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Everything posted by TheNorthCydeRises

  1. He did it in the playoffs. He had picked up his 4th foul in the 3rd quarter, and Woody took him out. Smith stomped to the bench like a little kid, crying and complaining the entire time. Mark Jackson even pointed that out in Game 6 ( i think ). People act like the kid doesn't have MAJOR flaws to his game. He does. He has MAJOR strengths too, which makes a decision on him so hard to make.
  2. Actually Atlas, I can name 2 reasons why they would do it: 1) to possibly work out an extension with Odom, that would pay him far less than what we'd have to pay Smith in the future. or 2) to be a team with tons of cap room, when the summer of 2010 comes around, to make a play for some of the major FAs . . . like a Chris Bosh. Or even next year for a Carlos Boozer, if he opts out of his deal going into next summer. Atlas, I think this organization is banking on Horford becoming "the man" at the 4. I think they believe that Horford and JJ could potentially be their "dynamic duo". To see if he can, you have to get Horford more touches and shots. It's a huge gamble to believe that, and I'm not saying that they're right in possibly believing that. But it seems as if they're determined not to overpay for Smith, because he still does a lot of bad things as a player, that takes some of the shine off the good things he does.
  3. No he's not. Smoove is a better open court dunker than Lamar. But Lamar's post up game and ability to drive and finish, is superior to Smith's. It's funny though Chris. After we took Boston to 7 games, all you heard on this board was that "we still got blown out in the 4 Boston road games . . . and we only won 37 games on the season". Whenever I brought up that we won 28 out of 44 home regular season and playoff games, people totally dismissed that, and still harped on the fact that we only won 37 games + 3 home playoff games. When I see comments like that, that tells me that the vast majority of Hawk fans weren't satisfied of what we did last year. But when we decide to change the mix, everybody goes into panic mode. Everybody now wants to keep the team the same, just for the sake of keeping the guys here. Well . . . what if changing the mix . . WORKS? What if by adding veteran players who have been through playoff wars . . works BETTER for the Hawks? I'm like a lot of people. I'd like to have seen these core group of guys stay together, and lead us back to being a perennially good team. But I'm also about winning. If the Hawks win, the fans will come. Josh Smith or Chill or JJ, for that matter, are not box office draws when they are losing. But when they started winning, people came to see them. Don't act like the Hawks are going to lose a ton of fans if Smith leaves. We don't have a ton of fans in the first place. It's all about whether the Hawks start winning or not. If we start winning more than we lose. And if we continue to beat good to great teams at home, the fans WILL come out. Not to see one player, but to see the HAWKS.
  4. Crime . . . it's about winning. Not about entertainment. Ish . . the Memphis Grizzlies are entertaining. But they don't win. The 95 - 98 Hawks had to be considered a "boring" team to watch . . . but they won. They just couldn't make much noise in the playoffs. But they did win games. In the end, I don't care if we averaged 80 ppg. As long as our opponents scored less, I'm good with the win.
  5. Tell these guys something please, TnDawg. I know emotions are running high these days, but that's why some of my posts these days are directed toward the fans. If you say that you're done with the Hawks, if Smith gets traded . . . then MEAN WHAT YOU SAY. Because if you come back to the fold, after we're 8 - 3 to start the year, that makes you no more than a bandwagon fan. Yeah I know . . . people don't want to be called that after being so "loyal" to the Hawks for many years, but that IS the definition of a bandwagon fan. You just don't jump ship like that, and call yourself a loyal fan. You have to see how everything plays out. It's OK to be upset. But if losing Smith is going to cause you to turn your backs to the other guys we have here like JJ, Horford, Marvin, and Acie, then I don't know what to say. You're either in or you're out. As far as JJ goes, I bet he'd readily welcome a guy like Lamar Odom here, if we lost Smith. It'll finally give JJ a legit #2 guy to defer to offensively, even taking some of the ballhandling duties off of him. And he'll have a smarter player on the court to play alongside. If I'm Sund, that's the guy you have to bring in here. As enticing as a Prince/Amir Johnson deal looks, I'm very weary of gambling on Amir. He's basically Solomon Jones, from a build standpoint. And he's not big enough to play center. He'd have to play the 4. I'd rather have Prince/Maxiell . . . but they probably won't give us Maxiell. Give me Lamar, and I'll be happy.
