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Everything posted by TheNorthCydeRises

  1. I'm surprised no one has even bashed Chill and his non-performance last night. With Chill being our bench, he needs to give us someting every night.
  2. I'm not the one who brought up the race issue, you did. Like someone else said, BK can be criticized for maybe having a warped vision on how to build a team. But you're the one that suggest that this may have something to do with race. All I did was call you out on it. Quote: I'll accept your racist remark because you are black and I guess you can do that. LOL . . which one of my remarks were racist? I mean, it would've been one thing if you cited Bobby Sura for your rant. When Bobby was here, he was a baller. Too bad his injuries derailed his career. But Bobby doesn't fit the type of player you're talking about because Bobby had a little "streetball" in his game. Quote: They were never even given the chance and some of them have gone on to win in the playoffs and even win a title. But they didn't do jack ish enough to help the Hawks? Yeah, we're too good for role players. I wasn't talking about BK directly. Pete was at fault for this kind of drafting as well. I'm talking about perception and the perception is that athletic guys are valued over basketball gym rats who can shoot and understand the game at a high level. The entire NBA is at fault for this then, not just us. A perfect example of what you're talking about, is a guy like JJ Redick. JJ was one of the best college shooters I've ever seen. If he has room, and he is squared to the basket, his shot is usually falling. In college, JJ was dominant over athletic guys and/or less intelligent players. In the NBA, it's a totally different world for JJ. Here, JJ goes up against ELITE LEVEL athletes. Here, JJ has trouble even getting a decent look, because some 6 - 6 shooting guard is either all up in his grill, or is running, jumping, and closing him out so fast, that when he does get the shot off, he's slightly off. Then on the defensive end, he has absolutely no chance of guarding an elite level athlete that can handle the ball. The same goes for the guy who beat Team USA in the 2004 Olympics . . Sarunas Jasiikevicus. Remember him? He and that Lithuanian team made our pros look like garbage on the international level. So Indiana says . . "Hey, he played great against Team USA. Surely he can play in the NBA, right?" Umm . . wrong. Sarunas quickly found out why he didn't drafted coming out of Maryland in the first place. Sarunas was horrible with his man defense, and the looks he got in the Olympics were ptetty much non-existant in the NBA. He had some decent games, but he wasn't good enough to keep putting on the floor. But to show you that this has nothing to do with race, the same thing happened to these players once they arrived in the NBA: - Rodney Monroe: Remember him from NC State? To this day, I still say that he and Chris Corchaini ( aka Fire and Ice ), were one of the baddest backcourts I've ever seen in college. Rodney was the Redick-like shooter . . Chris was Nash-like with his passing. Neither did jack ish in the NBA. We drafted Rodney in the 2nd round, bit we quickly found out that he could neither defend, nor create his own shot. I remember being so happy - Randolph Childress: I still remember me watching his performace in the ACC tournament when that guy hit EVERYTHING he threw up. He gets to the NBA, and becomes completely useless. He's too slow to create his own shot from the PG position, and too slow to guard quick PGs. Other guys include: - Shawn Respert ( Michigan St ) - Trajan Langdon ( Duke ) - Mateen Cleaves ( Michigan St ) - Todd Day ( Arkansas ) - Stanley Roberts ( LSU ) . . a guy that some people had ahead of Shaq in that 1st year. - Miles Simon ( Arizona ) - right now . . Shelden Williams ( Duke ) - right now . . Salim Stoudamire ( Arizona ) - John Wallace ( Syracuse ) . . who I thought might be a star in the pros, with the way he carried that Cuse team that lost to Kentucky in 1996 Every single one of those guys were highly skilled players in college. But because there are so many great athletes in the pros, their effectiveness has been greatly reduced. In college, you could get away with constructing an offense around those types of guys. If you did that in the pros, you'd get killed. Then when you ask these guys to be role players, they can't adapt . . with a lot of that having to do with their lack of atleticism. Quote: I'm usually the only white guy within 5 miles of a basketball court or gym. You think I don't know the deal? No black guy has ever made fun of a white person's athleticism, right? *crickets* LOL . . of course not ( sarcasm ). That's why a guy like you would take advantage of the brotha not taking you serious, and bust his azz right from the jump Then after you've hit your first 4 shots, they try to D you up. By then, it's too late because your team is already up 8 to 3. Quote: Why do you overlook what I'm saying and just brand me as playing the race card? If you don't think race plays