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Everything posted by TheNorthCydeRises

  1. article 1 article 2 article 3 He's super soft. He can't defend nor rebound. But the one thing that he was known for, post scoring, is going away from him as well, with Zack in the mix. He was scoring fine for the first 15 or so games of the season ( around 20 ppg ). Then he just completely fell off the wagon. Mark Aguirre believes that Eddy deferring to Zack, is Eddy's problem. If that's the case, that means that Eddy can still score on the block, if he doesn't have to clear room for another low post scorer. We're talking about a guy who averaged almost 20 ppg and shot almost 58% FG last year. Do we even consider going after a guy like that, seeing that after this year, he'll still have 3 years and 30 million left to be paid to him? ( He has 2 player options in that deal ). Also, a deal like that will all but kill bringing Chill back, unless we want to go a little over the cap and keep everybody. Smoove can still be done, with Curry in the mix . . if Smoove doesn't get the max. If we desperately need a low post scorer, Curry is a guy who can provide that, if that's all we ask him to do. You tell Zeke that JJ, Smoove, Horford, Law, and Marvin are off limits. Everybody else, you can take a look at. Deals that get Curry here. - ZaZa + Shelden - Chill + Lue + Solomon - Chill + Shelden + Salim - Chill + ZaZa - Speedy + Shelden Probably the Chill + Shelden + Salim scenario would be the most attractive to NY. I think Chill could immeadiately start on the Knicks. Potential lineups: Law/AJ, JJ, Marvin, Smoove, Curry Law/AJ, JJ, Smoove, Horford, Curry If Zeke is seriously thinking about moving the guy, they're going to get some interesting offers for him. He's definitely not the perfect center, and definintely not the defensive presence we need in the middle. But he can score on the block. And if they are actively looking to deal him, SOMEONE will get that guy. Keep an eye on NYC, if they continue to suck, and Curry continues to be uncomfortable with Zack getting most of the touches on the block. The Knicks are a complete mess. Zeke should've already been fired.
  2. Quote: The Hawks look terrible against teams that play solid defense. The Hawks look pretty good against teams that try to score alot of points. It seems as if either Woodson or Knight would have figured it out by now. I predict a W tonight. Right on the money teke. And the teams that try to score a lot of points, aren't usually good defensive teams. So if you use that formula, and you see who the Hawks have coming up, it should go: Bobcats - win Jazz - loss Miami - toss-up, probably win though @ Washington - road win ( especially with Daniels out 2 - 4 weeks ) Indy - win, tougher game that most expect though, much tougher @ Dallas - surely not, even with them struggling a bit . . loss @ Cleveland - hmmm .. I'll say loss, but you never know @ Indy - road win, although that could easily be a loss Translation: expect more stree and discomfort from the Hawks, but don't expect us to slip out of the running. But as everybody knows, you can't accurately predict how this team will play on a nightly basis.
  3. Quote: If Smoove could consistently bring what Marvin brings every game we would be a better team. If Smoove could consistently bring what he does during his superstar games (like his 26 point 10 rebound player of the week games) we would be a significantly better team. Instead he plays out of his mind for a few games and then comes back with an absolutely horrible game like he had last night and the game before when we played the Pistons. In his past 3 games Smoove is a combined 13-46 (.282%) with 44 points while Marvin is a combined 16-32 (.500%) with 50 points. Image if Marvin had been given those 46 shots instead of Smoove? Going by his recent and close to it season FG% he would have made 10 more shots than Smoove for roughly 20 more points and considering our point differential over those past 3 games has been -22 in the losses and +11 in the wins we might have won one of the two losses. That doesn't even take into account the fact that JJ has been damned inconsistent as well and has struggled mightily getting his shots off without someone almost always being in his face. I don't put that on him as much I do the coaching staff for not running him off of multiple screens but his poor production lately has definitely hurt us. The bottom line is that Marvin is doing a fantastic job of being our #3 