  6. OFFENSE: Better jumpshot?: Odom Better post player?: Odom Better inside finisher?: Odom Better ball handler?: Odom Better passer?: Odom Better FT shooter?: Smith Better 3-point shooter?: Odom Better offensive rebounder?: Odom DEFENSE Better perimeter defender?: Smith Better interior defender?: Smith Better shot blocker?: Smith Better defensive awareness to get steals/blocks/defections?: Smith Better defensive rebounder?: Odom Tougher player defensively?: Smith INTANGIBLES Hustles more?: Smith Smarter player?: Odom More coachable?: Odom More likely to take over a game either offensively or defensively?: Smith In the end, an Odom - Smith swap, just makes us a more potent offensive team. You lose a lot defensively with Smith, but you gain a lot offensively with Odom. If the Hawks are going to trade Smith, Odom is the guy I want. Hawks w/Odom + Kwame or Randolph . . . minus Smith and Claxton PG: Bibby ( 28 min ) - Law ( 20 min ) G: JJ ( 30 min ) - Evans ( 18 min ) F: Marvin ( 32 min ) - JJ ( 8 min ) - Evans ( 8 min ) PF: Odom ( 36 min ) - Horford ( 12 min ) C: Horford ( 24 min ) - Zaza ( 16 min ) - Kwa/Ran ( 8 min ) total minutes: JJ - 38 Horford - 36 Odom - 36 Marvin - 32 Bibby - 28 Evans - 26 Law - 20 Zaza - 16 Kwa/Ran - 8 That's a good of a starting unit that you'll see in the East. Odom's ability to post up and most importantly, pass out of the post, would be a godsend for shooters like JJ and Bibby. It'll be up to the 3 main guys off the bench, to hold everything together when they sub in for a starter.
  7. PG - Bibby ( 24 min ) - Acie ( 18 min ) - Speedy ( 6 min ) G - JJ ( 30 min ) - Evans ( 14 min ) - Bibby ( 4 min ) F - Marvin ( 32 min ) - JJ ( 8 min ) - Evans ( 8 min ) PF - Smith ( 36 min ) - Horford ( 12 min ) C - Horford ( 24 min ) - Zaza ( 16 min ) - Kwame - ( 8 min ) total minutes: JJ - 38 Smith - 36 Hoford - 36 Marvin - 32 Bibby - 28 Evans - 22 Acie - 18 Zaza - 16 Kwame - 8 Speedy - 6
  8. Quote: Why is everybody on this place so damn hard on Diesel and northcyde? With me, it began when I didn't follow the majority of the board, and didn't place every single little problem the Hawks had, on Woody. Because I refused to call him a "horrible" coach, some assumed that I thought he was a good coach, which I don't. He's an average to slightly below average coach in my eyes. You have a few that like to think that every suggestion that they bring up, should be followed by the ASG. And when it doesn't happen, they rip right into the ownership, calling them every name in the book. It doesn't matter if their suggestion was even feesible or not. The action or inaction by the ASG to see that their suggestion come to light, gets ripped to shreads. Lately, I've challenged the fan base to UNCONDITIONALLY SUPPORT this team. I didn't say unconditionally support every decision that the organization makes. But when it comes to the team, the support has to be unconditional. When opening night comes, you have to be behind the TEAM 100% . . . even if your or my favorite player isn't around. That means if we lose a Chill, even if we lose him for nothing, or way less than what we could get, the support of the T-E-A-M has to still be the same. It was a "Fans are so FAKE" post, that really got them riled up. Pizzed off is probably a better word. Or my "Hawksquawk classic" after Woody got re-hired . . . . "CRY and get it out of your system" post To me it's like this. If you TRULY consider yourself a "die-hard" fan of a team, you don't get to pick and choose when you want to be a "die-hard". You either ARE . . . or you're AREN'T. When you talk about the NFL, it isn't the popular teams that have the die-hard fans, like the Cowboys, Raiders, Patriots, or Colts that have the die-hard fans. It's teams like the Chiefs, Browns, Redskins, and Packers that have them. I AM an optimistic fan. I'm smart or stupid enough to believe that the loss of Chill can be made up by Marvin elevating his game . . or Acie . . or even a Mario West, if he got 15 minutes a game. You had 70% of Hawksquawk say that if push came to shove, they'd rather have Horford over Smith. Yet, the vast majority of that 70% don't have the confidence that Horford could step up in the absence of Smith. If they did, they wouldn't have freaked out a few weeks ago, with the Smith to Philly/LAC drama. I understand that people just type things out of emotion at times. I'm cool with that. And i don't take any comment toward me personally. But you'll NEVER . . EVER . . see me renounce my fan card of the Hawks, based on the loss/addition of a player, coach, or a management decision. Fan rule - once you turn 18, your favorite teams should be set, and there are no changing them . . under ANY circumstances. I mean . . .could you imagne a Red Sox fan saying that he's not going to support the Red Sox, if they traded Big Poppy? But you see that all the time on this board. If the ASG does this or that, I'm not supporting the Hawks anymore. Well you know what? If you mean it, and it happens, stick to your decison. Even if things are going great, stick to your decision of not supporting them. Say what you mean, and mean what you say. ( See . . it's statements like that, that strikes a nerve in them. It challenges their very soul as a Hawks fan. ) Like Bush says about the countries that don't support us in the "war on terror" . . . "You're either with us . . or against us."
