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Everything posted by TheNorthCydeRises

  1. Quote: Its a good question. My perspective: Josh Smith is a very secial player at 22. One of a kind really. He has taken the "AK47 game" to a whole other level that no one has done before. 9 blocks and 9 assist in one game, I'd venture to say that has never been done. Not to mention every one of those blocks were needed to preserve a come from behind win. He has done nothing but improve in the NBA. Not exactly the type of guy you look to get rid of. I think Smith is too special to trade away for such a gamble, when you consider Thomas has not really proven anything. He is shooting 38% as a PF for the season. In other words..... all he can do offensively is dunk. Thomas is having a awful year and Hinrich is having the worst season of is career. Mean while Smith is having a career year. Why trade a stock on the rise for 2 stocks that are falling ? I am all for Hinrich......but not for Smith. I'm just not crazy for Tyrus Thomas at all. He was stuck up and had ego issues at LSU that still haunt him today. Tyrus Thomas could very well be the next Stromile Swift. No way you do a deal involving both he and Hinrich . . or any other Bull, in exchange for Josh Smith. As for Smoove's performance never being done before . . Kirilenko had a game last year in which he scored 15 points, 11 rebounds, 8 blocks, 8 assists vs Minnesota. Still, what Smoove did last night was truly special, because his blocks seem to come all at once. Most important, those blocks sparked easy running opportunities for Chill to score quickly on the other end. The only think I worry about the Hawks sometimes, is if some of those guys are leaking out a little too fast, instead of going for defensive rebounds. Because if that's the case, I see why they give up so many offensive rebounds at times. I need to look at that a little closer in the next game I get to see . . which will be Cleveland on Friday.
  2. Quote: Quote: This should ALWAYS be the goal of the Hawks!! Tempo doesn't necessarily mean just fast break points but using our speed to our advantage. ------------------- Exactly. It plays to our strengths. When we slow things down, we do NOT look good at all. We should be running circles against considerably less athletic or slower teams like Detroit, the Lakers, etc when we make a TOTAL commitment to it. Wow. Detroit and LA are considerably less athletic and/or slower? You better look at those rosters again. Ish, Detroit may be superior athetically over us, when you compare their top 7 against our top 7. That's why they have manhandled us the past 2 times we've played them. Ish, Jason Maxiell, if he were on the Hawks, might be our 3rd most athletic player. The Hawks didn't win because they forced the tempo. The Hawks won last night when they finally decided to play DEFENSE and get on the bords. When that happened, we were able to speed up the game and get out and run. The sooner some of you realize that the Hawks are built to be a DEFENSIVE TEAM rather than a RUNNING TEAM, the more you can understand why we do and don't win games. As for the Lakers, they won't be bothered one bit with an uptempo game. They play in the same division as the Suns and the Warriors, so there's nothing we can do that will surprize them. And because they have Kobe, they can play any style of bal they want. The key to the Laker game, is not letting them dominate the boards. Gasol is 7 feet, Lamar is 6-10, and I believe Turiaf is 6-9. All three can rebound. And both As great as Smoove was last night, he has to grab more than 6 rebounds in that Laker game for us to win. He's going to have to probably play a more under controlled game as well, because we can't afford for he or Horford to pick up cheap early fouls. Smoove grabbing 13 rebounds tomorrow, may be more important than him trying to block every shot.
  3. Quote: ] LOL why did he keep calling him Chris? Just to piss him off? Yes sir. I liked espn2 back in the day, with the alternative type shows. Rome constantly referred to Everett back in those days as "Chris" . . as in Chris Everett, the female star tennis player of the 70s and 80s. Jim Everett was a fragile and soft azz QB for the Rams back in those days. LOL . . even the way he went after Rome was weak. Ish, take a swing at him. Push him down so hard that he flies out of his chair. Everett looked like he was trying to high school wrestle with Rome. LMAO . . and Rome didn't even hesitate to immeadiately call him Chris again, after being "threatened". He wasn't scared of Everett at all.
  4. Even on the road trip, the Hawks didn't quit. Only the people that despise Woody with a passion, even suggests that. For the most part, they're a mentally tough team. They may not play well all the time, but they're not quitters, unlike some in the fan base that routinely gives up on this team with every 2 - 3 game losing streak.