scorer. He is a year younger than Smoove and has been in the league a year less and he shouldn't be expected to outperform Smoove and honestly I don't believe he can when they are both playing at the top of their games. The problem is that while Marvin almost never has a great game he almost never has a bad game either but the same cannot be said of Smoove or JJ. If either (or can you imagine both) of them scored at or near their season average in points with a 40% or better shooting percentage 90% of the time we would be twice the team that we are now. Marvin has shot less than 40% FG in 4 games this year, Smoove in 10 games, JJ in 11 games. But go deeper. While he's shot less than 40% FG in 10 games, Smoove's also shot less than 30% FG in 8 of those 10 games. And less than 25% FG in 6 of those games. When you look at JJ, he's shot less than 30% in 3 out of those 11 games. JJ's sub 40% games are usually games in which he's shooting just under 40% . . like around 37 - 38%. Of the 11 games in which he shot under 40%, 6 of those games have been in that 37% - 39% shooting range. That would roughly be one of those 8 - 21 FG games that he's had on occasion this year. Marvin has only done it one time . . a 1 - 5 FG game vs Chicago. Now go the other way. Marvin has shot 50% FG or better in 10 games, Smoove in 9 games, JJ in 4 games. But go deeper here as well. When you talk about having one of those 60% + shooting games, Marvin has done it 4 times, Smoove twice, and JJ once. CONCLUSION: Marvin is the most consistent shooter on the team, and shooting well on most nights. JJ is below what he ususally is, and is slightly below average when you look at the entire league. Smoove is either great, or horrible, but takes the same number of shots regardless of how hot or cold he is. For Smoove, if he was a CONSISTENT 40% FG shooter, instead of doing like Arenas does, and have three horrible games to offset the two great games he had, we would be much better off as a team. So who's numbers drop off the most when we win, compared to when we lose? Marvin in wins 15.9 ppg . . 6.4 rebs . . 49.6% FG . . 70.2% FT . . 1.3 TOs Marvin in losses 15.6 ppg . . 5.1 rebs . . 47.7% FG . . 81.6% FT . . 1.3 TOs So when you look at Marvin, his numbers are pretty much constant across the board, with the exception of rebounding and free throw shooting. The 5 rebounds in losses is way too low, because we're usually losing the game because we're not hitting the boards. JJ in wins 22.2 ppg . . 4.8 rebs . . 5.4 asst . . 42.3% FG . . 29.4% 3FG . . 82.8% FT . . 3.3 TOs JJ in losses 19.8 ppg . . 3.3 rebs . . 4.9 asst . . 39.2% FG . . 32.4% 3FG . . 85.7% FT . . 2.2 TOs JJ's numbers are a little better in wins, than losses. Also what is not shown here, is that JJ's FTA's are up in wins ( 6.4 fta ) compared to when we lose ( 3.5 fta ). But the fact that even when we win, he's likely to shoot just 42%, is a big problem. Josh Smith in wins 19.7 ppg . . 8.8 rebs . . 4.3 asst . . 44.4% FG . . 78.5% FT . . 2.5 stls . . 4.0 blks . . 3.3 TOs Josh Smith in losses 15.5 ppg . . 6.8 rebs . . 2.8 asst . . 35.1% FG . . 73.4% FT . . 1.5 stls . . 2.8 blks . . 3.7 TOs The blocks and steals are great, which means he's still giving out effort. The rebounding is below where it should be, especially in losses. But it's the FG% that sticks out like a sore thumb with Josh. In wins, he's a good to great player to have for us. I'd love for him to be shooting 47% FG, but I'd definitely take 44% shooting and almost 9 rebounds from him. Instead, he's at 35% and 7 boards. That's 9% FG differece. Pretty significant. That's the feast or famine type shooting I'm talking about. When you look at Gilbert Arenas last year, his shooting was the same way, except his FG% difference was even worse in losses. I think Arenas was like 13% lower of a shooter in losses, compared to wins. So it's not Marvin. If Marvin increased his scoring, he's going to have to take shots away from Smoove or JJ, which might not be a bad thing. But the real problem here is JJ not being his normal self, and Smoove being extremely schizophrenic as an offensive player. With Smoove, I'll split the difference. Just be consistent like Marvin, and give us 18 ppg . . 8 rebs . . and shoot 43% FG. Trade in your 11 - 19 FG games and your 4 - 15 FG games . . for a consistent 8 - 18 FG game. JJ needs to be back up around the 45% FG range every night. The 9 - 20 FG performance is something we need to see more, if Smoove and the others continue to struggle from the field.