  9. If everything that atown says about JR Smith is true, then George Karl is BY FAR the worst coach in the NBA. He's limiting the minutes of a future star, just to play AI at the 2 and Carter at the 1? ( edited ) Why not play AI at the 1, Smith at the 2, and Melo at the 3 most of the game? There has to be a reason why he doesn't do it, even though Iverson easily led that team in assists. So if he's not playing a potential "all-star" like JR, Karl is a HORRIBLE COACH. Worse than Woody.
  10. Quote: I understand your excitement. When I was following Toronto, I was excited for the same reasons. This guy was awesome at Oregon, he was the 8th pick, he just needs a chance, etc. But then I got to watch him play, and like I said, he sucks. He looks like he is going in slow motion on the court. And even if he were an offensive juggernaut, he would not be worth it, because he cannot stay in front of anyone in the NBA. I want him to be good too, trust me, but he just isn't. Cleveland gave up on the 8th pick after 2 seasons, which is unheard of. There is a reason though. And it is the same reason, that he is not on the Heat, who desperately need a shooter after loosing Kapono. And the same reason, he is not on Toronto, who desperately needed him at the time after losing Garbajosa. The reason: he cannot play in the NBA. Joe, they won't listen to you man. All they see is "he can shoot the ball". They never take in the other aspects of basketball. Tyronn Lue could shoot the ball too. So can Salim. That doesn't make them players you can count on for timely shooting. Well, in Lue's case, you actually could. But the fan base ended up hating him because he'd dribble the night away and be totally lost on defense. With the Evans signing, it's a very remote chance the Hawks sign Jackson. I mean, he'll automatically be no more than the 9th or 10th man on the roster, behind the starters, and bench guys like Evans, Zaza, Acie, and possibly even Speedy and Kwame, if we add him. I think Jaywalker said a few weeks ago, that Jeremy Richardson had already received a qualifying offer from us anyway. With Solo already under contract as well, add those two, to the 5 other bench guys I named, and that's essentially the team right there.
  11. LOL . . . you mean, just like that? After all of that crying and complaining . . then we sign somebody . . and it's over? Well, I guess we can offiially have the Chill funeral now, and pay our proper respects. He will be missed. He was definitely underappreciated as a Hawk, and will go down as probably one of the top 10 most popular Hawks of all time. I feel more bad for the little kids at Philips, that loved him and his fro, than anything else.
