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Everything posted by TheNorthCydeRises

  1. Johnny, what everybody is trying to say is that SKITA IS GARBAGE. No sense in trading a top 30 - 38th pick in the draft, for garbage. Skita isn't even better than Donta.
  2. And we know that Wallace is probably 95% staying in Detroit. And that chance probably goes to 99% when talking about us. But that wasn't part of what you were originally talking about. You were acting like we couldn't bring ANYBODY in here that would justify Al staying. If we could get that big time defensive and rebounding center, I'd be all for Al staying for 3 - 4 more years. Why? Because we'd still have Marvin locked in for that amount of time. But I still agree with you in that our best option is to deal Al, and try to find some backup defensive minded players to replace him . . and hope everybody else can replace what Al does offensively, which I think they can.
  3. I have to agree with Diesel 100% on THIS topic. What's lost in this argument, is that Boston used to KILL Detroit on the interior, when the Pistons couldn't beat them. The Pistons a good interior defensive team? NO way. They were a team that used to hack and kill people on the interior, especially the slasher type forwards and guards. This current Detroit team is far and away a better defensive squad than the "Bad Boys". The Bad Boys played defense via intimidation. The Bad Boys did give the Bulls the blueprint on how to play intimidation style defense, and team defense. And when push came to shove, Phil Jackson would always have his "3 headed monster" at center, do the hacking to slow the game down. Name a center that could change the Hawks fortune on the interior? That's easy. Ben Wallace. What if Ben loved Detroit, but they low-balled him in the offseason with their offer? And what if the Hawks came out again with guns blazing, and offered Ben a HUGE contract? That would change EVERYTHING here. When I say a HUGE contract, I'm talking about the Hawks offering Ben a 4 year - 50 million dollar deal. And say that we could re-sign Al for 4 years at 32 million. You're talking about a lineup like this: PG - Lue ( or draft pick ) . . or even an improved Salim G - JJ F - Harrington PF - Smoove C - Wallace You're trying to tell me that THIS lineup wouldn't be extremely improved over what we have now defensively and with interior defense? And here's something else to consider. With that lineup, you'd have to assume that Wallace would have a tremendous defensive influence on Smoove, possibly making him an even better player. And a more aggressive player on defense, and especially on the boards. And with Harrington, you're now looking at a situation in which he would only have to work more on his perimeter defense, instead of both perimeter and post defense. Even with Lue, when his man blows by him, he'd now have to worry about Smoove AND Wallace in the paint. With ZaZa relegated to the bench, and with Chill, Marvin and Salim providing the firepower off of it, the Hawks would instantly be a playoff team next year.
  4. JJ will reach that Michael Redd / Paul Pierce level when we get a PG. As far as the price for JJ goes, we really don't know what that price is yet. Players like him do get the monetary max contracts all the time. He's a versatile enough player to warrant a deal like that. I mean, even Jalen Rose got a big contract once upon a time, and JJ is already better than Rose in his prime. The one thing that JJ needs to work on, is his ability to draw fouls. And the only way to do that is to go hard to the rim. Even when he doesn't go hard to the rim, at least fake people into jumping, and then draw the foul that way. LeBron was a master in getting to the line tonight ( even if some of those calls were ticky-tacky calls ). He knows that when the jumper isn't falling, he can always take it to the hole and try to draw contact to get points. The Hawks as a whole are a jump shot settling team. And it kills us sometimes.,
  5. Quote: Since Knight sees Marvin as a 20PPG scorer they need to develop him more than Josh Smith. Marvin was the second pick in the NBA draft so you got to develop him....Smoove is and always will be a role player, but you expect Marvin to be atleast an allstar so he needs to be in there. But the point is that you can't just leave Smoove out of a game in place of Marvin . . especially if ZaZa isn't on the floor either. Who are you going to play at center? Harrington? People just need to start stepping up on a nightly basis on this team. You guys do realize that we only made 3 field goals in the 4th quarter, right?
  6. Nique's game log in the 1993 - 94 season as a Hawk: ( I think FEB 20 was the trade deadline that year. So anything before FEB 20th, he was in ATL ) http://databasebasketball.com/players/play...ilkid=WILKIDO01 LOL @ he wasn't that good. Ish, if anything, he was inconsistent. Some nights he was VERY GOOD. Other nights, he was a mere mortal. LOL . . and look at the FT attempts. JJ and Al barely get to the line that much COMBINED.
