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Everything posted by TheNorthCydeRises

  1. Quote: why in gods name does joe johnson have to take every big shot in every hawks game this is freaking bs. Make someone else hit the shot Joe Johnson was well defended and he put up an air ball this is ridculous...... Here we go . . . It's going to be anti-JJ for the next 48 hours. What did Portland shoot in the 4th quarter?
  2. It'll be a shame to lose this game. Time for JJ to make a play, either with a shot or a pass t Marvn.
  3. Gotta hand it to Portland. They're a mentally tough ballclub. This might come down to if we can hit our FTs. Well played and coached game by both sides so far. Lead down to 5.
  4. Whoa . . big shot by AJ. Might be the shot of the game. Zaza and Acie gave us good minutes tonight. Not too may complaints about them tonight. OK guys, let's close this out. LOL @ outlaw, thinking he's an all-star again.
  6. Oh well . . so much for extending the lead. Potential danger time here to open the 4th, if Lue comes into this game. We need to execute offensively to start this quarter. If JJ rests, who will step up offensively?
  7. oooooooo . . nice alley from AJ to Marvin. Portland went to zone, and that was wide open.
  8. As long as this team is defending like this, I have no problem with them running. For once, I'd love for the Hawks to actually extend on a big lead like this, and not let the other team back into the game. Just one time.
  9. What a great block by Smoove to start that break, then JJ gets the and-1. That was essentially a 5 point play by Smoove. Hawks up 15. Excellent half. Excellent defense.
  10. Blake is a good passng PG, but a notoriously streaky shooter. Tonight, he's definitely off. Man the Hawks defense looks great tonight.
  11. Lmao @ Lue and Zaza on that switch. Running into each other like the 3 Stooges. Good TO by Woody to cuss them both out. And Zaza bet not cry either. Aww damn, I forgor Salim was from Portland I wonder if Woody will throe him a bone today, and ply him about 5 minutes today.
  12. The key for marvin is to . . . damn, there goes the Closer. LOL . . and he immeadiately gives up a lay-up to Sergio. As I was about to say, the key for Marvin is to produce when JJ isn't in the game. lue with the J, after dribbling for 10 seconds.
  13. For those of us who can't access the chat. Great start so far. JJ already with 8. Marvin only has 2 points on 2 shots, so I guess he's a scrub again. Defense is solid. Bench needs to keep up the energy. Is "the closer" dressed? OK Acie and Zaza . . SOLID PLAY TONIGHT!!!
  14. Quote: WTF is wrong with you people?!?!? You act like he's been averaging 4PPG the last 5 games. It's a strange fan base man. Marvin struggled with his shot for 2 weeks, and people turned on him.
  15. People act like every player in the league comes into the right situaton for them to develop into stars or superstars. Each situation is different, and the people on this board know that. But some act like they don't. They also act like all drafts, and the players in them, are equal. Like an #8 pick one year, can't be better than the #1 pick in another year. As I pointed out before the season about Horford, he's the #1 or #2 pick in the draft in about 8 of the last 10 drafts . . the exception being last year, and the great draft with LeBron, Melo, Bosh and Wade in it. And even that year, you could make a damn good argument that because Detroit took Darko, that they might've taken a Al Horford over a Melo still, because Horford was a talented big. But because Horford goes in a draft with a dominant college big man, and the NCAA POY as a freshman, he goes #3. And he stepped into the right situation for him to maximize his talent, although Woody would've brought him off the bench if Zaza was healthy to begin the year. Which brings us to Marvin. In Marvin's case, I've always said that the Hawks should've immeadiatey dealt Harrington, to make more room for Marvin ( and Smoove and Chill for that matter ). Memphis did exactly that, when they traded Battier ( their starting SF ) for Gay. If the Hawks drafted Paul, we all know that Paul immeadatey starts and has a chance to make an immeadiate impact. Marvin never had that chance until year 2. No Harrington means that either Marvin stars, or is at least the 6th man during his rookie year. Not the 7th or 8th man. Lakers got rid of Eddie Jones for Kobe. Cavs got rid of Ricky Davis, so that Ricky wouldn't slow his development. T-Mac had to get from under the shadow of Vince, before he blew up. It's amazing how villified Marvin is by some of our fans because he isn't some megastar yet. He's a consitent young player that is only getting better each season. But people act like his game isn't progressing any. Marvin is in the same situaton that a Josh Howard, Darko, Richard Jefferson, and even a Joe Johnson found themselves in durng their first few years in the league. They all had to play behind people first, before getting their chance to show people what they really could do. Only Darko has struggled to develop out of that group.