  12. Quote: Are we Hawks fans or economists? Jeez, I don't care how much more money he got, he should be a villain to Hawks fans. This is sports. You guys can gush over how many more cars,the guy will be able to buy. Real sports fans with real passion don't stand around applauding guys who take advantage of a loop hole to get richer at the expense of their team. Ugh. Anyway, let's just sign a role player to replace him and move on. You know what? You're right. In the end, fans have to stop the crying, dry their tears, and move on. As a Bengals fan, It was sad to see our all-time leading rusher in Corey Dillon basically want out. The same happened later that spring, when we Takeo Spikes didn't want to return. Who could blame them. We were easily the worst organization in all of professional sports. So what did the Bengals do? They didn't cry because they lost their 2 best players. THEY MANNED UP!!! - much maligned QB, Jon Kitna, had a career year - a new star receiver started to emerge, in Chad Johnson - a secondary that used to get toasted all the time, started getting INTs by the boatloads - Peter Warrick, a guy considered to be a bust by everybody, almost single-handedly took down the 10 - 0 Kansas City Chiefs, in what has to be considered one of the greatest games in Bengal history. - a "slow", but tough 4th round RB out of Auburn, ( Rudi Johnson ) stepped in to fill Corey's shoes, and commenced to break his single-season rushing record. - and a fan base, which had nothing to cheer about for 14 years, suddendly had life injected back into them, even though the offensive and defensive stars of the team went elsewhere. When I talk about UNCONDITIONAL SUPPORT, you're the type of fan I'm talking about. No matter what happens with the Hawks, you still have to have faith that the guys currently on the roster, can ramp up their games and compensate for the losses. And as fans, you can either choose to support the team, or abandon them before you even see what they can do. I liked Chill as a player, but he's no longer a Hawk. Once that happens, he doesn't matter to me anymore. I'll keep up with him a little to see how he's doing in Europe. But for the most part, #1 is dead to me, as a Hawks fan. I now look toward the future, and see if guys like Marvin and especially Acie Law, can play well enough for us to forget all about Childress. That's what happens in sports. Somebody leaves or gets hurt, and an opportunity arises for one or more players to step up, and contribute at a level no one thought he could. The two wild cards this franchise holds, in the event that we lost Chill and ( God forbid ) Smith for nothing, are Horford and Marvin. They may get a chance to prove how good they really are with their increased roles in the offense next year. No one in their right mind would've ever thought a scrub like Diaw could go from malcontent bench warmer in Atlanta . . to an effective replacement for Amare in Phoenix ( at least for one year ). In sports, you just have to see how things play out, before you automatically give up on your team, after they lose one or more key players.
  13. Quote: You have to look at my whole statement. IF Money was the only factor, then why wouldn't European teams attack at the draft? Our rookies are bound to a salary limit. NOT so in Europe. Why didn't Greece go after OJ Mayo or J. Beasley... According to Exodus, it's all about the money. Greece or any other team can steal players away just like the ABA did. So if Money is the main concern, why not?? Diesel, you are a wierd cat. What part of "this is unprecedented", don't you understand? Chill and his agent, along with the kid that was signed to Arizona, but opted to go overseas, may have JUST started this trend of good American talent going to play in Europe, just for the money. In the past, it was because the NBA didn't want them, and that they had no other choice but to play overseas. It's a good possibility that these Euro teams never even considered that a decent American player would play in their league, if they paid them enough money. Now that one has, don't be surprised if the flood gates don't open. The vast majority of of the time, it is about the money. - JJ mainly came here, and left a champion caliber team, because of the 20 million first year deal - David Beckham came to the US to play in the sorry MLS, because of the money. - WNBA players play overseas, because of the money. - The old time WNBA players left the first professional women's league, the ABL, because of the money - James Posey left the Celtics, because of the money. I think those Euro teams have a 3 Americans max rule. Well what happens if some of those team decide to just spend money on just one American . . a decent one like Chillz, who feels he isn't getting paid enough or getting the notoriety Let's see if Deng or Gordon turns down a 14 million deal if they are offered it. LOL @ Gordon turning down a 3 year - 42 million deal, to stay on a Bulls team, to make 5 yrs - 40 million.
  14. Quote: If he bolts also a person would have to be a downright idiot to continue to follow this "team". A downright idiot. I'm the idiot then. I'd be pizzed at management if we let him walk for nothing, unless some other Euro team pulls a "jack move" for him. But like i said a few months ago. My support of this TEAM is UNCONDITIONAL!! I'm not going to stop supporting JJ, Horford, Marvin, Bibby, Acie and the others, just because Chill and Smith are gone. You don't even support the team when things are going a little bit well, so it's easy for you to say you'll never support them.
  15. Quote: If one of my friends had just moved to another country I'd be asking them how it is also, I really don't think that means Smith is thinking of going there. After all, Childress just signed the biggest contract in European HISTORY, I don't see them going higher for Smith. That said, the ASG has definitely screwed up and they better get something done. Money can change a man's mind. It doesn't have to be Greece. Say a real good team in Spain or Andersen's old team in Russia stepped to Smith's agent and said: We got 3yrs - 51 million we want to give you. Before you say impossible, we don't know what these teams are willing to spend over there. The Chill deal may spark a spending "arms race" amongst the Euro teams, much like you see in soccer over there. By the way, that's a 17 million a year contract. A contract, if Smith's taxes are paid, will net him 30+ million in 3 years. If you're the Hawks, do you match that, just to say that we didn't lose him for nothing?