  7. Quote: When Nique was traded it was the end of the line. The Hawks weren't going anywhere and it was time for some new blood. BTW, Nique NEVER won a title. Nice fantasy though. The Hawks were not going to win a title under Nique either and it was not even close. Nique wasn't that good anymore and the hawks wanted to get something while he still had a little value. Diesel, I've read some of your posts and the best I can figure is you really don't know what your talking about the majority of the time. Some of the stuff you write, like the Hawks would have won a title under an aging Nique, is just stupid. Other stuff you put down is based primarily on ignorance. But just because you say it with authority, well, it doesn't do anything to enhance your position. Let me say this one more time and maybe it will sink in...AL needs to moved as soon as possible because he doesn't even attempt to play defense. If all we had were 5 Al Harrington's on the court at one time we wouldn't win much because the best teams in the NBA play great defense. Al is a bum on defense...only a coach like Woodson would put up with it. Only a GM as bad as Billy Knight would still have him on the roster. Stop your stupidity with AL Harrington. His act on the court is even more tired than yours. First off, Nique's situation and Al's situation are/were completely different. One played for th top team in the East, the other plays for the worst team in the East. But for those of you that say that we wouldn't have won a Title with Nique, that may be true . . but we could've gotten to the NBA finals in that 94 season. Although Lenny was growing tired of Nique continuously jacking up shots and playing lackluster defense, Nique still possessed the ability to completely take over a game. When you look at a JORDAN-LESS Eastern Conference back in 94, the Hawks could've EASILY won the conference if he were on that team come playoff time. Remember, one of the reasons why we lost in that 2nd round series, was the on and off play of Danny Manning. Manning had a game one time in which he scored 6 points in the playoffs. 6 friggin points. The Pacers completely exposed us in that series as a team that just couldn't put the ball in the hole, even though we "supposedly" had a better all-around player in Manning. Nique was the go-to guy and the takeover guy on that squad. In the playoffs, we just didn't have that. The Hawks broke 90 points just one time in that series. The Rockets with Olajuwon would've been tough to beat for the title, but we definitely could've gotten there. And you know what, this organization OWED it to Nique to keep him on a squad that had the #1 seed in the East. They dealt him at the very point in which this franchise reached its peak. How stupid. And Diesel is right. We've been looking for a Nique-like player ever since we traded him. Hopefully, JJ or Marvin will be that player.
  8. I just love the fact that Marvin and T-Mac have similar numbers across the board as rookies.
  9. Quote: hey he's a color commentator stating the obvious. i look for Redd and their PG to go off against the Hawks. When Barkley said that last night, I was halfway laughing and saying "F you Barkley" at the same time. But I was laughing because it was the truth. The one thing about Charles is that he doesn't sugarcoat anything. And you have to respect that about him. I can't be mad at him because he told the truth about the Hawks. I mean, Mike James looked like the best scoring PG in the NBA when he played us.
  10. As a Cincinnati Bengals fan, I watched that organization get out of the "welfare" state, when they brought in Marvin Lewis. 2002 Bengals: - finished 2 - 14 and essentially hit rock bottom. Summer of 2003: - Bengals go outside of the organization, and hire Marvin Lewis. The Bengals owner, Mike Brown, had a tradition of hiring guys that either played for his father, Paul Brown, or coached with the Bengals as an assistant at some point in the past. Mikey was loyal to a fault. - Also that summer, Lewis tries to convince star linebacker Takeo Spikes to stay on the team. Takeo, tired of the losing, decides that he's not waiting to see if Marvin can change things, and goes to Buffalo. Fall of 2003: - star RB Corey Dillon pulls a hamstring early in the season, giving Rudi Johnson a chance to start. He makes the most of his chance. Dillon comes back at midseason and retains his starting job. But Rudi, because he ran so well in Corey's absence, still gets about 10 - 12 carries a game. This doesn't sit well with Corey. End of 2003 season: - Dillon pretty much expresses his desire to be traded. Bengals trade him to the Patriots for a 2nd round pick, which turns out to be safety Madieu Williams out of Maryland. - Bengals finish 8 - 8, posting their first non-losing season in 13 years. 