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Everything posted by TheNorthCydeRises

  1. Quote: Quote: Quote: There was almost NOTHING said about the Hawks last night . . positive or negative. That's because some of us knew what was coming tonight... Then why all the crying? That's what gets me. People on here freaking out like they actually fully expected to be the team to stop the Pistons on a tear right now. Hoping is one thing, expecting is another. So why is all these people who knew it was coming so shocked? EXACTLY !! Why all the crying?
  2. Quote: Quote: The Hawks haven't given anybody anything to cry about . . . yet. You must be a new Hawk fan. Because if you had been around for a while, you would know that we have the longest playoff drought in the NBA right now. On one hand you are crying about how the fan base is crying; yet in the very same post, you start crying about how our team is not physically tough and just rolls over when we get hit in the mouth. You are a strange bird; but it takes all types; and any Hawk fan is a die hard fan that is for damn sure... I wish I was a new fan. It would be easy to walk away from this schizophrenic team and fan base. But I have 22 or 23 years of fandom invested in the Hawks. So I'm a fan for life, no matter how good or how bad the team is. I'm not crying about how they're not physically tough. I KNOW they're not physically tough. That's why I don't expect them to win against physically tough teams. A loss like tonight doesn't stress me one bit, because of that. You guys act like we were favored to win this game or something? Sure, we could've put on a better performance. But if we'd lost by 1 point, like we did last time, would you feel any better about the Hawks? I mean, we'd still be 7 - 10. So what . . you want a close "moral" victory, instead of a blowout? Those moral victories do this team no good now. It's either win or lose. And a loss is a loss, no matter how much you lose by. We're not going to be a good team, until we start consistently beating these bad teams. Give me 2 wins vs Minny and Memphis, over one "good" win over Detroit. I'll throw back the great wins over Dallas and Phoenix, if I could have wins over New Jersey, Seattle, Chicago, and Washington instead. Those are the teams we're going to have to start beating on a consistent basis, not the top level teams like Detroit. Here's a nugget for you Buzzard. If we lose the next 2 games vs Minny and Memphis, we're 7 - 13, and losers of 4 of our last 6 games. If we win our next 2 vs Minny and Memphis, we're 9 - 10, and winners of 6 of our last 9 games. If we split those 2 games, we're 8 - 11, and we've basically played .500 ball since the Seattle loss. What the Hawks have done in season's past, does not matter now. What matters, is how this year's version of the Hawks play like.
  3. Quote: Quote: There was almost NOTHING said about the Hawks last night . . positive or negative. That's because some of us knew what was coming tonight... I knew what was coming too Hot. I didn't expect the Hawks to win this game. I knew that they would completely clamp down on JJ ( like they always do ). I also knew that Smoove wouldn't have nearly a good of a game tonight, as he did last night, because he doesn't like physical play. What I didn't expect, was for Detroit to pretty much stay smoking hot for 3 quarters. They shot the ball well. We shot the ball well for 1/2 the game. Detroit cranks up the defensive pressure to begin the 2nd half, and that was the game. Simple as that. They did the same thing last time, except they turned it up in the 4th quarter. That's why I'm not the least bit stressed about this game. We're nowhere near a good enough team to expect to consistently win games vs good teams. We'll do it every now and then. I'll gladly trade a loss to Detroit, if we can beat both Minny and M-Town.
  4. Where is the crybaby face at? Oh, there it goes Unfortunatly guys, these are the types of games that mediocre ballclubs play on occasion. Mediocre teams are inconsistent in their play. And tonight was no exception. It's funny though . . . There was almost NOTHING said about the Hawks last night . . positive or negative. This board is so peaceful ( tranquil even ) after a win. But as soon as we lose . . . And for the record . . the entire team, with the exception of the Rookies, is soft. Whenever we play an active, physical team, the only chance we have of beating them, is if they're off offensively. Otherwise, they're going to punch us in the mouth, and we're going to The one difference I DO see in this team though, is that this team may not be physically tough, but they are mentally tough. They'll forget about this loss ( unlike the fan base ), and properly prepare for Minnesota on Thursday. To me, it's games like Minny and the Memphis game after that, that tell me a lot about this team. Because if we lose those 2 games, we're 7 - 12, with games @ Orlando, vs Toronto, and @ Detroit staring us in the face. But if we win those 2 games, we're 9 - 10, with a little breathing room for those following 3 games, if we happen to stumble there. But some of you fans are acting like you expected a lot more out of this team. If some of you predicted the Hawks to be a 36 - 42 win team, this is exactly how 36 - 42 win teams play. The Hawks haven't given anybody anything to cry about . . . yet.