  4. The real toughness problems lies with Josh Smith and Marvin Williams. If those two players would play a little more tough on a nightly basis, we might steal a few of these games that we're losing. Smoove's rebounding is a key concern. 7.8 rebounds is decent for him. But with his athleticism, he probably should be averaging at least 9, if not 10 boards a game. There's no reason why he and Horford can't have double digit rebound games on the same night. Smoove just doesn't like to bang, and doesn't know how to use his body to bang. So he would prefer not to do it. With Marvin's length, he should also be a better rebounder and a little more tough. But he has a finesse game and would almost always rather play that way. Yes, it would be nice if Shell, ZaZa, and Lo could be energy guys off the bench that could bang people around and get rebounds, blocks, and easy put-backs. But Smoove and Marvin not being tough, is more of the concern.
  5. Quote: I think a vocal team leader would make a difference. JJ is a silent leader? and there are so few veterans on the team. That void with the coaching void creates a double whammy. I think Smoove does try to do too much. Makes me wonder what JJ's trade value is? If Zaza was playing halfway decent, Woody maybe could bench Smoove like he does Shelden whenever he's playing sorry. But our defense is highly dependent on Smoove, so we can't even do that. A vocal team leader may do the trick only if, talent-wise, he's better than Smoove. We all saw what happened last year, when AJ tried to run the team and tried to give Smoove some direction. If it's a PG, It'll have to be an all-star vet like a Jason Kidd that commands respect. I know a lot of people like Miller, but I'm not sure if Smoove would respect him as the offensive leader either. I wonder if part of the reason why Acie is kind of tenative, is because he doesn't feel that the players would let him run the show. He has the leadership and ball skills to do it, but the players, and maybe even Woody, won't give him full control . . or at least equal control to JJ.
  6. I agree with a lot of what you said Troy. I don't know all about the JJ - Smoove relatonship, but this is definitely about Josh giving up the ball on those nigths in which he doesn't have it going or doesn't have the advantage against his man. He and Marvin's shots per game need to be reversed. It seems to be feast or famine with Smoove, while Marvin isn't doing anything spetacular, just being consistent on a nigtly basis. I hate to say this, but I've said it before. Smoove is our Ricky Davis. Talent wise, especially a few years ago, Ricky had a ton of it. His problem was always playing within his capablities and not trying to be Super Ricky all the time. So whether he was 11 - 15 in a game, or 1 - 15 in a game, he was always in the same frame of mind. And that's not good for a player like him. Look at some of the guys he's played with. Pierce, LeBron, KG, and now D-Wade. And he still has that same frame of mind. He knows that he plays with better players, yet, he plays like HE'S the man. And he'll make about 3 - 6 plays a game that just makes you say WTF? And Smoove does the exact same thing. Smoove has to do what Kirilenko had to do in Utah. AK is picking his spots in which to score. But he's also deferred to the better scorers. His assists are way up from last year. I think Smoove could easly 5 assists a game, if he'd just give the ball up more, and not try to force anything. I think this the one thing that can definitely get Woody fired. If he's unable to get Smoove to play like he should be playing, and we continue to sink deeper below .500, then it might be in the best interest of the team to trade the guy, or fire the coach. And I think that they'll fire Woody, before trading Smoove . . . unless this group is truly about managing costs over winning.
  7. Quote: nope, it's nobody you've ever seen on TV or radio in this city unless she was sitting in the crowd when the camera panned by. That's interesting then. From that PM I sent her, she led me to believe that she was definitely in TV or some form of entertainment relating to TV, and was looking to advance her career in that field. She pretty much said I was dead on. Who is she then?
  8. Quote: Its not the scoring that is the problem. Its the look for my shot first before getting others involved mentality. If you watch Paul and Deron ... they can score but they look to get their teams involved. They make their teams better. They run an offense but they still score. Players like JT, Monte Ellis and Barbosa are a score first type player. They can score a lot of points but don't really get their teams involved. They don't really run an offense. Players like Kidd and Nash are complete pass first pgs. Then there is Marbury who is just an enigma. I don't think haveing a scoring pg is a problem as long as he is still a pg that really gets the team offense involved and keep the flow of the game going. AJ is a pass first guy while Lue is a scorer first guy. I am still not sure what Law is. If he becomes a scorer/distributer then I think that will be great. Barkley and Kenny Smith talked about this on Inside the NBA, in relation to the Wizards and how they're playing well without Arenas. They both believe that the Wiz are a better team with Gilbert, but that the ball movement without him was much better. They talked about how Gil should always look to get Butler and Jamison going early in games, because Gil can get a shot anytime he wants to. And with him being "the closer" who can create his shot at the end, his goal should be to keep Caron and Antwan as involved in the game as possible. And that's the reason I don't like Gilbert. He's not in a LeBron, Kobe, or even in a D-Wade or Joe Johnson situation. He plays wth two guys that can easily get you 20 - 25 points a night, yet, he'd rather take 30 shots and let them have 15. And on those nights when he starts out ice cold, he literally shoots them out of a game. Gil should be a guy that scores 23 ppg, while damn near dropping 10 assists a game and shooting in the high-40% range. Instead, he'd rather try to score 40 a night and get 5 assists. And because of that, he's a low-40s shooter that averages 30 ppg, only because he'll score 47 one night on 16 - 30 shooting . . and 17 the next night on 6 - 30 shooting. If i were them, I'd immeadiately trade Gil to Jersey in a heartbeat.