2004 season: - Jon Kitna, the winner of the NFL Comeback Player of the Year award, and who also tossed 26 TDs and 15 INTs, was benched at the start of the season, in favor of 2nd year QB, and #1 pick Carson Palmer. Palmer struggles through 1/2 of the year, casting doubt on why the Bengals didn't just stick with Kitna. Palmer shows flashes of greatness by season's end, and gives people a glimpse of what to expect out of him in the future. - Rudi Johnson, who took over for Dillon, breaks the team single-season rushing mark held by Dillon. - Bengals finish 8 - 8 for the 2nd year in a row. 2005 NFL Draft: - Bengals take 2 Georgia defensive standouts in the first 2 rounds. DE David Pollack and LB Odell Thurman. They will become the cornerstones of the Bengals defense in the future. 2005 season: - Bengals cut decent, but disappointing and oft-injured WR, Peter Warrick before the start of the season, because he couldn't get healthy. T.J. Houshmanzedah and Chris Henry become the #2 and #3 receivers. Combined, they would catch 109 balls for over 1,300 yards. - Rudi Johnson, once again, rushes for over 1,400 yards, the first Bengal to ever do that. - While Pollack got all of the preseason accolades, it was Odell Thurman that looks like the future defensive star, finishing 3rd in the Defensive ROY. 109 tackles, 5 INTs, and 5 forced fumbles. - Carson Palmer blossoms into a top 3 QB in the league, throwing for 32 TDs, 12 INTs, and over 3,800 yards - Bengals go 11 - 5 and make the playoffs for the first time since 1990. I state all of this, Hawk fans, to illustrate how a team can cut or get rid of TALENTED players for a bad to mediocre team, and get even BETTER players either via the draft, or via free agency. Sometimes, you have to let those good players go, in order to play guys with potentially more talent. Let me ask you guys this, that are for Al staying a Hawk. If there were a 50/50 chance that either Marvin or Smoove could become even better than Al by the start of the 2007 season, would you take those odds? What about 40/60? 30/70? even 25/75? While I compare Al to Wally Szczerbiak in the fact that both guys are good offensive players that play lousy defense. Another good comparison to Al, is a guy like Jalen Rose. If you switch to football, you can also compare Al to a guy like Jon Kitna. Kitna has always been a good enough QB to survive in this league. He was the last QB to lead the Seahawks to the playoffs ( trivia for you guys ). But Kitna's "kryptonite" has always been his arm strength. He's a "throw to a spot" QB, not a "throw the ball on a rope straight to the receiver" QB. In the playoff game this year, Carson's only pass was a 66 yard bomb to Chris Henry that was right on target. Kitna could NEVER throw a pass like that. And that's the major case against keeping Al here, and suppressing guys like Smoove and Marvin. Athletically, they're both superior to Al. Smoove is the better defender, while Marvin may have better overall tools. Al is undoubtely better than both Smooth and Marvin right now. But would keeping Al, be like the Bengals keeping Kitna at QB . . when you have "potential" in Carson Palmer on the bench?
  11. Quote: Quote: Teams in last place need to make changes so they won't be in last place any more. This is a welfare mind set. We need to make changes just to do something. Nevermind that we have been highly competitive against everyone we have played with the exception of the first Washington game and the Phoenix, Miami games. I mean really.. from night to night, I can truly say that the Hawks can win. There's no team that we have played that I have said during the game in some point, there is no way we can beat this team. That's a lot of progress from last yr and the year before. But the Welfare mind says... Start over again. "Teams in last place need to make changes so they won't be in last place any more." - Exodus... welfare minded. Diesel obviously doesn't understand the concept of welfare. People on welfare get into that situation in the first place for a variety of circumstances. Nobody likes to be on welfare, but some don't see any other way to get out of the system. Sure, you can work your way off of welfare, but will you find a good enough paying job to get you off of it. And in the meantime, who will watch your kids? That's why a lot of the people on welfare, just give up and keep things status quo. They may try a little to get out of the system. But in the end, they don't want to put forth the effort and the time to get out, and just settle for what they can get. Those are just some of the issues involving welfare. So in actuality, YOU'RE the one with the welfare mentality. You're the one that want us to stick with Al, evne though we've won 10 games out of 36. Exodus made a great point when he stated that. People that want to get off of welfare tend to do extreme things in order to make their situation better. If we do keep Al, that's keeping things the same. People on welfare don't constantly "start over", they constantly keep things the same. In fact, people on welfare get comfortable with where they are, even if it means that they're barely making it through life. Keeping Al means that the Hawks aren't willing to take any more chances, and are content with being where they are now.
