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Everything posted by TheNorthCydeRises

  1. Smoove with the between the legs, slow motion drive. LOL . . at least he got fouled on the play. Hit both of them. Good job Smoove.
  2. Down to 13 . . err . . 14 now, because we're attacking. Gotta have em all Marvin.
  3. Yeah . . you may be right. LMAO . . ironically, he's +2 today on the court.
  4. OMG . . it's raining outside !! It rains maybe once every three weeks in the South these days.
  5. The Wiz are notorious for blowing leads. They'll give us an opportunity to get back in the game. The question will be if we can knock down open jumpers and not turn the ball over.
  6. Quote: This might sound cruel, but I wish lue was hurt on that play... Nah . . don't wish for him to get hurt. Just wish for him to get pulled. At least they're making an effort to take the ball to the basket a little more. They're starting to get to the FT line now. But the defense is absolutely horrible today. LOL . . another lay-up for the Wiz. Down 19 now.
  7. Quote: and lue with the turnover... LOL . . that turnover was horrible. Then he gets the passive touch foul. And here goes Smoove with the long jumper. I'll excuse him though since we're down 16
  8. Quote: 1. Our PGs don't produce assists That's an indication of flaw in the offensive system AND too many players trying to be chief. I agree. So, as you call him, let "Big Pimpin" be the chief. Either he or Law need to be running this show. Not Lue, Smoove, AJ, or anybody else who THINKS they can do it. Quote: 2. Horford is a PF I hear people rant about how well he's rebounding. That's good.. however, when you watch him, Centers give him problems. Us continuing the experiment is worthless. I agree. But Horford hasn't been the major problem here. If anything, we may not win the either of those 2 games we won, without his big time work on the boards. Centers may give him a little problem, but it's not as much as you're trying to make it out to be. I think he won the battle vs Diop . . and McDyess/Wallace . . Mags banged him around a little . . definitely controlled Diaw's weak azz . . and scored easily on Perkins on the offensive end, while not being able to handle the league MVP in Garnett. LOL . . Horford has been just fine at center. But I agree that he is a PF. Quote: 3. Smoove is a Sf at heart I'm still trying to find the PF that the summer talkers talked about. Seems like Hakeem worked with him on his media presence and not on his low post skills. I've been in the low post as much as Smoove this season. True again. And this will cost this kid money, if he doesn't change his mindset. I thought he might could be our 2nd option, but it's looking more and more like he's not going to be able to do it. I wish he'd pattern his game after Shawn Marion's, from an offensive rebounding and running without the ball standpoint. Shawn puts himself in position to get easy baskets. Smoove doesn't. And Josh Smith fans . . that's the truth, so don't whine about that statement. He can't get the ball in the right spots, if he refuses to pass the ball to Law to start the fast break. Everything else about his game is fantastic, except his offense. And we can't have our worst offensive player taking the 2nd most shots on the team. That can't continue to happen. Quote: 4. Lue is killing us Somebody once said addition by subtraction. Sure Lue hits a big shot every now and then.. however, the damage that he does in the mean time is far too much to keep him out there. There's no excuse. He doesn't play defense and he slows the flow of the offense. Nobody works or moves when Lue is in the game because mentally, it's a foregone conclusion of what will happen. Definitely agree with this now. Here's something I just saw on 82games.com. I don't know if they included last night's game in this. Matter of fact, I'm pretty sure it doesn't. But before the Boston game, our best 5-man lineup was +13 on the floor. That lineup, as many would guess, is Law - JJ - Marvin - Smoove - Horford. Our worst 5-man lineup was -11 on the floor. That lineup is Lue - JJ - Marvin - Smoove - Horford One more Lue nugget. His eFG is around 40% . . but he's allowing the man he's guarding to shoot an eFG of almost 49%. And if this stat doesn't include last night's game, that number is going to skyrocket above 50% . . maybe even close to 55%. Outside of that great 4th quarter in the Dallas game, he's been a COMPLETE LIABILITY the entire season. Quote: 5. We need to get easy scores Nothing is worst than seeing all of our talent reduce themselves to shooting from outside. We do it alot. We should have some surefire plays to get us some points or trips to the line. I agree. But we need the right people to start giving up the ball in order for them to be in position to get easy scores. And Woody might need to give Law a little more freedom in the half-court offense. As others have said, Woody may need to tell Law to try to look for his shot a little more. LOL . . and we need to get Marvin more shots. If JJ isn't leading us in shot attempts, Marvin should be. Our best offensive players need to be shooting the ball. Quote: 6. Hit the free throws We miss free throws which lead to runs. Overall, we're shooting 77%, so I can't complain about that. But it does seem like when we miss FTs, it's at the worst possible time. Or we'll miss 2 consecutive FTs.