  9. Quote: Just imagine if they had a full proof test for weed that they tested each player every week for and suspended players with positive test. The nba would look like it did in the 1950's. So white people don't smoke weed? LOL. That's a new one on me.
  10. At first, I was thinking like JB, and thought it was Rashan Ali, mainly because of the Harrington radio interview on V-103. I had it narrowed down to her, and the only other woman that I think would have access to the Hawks like that. She was . . . - a former college basketball player - someone that Hawks fan saw all the time, and Grizzlies fans saw on special occasions - someone who's initals are the same as one of our players If you know exactly who she is, and we're thinking of the same person, then there's no doubt who I'm talking about. I think it's her, and not Rashan.
  11. Hood, the problem is that Smoove has much better chance at making 40% of his drives to the hole, than 40% of his jumpers. When he runs up against athetic PFs like him, he struggles a bit, because they can stay with him. I'd like for him to look to pass more against guys like that. He can drive, then kick the ball out to somebody. His big scoring games come when he gets to the hole, not when his jumper is on. He just has to play smarter.
  12. I see that the Bobcats even got a damn ESPN game. That's sad that we can't even get one game. I'm not sure if Memphis has one this year. If we're decent the rest of the year, maybe we might have a game switched to be on national TV. I remember JT and the boys playing a Sunday afternoon game, as part of a regional package. I want to say we were playing the Pacers.
  13. Quote: There are plenty of legal ways to bulk up. He should do it legally. Just walk into your local GNC and you'll find all kinds of protein drinks and stuff to help you add mass. I used to use them when I played football in high school and I put on twenty pounds of muscle mass over the course of six to eight months with a steady weightlifting regimen and drinking the hell out of protein shakes and also eating alot of protein rich meats like fish and chicken. I just don't think its worth risking your kidneys and liver and ultimately your life to make money. If it were so easy to do, why hasn't he done it? Everybody doesn't have the same metabiolism in which doing what you did, would work for him. I'm sure the Hawks have tried to bulk him up. So if he's done exactly what you've said, and still can't add much mass, what should he do? It doesn't have to be roids. It could be HGH or something else that does less damage to the body. With the way NBA clubs even give scrub big men millions of dollars, that could potentially be a 10 - 20 million windfall for Solo if he added weight. It's easy to say i woudn't do it, until put in that situation. If what I would potentially take wouldn't cause serious health effects, it would be hard decison if I were in Solo's shoes.
  14. Quote: Quote: - if aliens actually exist, and are actually kidnapping and conducting experiments on people, and it's nothing we can do to stop them, it's probably in our best interest that we don't know that ish. I don't think this is really an issue. Everybody knows it's happening. That's why I always take a shotgun with me camping. Just let those little gray f#ckers try to take me...I'll fill em full of buckshot! LMAO!!!
  15. Quote: I can handle the truth. Since Ben Johnson's Olympic Steroid scandal in 1988 & the A's of the late 80's steroids have been around. Since that time players have gotten bigger and bigger. Even Roger Maris and Mickey Mantle were supected of taking pills given to strengthen race horses. The steroids of their era. I've known it and have handled it quite well. Only people living in denial "can't handle the real truth." To say adults can't handle the truth regarding a freaking game is a crock ! The truth should come out to keep some credibility and dignity for all who played before them. But look at the reaction to all this coach. If people can handle the truth, why all the outrage? Most fans truly wanted to believe that everybody was on the up and up. Some fans will flat out quit watching baseball because of this. Why? Because they don't want players taking things to make them play better? That's why I say that some people can't handle the truth. You brought up Ben Johnson, but look at all of the US sprinters who has gotten popped for roids. We've gone from the era of Carl Lewis where track was huge in the US, to people not knowng and not even caring who Tyson Gay is. I don't condone cheating, but I definitely understand why they do it. And I'm not mad at them for doing it. They just have to live with the consequences when they get caught. While I love sports, I've never looked at it as some sort of pristine entity that is immune from corruption. Ish . . . if there was some illegal perfomance enhancing drug that would enable a player to play smarter, I wouldn't be mad at all, if Josh Smith was talking it.