  12. Quote: You guys are hilarious! Al is not a great defender by any stretch but he is certainly better than Dog. His D is actually not TERRIBLE, it's just not good. If we had a big time defender at Center, I think Al's D is adequate. People talk about Smoove like he is a terrific defender already but that is FAR from being the case. Smoove is a good shotblocker and a decent help defender but his post D is still a work in progress. A good example of that was on display for those who watched the Houston game. Did you see Smove trying to guard Juwan Howard in the post? Howard posted him and Smoove tried to fight around and front him. Problem was, he fought around Howard on the BOTTOM and the passer then had an easy pass to Howard right to the front of the rim which he converted of course. That was about as bad a display of the proper way to play post D as you will ever see. Right now, Smoove is actually better at defending most SFs than he is defending most PFs. That might change but it hasn't yet. Trace, what's happening down the stretch of games, are teams are attacking two areas . . PG and PF. Those are the positions that Lue and Al play most of the time when the game is on the line. And those are the two guys that teams go right after. And it's usually with the pick and roll. No, Al's defense is not as bad as Big Dog's, but the effect of his defense may as well be the same in these tight games. As far as Smoove goes, his post D needs work as well . . just not as much as Al's. And at least Smoove gives you the "threat" of a shot being blocked, instead of what Al gives . . the "look at you while you drive to the basket" threat. Smoove's D has changed a few games this year. I can't say the same about Al.
  13. Al is essentially Wally Szczerbiak. - a guy who can put the ball in the hole and create his own shot and look damn good at times doing it. - a guy who is a complete liability on defense, and the other teams ALWAYS know it. - a guy who most T-Wolves fans are split on, just like we are with Al. The problem with these two guys, is that both tease the fan base with their stellar offensive play at times. Then they completely let them down with untimely turnovers at the end of games, or matador defense at critical times when you need a stop. Both have the ability to become stars in the league, they just don't have the work ethic as a whole, to make themselves a better all-around player. One of the things that keep the T-Wolves from being major players on the free agent market ( outside of KG's ridiculous contract ), are the LONG contracts given to both Troy Hudson and Wally. http://hoopshype.com/salaries/minnesota.htm Wally is a good scorer in this league. But is he actually an asset to the Wolves, when he gives just about everything he scores, back to the other team when his man scores on him? That's the dilemma we face with Al. And by the way . . . wasn't this the same gripe about Antoine Walker? A guy that has all of the offensive talent in the world, but couldn't play a lick of defense? So which one would we rather have? Walker with his multiple offensive capabilities and defensive inefficiencies . . or . . Smoove, with his growing, but still sub-par offensive abilities, with his steadily improving defensive capabilities?
  14. LOL . . what kills me about this whole Al thing, is that people act like he'll be a 10 game difference if he were to be traded for some less talented offensive players, but better need players that can also play defense. Having said that, I want Al traded to bring in some VETERAN talent to this team. These young kids need some vets on the team. Some REAL vets . . not 23 - 25 year old vets. One of the main problems with this team, is that they don't know how to finish games. If they did, we'd be hovering close to .500 right now. And that "finishing games" comment includes guys like JJ and Al, who really haven't been in the "go to guy" role much in their careers. It definitely shows at the end of these games. History tells us that the likelihood of a quality unrestricted free agent signing with the Hawks, are slim and none. So if we are to address some of our "needs", without relying on 19 - 22 year old guys to address them, Al HAS to be traded to bring in some veterans. What discourages me about Al, is his basketball IQ. Some guys play the game smart. Childress is one of those guys, when he's aggressive. Overall, he's a very smart basketball player. Al, on the other hand, seems to rely solely on his physical skill to make plays, and not his brain. To re-sign Al, means that he'll have to consistently be our #1 option, while JJ plays the playmaker role and be the #2 option. Who knows if either of these guys are mentally equipped to be the #1 option. Al has the desire to be that #1 . . . just not the basketball savvy at the end of games to be effective in that role. A lot of that has to do with our lack of a true point guard. But just like in the last offseason, when guys like Antonio Daniels, Damon Stoudamire, Nick Van Exel, and Bobby Jackson didn't give the Hawks the time of day . . the same fate awaits us yet again in the summer of 2006. To get that big man or that PG, we almost have to trade Al to get them. Otherwise, we'll have to go via the draft,and hope we get lucky to draft a guy(s) who are NBA ready in their rookie year.
