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Everything posted by TheNorthCydeRises

  1. Who wanted that Law - Stoudamire backourt? Well . . here it is.
  2. Who does Marvin think he is? Carmelo Anthony or somebody? 8 points and 6 rebounds and 2 assists already?
  3. Quote: Acie has not played well he already has 2 stupid TO'S (( talking like you last night )) But he's doing other things. He has 6 points. And did Bus take that bet I placed last night? If he did . . I just LOST. Barbosa came in after the 5 minute mark.
  4. He could easily be our version of Daniel Gibson, if given adequate minutes . . and . . if JJ would play the point for about 10 minutes a night. The so-called "up tempo / faster play" style is suited perfectly for him. I hope he is truly hurt, and not just buried on Woody's bench. It's a shame that he can't get any love from his coach, nor from the fan base.
  5. We'll win tomorrow night. Maybe this version of the Hawks are the bad road team / good home team version. But I'd be disappointed if we lose, especially if Amare doesn't play . . and I'd be shocked if we got blown out. I remember last January, when the Hornets scrubs came in and waxed us. Everybody, including me, thought it was Hawk Armageddon. Then we turn right back the next game, and beat the Pistons on one of the best performances of the year. That's just how the NBA works folks. see ya tomorrow.
  6. Quote: Quote: You guys act like this is NBA Live or something, with the fatigue level turned off or something. Marvin played 26 minutes and he was fatigued? This is not about the 1st quarter. This is about Lue playing like crap and getting too many minutes; and Marvin being our leading scorer in the 1st half and only playing 10 minutes in the 2nd half. Buzz . . the people on this thread were complaining first about Marvin being taken out of the game in the 1st quarter, when he had the hot hand. Now if you want to switch this to Lue getting 25 minutes tonight, that's a different story. No way he should've gotten that many minutes, shooting like that. If his offensive game isn't on, he doesn't need to be out on the floor. And I'll also agree that Marvin should've been put in that game way earlier in the 4th quarter, even with 5 fouls. But when it comes to Marvin being subbed out of a game in the 1st quarter, it's an issue not really getting all up in arms about. The bigger issue is why Marvin's teammates seem to be almost freezing him out in the 2nd half of these games? Or why Woody isn't calling individual plays for Marvin in the 2nd half?
  7. Quote: You know what? The more I think about it the more it ticks me off. Let me ask you something. If ANYBODY is coaching this team with their job on the line... You, me, Joe, Blow, Schmoe, whoever... If your job is on the line and you are on the road against a veteran playoff team and you have only one player producing 6-7 min into the game, is there a chance in hell you yank him? NO!!!!!! Hell NO!!!! That M¤ F¤ would have a seizure on the floor before I take him out. Afterall, if nothingelse, this is my job, right? So basically, this is my personal cry for help. Help me to understand. 'Cause right about now I'm ready to ride in his a** "I believe in doing onto thy neighbor as you would have him do unto you. But sometimes yo' neighbor get's what he F*n' deserves"... Sasquatch LMAO !! You guys are making way more out of this, than it should be. We're not talking about the 4th quarter here. We're talking about the 1st quarter. In the 4th quarter, a hot hand will get the benefit of the doubt. Even high school coaches do that at the beginning of games. I knew that I was always coming out of the game with about 2 minutes left in the 1st period. Coach always wanted to play the up and coming superstar freshman PG with some of the upperclassmen, so I always knew that I was coming out toward the end of the quater. And I would always wipe my shoes off near the 4 minute mark of the 2nd quarter, because I was about to come back in the game. You guys act like this is NBA Live or something, with the fatigue level turned off or something.
  8. Quote: Ok let me ask you this Northcyde. If you had a team that is strugling to score points, but there is one player on your team that has a hot hand that night, DO YOU TAKE HIM OUT AFTER 5-6 minutes just into the game? And you take him out for a player that is a worse offensive player than the guy you are taking out. Childress is our 6th man. And he usually comes in for Marvin, without much of a dropoff. ( can't say that in the past 2 games though ). And becuase it's ONLY the 1st quarter, I'd still take Marvin out, if he were 3 - 3 FG with 7 points. Like Woody, I'd insert him back into the game about 4 minutes later, to give JJ a breather at the end of the quarter. Most NBA coaches do that with their 6th men. It's funny. A lot of people before the season started, would've rather seen Chill start over Marvin, because Chill has traditionally been a very efficient scorer. The dropoff between Chill and Marvin is miniscule. I'm glad everybody is now on the Marvin bandwagon now. It's nice to see that.