  5. You'll get much more participation if you had this as a poll. Some of the people who have been wanting Woody's head since the start of last season, might not post on this thread, given the either/or scenario you gave. But in a poll, where all votes are anonymous ( unless you tell someone how you voted ), you'll tend to get a more honest perspective of how people really feel. making playoffs and losing 4 - 0 + Woody extension > missing playoffs + Woody fired
  6. Funny how there are no posts about his play, after the 2nd half. Damn bandwagon fans.
  7. Quote: Well we "got it back" to 32-14 LOL. As Bob said - layup-dunk-layup-dunk. The kid from Gwinnett County looks pretty good. They only beat us 23-5 on the boards in the 1st. As I KEEP SAYING, if this team rebounds and defends on a nightly basis, we're going to be in most games we play. That run after every made shot ish is only good to a certain point. If you're not rebounding and defending, running doesn't matter. It's not a coincidence that we're a least making things interesting now. LMAO @ being outrebounded 23 - 5 in the 1st. Rebounding is ALL about effort. But of course some of you will blame Woody for the pizz poor rebounding effort. In the break between quarters, Woody was probably like . . "See. SEE. You hardheaded mo-fo's wanna run so much, that you forget why we REALLY win games. Now go out there AND DO WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN TAUGHT!! PLAY THE RIGHT (( BLEEPIN' )) WAY!!! GET ON THOSE DAMN BOARDS!!
  8. Quote: One game at a time... it doesn't matter if they win on Wednesday if they don't focus on this game. Exactly. Tonight's game is more important than the Laker game. Ish, we just lost to an 8-man Clipper team without their 2 best players, yet, he thinks we can go and look ahead to the Laker game? The conference and divison games are ultra important from here on out. The games we "should win", are the games we can't overlook. Give me wins over Philly and Cleveland, before a Laker win.
  9. Quote: If we did that, get out and run with Law, JC, MW, JS, and Horf.. we might find our need for JJ decrease? Maybe. We might not need him for 40+ minutes a night. If that group was successful running in stretches, we may be able to get away with JJ playing 32 - 37 minutes a night. If Woody could give JJ rest from the 3 minutes left to go mark in the 1st and 3rd qtrs . . . to the 8 minutes left to go mark in the 2nd and 4th qtrs, that would be huge. That would give JJ at least 6 - 7 minutes of rest in the middle of each half. He'll try to do that now, when we're winning. When we're in a real tight game or when we're losing, JJ better expect to play 40+ minutes, with possibly playing the entire 2nd half.
  10. Quote: the thing ive noticed about JJ...is... most teams still double JJ no matter how bad he is shooting so, even if he isnt close to his best, he is still causing other players to be more open i think this is why Woody plays him so much no matter what Go Hawks! Our opponent, and fans of other teams, respects JJ's game more than our own fan base does, and that's a shame. JJ is OBVIOUSLY not 100%. You can see it everytime he goes to the basket. He's getting his shot blocked a lot more this year, than in years past. And he may be going to the fadeaway a lot more these days, because it gives him more room to get off his jumper, without putting a lot of strain on his calf by jumping straight up vertically. And the question now is, will just a few days rest put him back at 100%? His calf may be the type of injury that needs a lot of time to heal . . like a few weeks or months. He may be to the point that he can't hurt it any worse than it is right now, but a few days rest won't do it much good either. It's a good thing for us that JJ's game is more about skill, than athletic ability. His skill enables him to still be an effective player on the court, unlike Speedy, who's game is based more on his athletic ability.
  11. I think we scored 6 points within 10 seconds after Jersey made a shot. We definitely ran more, and took more quick shots, after misses. Of course Chill would be all for running all the time. He's maybe our mot limited offensive player in the halfcourt offense. Maybe the solution is to have a group that does nothing but run for a period of time. Have JJ be out of the game, since he's hobbled, and just try to run with our bench [ Law, Lue ( since Wody isn't going to stop playing him ), Chill ], with Marvin and Smoove or Horford on the floor with them. It always starts with rebounding and defense though. Do those 2 things, and we can get out and not have to force the run.