  15. Quote: Your sooo right they are almost the same AL is all of 25 and shoots over 45% from 3. Reef is on the other side of 30 and doesnt have range at all. How did we miss the comparison. I repeat what i wrote on another post. That was my point, its not the players is the franchise that Knight took over. When you have an orginazation drafting John Konkack over Karl Malone. Now nobody has a cyrstal ball, but we havent drafted an All-Star since Pistol Pete. (Nique came from Utah). So how do you expect to turn a franchise around over night. You can't blame AL for not getting a PG in the draft to get the ball to everyone that can finish. Smoove and Chill can finish they just cant create their own shot. So lets just trade the best player on the team, and not to mention a guy who has come out time and time again saying he wants to be here and build something for a rental like Artest or Francis. You know neither will stay when their contracts are up up. Yes AL will ask a lot this off season and he deserves it, but dont go offering him to any team for reasons out of his control. Everyone knocks his turnovers, well how many of those come when he gets the ball with 3 seconds left on the shot clock because we cant get in our offensive set. So he is forced to go into the double team and try and create or it will be a shot clock violation. How many turnovers because Chill and Smoove are young and stand there and dont cut, causing the defense to collapse and giving Al no outlet. Everyone points at the negative, but nobody points out he is one of the best SF in the game, is only 25, and wants to be here. Give him a PG and watch how he and JJ will take off. What you're missing, is that even with Al's stellar play, he has cost us more games than he has won . . strictly because of his defense down the stretch of games. Even his offense down the stretch of games is less than to be desired. And it's not like Al is the difference in us becoming a playoff team right now. In fact, who's to say that if you increase JJ's shots by 4 - 6 a game, that he couldn't average 23 - 25 ppg, with the rest of the guys picking up the slack? I mean, Big Dog was doing the same things that Al does now, in the first year Dog was here. The numbers are similar . . and the defense is too. It's one thing if we didn't have a choice but to keep Al, but we do have choices now. Even Lue, Chill, and Smoove played well last year when Al wasn't even in the lineup. They took on the scoring and rebounding roles and thrived in them. Chill was around 15 points and 8 rebounds last year, while Smoove was at 13 and 9. Al is definitely expendible on a team that he doesn't necessarily make a better team overall.
  16. Quote: Pass First "Defensive" PG would improve both ends tremendously. Sure, we're getting the lay-up drill half the time, but if you had someone to stop the PG on the outside, we wouldn't necessarily need extra in the middle. I'm tired of "good" PG's having "GREAT" games against us. Again, my checklist of "realistic" possibilities from the Unrestricted PG Free Agents of 2006: 1. Speedy Claxton 2. Jannero Pargo 3. Marcus Banks 4. Bobby Jackson "Realistic" possibilities for bigs: 1. Pryz 2. Nazr 3. LoWright 4. Olowokandi 5. Battie If those are the possibilities, give me Bobby Jackson ( because he's a veteran guard who can defend and score, and has playoff experience ) . . and Lo Wright ( because of the same reasons, plus he can rebound ). Too bad that Bobby would probably never come here. Lo Wright, we could get, seeing that his status in Memphis is up in the air. I DON'T want Pargo or Kandi. Lue is better than Pargo.
  17. Quote: Quote: The perfect example of this, is Trenton Hassell of the T-Wolves. Because he is 6-5, the Wolves ask him to guard the other team's best scorer if it's a SG or SF. Sometimes, he even guards PG's. Statistic wise, Trenton doesn't stand out on defense. He doesn't get a lot of steals, defensive rebounds, deflections, or blocks. He doesn't even shut the superstar players down, from a point production standpoint. What he does do, is make every shot his man takes, a difficult one. EVERY shot is contested. And because of that, his man may give up the ball 5 - 6 more times a game, instead of shooting that many more times. Even if his man is shooting 50%, it may be 6 - 12 FG instead of 9 - 18 FG. This is a horrible example that just proves my point. Hassel is surrounded by a defensive team. At one point, when he was most effective, he had Spreewell, KG, and Cassell playing beside him. None of those guys are Artest and Ben Wallace, but all of those guys play above average defense. When you have a good framework for defense, it's easy to play up close, personal, and bother everyone. That's what Bruce Bowen does in San Antonio... He has Tim Duncan and Co. backing him up... It's easy for him to play a tight defensive game against the other teams better offensive player. However, what happened when Hassell played for Chicago... Go get Mudderfudder and ask him. Hassell was definitely not a defensive stopper. In fact, they cut him... Hassell got cut because his offensive game fell off tremendously that 2nd year. He shot like 36% that year. Plus, he had Jalen Rose and Jamal Crawford playing in front of him. And at the time, both of those guys were in the Bulls future. So it was easy to let a 2nd year player like Hassell go. They let Fred Hoiberg go that year too, for basically the same reason. And LOL @ Hassell being surrounded by a defensive team. Cassell is DEFINITELY not a defensive player. And Spree's defense was nowhere near what it was back in the 90s, but he could at least guard his man. Don't get it twisted. Minny was a good defensive team that year because KG could eliminate things in the paint and control the boards, and Trenton could slow things down on the perimeter and shut lesser 2's and 3's down. Sam and Spree's job, was to help KG with the scoring. In the playoffs that year, it wasn't Spree guarding Melo, Peja, and Kobe . . it was Hassell. Minny got their scoring from Spree, Sam, and KG, and asked everybody else on the team to fill specific roles. All Hassell was asked to do, was concentrate on defense. And remember, this is a team without Wally Szczerbiak and Troy Hudson, two of their better offensive players, who were hurt most of that year. They had guys like Mark Madsen, Fred Hoiberg, Anthony Carter and Eddie Griffin that would come off the bench, and play solid defense. Hoiberg was the hired gun of the team off the bench Basically, that team had role players that understood that they probably wouldn't even get over 3 - 4 shots a game. LOL . . and once again tonight, it was the same old song. Al getting beat by his man not only to the basket, but also on the boards. Lue letting people blow right past him, and the team watching the man blow right past him straight to the basket. But the whole team is bad on team defense. It's just that Lue and Al stick out the most because it's their man who does the scoring. IF Al was protected by a defensive C, then he may not look so bad. I mean, what good is the guy's offense, if he's going to give it all back and then some on the defensive end? He's quickly turning into our version of Wally Szczerbiak.