  5. Quote: I like your sig...How true it is. One main reason why the Hawks lost tonight. This team grinds my gears. Boy has JJ been in a shooting slump. And I really cant wait til Acie is 100%. I know he isnt now, but I want to see what he can do after that 7 assist 0 turnover night he had in nearly 3 quarters of play before he first got injured. Oh, and mad props to Salim. Woody doesnt like you, but when you are shooting well, you are straight fiya! Horford goes for 8 pts 10 rebounds. Too bad no one else could help crash the boards... That sig is from U. of Tennessee's women's basketball coach, Pat Summitt. Fans need to understand that when we play active, physical teams, we're not going to win on most nights. Our team is soft. So when we get punched in the mouth, we're going to fall to the floor, see the blood, and faint. They ought to do a reality TV show about the Hawks. It would be interesting as hell. I can see it now. Call it . . "One Flew over the Hawk's Nest" - The owners talking about BK behind his back, contemplating on whether to fire both he and Woody before Christmas. - Belkin trying on Scrooge outfits, as he plans an arrival to ATL. - BK and Woody forming an alliance, vowing to never leave each other's side, while Woody plots against BK to get him out of here, in the ultimate act of betrayal - Smoove talking to friends how he's going to be the next "King of Atlanta", and how there's nothing wrong with his jumper. He just needs MORE shots. - JJ spending countless hours in the gym, trying to fix his non-existant jumper, which is driving him toward depression. - Salim constantly woofing in practice, and showing up guys, saying that he's the "best player on the Hawks". He and Woody are shown getting into a shouting match, which leads Salim to walk out of practice like George Jefferson. - Clips of Speedy and Ty Lue in rehab, drinking Crunk energy drinks. - Law and Horford constantly talking to each other, thinking how to freeze Smoove and JJ out so that they can eventually be the stars of the team. - Chill deciding whether or not to shave his fro - And Marvin talking to BK, plotting to get BOTH JJ and Smoove out of ATL, so that HE can be the "King of Atlanta" 9:00 PM . . . on VH1 . . . replacing Hogan Knows Best ( since he's divorced now )
  6. Quote: Let the Nuke keep shooting. Get your 15 points Salim. Keep that average up. BOOM !! He got his 15. Good Job Salim.
  7. Let the Nuke keep shooting. Get your 15 points Salim. Keep that average up.
  8. Chill is having almost the perfect offensive game. Chill >> Deng and Iggy The "Nuke" needs to keep shooting. See if he can hit 3 threes in a row.
  9. LOL If we cut this down to 10, I want this group to stay on the floor. Don't bring the starters back in . . except for maybe Horford.
  10. What a great defensive effort by the Pistons now. WE can't even score !! Woody just deployed the NUKE ( Salim ). Let's see if he blows up, or blows us up.
  11. Quote: Quote: Can't believe Hawks are shooting 50% from the field and 100% from the line and still down by 9. Thats why aour defense sucks! I don't care about numbers or ranking, our defense sucks period. Our defense doesn't suck. It's the fact that when we stop people, they're still able to get the rebound, that kills this team. We're losing by 10 . . getting outrebounded by 10 . . while giving up 10 offensive rebounds. There's your decifit right there. If it wasn't for Horford on the offensive glass, we'd be down by 16 now. He's the one that needs help on the boards.
  12. WOW @ that sub for Acie. Please tell me he didn't get hurt or picked up another cheap foul. Don't tell me that Woody takes him out the game NOW? LOL.
  13. The two games I got to see online, were these two games that Gambit99 posted a few weeks back. SEATTLE 086]http://broadband.nba.com/cc/playa.php?cont...051201.asx&gid=086 WASHINGTON 106]http://broadband.nba.com/cc/playa.php?cont...051201.asx&gid=106 Noticed that I bolded the final numbers in each link. That number represents the number of NBA games played. The Seattle game was the 86th game played so far in the NBA. The Washington game was the 106th. Everything else in those two links are EXACTLY the same. The only thing that changes, is that last number. So the question is . . what number is the ATL - DET game?