  12. Quote: Geez Hotlanta, I had just un-ignored your pessimistic ass. Now, you've made me have to go and reverse that. Every fan base has a "Hotlanta". He's what I call a "pessimistic realist". I mean, it's not like the things he talks about, doesn't have some truth to it. That's why people get irritated with him sometimes. He just tends to over-dramatize the negative, while almost totally dismissing the positive as irrevelent. For example, say a conversation is talking place about Beyonce between me and Hot. Me: Beyonce is the ish. Hot: She's overrated Me: WTF you mean she's overrated? That girl is on point. Hot: She's overrated dude. Me: LOL . . OK, tell me why she's overrated? Hot: Don't get me wrong, she looks good. But I've seen much better looking women than her. She's not "all that". Me: LOL . . OK man, whatever. If "B" came up to you and wanted to hang out, you'd be all over that. Hot: I'll go out with her. But it's not like I'll drool all over her or something. It's guys like you who hype her up to be some type of goddess or something. She's just not "all that" to me. Me: OK . . on a scale from 1 - 10, where does "B" rate. Hot: Ummm . . maybe a 6.5 or a 7? Somewhere around there. Me: LOL . . GTOFH !!! She's at least an 8.5 or a 9. Hot: No way. She's a 7 tops. Plus, I don't like the way she talks. Me: Whatever man, LOL. See, in a situation like that, Hot would automatically downgrade Beyonce for 2 main reasons: 1) So many people give her attention and treat her like she's the absolute ish, that he would be turned off by all of that, and think kind of nagatively toward her. 2) A lot of men don't like some of those "girl power / man hating" songs she writes, so that turns men off of her too. Thus, the negative slant toward her. Hot would see a weather forecast that called for 40% rain tomorrow, and try to absolutely convince you that it WILL RAIN 100%. Thus, he would tell you to cancel all of your outside plans for tomorrow. It's just pessimitic realism.
  13. Quote: northcyde, If Memphis wants cap space so badly, we could've sent ZaZa, SW (and Law for Lowry or Childress) along with Lo, AJ, and Lue. That's $18+ million in cap space in 2 years. LMAOOOOOOOO !!!! You STILL don't get it. You want to be right so bad, that you're actually telling Memphis to . . "hey, take Shelden and Zaza off of our hands. Yeah, you have to pay them 7.3 million next year, but in 2009, you won't have to pay them a thing! Great deal for you guys!!!" Then they'll look at you and say . . "ummmm, how about we NOT take them, save an extra 7.3 million in 2008, add an extra 1st round pick in 2008 ( on the cheap ), and still achieve what you want us to do by 2009, in 2008." LMAOOOO . . UNBELIEVABLE !!! Quote: All that other BS was arguing with nobody. Memphis would have that AND a higher 1st rd pick if they dealt with us and not two guaranteed 28th picks in the draft MINUS giving up their own 34th pick 2nd rder. LMAOOOOO !!! Well why make the deal then, if Gasol isn't going to make this team significantly better? By 2010, we better be a top 10 or even a top 5 team with Gasol. You don't make the deal in the first place, unless you believe that. You don't trade for a Gasol, just to be the #6 seed in the playoffs. So where would our 2010 pick we gave to Memphis land? If it doesn's land somewhere between 23 - 30, we shouldn't make the deal for Gasol in the first place. Quote: But frankly northcyde, 80% of HS disagrees with you and we weren't even mentioned as one of the many teams TRYING to make a deal for Gasol. BK's got you up his arse too. Time to pack it up. W LMAOOOOOOOO!!!! I think 80% of Hawksquawk could give a damn about this thread, at this point. The Lakers deal was better for what Memphis is trying to do now. Most rational people can see that. Your problem, is that you think they'd actually take on more money in the short term, even if they can get rid of the contracts in the following year. Forget that they're losing money by the boatloads. You're like . . "We'll take Gasol off your hands to give you cap relief, but give you back 7 million dollars worth of contracts for next season, to make the deal work." Hell, if WE could get rid of Shelden and Zaza right now, so that we wouldn't have to pay them a combined 7.3 million next year, we'd get rid of them. But you want to sell Memphis on taking them, when they're trying to cut costs across the board NEXT YEAR? LMAOOOOOOOOO !!!! Keep it coming Walter. It's hilarious seeing you flounder like the that goldfish in that old "Faith No More" video. I know this is like calculus to you though . . LMAOOOOO !!!
  14. Wow . . look at Gray veering from his calm demeanor.
  15. Even I agree that BK should be fired before Woody. The Sixers did it with their BK, Billy King. The Iverson trade pretty much took away the one thing that Philly fans came to see, even if they were tired of Iverson's "act". Now, they have the worst attendance in the league because that trade didn't make them any better. And it definitely made them less exciting. You can only blame Cheeks to a certain point. The GM has to take the brunt of the blame for Philly's situation. They problem with our fan base, is that people think we can be highly successful with the talent we have. But just about everyone agrees that we may not have the right mix of talent, big, physical teams give us major problems, or that good low post players and/or PGs create misatches against us. So it's solely up to the coach to overcome those deficiencies, because the GM or the ownership, doesn't ncessarily want to spend more money or trade young talent to fix the problem.