a factor in people's perceptions, you are crazy. Especially considering how you have perceived something about me and felt it ok to express that with your little Eddie Murphy quote. Just because I'm white doesn't make me anything close to Itallian. But that's ok because you are not white, right? Because you brought the race issue up. Hard to overlook it, when you immeadately bring it up. Of course race plays a factor in people's perceptions. I just don't think this is the case for it, considering that BK hs brought in those very players that you say he doesn't. Even Matt Freije from Vandy was a very good, highly skilled player in college. But he goes undrafted because he was too weak to play the 4, and too slow to play the position he's best suited to play . . the 3. I still thought that it was a very good pickup by BK though, because he prolifically shot the 3-ball @ Vandy. He comes to us last year, and he not only can make a 3, he couldn't defend anybody. If Matt could knock down the 3, he would be a godsend for this team right now, especially considering his size. LOL . . that Eddie Murphy quote had absolutely nothing to do with you being white or you possiby being Italian. I had seen Eddie Murphy "Raw" a few nights ago, and thought the scene when he's describing hid fight with an Italian dude to his father, was hilarious. Eddie is funny when he does the different voices in that scene. And I like how he says GTFOH in his Italian voice. If you thought that was a dig on you, it wasn't. I apologize if you thought it was. By the way, my opposition to you on this topic isn't personal at all. I was just surprised that you brought the race issue into this, when you and most everybody else just says that BK and Woody are just incompetent. Quote: I just said something seemed to be somewhat race related. But I'm the one playing the race card? What a double standard. Naw, you're right only white people have been racist over the whole of human existence. Re-read your 2nd sentence in your post, is all I say. All races can be racist. That's not even the issue here. My grandmother is somewhat racist, so I know blac people can be racist. Quote: Who said "conspiracy"? I just think he is dumb and clouded by perceptions. Whether that is a perception of what a 6'9" guy can do for matchups or what someone who isn't 6'9" can't do. Either way, he's got a cloudy vision. That's all you had to say then, not bring the racial element into the argument. Basically, you're saying tht BK would rather take a Solomon Jones than a Scott Pollard. I say, they both suck in their own way, so it's not a big deal one way oe another. Neither are players that are going to help us win a ton of games. Don't worry Troy. I'm not going to go back and forth with you on this issue. I won't do what your "arch rival" does with you. I just found it curious how you threw race into this. You can hve the lst word, and this will be done.
  3. 25 wins @ home . . but we'll have to somehow win 14 to 16 road games. We're 5 - 11 on the road right now, so that means we just have to go at least 9 - 16 the rest of the way. At home, we'll have to go 13 - 8 the rest of the year @ home. No biggie.
  4. No sir. .500 teams don't normally lose 10 in a row. They may lose 5 in a row . . then win 2 . . lose 1 . . win 1 . . lose 2 . win 1 . . lose 1 . . win 4 . . . lose 2 . . win 3 That's what .500 teams do.
  5. Quote: All of that stems from a lack of respect towards certain types of players by our GM and coach. A lot of it seems to be race related, imo. That's not entirely fair. We passed on Raja Bell, too. Wait a minute, what color is he exactly? Who cares. He would make us a solid 4 seed, I know that. We've had Doleac, Barry, Prizbilla, Pollard . . . ( wow, so those guys make us better? ) . . . etc. They weren't athletic enough for us, yet they are somehow still in the league except for Barry. And he contributed for Houston after getting needles in his butt here. I'm not saying anyone has been racist. . . . ( lol . . yeah you did, in the 2nd sentence you typed ) . . . I just think that the slower, less athletic player and his skill set, no matter the color, have been overlooked by this organization for quite a while. I've said it before and I'll say it again. If you let people who were losers as pros run your organization, there is a strong possibility that your org will lose. This is by far your weakest argument of all time. Throwing out the race card? Come on man, you can do better than that. BK is the same guy that contemplated Yi @ #3 . . would've taken Bargnani @ #5 if he were available . . drafted Cenk . . brought in Batitisa, Zaza . . and Matt Freije . . and Edwards . . Collier happen to die . . and he either drafted Dickau or Eminem ( Travis Hansen ) . . yet, the best you can do is cite the white guys that weren't retained to back you your claim that BK has a conspiracy against white pkayers? White guys who are ALL riding the pine for the most part, for their respective teams? White guys that didn't help us win jack ish when they were here? ( in my Eddie Murphy Italian voice ) GTFOH !!!!