  18. Quote: I totally accept the fact that Nash is great and has made that team a contender. But we can't get Nash or anyone close I don't think. Plus, Nash has always been great and played on some really good Dallas teams. But, they didn't go anywhere because of a lack of defense. I guess I believe that teams can be successful without a Nash (see Detroit, Heat, Lakers, Bulls), but you go nowhere without bigs. Still I not saying we don't need a better point esp. on the defensive end. I just thing a big would pay more immediate dividends. A "big" will definitely pay more immeadiate dividends than getting a pass first PG. And contrary to what Diesel is talking about, that "big" doesn't necessarily have to elevate the Hawks from a bad defensive team to a good one. What he does have to do, is play solid defense on HIS man, especially near the end of games. The perfect example of this, is Trenton Hassell of the T-Wolves. Because he is 6-5, the Wolves ask him to guard the other team's best scorer if it's a SG or SF. Sometimes, he even guards PG's. Statistic wise, Trenton doesn't stand out on defense. He doesn't get a lot of steals, defensive rebounds, deflections, or blocks. He doesn't even shut the superstar players down, from a point production standpoint. What he does do, is make every shot his man takes, a difficult one. EVERY shot is contested. And because of that, his man may give up the ball 5 - 6 more times a game, instead of shooting that many more times. Even if his man is shooting 50%, it may be 6 - 12 FG instead of 9 - 18 FG. The problem with guys like Al and Lue, is that they just don't make guys work for their points. When a player knows that he can take a 15 foot jumper with you just giving a "hand flash" to him, or if he can blow past you anytime he wants, without you making him go the other way, they'll attack you every time. And they will keep attacking you until you or somebody else stops them from doing what they want. The crazy thing about Trenton is that he was much more known as an offensive player, than a defensive one in college. Even in his first year in the NBA up in Chicago, he was more offensive minded than defensive. He took over 150 3's that year and made around 35% of them. Now, he doesn't even shoot the 3-ball, because he's so locked in on being a "defensive stopper". But he didn't get to that point until a certain misunderstood player on the Bulls told him that "If you want to have a long career in this league, you can do it by playing DEFENSE. If you play good D, you'll always have a spot in this league." That player . . . was Ron Artest.
  19. Quote: Yeah i have seen it. I think 82games.com is good as a general reference but it shouldn't be treated as the Bible, since there are too many variables. For example after the first month Marion and Nash were both worse than -20 even though they were putting up monster numbers. Exactly. And MrH, what you have to remember about Childress, is that for the first month of the season, he played HORRIBLY. Ever since then, he's aruguably been the 5th best player on the team, behind Al, JJ, Lue, and Smoove. Make no mistake about it. When the Hawks won 5 of 7 games last month, Childress played very well in those games. Like with all stats, you just can't look at one, and make a sweeping judgement about a player's overall game or a player's impact on a game. You have to look at everything and weigh it like that. Take Al for instance. If you looked at him STRICTLY by his scoring and shooting percentages, you could make a legit case for him being on the All-Star team as a reserve. When you follow him every game, like we do, you know better to even think like that.
  20. I'll say this about Lue. When he's on offensively, the ONLY thing you can complain about, is the defense. I truly believe if Lue was in the game in the middle part of the 4th, he could've knocked down a few shots and extended that lead to double digits. The question becomes, would he had given up just as many points as he contributed? Last night, you can make a case for Smoove and Lue to be in the game in the final 5 minutes. Let's see if they're in the game in the final 5 tonight.