  16. Quote: Just say you were an aspring athelte and just can't make it the natural way. You start to question your abilities and yourself because so many others around you are getting better and succeeding. If you knew these others were cheating, you wouldn't feel as bad about yourself and you could possibly do something to change the situation. But what would you do to change the situation? Work extremely hard to try to get better? Or snitch on everybody who is cheating, even if they're your friends and teammates? Most would try to work extremely hard . . . until that hard work didn't pay off. I'll give you a perfect example of a player in this situation . . . Solomon Jones. In the few interviews that I've seen of Solo, he truly believes that he can play in this league. He also believes that until Horford arrived, he was on par with the rest of the big men on our roster. The one major thing that keeps him off the court, is his size . . mass wise. If Solo was 6 - 10 . . . 255 lbs, he would almost by default be at least our backup center. At that size, he may be able to body-up people a little better, instead of being a hack machine everytime someone posts him up. But at 6 - 10 . . . 230 lbs, he's athletic enough to block a few shots, but not big enough to body-up people. Maybe he could learn to do like a Dennis Rodman did, and learn to use his body to at least be a good to great rebounder. But right now, he gets moved around way too easily on both ends of the floor, and he is forced to foul a lot. So Solo is approached by somebody, and is told that he knows a non-steroid way to bulk him up, and that the drug won't be detected when he is tested. In Solo's situation, adding 15 - 20 lbs to his frame, might mean a 2nd NBA contract, and millions of dollars. If he doesn't add the mass, he my be out the league and forced to play overseas. So what should he do?
  17. I went from taking what Sothron says with a grain of salt, to really not caring or believing anything he posts anymore, after that tanking story. The whole timing of that post was almost too calculated. Then we come back and win that game. As I said before, I think "inside" info like that is reckless to even talk about, if it can't be proven. And when he said that his source sometimes wants him to post misinformation, it make me think of something terrible. If he does really have a source, what if his source is loyal to Belkin, and not the majority AS owners? The tank story . . not hiring Adleman . . and Smoove for Biendrins, all are stories that would put this team and/or ownership in a much worse light than what it is right now. What better way to rile up the fan base even more, than to put out that players were thinking about losing on purpose to get the coach fired? Is that "misinformation" being put out, just to see how the media and fan base would react to something like that? Was it put out to possibly create even more internal tension in the organization? If people want to believe the guy, then that's on them. I won't go out my way and personally attack the guy though. As for bballprincess . . I'm amazed that people didn't figure out who she was. She was definitely legit. I mean, how many women would have close access to the players like that? She dang near tells the board who she is, just off of the personal stories she told. People act like print media is the only place a "journalist" works. LOL . . I still got her PM she sent me, when I told her that she's one or two people. JB was a lot closer than he thinks. That's one of the people I had her narrowed down to. But I believe she was the other one.
  18. The meltdown of the Nets is great. I knew there would be problems there, if they got off to a bad start. All we have to do is hang around .500 for a while, until we get a little more healthy and our rooks get more experience. Nothing is guaranteed in the East. LOL @ Bruce Bowen lighting up the Lakers, like he's Glen Rice or something.
