe see if a guy like Solo, Mario, or Acie could spark a run. But I don't expect JJ to play like a player who seems to be "scared" to take over a game. Wade is showing a SIGNIFICANT difference between he and JJ in this series. And that is the last thing JJ needs to overcome, in order to be a superstar . . . have a SUPERSTAR MENTALITY to completely take over a game. Nique needs to talk to his azz. He does it at times, but he doesn't do it enough. The true superstars in this league will go down shooting, or defending, or rebounding, when their shot isn't falling. This is defintely an issue, because ( and I HATE to admit this ) like Hotlanta said . . if he doesn't have that extra "something" to take his game to another level when we need it against GOOD TEAMS, then there is no way in the world we can give this guy a 5 year - 90 million deal . . like he's going to want. There's NO WAY we can do that. I was actually on my way to Athens, when the game started, so I listened to most of the first half on 790 AM. Steve Holman ( I think that's the radio announcer of the Hawks ) kind of knew that this team might come out dead as hell. He was hyper as hell during the pre-game, stressing how important this game was. And he specifically called out JJ, even before the game started, stating that our "big dog needs to step up". During that first quarter, I was pissed, and laughing at the same time, over his radio commentary. - saying that the team in general looked scared to death - saying that Horford looked like he'd never played in a big game before - saying that JJ needs to get it going before we get ran out the gym - saying in a condescending way that the Heat were "baiting" Smoove to take jumpshots ( that he'd probably miss ) He pretty much said that only Bibby, Flip, and Zaza ( when we made the run to get back into the game ), looked ready to play. But it all begins and ends with JJ. He CANNOT play like he's just one of the guys. When those other guys aren't making shots, fug that "play the right way" ish. I want him to assert himself offensively, and steady the ship . . like most star players do. In the playoffs, I want JJ to be taking 20+ shots a game. And when he drives, LOOK TO DRAW CONTACT, so that he can get to the line. Fug that passive, dribble the ball to draw double teams, so you can pass the ball to Smoove or Horford for jumpshots ish I don't know what is the most damning number statistically about him: The 37% FG shooting? The 5 - 11 FT shooting? Or the fact that he's only averaging 1.7 assists in the past 3 games? Whatever it is . . I DO NOT WANT TO SEE THAT ISH IN GAME 4. If we're going to lose, I want to lose by him doing all he possibly can, to help us win. But I also want him making some damn shots, or getting to the line. If the floater ain't working, go to the hole with the intention of getting to the line. Not the weak ish that gets blocked all the time, and you can't get a call because of the lack of contact. Dwyane Wade is all over the damn place, trying to help his team win. I want to see that type of effort out of JJ. We're going to need it, if other people aren't making shots. if we lose, I want him doing exactly what Kobe did against Utah in Game 3. You KEEP SHOOTING and you play some damn defense. It's been a long time since I've been really pizzed at the Hawks as a whole. But that game last night pizzed me the hell off. SMH @ the Heat having 12 blocked shots, with 4 of the being by Wade. That's strictly off of effort folks. Coaching ain't got nothing to do with that ish. Some of us might be mad at Sund, if we blow this series in 5 games. I could see Sund trading ANY of these players . . JJ and/or Smoove included, to try to get the right mix in here, to get us to the next level.
  20. That's what I think. I mentioned this in the chat room as the game was going on. It looked to be one of Kobe's old tactics, in which he plays just hard enough to be noticed, but not aggressive like he normally is. After we extended the lead a little in the 3rd quarter, Wade knew it was a throw-away game. That's when the passive play started.
  21. LOL @ looking ahead to Cleveland already. Until the Hawks prove that they can win a road game, we shouldn't be talking about anybody but Miami. That's why most analysts thought this series would go 7 games . . because both of these teams are bad road teams, but play at a higher level at home. But if we do get past Miami, the only way we beat Cleveland, is if Joe Johnson plays at just as high of a level as LeBron. He'll have to be lights out at home, and have at least one monster game on the road. It could be a 35+ point game, or a game in which he has 24 points and 12 assists. If he plays at that high of a level, we have at least a 50/50 chance of taking out the Cavs. First, I want to see if this team can win Game 3 in Miami, no matter what happens later on today in Game 2.
  22. (( sigh )) Bumpy, will it kill you to do just a little research? Just a little bit? 2000-01 Phoenix Suns ( top 5 players ) - Marion: 17 ppg - 11 rebs - Kidd: 17 ppg - 10 asst - 6 rebs - Cliff Robinson: 16 ppg - Tony Delk: 12 ppg - Rodney Rodgers: 12 ppg They had Penny Hardaway too, but he was hurt, and only played 4 games that season. Oh . . and Phoenix that year averaged 94 ppg. And they only gave up 91 ppg. See Bumpy, this wasn't the Mike D'Antoni run and gun squad that year. These were the Scott Skiles ( play some damn defense ) version of the Suns. And Shawn Marion was pretty much the all-around glue that held that team together. I'm going to go ahead and stop, because I'm not even trying to "own" you. I'm just presenting the facts. The only asinine thing, is you believing that Webber wasn't that good of a player. I guess you got the 2007 version of Webber in your head. The Webber that looked robotic and could barely move. Not the athletic Webber that used to destroy people on the basketball court. I'll let you, Troy, and Ms. Smoove believe that Webber was some mediocre talent that is slightly below what Josh Smith is now. The rest of Hawksquawk knows better though.
  23. If this rumor is valid, I'm sure it's only a ploy to get Louisville to shell out more money to Pitino, to make him a higher paid coach than Calipari. The amount of money it would take to woo Pitino to the Hawks, would be staggering. He'd have to be paid in the top 5 - 7 of coaches in the NBA, to get him to come here. Plus, he'd be crazy to leave a situation like Louisville, where he's on the cuspof becoming a legend . . if he couuld win an NCAA title. He'd be closer to winning a championship in college, than he would be in the pros. Some Lousiville booster will see this article, call up his friends, and say that the University needs to shell out more money to keep him.
  24. That's why I can't quite give him that "soul of the team" compliment. When you're the "soul of the team", you don't have to hope he comes to play . . . you'll already know it.
  25. I can't even give Smoove that title. He has way too many games in which he's not rebounding, blocking shots, or doing those "energy things" that get the crowd and his teammates going. I think Josh is a spark plug that can ignite a run, but he's not the "soul of the team". This team doesn't have a definitive emotional leader, whose vocal leadership AND hard play uplifts this team. In a way, that's good, because they don't have to look to a certain person to get them going. Each player seems to turn it on at any particular time.
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