  14. Quote: LP at work is so choppy it's hard to watch it sometimes. i'll check this out. thanks. LOL . . wish I had a LP online link. I can't pull up this "reflector" link at work.
  15. Quote: I voted yes but most will agree that he would be better as a power forward. If you listen to Dominique last night in the post game show, you can see that deep down he thinks Horford is more of a power forward to be his true natural position. Of course PF is his best position. I even agree with that. But to maximize his ability at PF, Horford would have to get touches. The problem for Al, is that he's not in the same situation as a Jefferson or Aldridge. Both of those guys are either the 1st or 2nd scoring option on their respective teams. Al MIGHT be the 4th option, depending on who's in the game. JJ is the #1 option, and Smith at times shoots like he's the #1 option. So that limits Horford's offensive chances right there.
  16. Quote: Quote: It's those hybrids like Al Jefferson and LaMarcus Aldridge that scare me. Both of whom have 3" of reach on Horford. Jefferson has 20 pounds on him too. Here we go back to this argument. "All" of that 3" standing reach advantage, and yet Horford is prorbably a better on-the-ball defender than both Aldridge and Jefferson, just as good of a rebounder as Jefferson, and all of them block shots just about the same. There is no doubt that both Jefferson and Aldridge have more offensive skill than Horford. But is "standing reach" a major factor in how well a guy can play offense? More than actually having skill? Quote: Quote: are D-Howard, Yao, Shaq, Amare, and Curry. That's pretty much it. You could add Big-Z and Okur to that list if you want. The only one on that list who isn't a playoff regular is Curry. And don't forget Oden. LOL @ mentioning Oden. The book is definitely out on that kid. Yao has T-Mac . . Shaq has Wade . . Amare has the 2-time league MVP in Nash. Curry has Marbury ( which is why he's never gone anywhere ). You act like those big men are doing it all by themselves. I think the correlation is that you need a big man + a star guard/forward. By themselves, all of those big men have struggled without their star sidekick in recent years. Quote: Quote: It's OK to get on the "Horford Bandwagon" ex. Is anyone even paying attention? Anyone heard of "don't hate the sinner hate the sin"? I was very specific about what i didn't like about Horfords game and what he needed to do better. Right on queue he stopped trying to back guys down all the time, started facing up and taking that midrange shot more often. Just because i criticize a player doesn't mean i hate him. If that was true then i would hate the whole roster. I haven't changed my position at all about him guarding the C spot. Since we don't have a player of the Lebron/Wade calibur our interior D is a huge key to success. We need to make everyone work for their points. Too often opposing bigs have gotten easy looks inside. See my last post, which I'm sure you're either responding to, or have already responded to. You're nit-picking at the kid's game, instead of focusing on what he's done positive. Quote: Quote: Horford has proven that he probably should be getting 25 minutes a night at center, With this roster sure. OK. So Horford wouldn't be in the starting lineup beside Duncan? Pop would either play Horford or Duncan at center. And he'd definitely be the starting center in Phoenix. In Dallas, he'd be the guy in the game at the end, instead of Diop. Then, he'll eventually take his spot. You could even make a case for Horford over Perkins in Boston. IN fact, Doc would definitely play Al over Perkins. So Atlanta isn't the only place where Horford would play, start, and get significant minutes at center.
  17. Quote: Quote: I said you had legit reason for what you said. Not a hater. I know but i saw the post that you quoted. That is the only way i ever see his posts since i have him filtered. If i say Horford isn't scoring enough that makes me a hater. If i say Horford will have a hard time guarding bigger players that makes me a hater. If i say Horford shouldn't be trying to back down bigger players that makes me a hater. And so on and on.. that is why i filtered him. But I think the SUM of those things, is why people THINK that you're a hater. - First it was him guarding bigger players, and his lack of standing reach. - Then it was his turnovers - Then it was his scoring - Next it will probably be his FT% I don't think you're a hater, but it's almost like you're nit-picking at things about his game, for you to not to fully support Horford being the center here full time. Why? I don't know. All I know is that we've had other guys do the same things that you're doing with Horford, and they have been called "haters". So I don't know. Maybe you are a hater. I don't believe that though. To me, it's absolutly amazing that this kid is almost averaging a double-double right from the jump, without any plays being called for him. He's defending his man decently, he's getting steals, he's blocking shots, and he's a monster on the boards. He's reached my expectations for him, in just one month. Who knows how good this kid could be, by the time March comes around.