  16. Quote: Sund's statement really isn't that bad. Do you really expect the Hawks to compete with 11 million dollars, tax free? (I know, they pay it. Same difference). Y'all act like we're talking a difference of thousands. 11 > 7. In three years, Chill is 12 million richer than he would be here, and able to sign a new contract at age 28 to boot (prime). Here, he would have to play five years to earn that kind of money and would be up for a new contract at age 30. There he will be able to start and probably play a more vital role (I assume they couldn't possibly bring him off of the bench after paying all that dough). Plus, Greece has Mediterranean beaches and beautiful, tan women. Is this a bit shocking? Yes. Does it make sense, though? You bet. In this case, 28 > 30. And here's another thing. What if after 3 years, and 2 or 3 Euroleague championships in which he's easily the best player in Europe, he finds himself in demand not only in Europe, but also in the NBA? He's able to command major dollars now. Dollars he may not have seen in year 4 of any deal he signed in the NBA. He's taking a big risk by going overseas. But it's also a risk that could net him a hell of a lot more money within the next 5 years, depending on if he's able to dominate in Europe.
  17. Quote: let get this strait. your emplying to me that we SHOULD NOT go after JR JUST because he hasnt shown to play defense on a team where none of the players play defense and the coach doesnt give a damn but act like he does. ? so want to pass young talent because of that? as my man d*ck Gregory would put it "what i kind of fool is you? i still JR regardless of his defense. Hood, for the most part in the NBA, a player who has a big deficiency, usually can't rid of it. We tried to make Salim a PG . . he couldn't do it. Shaq tried to become a decent FT shooter . . he couldn't do it. We want Marvin to develop a 3-point shot . . he hasn't done it. I never said that we shouldn't sign Smith. I'm just saying that knowing Woody, that's the type of player that would end up in his "doghouse", because he has little to NO desire to play defense. He would much rather coach a Patterson, than a JR Smith. If a guy like JR struggled ANY under Woody, and then followed that up with the pizz-poor defense he usually plays, he'd end up buried on the bench. And keep this in mind about Karl. He's a coach that has always preached defense. So if JR could at least halfway defend at the 2, he'd easily get 30 minutes a game. But because he doesn't ( or doesn't even try ), he sees limited minutes unless he's red hot. Because of that, and because Iverson is a poor man defender, he has to go with a limited offensive PG that can play a little defense like an Anthony Carter, and hope Iverson can run people to death playing at the 2, giving him an offensive advantage there. In essence, it's the same ish we used to do with Royal Ivey and Tyronn Lue. The only reason why Ivey started those first 5 - 6 minutes of games 2 years ago, was to prevent teams to breaking out on large runs to start the halves. I don't have a problem with adding JR as another shooter. I just know that all I can count on him for, is ro take the open 3-ball, and hope he makes it. He won't do anything else, and might give up points on the defensive end if you give him extended minutes. But if we get him, don't get mad at JR if he doesn't hustle after a loose ball in his area . . . or if he watches his man shoot the ball without even trying to close out on him . . . or if he gets totally lost on the court, and let someone drive in for an easy lay-up.
  18. Quote: what are you talkin bout? he was in denver where hardly anybody(including camby) played good, consistant defense. when you have a 21/22 year old on your team your best players have to lead by example. so if your best players arent trying to play D then JR gonna " i guest i dont have to play defense either". when AI and Mello are taking bad shots JR is gonna say "its ok for me to take bad shots". george carl got mad a JR for not playing defense and taking bad shots but never said a damn thing when AI and Mello was doing the same thing (especially AI). im tired of people using "he dont play no d" BS. Hoodstar . . stop it. LOL . . please stop. JR Smith literally has Tyronn Lue like defensive awareness. He DOESN'T play defense . . literally. And a coach isn't going to get on his star players for taking bad shots, when it's their job to be volume scorers. That's like saying that Woody should get mad at JJ for taking questionable shots, just because he got mad when Salim took them.
  19. Quote: Just to give this its own thread, I honestly think Ross is a much better option than Patterson. Anyone who has seen him play the last couple, can see that his talent hasn't been used all that well on the Clips. The guy is an elite-level defender (better than Patterson at this moment in time; Patterson may have once been better). He also can shoot. Atlien . . you sure you're not getting him mixed up with Cuttino Mobley or something? Ross a shooter? LMAO! He shot 39% FG last season. A 4th year guy shooting 39%, is not a good shooter. He did shoot 42% on threes . . .but only on 21 attempts ( his all time high in 3-point attempts in a season ). His career 3-point % is still under 30%. And calling him an "elite" defender, is a bit of a stretch. A looooooong stretch. Bowen is an elite defender. Ross is just a guy who can play good defense, much like Mario West. Patterson is far and away a better player than Ross. Just over a year ago, Patterson was very productive in Milwaukee (edited), and shot almost 58% FG. It's his attitude and demeanor that turns teams off about Patterson, not his play on the court, because Ruben is a baller. But if those are our choices, I'd much rather roll with Acie, Jeremy, and Mario. Heck, Quinton is basically the 2-guard version of Royal Ivey.