  9. Quote: Salim is a scorer. I admit he gets moody, but I think he wants to be a team player and make his teammates better while giving us instant offense. Plat Salim or trade Salim. One or the other! I agree. I mean, it can't hurt to play the kid for 5 minutes, to see if he can make a positive contribution, especially on the offensive end. If he's hot, you know he can explode for big numbers. If he's cold, he's doing no more than what Lue is doing, so it shouldn't matter. But to just leave him on the bench, isn't helping anything. And when you do play him, let him be Salim, not some spot up shooter that stands in the corner. He's a scorer, not a 3-point specialist. He's best when he's able to knock down the 3, and have the freedom to take the ball to the hole.
  10. Quote: One thing that REALLY worries me about this season is at the end of games. We have NO OFFENSE at all, so we have to rely on JJ completely again this year. I hate having to completely rely on JJ, but we have too. Do you cringe when anyone other than JJ has the ball under 4:00 in close games? I do, and it's obvious we don't have anyone else that can effectively create their shot. . . other than Salim Stoudamire. LOL . . I know people don't like the kid, but he's the only guy outside of JJ, that can get a decent shot off, no matter who is guarding him. I know one thing, he wouldn't have had Jason Kidd block his shot at the end of the game, like Lue did. ( at least that's what Gamecast said happened ).
  11. Quote: Marvin should never have come out early, no coach removes his hot hand Northcyde. That issue isnt debatable. Pete, I'm telling you man . . that just isn't true. In the 1st quarter, almost every coach has some sort of timed rotation in which they get players in and out of the games in the beginning. If anything, take issue with why individual plays aren't being ran for Marvin, when he's in the game with part of the 2nd unit. That's a bigger issue, than Marvin coming out at the 6 minute mark in every game in the 1st quarter.
  12. Quote: Lol so basically Woody is a robot. Timed substitutions? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard! No wonder we can never keep any momentum! No wonder the Nets go on 3-4 10 point runs. Freaking dumb a-- has timed substitutions Bus . . I'll make a bet with you. I'll bet you that tomorrow night, Barbosa will enter the game between the 5 - 7 minute mark in the 1st quarter . . probably for Grant Hill . . no matter how well or how bad Hill is playing. If Hill is playing bad, he won't come out until that 5 - 7 minute mark. ( NOTE: The bet is off, if either Nash, Bell, or Hill picks up 2 quick fouls, and is subbed out for Barobosa, before the mandatory timeout in the 1st quarter . . which happens after the 1st dead ball after the 7 minute mark. ) If Barbosa comes in during that time . . you don't post on Hawksquawk AT ALL on Thursday and Friday. If he comes in later, or much earlier, I'll do the same. Bet?
  13. Quote: Quote: This guy is a joke. Marvin comes out smokin while Joe is starting slow and who is the first man to hit the pine? Marvin! I have been saying this for the past 4 years. Woodson has TIMED SUBSTITUTIONS, he subs the same people in and out at the exact same time of every game. That's called not knowing how to make adjustments. Woody will sub out someone when his stopwatch goes off, REGARDLESS of how well the player is playing. It's probably the worst thing I hate about Woody. Believe it or not Atlas, almost every coach on every level of basketball does that, especially in the 1st half of games. Marvin comes out midway in the 1st, so that JJ can come out with about 2 minutes left in the 1st to give him a breather. Marvin almost always goes back in for JJ. But my problem with Woody this game, is that he left his most explosive offensive weapon on the bench tonight, and stuck with Lue and Law, who just didn't have it tonight. Even JJ didn't have it going tonight. And Marvin should've been back into this game at the 5 minute mark. No less than the 4 minute mark . . replacing either Lue or Horford. Like him or not, a guy like Salim Stoudamire could've gotten us back into that game, if he came out hot. Ish . . we were down 14 anyway, so why stick with an ice cold Lue and Law, but leave Salim on the bench? He just can't leave bullets in his gun like that. I'll reinterate what I said before the season. If the Hawks have less than 6 wins at the end of the month . . OR . . if at any time we fall 8 games below .500, Woody HAS to be fired. No if's, and's, or but's about it.
  14. Quote: chill having a good 2nd half about time! and now marvin coming in! get it done marvin Marvin was on that bench waaaaaaay too long, if you ask me. Someone between Lue and Horford needed to come out of this game.
  15. Quote: Quote: Quote: Lue Law West Chill Shelden This lineup sucks............. Why the hell is Marvin still on the bench??? Woody is an idiot that's why... He has 5 fouls.
  16. (( clapping )) Just be patient, and smart about your offense.