  6. I believe the Warriors last year, were something like 30 - 11 at home and 9 - 32 on the road. I think if we can get 14 - 16 road wins, and 25 home wins, we'll have no problem making the playoffs. When you don't play well on the road, you have to hold serve @ home. I think the Hawks may beat Portland ( because I plan to be in the building . . 4 - 0 so far this year w/me @ Philips . . and because Portland themselves are very shaky at times on the road ) . . but only win 1 or 2 of the west coast road games. But after that road trip, we have a 4 - 5 game home stand. If we falter on the road, we just need to make it up at home. This is how .500 teams play. At 18* - 19, everything is A-OK.
  7. the cloooooooooooooooooooserrrrrrrrrr He hit that three, and Woody left him in for offense.
  8. Quote: T-Lue comes in and guess what? Just terrible defense the last three possesions of the qtr. Two 3's and an unbumped cutter. His pounding is getting so old, too. Only two people touch the ball when he's in. The Closer is showing up in the 4th though. The Clooooooooooserrrrr lol.
  9. LOL . . Who would've thought that AJ would be our "enforcer". Mr. Law needs to take full advantage of this opportunity to play with the starters.
  10. AJ got ejected? This is what the play by play on mobile ESPN says. WTF did he do, if he got ejected? LOL @ that if true. OK Acie . . this is your moment of truth if he got tossed.
  11. Glad to see you come around a little to Horford, seeing how you didn't believe before the season started, that he could average close to a double-double playing center. Part of the reason why Horford isn't scoring even more, is because he isn't having plays called for him in the offense. He also needs to refine some of his post moves as well. Horford has come in, and done exactly what he needed to do for this team. He's the most fundamentally sound player on the team. I'm higher on him now, than I was before the season started. As far as Dalembett goes, who is he really stopping on the defensive end? He's definitely a good shot blocker, but is he really slowing down anybody in the paint, if he doesn't block a shot? And how good is his offense? He scores, but is it because of a decent post game, or is it because he plays with a good passing PG ( Miller ) and a good passing 2-guard ( Iggy ). I need to check to see how many of his points come via assists. For the price, Dalembert is definitely overpaid. Horford would have to develop into a Boozer-like PF, if we acquired Dalembert.
  12. Quote: This is a good post: You have pin-pointed the problem - Joe isn't a true first option - but the solution isn't to trade him but compliment him. It really boils down to coaching: Becuase we MAY have the players already on the roster. I would love to see us run our offense through a two man game of Marvin Williams and Al Horford and let JJ sit on the wing waiting for the open shot. Marvin has the one-on-one skills to get by his man on the wing AND hit the open J. Horford has shown steady improvement on the low block. Run the offense through Marvin, and if he doesn't get fouled then he gets doubled by Joe's man. It's like some of you have lost all sense of reality. LOL . . how does a guy who last year scored 25 ppg and shot 47% WITHOUT a damn PG to set him up, not have the ability to be a 1st option? The only problem this year with JJ, is that he's having a lot of bad shooting games. And the difference between JJ and the other stars in this league, is that he doesn't keep shooting the ball when he's off. A 4 - 16 night for JJ, would be a 7 - 26 night for Kobe, because Kobe would keep shooting, hoping he could string together a few baskets in a row to pull a game out. Because of that, Kobe would still get his 20 - 25 points, even if the Lakers lost. But when JJ is off, he usally goes into playmaker mode. He had a horrible game in Milwaukee, no doubt about that. It's just so funny to see some of you totally disregard what JJ does when we win games, but cry to the heavens when we lose and he hs a bad game. JJBacker's post is EASILY the Post of the Year on Hawksquawk thus far. Yet, none of you have even bothered to comment on the FACTS he presented about JJ. It's like his post doesn't exist. You all should copy, paste, and even print out that post, and tape it to your computer monitor. LOL @ run the offense through Marvin. GTFOH !!! If we could do that, JJ wouldn't have to play 40+ minutes a night, just to give us a shot to win. The vast majority of Marvin's points come via assists. Less than 1/2 of JJ's points come via assists. Yet, we should run the offense through Marvin? Good Lord.