  20. I'm just saying . . . If we're about to acquire a player that is similar to Chill, it's not going to be JR or Luke. It'll be Ruben. That story BigDirty posted regarding Ruben and Melo was hilarious. But then again, let's say we switched Melo with Marvin, and Ruben went at Marvin in practice like that. If it lit a fire under Marvin, like it did Melo, that wouldn't be bad at all. As far as who's the bigger headcase, it probably is Ruben. I guess Woody would rather coach a defensive head case that plays hard all the time . . than an offensive one that doesn't. Seeing that he is a sex offender though, all of the little kids at Philips would be forced to sit at least as high as Club level. And keep the women off the first 4 rows next to he court. Personally, at this point, I'm content to just roll with Law, Mario, Jeremy, and Speedy, unless we can really bring a good player in here. But if we sign somebody who is similar to Chill, I got my money on Ruben.
  21. Some of you are just hoping, and not reading between the lines. There is no other player in the league that is close to a Chill clone, than Ruben is. Go check out his numbers. They're almost a mirror image of Chill's, maybe even slightly better. A lot of you want this team to be a full-fledged offensive team, with shooters everywhere. But look at who is the GM and look at who's the coach. Both guys would much rather deal with veterans than with younger players. And GTfan44 even reminded me that Ruben played in Seattle. Woody's a defensive-minded coach . . . Ruben fits his system perfectly. The Celtics won not only because of the Big 3. They won because of defense. If Sund is talking to Woody right now, he DOES NOT want a headcase like JR Smith on the team. And while he might like a Luke Jackson, he won't like him either, because he's a one-dimensional shooter. But Ruben, at age 32, would be right up Woody's alley. He's a defensive guy who does nothing but slash and take the ball to the hole. 2yrs - 4.2 million deal is what I predict for Ruben. New rotation, ( assuming we add Ruben, Kwame, Speedy is healthy enough to come back, and we re-sign Smith ) PG: Bibby ( 28 min ) - Speedy ( 10 min ) - Law ( 10 min ) G: JJ ( 30 min ) - Law ( 10 min ) - Ruben ( 8 min ) F: Marvin ( 34 min ) - JJ ( 8 min ) - Ruben ( 8 min ) PF: Smith ( 36 min ) - Horford ( 12 min ) C: Horford ( 24 min ) - Zaza ( 16 min ) - Kwame ( 8 min ) Total minutes: JJ - 38 Smith - 36 Horford - 36 Marvin - 34 Bibby - 28 Law - 20 Ruben - 18 Zaza - 14 Speedy - 10 Kwame - 8 Your new look, defensive-minded Atlanta Hawks.
  22. It has to do with Smith and especially Childress, because those guys got their huge money deals when they signed their 2nd contract. Are you saying that the ASG should've paid Chill 8 million+ a year, and that they should pay Smith 12 million+ a year?
  23. Quote: I doubt seriously they sign the cancer that is Ruben Paterson. Quinton Ross might be a possibility, though. Well, Sund did say that he wanted to sign some cheap vets. Ruben is a cheap vet with almost the exact offnesive game as Chill. Ross is a possibility. I'd be shocked to see them sign a JR Smith.
  24. The only guy that I know that plays like Chill, got released by the Clips early last year. He's currently out of the league, but he's an old veteran player who is known for his defense and toughness. He's a guy the ASG could probably easily sign for the vet minimum. He's played with the Clippers, Milwaukee, the Lakers, and the Blazers. Name that player.
  25. Quote: Jackson and Kwame are two of the biggest bust in recent history(with Shelhead) but some act as if they are saviours. LOL. It is funny. I wouldn't mind having Kwame on the squad. But even I don't expect him to play more than 5 - 10 minutes a game. The same goes for Jackson. Luke better have a Salim type hook on him. If he misses his first 2 shots, immeadiatey send him to the bench and don't put him back in. If Chill leaves, I want Acie to get the vast majority of his minutes.
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