  18. Quote: Quote: I don't have a problem with Horford playing 15 minutes a game at center. That is a quote from the other big thread on the front page. So if i think he should play 15 minutes at C instead of 30 that makes me a hater? I guess that makes sense from a simpleminded point of view. I think what everybody else is saying, is that he should be playing MORE than 15 minutes a night at center. Horford has proven that he probably should be getting 25 minutes a night at center, and 10 - 12 minutes at PF, at the very LEAST. The only "big" centers who are legit scoring and rebouding threats, are D-Howard, Yao, Shaq, Amare, and Curry. That's pretty much it. You could add Big-Z and Okur to that list if you want. The other guys are no more than space-eating stiffs that occasionally rebound or play defense. Very few of those guys can do both. To me, I'm much more concerned about those hybrid PF/C that may be a little too quick or skilled for Al, and too physical for Smoove. It's not the Francisco Oberto's of the world that scare me. It's those hybrids like Al Jefferson and LaMarcus Aldridge that scare me. It's OK to get on the "Horford Bandwagon" ex. We'll save your seat for you, even put plastic over it.
  19. Was Iggy better tonight? No. Nor was Deng, who had a horrible night. Chillz >>> Iggy and Deng
  20. Quote: Joe Johnson is proving that he's not a superstar. We need to trade him to solidify the point guard and center positions. how about something like Johnson, zaza and speedy to Philadelphia for Andre Miller and Dalembert. I think Marvin can play shooting guard, so we could have a lineup of Miller Marvin Smith Horford Dalembert This lineup has excellent size and defense. Sick shot blocking and rebounding as well. Childress, law and shelden off the pine. or a lineup of Miller Childress Marvin Smith Dalembert with Horford, Shelden and Law off the bench. This trade works: ]http://games.espn.go.com/nba/features/traderesult?players=150~1007~2016~991~557&teams=20~20~20~1~1&te=&cash= So who had more assists tonight? Miller or JJ? LOL . . even in that debacle against New Orleans, JJ had 9 assists to go along with that horrible shooting game.
  21. Quote: Well, tomorrow's another game. You're right about that. Pistons are a physical team that will get after you. Those are the types of teams that give Smoove major problems on both ends of the floor. His shooting and rebounding definitely suffers against physical teams. But for tonight, he was excellent. Chill >> Deng Horford >> Dalembert And Acie had the best/worst game in Hawks history.
  22. Quote: Quote: Chill >> Iggy Please, Northcyde, don't tell me you believe that. Iggy and Luol >>> Chillz (by a longshot). Two can create for themselves. One can't. Chill creates for himself all the time. When he creates, he goes to the hole. He just can't create his own jumper. % of points created from assists: Chill - 68% Deng - 65% Iggy - 52% In comparison to actual shot creators: LeBron - 24% JJ - 41% Kobe - 46% So in reality, Iggy is the only guy out of the three that can even closely be considered a "shot creator". For whatever reason, Deng has definitely regressed this season. But tonight: Chill >> Iggy And Smoove finished with 22 points ( 9 - 17 FG ) . . 7 rebounds . . 6 assists . . and 4 blocks. Fabulous game by him.
  23. It's easy to bash the kid when he plays poorly, so give him his just due when he plays well. He had a fantastic game tonight. He was even knocking down the mid-range jumper. And oh yeah . . Chill >> Iggy
  24. Quote: I have Charter Cable and once again it says the Hawks game is on in my area, but instead I am getting the Florida BB game. About three years ago there was an engineer I would call before the season at Sports South and he would get me the games all year. Well he left and now there has been a different engineer each year. I have their number and never get a return phone call when I leave a message. FRUSTRATED!!! Guess I will have to cancel all of my charter stuff and go to dish network to get the games. Damn . . that means my VCR is recording the same ish. Please give me that number, so I can call them too. The territorial restrictions are supposed to only apply to FSN South games, not SportSouth games. I got the Dallas and Detroit game, and haven't gotten another game since. I either have to go to a sports bar to watch the Hawks on satellite, or watch them online at work ( which the link isn't working tonight for me . . lol ) If they're not going to show the games in our area, stop with the false TV listing. And it's going to get worse this month, because they have a contract with U of Tennessee, to show their games either live or on tape delay on SportSouth. They've already started that. The only reason I went back to Charter in the first place, was to get that bundle package. Now, I guess I need to go back to DirecTV, and get that League Pass again.
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