  16. I don't know about all of that. Deron is a pretty damn good PG in his own right. And unlike CP3, he's performed well during playoff time. CP and Marvin should get their chance in the playoffs this year. Deron was damn near unstoppable in the playoffs last year. Both PGs are far better than what people expected them to be. They're pretty much Isaiah and Stockton reincarnated.
  17. Quote: I know, I know...Luke Ridnour sucks. He isn't a great defensive PG (like Claxton)...and all he can basically do is push the tempo and hit a shot here and there. Luke is a better playmaking, worst shooting, worst defending version of Tyronn Lue. Quote: He is VERY athletic (for a white guy) and has a better BBIQ than any player we now have...still...do we need him? Difficult call...I mean...do we really need a "make it happen" type of PG????? Inquiring minds want to know. His BBIQ isn't better than AJ's. If it was, he wouldn't be letting a guy like Earl Watson start ahead of him. Hawksquawk should know that they can't fiend over a player, jut because he looked good to great against us. If he came to the Hawks, he's not going to be playing against our caliber of PG or C. Scrubs who have looked good to great against us this season: - Barea ( the Dallas PG that replaced Devin Harris on opening night ) -Marko Jaric ( Minnesota ) - Royal Ivey ( Milwaukee ) -Jason Maxiell ( Detroit - he's not a scrub, but he looks like an all-NBA player against us ) - Candace's brother, Anthony Parker ( Toronto ) - Damien Wilkins ( Seattle ) - Sergio Rodriguez ( Portland ) - Travis Outlaw ( Portland ) - Kareem Rush ( Indiana ) I know I'm missing maybe 5 - 6 other people that could be added to this list. If I looked this up, I could probably add more. And everytime a scrub looks good against us, Hawksquawk is like . . . "Hey, we need to get that player. He can help us!" Take Petro for instance. He gets 5 blocks ( 2 against Acie ), and people all of a sudden want him here. My suggestion is to look at that cat's body of work. He shoots 40% FG. He's 7-foot+, but doesn't outwork anybody. And if Solomon Jones got the same number of minutes that he does, Solomon would look like the better player.
  18. Diesel, you've been givng "objective" takes on every game so far, commenting not only about the other team, but about the Hawks performances in those games. Yet, nothing on this game but scrub talk? You can do better than that man. You didn't even have to concentrate on Marvin. Just give proper credit for what he did and move on. Like Exodus said, if that had been Chill to hang 33 on the Sonics, you'd definitely be singing his praises. It's cool though. I shouldn't have even expected you to give him props or to be objective. It's like you told JackB the other day . . . team comes before favorite player . . or in your case, disliked player. My fault D for expecting more out of you.
  19. I just wanted the guy to be objective, like he normally tries to do when giving his opinion on what happened during a game. Instead, people fiend over Watson, Ridnour and Petro? Please.
  20. Wow . . . why such anger in your font? There were a number of things Hawk-wise that you could've focused on. But instead, you focused on how the Seattle scrubs could help us? It's not about kissing Marvin's azz. It's about taking notice about the Hawks in general. And part of that last night, was the play of Marvin. A simple . . "I liked how aggressive Marvin was from start to finish last night" . . would've been sufficent. Then talk about other players or the team in general. That's what you normally do. Insttead, you focus on how good the Seattle scrubs looked? Like scrub players don't normaly good aganst us? The sad thing about some this fan base, is that people refuse to be objective, if it goes against one's dislike for a coach or player. It's almost like people would rather see the Hawks lose, just so they won't have to give that player or coach some props.
  21. Quote: Hate to say it, but it looks like Wood wanted to see a lot of Horf at Pf. Look at how long he let Zaza play "off punishment". A trade that puts Horf back to Pf might be in the air. LOL . . anything else? There were a lot of "interesting" things that happened last night, that we've never seen before.
  22. So the play of the Seattle scrub role players caught your eye the most last night? Interesting.
  23. Is that all you saw last night? Surely there was something else you saw.
  24. I want to know who he think the 1/2 star on Boston is? And why does he consider that player to be 1/2 of a star?
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