  13. Quote: DAMON STILL CAN PLAY HE'S JUST A VICTIM OF MEMPHIS GOING WITH A YOUTH MOVEMENT AT THE POINT GUARD SPOT THAT'S WHY HE WANTS OUT SO BAD!!!! If Damon can still play why aren't teams calling Memphis, trying to cut a deal with them? Oh, and who is the playmaker on your "improved" Hawk team? You know what I think? I think you're MemphisX under a different username. You add Hakim Warrick to our mix . . Hakim hardly plays for the Griz anymore. Ish, just move the Hawks to Tupelo, MS, since you want 1/2 of Memphis' team here . . LOL. Call them the Mississippi Hawks.
  14. LOL . . someone forgot to take their meds today. So let me get this straight. Your solution to our shooting woes, is to trade JJ to acquire Gasol, and depend on Salim's cousin? Just how many shots does Salim's cousin get to take per game? (( calling the psych ward ))
  15. Why can't people just accept that we played a sub-par game last night? This is not rocket science here. We just had a bd game, that we STILL almost pulled out. And with all of the talk about Ivey and Bogut, we played a decent defensive game, except for the rebounding. Even through that shooting drought, the Bucks couldn't even pull away. If we were a bad team, we lose by 20 easily last night. We're a .500 squad, and this is how .500 teams play. They usually look decent at home, but are wildly inconsistent on the road. And the role players usually play much better at home, than on the road. On the road, JJ is the guy that hs to carry us. Once the fan base accept this, it will make watching this team a whole lot easier. And as long as the other teams in the East play like us, I'm not concerned at all about not making the playoffs.
  16. I'm saying that JJ pooped out. He's the one that scored 12 points on 4 - 16 shooting. When he's shooting that bad, he has to at least be able to rack up some assits. Tonight, he had 1 assist. When I saw that he only had 11 created points going into the 4th, I knew that could be a problem for us, if he didn't get it going. He usually creates and scores at least a total of 30 ppg. Tonight, that total was 14 points. When he shot 3 - 17 FG in the Phoenix game, he still racked up 10 assists along with 15 points. As long as JJ is the main playmaker on this team, the PG only has to be solid every night, not spectacular. And if his shot isn't falling, he must turn into the playmaker. Combined, AJ, Law, and Lue shot 7 - 15 FG . . 15 points . . 10 assists. JJ had 14 created points. That's not going to cut it . . not on the road on the 2nd night of a back to back. He and the whole team looked sluggish though. Not gonna cry over this loss because of that.
  17. It doesn't matter DJ. Everybody knew that the minute we took Marvin, that Harrington was probably done. Harrington was a guy that we could've traded for a PG. Eventually we did ( Law ), but it could've been done 2 years earlier. If we get rid of Harrington, either Marvin or Chill becomes the starter. But the Hawks kept Harrington, and brought Marvin along slow. This is what I'm talking about in relation to Durant. Seattle is probably right in throwing him right into the fire from the beginning. That's what we should've done with Marvin. The production we're getting this year from him, could've been what he could do last year, had he started and got major PT as a rookie. And actually, this is also the reason why Law should probably be starting right now. We all know that AJ isn't the long term answer, so why not give Acie more time. The reason why this doesn't happen, is because AJ is at least serviceable at the position. The Hawks don't live or die with AJ's play at the point. If Woody still had another year on his contract, or if the Hawks suddendly extended his deal right now, he'd probably be more inclined to start Acie. But he's playing it safe, and going with the veteran. But you can see just in his play, that Law has more PG skill than AJ. It's just that AJ is more steady, and can mange the position better right now. Acie could rapidly pass AJ though, if given the minutes . . and the trust from the coach. With Memphis losing, and with Ivaroni being a new coach, it's easy for them to just throw Conley Jr right in the fire, instead of playing the lame duck Damon Stoudamire.