  17. Quote: Quote: THANK YOU LORD!!!! JOSH IS OUT OF THE GAME!!!! Never thought I'd say that. He keeps trying to drive when they are giving him a 15 footer. Why would he pass up a 15 footer when he is so willing to take 3s? Because he can't hit the 15 footer either. Josh had only hit ONE shot that wasn't a dunk or a lay-up before he hit that early one tonight. And that one shot he hit, was the first shot of the season that he took. I think the kid had missed like 18 outside shots in a row, before tonight. 18 in a row . . . incredible. Even he doesn't shoot that bad most of the time.
  18. The question should be . . . why is Smoove leading us in shot attempts? He's 1 - 7 already. Damn . . and with 3 fouls. And people are more concerned about Childress?
  19. Against the bigger Jason Kidd, it was the most obvious move. Is AJ back with the team? ESPN gamecast indicates that he is.
  20. Quote: Quote: I agree. The result of this game will have more of a psychological impact than standings impact. Exactly. That's the biggest reason why that Pistons loss hurts. It's not like 1-1 is the worst thing in the world, it's just how we lost that game. Hopefully this young team is mentally tough enough to recover because it may be the first, but it won't be the last game that gets away from us. It's a part of being an inexperienced team. It'll only have a psychological impact on some of the fans. The players aren't going to hold their heads down, if we fall to 1 - 2 tonight. In an 82-game season, there's no way you can be able to play at a high level every single night. Even the great teams lose. The goal for this team is just to survive November. If we take care of business at home, and steal a few on the road, that's survival. If we lose to Jersey tonight, but beat Boston on Friday night or the Heat two weeks from now, it's still all the same in the standings.
  21. Acie's assist numbers should skyrocket, when he's placed long term alongside JJ, Marvin, and Smoove. If Smoove would just give the ball up to Acie on the break, Acie would get it back to him for a dunk. And all will be well.
  22. Quote: There is no "must" game on November 6th. In fact, I believe the Hawks will take off after Jan 1st as they get more time together and the schedule softens. I also wouldnt let a loss ruin your day. It's a marathon, not a sprint. A ton will happen in the league in the next few months. Guys will get hurt, coaches will be canned, players will develop, etc The Celts are one injury from ordinary. The same goes for others. Don't get too worked up in Nov. Exactly. I believe Toronto started the season last year 2 - 8 . . mainly because they were learning how to play the faster paced game. Once they settled down a bit, and learned that they needed to run in spurts, that team literally took off. But they didn't take off until after January. It shouldn't take us that long, because we're playing great defense right now. But tonights game definitely isn't a "must win". If we have 7 wins by December 1st, I'll definitely take that. Minimum 6 wins.
  23. LOL . . true. Don't get me wrong. I would LOVE to see Law in the starting lineup tonight in place of Lue. I think Lue has always been a better backup PG, than starting one. But for all the love being shown to Acie, it has to be noted that he has more turnovers, than assists. If Speedy or AJ posted those type of numbers in the first 2 games, people would want those guys benched forever. But Acie is the new guy. And the fan base is far more patient and curious to see what he can do.
  24. Quote: overreact? coachx, we do agree here. Everything you said. bdawg and diesel are on point as well. Northside just wasted a lot of time. I watched the game. I watch virtually every game. I watched Lue slow down and pound. He has lost a step and is not creative. He's selfish, whether he realizes it or not. Everything he does sets it up so he shoots it or gets an assist. He leaves no other options. Same old song and dance from Woody and Lue. Same old result. You have to win games that are close. That's how you become winners. Not by letting Lue pound. WTF is Tyronn Lue? Troy, all I was doing, was pointing out that the things that people were complaining about when the Pistons came back, weren't what was taking place. Acie got rattled Sunday night. Simple as that. Woody had to get him out at the time he did, so that he could settle down. Now whether he left Lue out on the floor too long, is definitely debateable. He decided to go to his "closer", and it backfired. He went with his veteran PG, and it didn't work out. On Friday night, it was the correct call to go with Lue. In hindsight, he should've went with a Chill - JJ backcourt, to counteract what the Pistons were trying to do. But I can't fault him for initially going with Lue in place of Acie. It's funny though. We've had people literally whine and cry about Marvin being handed a starting spot, but almost everybody wants Law to take the keys to the Hawks "corvette", even if he hasn't proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that he's the best guy for the job. He'll definitely prove that he is soon enough . . maybe as soon as early December. As I've been saying, once Woody names him the starter, he's going to play well enough to NEVER lose that starting spot because of poor play. Me and a select other few people on this site knew Acie was the real deal, even when 80% of Hawksquawk was all over Conley. But Sunday night, he got shook up a bit. He's a rookie. It happens.
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