  9. JJ is the most unappreciated player I have ever seen. This guy damn near does it all for this team, and a good percentage of the fan base still isn't happy. Who usually guards the other team's best perimeter scorer? JJ Who's the only guy on this team that can create a good enough shot to make it at least 45% of the time? JJ Who's the best passer on the team? JJ And let me address that for a minute, because I've seen quite a few posts in the last few months talking about how JJ holds the ball too long and doesn't pass. LOL . . what games are you people watching, and WTF do you want the guy to do? Pass the ball to Smoove everytime we set up in the halfcourt offense? Give it to Marvin with 15 seconds on the shot clock, so that HE can create? Please. I fault JJ for not taking MORE shots and not forcing the issue even MORE. It's a known FACT that when JJ usually goes for a big game, the Hawks usually win. When he doesn't, we lose. Simple as that. Among shooting guards in this league this year, only Jamal Crawford ( 6.5 a game ), T-Mac ( 6 a game ), and Brandon Roy ( 5.8 a game ) dish out more assists right now than JJ ( 5.4 a game ) But JJ doesn't pass? LOL @ that ish. He either needs to go for a lot of points, or be savvy enough with his game to dish out a lot of assists. In the two games we won this year, that's exactly what happened. Dallas game - he goes for 28 points and dishes out 4 assists. His 4 assists accounted for 9 Hawk points . . which means he accounted for 37 of the Hawks 101 points that game. Jersey game - even though he shot terrible, he scores 15 points and dishes out 10 assists. His 10 assists accounted for 23 Hawk points . . which means that he accounted for 38 of the Hawks 106 points that game. Detroit game . . he accounts for 31 points Jersey game . . he accounts for 25 points Boston game . . he accounts for 24 points And take note. If he gets even close to 35 total points accounted for in those 3 losses, we win both the Jersey and the Detroit game, but still lose in Boston. This team is friggin dead in the water without JJ. All of you Josh Smith fanatics talk about him being a future all-star? Not if he doesn't change his approach to the game. JJ should NEVER defer to him. EVER ! And he damn sure shouldn't defer to Lue. But he WILL defer to Lue, which is a HUGE mistake on his part. He'll let Lue dictate the half court offense, instead of doing it himself. I guess because Lue is the "veteran leader" on the team, that JJ and others feel the need to defer to him. And Marvin? Watch Marvin when he plays with Lue. Even if he touches the ball, he'll almost always get it right back to Lue, like Lue is Iverson or somebody. But that's something that Woody really needs to nip in the bud. If he doesn't, he's going to cost us some games against teams we should beat. Most superstar players are selfish players to a certain extent. They trust their own ability, before they trust anybody else's ability. So if you want to fault JJ for anything, fault him for not being MORE SELFISH of a ballplayer, to help the Hawks win. When he starts to defer to the likes of Lue and Smoove, is usually when the offense completely stagnates and goes brain-dead. I trust the rock in his hands more than any other player on this team . . BY FAR. LOL @ Phoenix got the best of the JJ trade. If they could trade Diaw for a box of skittles right now, they'd do it in a heartbeat.
  10. I've said before that the best that Yi will be, is a player much like Detlef Schremph was back when he was with Seattle and Indiana. He was good enough to win a 6th man of the year award a few times. He also made 2 or 3 All-Star teams as a reserve. Detlef was almost strictly an offensive player that was a good rebounder when he put his mind to it. He wasn't horrible on defense, but he wasn't good either. Horford, if he can develop one or two "go-to" post moves, could be really, really special. This kid is super-athletic for his size, can run the floor, can pass, and can defend via blocks and by playing the passing lanes. Horford, I believe, could be just as good as Carlos Boozer in a few years. Like I said earlier this week . . it's going to be interesting to see Horford play the 4 spot, once ZaZa comes back. I think offensively, Horford is going to be a much more prodcutive player at the 4, than he is at the 5.
  11. I agree. There's no way that Eddie House is more talented than Salim. Salim has to be used as a weapon, not a spot-up shooter that waits for a pass to come his way. If he's on, he may be the difference. If not, oh well.
  12. I agree. His points are basically the difference in the game.
  13. Well . . he's on the bench now. Salim has the green light to do his thing I guess.
  14. Wow @ KG's statline right now 25 points . . 18 rebounds . . 6 assists . . 3 blocks . . and he's only missed 3 shots all night.
  15. OK . . I see a score now, but the boxscore isn't updating on either nba.com or espn.com Hawks down 18 with under 7 to go?
  16. Somebody give me a score . . . it seems as if everything on the net has come to a halt. Give me a score and time remaining.
  17. Lue is not "The Closer". He's "The Minus" +/- -9 for Lue right now. That's not good for someone coming off the bench. Get the Minus out . . and please put Salim in. Don't leave your bullets in your gun Woody.
  18. LOL . . you just can't stand for your boy to be criticized. It's funny actually.
  19. . . let's see if it matters. Hawks were down by 1 when he left the game.
  20. . . is when we have the ability to play ZaZa at center, and Horford at PF. That's a luxury we haven't been able to do yet, unless you count the minutes that Horford and Shelden have played alongside each other. If Horford is more comfortable at the 4, especially offensively, it'll be worth noting, especially if his scoring increases. That would be money in the bank right there. Let Horford look for his offense in those 10 minutes a night he might be at PF, while just doing his thing the rest of the time when he plays center.
  21. LOL . . OK . . Law is in now. But there's still 4 minutes until we get to that 5 minute mark. a) stay with Law the rest of the game b) put in Lue c) put in Salim
  22. Who does Woody go with, when the clock hits 5 minutes left? a) stick with Salim b) put Law back in c) put Lue back in
  23. He's either going to destroy you . . or destroy us. Either way, you have to deploy it sometimes. He's potentially too good of a shooter to just leave rotting on your bench. Good job Salim.
  24. LOL . . Salim is even blocking shots now? Wave your finger at him Salim !!
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