  16. DJ . . don't tell him anything man. He should've already known that. Deep down, he knew that Shelden had already been extended. That's why he added another post after he so-called proved his point. Walter, I usually don't pull numbers and stats out of the air. When I cite numbers, I usually have a source. If the source is inaccurate, the smart people on this board will immeadiately correct me. http://hoopshype.com/salaries.htm If you go there, you'll clearly see that Shelden had already been extended for next year, and is due 3.4 million REGARDLESS of if we have him, or if anybody else has him. As I keep trying to tell your hardheaded self, Memphis is now just trying to save as many dollars as they can for NEXT SEASON. They'll field a full roster, but they're not trying to add a lot of talent in thr form of guaranteed contracts right now. Not even if that contract comes off the books in the summer of 2009. If they could've gotten rid of Cardinal's deal, maybe things are different. But no GM wanted that horrible contract for a player like that. The Laker deal was special, because they got the cap relief they wanted with Kwame's expiring deal, they acquired 2 first round picks, a very low cost talent in Critt, and a future potential piece at center in Marc Gasol that they don't even have to pay for yet. 2008 - they have their own pick + the Lakers 1st round pick in the draft + their own 2nd round pick 2009 - own pick + own 2nd round pick 2010 - own pick + Lakers 1st round pick. So by the 2010 - 11 season, they'll potentially have: - Gay ( SF, potential star ) - Conley ( PG ) - Critt ( combo guard ) - 5 first round picks - 2 possible high 2nd round picks that should be in the top 40 overall - Marc Gasol ( 7-1 center ) - and the cap room to add a big time free agent if they chose to, in 2009 or 2010. And anything can happen in sports. What if Kobe goes down with an injury? What if Kobe opts out of his deal after next year, if the addition of Gasol still can't get them over the hump? Are you done with this yet?
  17. Stro had a player option for next year he could exercise. That's why they dealt him for Collins. All Memphis is doing, is trying to set themselvs up for the future, but they want to have as little of payroll as possible next year. In the process, they do want a few low cost pieces to work with. People have to keep in mind, that it's not next season in which they'll try to improve, it's 2009. 2009 is probably when they'll start to make moves to bring people in. No, they won't trade MCJ. That makes no sense whatsoever to do. Critt will play more of the 2, than the point. Rudy Gay, if he keeps improving, will get the max deal in 2010. And they'll make a major play for a nice free agent after the 08 They're the 2004 Hawks.
  18. Good coching job tonight Woody. (( clapping ))
  19. You still don't get it, so it's no reason to keep trying to explain it to you. It's been reported for god knows how long that the Hawks had a standing offer for Gasol. Yet, because some realgm article doesn't mention that, you want to use that as proof that we didn't even have an offer on the table. And in other articles, the Memphis GM himsef has said that he wasn't trying to just sell off Gasol for nothing, even though he did just that. What we need to know, was what exactly the standing offer was. Tell Sekou to get on his job, and find out exactly what the offer was, then go from there. Oh I forgot, you don't even believe an offer was made in the first place. The bottom line is that the Laker offer was better for them financially in the short term, and talent-wise in the long term.
  20. LMAO . . and who's hair is that on Jason Kidd's head? That's hilarious. Final score: Memphis - 70 UTEP - 64 Memphis hits 1 three and misses 20 FTs, but still win the game.
  21. Keep doing your thing Teke. And i like the alterntive pics for our guys. Never let the lack of comments about your threads deter you from doing what you like to do. They're the most interesting thing on this board. LOL @ this Memphis - UTEP game tied @ 60 with u minutes to go. Memphis is playing AWFUL. Shooting 34% and has missed 18 out of 32 FTs. Yet, they'll probably still find a way to wn.
  22. Quote: Quote: ...If Chris Paul had to play behind Jason Kidd for a year or two, he wouldn't be the potential superstar that he is now... Well you can pretty much pitch the "potential" label as far as CP3 goes these days. And if they were playing on a team with a smart coach and GM they wouldn't be together long - Kidd would be traded for the best talent available since CP3 is considerably better than him and much younger. Oh yeah - I know - Kidd is a star! Could Kidd have the Hornets atop the WC now? I SERIOUSLY doubt it. Exactly. Which is exactly why I said that Al Harrington should've immeadiatey been traded the minute they drafted Marvin. Keeping Al that extra year, stunted the development of not only Marvin, but Smoove as well. Both could've had an extra year to develop as a starter at the 3 and the 4. To me, that's the critical move BK didn't make, when he took Marvn instead of Paul. It's cause and effect.