  19. 04: Hawks need taent across the board. He picks the Pac-10 POY, instead of the two younger but raw and more athletic guys projected ahead of him. Then he takes the most athletic player in the draft, who is very young and raw. 05: Hawks need C, PG, and a superstar. C is gone, so it's the PG or potential superstar. He chooses the very young and raw potential superstar who jut won a national title, like almost everyone else would've in the #2 spot. He does this partially because there is some doubt whether the 3 PGs avalable could become a great superstar PG worthy of a #2 pick. While the PG from the ACC, who was the top PG in the country that year, would've immeadiately solved the Hawks PG problem, he chooses the potential superstar. Then he takes the Co-Pac 10 POY in round 2 to gain another shooter and possibly compensate for not taking that PG in round 1. Then he trades for another potental superstar whose star was risng in the NBA, and wants him to be a big Chauncey Billups. 06: Hawks need C & PG. No true Cs or PGs are available. The best available is the 2-time College DPOY who played center, but is a little undetsized. A great versatile shooter and playmaker from the Pac 10 is available, but seeing that we traded for that very same type of player the year before, he opts to go with the 2-time DPOY. 07: Hawks still need PG & C. At #3, they can either take a PF that can play C, or the great young playmaking PG that lost to the PF that can play C in the national championship game. He chooses the PF that can play C, knowing that he can address the PG issue at pick 11. Now he has to choose whether he wants the senior super-clutch PG that won the honor as the best PG in college . . the young, raw, multi-talented PG that can do it all and has loads of potential . . or the high scoring 2-guard who can also play PG, that might be the best overall guard in the draft? He chooses the PG that was the PG of the year.
  20. He definitely looks tenative on offense. He's almost trying to set people up TOO much. He hasn't had that breakthrough offensive game yet. The 5 - 6 FG game he had was close, but he probably needed to shoot more that game. He's missed a lot of tough lay-ups too, so that doesn't help his cause. He can definitely run the offense. He just needs to work on being more assertive as a scorer. I bet people would've never said that about Acie during draft time. The concern was if he could run an offense, not score.
  21. Yeah he tweaked it. With Horford out, Woody probaby starts Lorenzen inestead of Shelden. Shell will probably have to play 30 minutes though. And I wouldn't chalk up that game as an automatic loss either. Smoove probaby won't have a big scoring game. But we'll need a big rebounding game out of him.
  22. You talk as if the Hawks don't have a current player who fits the description of a guy who put on a lot of muscle mass in just one offseason. That's why I never villify guys on other teams. I might have a player on my own team that's doing the same thing. Fams need to assume that over 50% of the guys in any major sport, are trying to gain some advantage unnaturally. So if that's the case, the problem is such that most everything equals out. If you're going to have a chemical problem in a sport, might as well have everybody doped up so that nobody can cry about an unfar advantage. Yes, this is bad for the kids to see. Good thing that kids have short memories. Unfortunately, this is a fact of life not only in baseball, but in other sports as well. Sports have been romanticized for decades. But imagine the internet with message boards and youtube in the days of Ty Cobb, Babe Ruth, Satchel Page, Jackie Robinson, and Mickey Mantle. Would the constant 24 hour coverage still make them out to be icons? Or would their flaws be constantly talked about to the point that their aura is diminished? To me, some things are just better off not known, because as Jack Nicholson said . . . "you (we) can't handle the truth" - an 8 year old kid doesn't need to know that daddy is cheating on mommy. - the American people doesn't need to know that, yes, we do actually have to torture some prisoners to get info out of them. - if aliens actually exist, and are actually kidnapping and conducting experiments on people, and it's nothing we can do to stop them, it's probably in our best interest that we don't know that ish. - and sports fans don't need to know that cheating might be a necessity in order to consistently win or get better. While I don't condone cheating, I'm not going to say that I haven't grabbed a jersey, or puposely elbowed somebody to gain an advantage. And if I was ever good enough to be a pro athlete, and constantly saw people around me taking things that made them not only better, but extremely rich in the process, I can't honestly say that I wouldn't be doing the same thing. As Little E once said . . . ."If you ain't cheatin', you ain't tryin'.
  23. LOL @ the bug. Even on my Blackberry knock-off, it looks real. Fooled me for about 1.5 seconds.
  24. 28% in 04 - 05 36% in 05 - 06 31% in 06 - 07 29% so far this season. Those are Josh's eFG% on his jumpshots each year he's been in the league. Remember, eFG% weighs a made 3 pointer as 1.5 FG. So the actual shooting % on his jumpers are lower than what the eFG is. The worst thing is that in each of those seasons, around 1/2 of his attempts are jumpers. Could he improve? Yes. Will he improve? It doesn't look like it. He should take just about everything to the rim, and hang aroung it to get offensive rebounds and put-backs. He can take a jumper every now and then, but no more than 4 - 5 jumpers a game. Instead of him trying to develop his jumper, I wish he develop just one go-to post move. Just one.
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