  18. Quote: Quote: But if Marvin got as many shots as Durant does, he'd easily average 22 - 25 ppg right now. One thing that has been shown so far is that Marvin doesn't have what it takes to put up that many shots. You can fault KD for the number of shots he takes all you want, but the second best player on that team is 13PPGer Chris Wilcox. You think MW would be shooting 48% if he was on that team? Moreover, MW's lack of 3pt range kind of bloats his FG% anyway. Marvin would get to the line probably 10 times a game, if he had the freedom to do what Durant does in Seattle. Marvin is probably in the top 5 in the league amongst non post players, in getting to the line. If he didn't catch and shoot, he'd go to the hole drawing fouls. More importantly, he'd have the majority of plays ran for him, so that he could get free enough to shoot his jumper. It's funny. Back in December when Marvin really had it going, people on this board were complaining that he needed more plays and more shots. Now people want to trade him again . . LOL. No, I don't think he'd be shooting 48%, but he'd be no lower than 44% FG. Durant's potential is unlimited, but he has to become a much more stronger player in this league, to realize that potential. The Hawks should've done with Marvin, what Seattle did with Durant. They drafted Kevin, and made sure that the guy who would play his spot ( Rashard Lewis ) was long gone. Conversely, the Hawks should've immeadiately got rid of Harrington, to make move for Marvin ( and Chill for that matter ). Both players would've been further along in their development. Believe it or not, Marvin is progressing at the same rate, as Josh Howard in his first 3 years in the league.
  19. The Hawks can survuve with our current PG stable. They've been doing it all year. JJ is our best player and playmaker. What we can't have, is JJ scoring 10 points below his average, and only getting 1 - 2 assists. If JJ has anywhere near a typical JJ game, we win tonight. But he, like the rest of the team, just looked sluggish tonight. Stuff like that happens in this league ya know. This is a .500 team, and this is exactly how .500 teams play.
  20. Quote: At 17-18, the Hawks might have a hard time getting back to .500 mark for the remainder of the season. This Hawks'; team should not have lost to the Bucks, but yet they did. I don't think I am overstating this, but this upcoming stretch of road games primarily out West may 'make or break' the Hawks season. And mixing in this Milwaukee loss, a likely pending loss to Toronto and a tough game at home prior to the West Coast trip against Portland will tell us a whole lot about this team's chances. Our PG situation isn't getting better. Anthony Johnson is a veteran, but he isn't the answer. Acie just isn't ready and looks like he doesn't want to take control of the point guard position when he is in the game. The Hawks need a PG WHO CAN LEAD for 48 minutes. I don't know if Bibby is on the block. Andre Miller. However, the Hawks playoff chances are in severe jeopardly with this upcoming West Coast trip.... Where were all these "great revelations" last night? I love how this board goes into panic mode, everytime we lose a game that we "supposedly" should've won. LOL @ our playoff chances being in "severe" jeapordy, when just about EVERY team in the East plays EXACTLY like we do. Jersey lost AGAIN, after supposedly turning things around. The last time fans predicted gloom and doom for the Hawks, we were about to play a road game @ Orlando back in December. And we all know what happened that game. This Hawk team doesn't panic when things don't go well for one game . . . unlike the fan base.
  21. Quote: Quote: Durant wouldn't even start on the Hawks. Durant>Marvin Williams Potential and talent wise, Durant is definitely better. But if Marvin got as many shots as Durant does, he'd easily average 22 - 25 ppg right now. If we didn't get rid of Marvin to make room for Durant, he doesn't start here in his rookie year. No way. Marvin is a better shooter and defender right now, so he'd get the nod. The only reasn Horford starts, was because the initial injury to Zaza, and Zaz playing like garbage. I'll take that back. Durant would start, if we started Smoove at the 5 and Marvin at the 4. Otherwise, he'd be the hired gun off the bench. A loss to a team who is now 11 - 5 at home, doesn't bother me one bit. That's how the NBA goes
  22. Quote: It is games like this that make me take about 10 steps back and rethink can they really make it to the playoffs. I refuse to accept the back to back excuse. They beat the Nuggets and can't even hang with a sorry team like the Bucks who are missing their PG. LOL @ this. Guess what the Nuggets were on, when they played us last night? The 2nd game of a back to back. And they looked like s--t most of the night. There's a reason for that. If you're the team that has to travel on the 2nd night, you're going to be in trouble almost every time. Especially if your bench is inconsistent and you rely heavily on your starters to win games. Too many of you guys get way too high when we beat a good team, and way too low when we lose to a bad one. Orlando beats Chicago last night . . loses to Charlotte tonight. Wizards lost to the Knicks last night, after beating the Celtics on Monday night I think Toronto beat Sacramento . . but even with that, the Kings were in Toronto. I wonder if the Knicks beat Jersey in Jersey? They don't evn have to travel for that game virtually. Let me check that score right quick. I wonder what the
  23. Durant wouldn't even start on the Hawks.
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