  23. Quote: We could've and would've sent them Lo, AJ, Lue, SW, ZaZa, Law, and a FAR BETTER 2010 pick for Gasol and Lowry. Lo, AJ, and Lue = Kwame. SW and Law are better than Crittenton. ZaZa is better than a 27-30 pick AND while a CHEAP center comes off the books IN ONE YEAR. AND our pick would have been better. Pulease. BK just stuck his head up his arse. W . . . when you are clueless to what's going on. Which isn't surprising. Say Memphis does your deal. Yes, Lo, AJ, and Lue = Kwame, but SW, Zaza and Law doesn't = Critt + the draft picks + Marc Gasol. They're better players ( we hope ), but they definitely don't cost the same. SW, Zaza and Law will make about 9.3 million next year combined. Even if you reduce that to just Shelden and Law, it's still a combined 5.3 million. Critt and the low 1st Laker draft pick will make about 2.5 - 3 million combined next year. That 2 - 3 ( or 6 - 7 ) million difference may not seem like a big deal to you, but it is to them. They're trying to save money everywhere in the short term, to set themselves up in the long term. Marc Gasol, if and when they decide to bring him up, isn't going to cost a lot either. Next year, they want to be like the 2004 Hawks, as far as payroll goes. That's why they would love to get rid of Cardinal, and the 13 million he's owed after this season. That's why they traded Stromile for Jason Collins. Stro had a player option that he could exercise next season. That's why they even might sell off Mike Miller, who is a 9+ million a year player next season. And the supposed 2010 pick BET NOT BE FAR BETTER if we acquired Gasol. With Gasol potentially being added to a JJ, Smoove, Marvin, Horford, and Law core, we damn well better be a top 10 team, if not a top 5 team, by 2010. And why trade Lowry to us, just to take back Law, when they can keep Lowry, and add Critt to the mix? Especially since Critt can play both the 1 and especially the 2? Two assets are better than 1. Critt + the 2 draft picks + 7-1 Marc Gasol, trumps that deal you propose easily, because they don't have to necessarily pay in the immeadiate short term for those assets, and they can try to sell that fan base on the "potential" of those picks and Gasol. That's actually 4 potential assets to our 2 - 3, that they don't even have to pay for right away. You always talk about draft capital. That's capital right there, even if they don't use it all. As for Critt, I've always said that he is more Jamal Crawford-like, than a true PG. If Memphis moves Miller, don't be surprised if they trade him just for expiring contracts, and play Critt at the 2. Even if they don't, he'll backup Milller, while Lowry will backup Conley.
  24. Quote: Pot meet kettle. The irony of an Atlanta fan trying to bag on a team for their attendance. The Grizzlies make more money than the Hawks. Why not move the Hawks to Vegas? No one is bagging on the Griz. I'm just telling it like it is. I seriously doubt the Hawks are making less money than the Griz. Many more corporatons in ATL and the Hawks have higher attendance. Both franchises are in bad shape money-wise.
  25. Walter, it's OK to suffer from AFS. But the fan suffering from AFS has to deal in reality at some point. At some point, you have to move on. But there is a cause and effect for every situation. Marvin should be further along in his development, because BK should've dealt Harrington the night they drafted Marvin. When you gradually bring a player along slow, he's not going to rapidly develop into a star. If Chris Paul had to play behind Jason Kidd for a year or two, he wouldn't be the potential superstar that he is now. He would be like a T-Mac playing behind Vince Carter. He'd have to be given his chance to shine, in order to blow up. Paul no doubt blossoms into a damn good PG here, because he'd start from the jump. Whether he's an East all-star and have the Hawks with a top 4 record in the East, is debateable. But he would've been damn good from the start, no doubt on that. Roy would be a bench player in ATL, but possibly surpassing Chill as the 6th man. Still, we needed help on the frontline more than we needed another JJ clone. Shelden was seen as a Battier-like pick, a guy that supposedy knew how to play. I think even you thought Shelden could be solid, but not worthy of his draft selection. Most GMs deal in logic. BK obviously has lapses at times like most of them. Yeah, we all want them to get it right, there's no doubt on that, but they don't. It is obvious that BK has been scrambling to make up for the decision not to draft Paul. Milwakee is damn lucky that the Chinese reps changed their mind about letting Yi play in Milwaukee. That was a potentially diasterous situation they had there. And the same thing could've happened here with Roy. Take some Ambien for your AFS.
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