  21. LOL . . I look at this thread and say to myself . . "Did any of these guys EVER play a day of ORGANIZED basketball in their lives?" News flash for you guys: Almost every coach on EVERY LEVEL has some sort of set rotation that they use. And they use it more to keep players fresh, rather than the game situation. That means that there will be certain times in a game in which a player will exit. With as many DNP's as Ivey has logged throughout his career, I'm sure that he's not complaining too much about his 10 minutes a game. It's better than not playing at all. And I think some of you overvalue Ivey's importance to this squad. If Ivey was good enough to finish games, and if he were head and shoulders the best defensive guard on the team, don't you think that Woodson would have him out there? The reason Ivey doesn't play down the stretch of games are: 1) that would mean that JJ would have to run the point at the end of games, a situation that hurts the team more than it helps. You want JJ shooting or finding open men at the end of games . . no worrying about initiating the offense. 2) Salim and Lue are better offensive threats than Ivey. 3) Ivey may very well be showing in practice that his handles are very shaky, when pressured. Remember the Chicago Bulls with their "3 headed monster?" Cartwright would ALWAYS start the game at center, and the Bulls would ALWAYS go to him to begin games. You never saw Jordan jack up 5 - 6 shots to start a game off. It would always be Cartwright. After the 7 minute mark, he'd always come out, and either Wennington or Perdue would replace him for the rest of the half. Most of the time, it would be Perdue that finished the game at center. Coaches have these rotations all the time. And even if a player is red hot, you still can afford to take him out, if you have a player that is just as capable to make shots or defend as well as the player he replaced. In a game that stays relatively close ( 7 points or less ), you'll see coaches stick with their set rotations until about the 5 minute mark in the game. That's when you'll see a coach go with either his starters, or his star players + the guys who have been playing the best all night. If you want to gripe that Woodson doesn't go with his best 5 at the end of games, then you can do that. But look what happened tonight. ZaZa ( if you took away the turnovers ) played very well tonight. Marvin gave us quality minutes ( and many fouls ). And Chill had an excellent all around game. These were the guys that were in the game with JJ in that 5 minute stretch in the 4th in which the Celtics got back into the game. They didn't play bad. In fact, their defense was pretty good for the first 7 minutes of that quarter. But then the very players that played well, started to break down on both sides of the ball, while our "star" players couldn't do anything better. Meanwhile, Smoove and Lue are sitting on the bench. So why the breakdown? - ZaZa played 40 minutes in this game, and played ALL of the 4th quarter. Even JJ nor Al played the entire 4th quarter. Matter of fact, ZaZa played 20 of 24 minutes in the 2nd half. - Marvin played 25 minutes, and was in game from the 4 minute mark of the 3rd quarter, until he missed a 3 and had an offensive foul with a little under 4 minutes to go in the 4th quarter - Smoove played 7 minutes in the 2nd half, and was never seen from again. - Lue came in at the 8 minute mark of the 3rd quarter and stayed in the game until the 10 minute mark of the 4th quarter. He didn't re-enter the game until Marvin made his miscues with 3 1/2 minutes to go in the game. - JJ and Al in the 4th quarter? 0 - 6, 4 turnovers It was a total breakdown in a game that we definitely should've won. And all the C's had to do, was hit a few shots in the closing minutes of the game to pull it out. So while a lot of you question the "set" rotations, maybe we could've pulled this game out IF we'd stuck to those set rotation and had Smoove or Lue in the game. One thing is for sure, I think Woodson's late game coaching needs to improve by leaps and bounds, if this team is to consistently pull out games like these. This is about the 5th game in the past 10 games in which we've had a 7 + point lead deep into the 4th quarter, that we've seen totally slip away. That ish is unacceptable . . I don't care how bad of a team we're "supposed" to be.
  22. Quote: Salims ball handling is keeping him from getting minutes. He came in to start the 4th quarter last night and promptly turned it over 3 times to change the momentum of the game. A lot of times when he is in there they will use Childress or Harrington to bring the ball up the floor. And what that Ace idiot won't mention is that Lue is shooting better from 3 than Salim and has had some big scoring games in the Hawks victories. In fact they started winning when Lue started playing more minutes and taking more shots. Lue has to score to counterbalance what he gives up on defense. When the Hawks were winning, Lue was OUTSTANDING on the offensive end. No complaints from me when Lue is on his offensive game. It's just when he's not on his offensive game, his presence on the court can literally KILL you. Mike James became ultra aggressive on offense, every time Lue was matched up against him. Yes, Lue can run the offense better than any guard we have. And yes, most of the time you can count on him to not turn the ball over. But the kid has a bullseye on him, when it comes to defense. He can't guard his man straight up . . he can't fight through screens . . and he doesn't have the defensive awareness to even get a steal here and there. In fairness to Lue, both he and Salim got lit up by the Raptor PGs last night. If Ivey is the best defender out of the 3, maybe we're better off with him in the game, strictly from a defensive standpoint. Just let JJ and Al take all of the shots down the stretch, with the other guys on the court playing hard-nosed defense ( if they can ).
  23. Quote: Quote: This is an assinine post. You have no way of knowing what would or would not have happened if Paul was drafted. Besides, like someone else mentioned, that is a better team than Paul has now and his less talented team has won more games then the Hawks. Agreed. Talk about a huge amount of assumptions. The premise behind that post is that Knight won't take the player he values highest because he already took someone at that same position. Does this guy realize Knight drafted Chills and Smoove in the same year and then drafted Marvin Williams the next year? Knight has definitely stuck by his guns and taken the guys he wanted to take regardless of perceived depth at a position so the assumption that everything would have changed isn't supported by anything other than rank speculation. LOL @ rank speculation. All I'm using is logic here. What's illogical and asanine, is saying that the team would look exactly the same, if we'd taken Paul. Some of you forget that the Joe Johnson in ATL talk didn't really heat up until a few weeks after the draft. JJ wasn't on BK's radar back in May. He wasn't even on his radar in June. It was only after Hughes, Redd, Allen and Dalembert were signed/re-upped to teams, and Curry was found to have a heart ailment, and the Bulls acted as if they'd do anything to keep Curry AND Chandler a Bull, that we even considered going after JJ. And did the Hawks even work Salim out before the draft? Knight had more of an eye on Julius Hodge, than he did Salim. But Hodge ended up going in round 1. The Chill/Smoove draft picks can at least be justified, because we were just re-stocking the team with talent, not necessarily with "need" players. And I'm convinced that the Marvin pick was in direct correlation to the possibility of us losing Al this summer ( if he's not traded or if we try to re-sign him, but he goes elsewhere ), and because of the lofty expectations that the "scouts" said about his game and the potential he possesses. How quickly people forget that JJ was brought in here to play the point, and Chill play the 2. Not for JJ to play the 2, and bring Chill off the bench. If we already had our PG, BK definitely doesn't sell the farm just to get JJ. That deal was in part, made because we'd come up completely dry in the FAcy market, and JJ was the last "talented" FA that could possibly be enticed to move here. This is why all of this Chris Paul whining and crying should stop. We didn't take the guy. We took Marvin. Eventually, Marvin will get a chance to show what he can do in a significant role. It may not be this year, but it will definitely come next year.
  24. It worked because Harper was a tremendous defensive guard, even in his old age. Say what you want about the "need" for a PG here. The Hawks problem this year has been their inability to stop ANYBODY down the stretch. Even in the games that we've won, the Hawks were either executing perfectly offensively, or guys on the other team just didn't hit open shots. The guy the Hawks should've went after, is Antonio Daniels. No, he's not a great PG or a floor general. He's also not a great scorer or a good shooter. But he is 6-4, a veteran player, can at least handle the ball, play both guard spots, and most importantly . . DEFEND!! Ask Seattle fans if they miss AD, and the little things he did for the Sonics last year at the guard spots. And as for you "if we'd taken Chris Paul, we could do this" people, I'll say this once again: If we had taken Paul in the draft: - there would be no Salim in ATL ( because the Salim pick was one of those "best player available" picks. It was also a pick we could use, to try at PG. Ronny Turiaf, a PF, would've probably have been the pick. ) - there would be no JJ in ATL ( because we were in the FA market for either a top notch SG [ Ray Allen, Michael Redd ] or a decent center [ Sam Dalembert, Eddy Curry ]. I doubt very serously if this team would've went to the extremes it did to get JJ, if we already had Paul as the future PG of the team . . AND . . we had a MAJOR hole at the C position. The Hawks would've probably thrown max money at Tyson Chandler, and hope the Bulls didn't match. If the Bulls matched, we probably get NOTHING in FAcy. If they didn't match, we would've ended up with a Chandler that is rapidly seeing his skills decline . . seeing how much he is struggling in the Chi right now. ) - there would be no ZaZa in ATL ( because if we draft Turiaf, and land a guy like Curry or Chandler, do the Hawks still throw 4.4 million at a guy like ZaZa? ) - the "need" for Lue would've been less, but he still may have been re-signed. ( but definitely not for 3.5 million a year. And if he doesn't get that kind of deal from ATL, does he go elsewhere? ) - the "need" for a backup SG, since BK was, at the time, convinced that Chill could play SG, would've been somewhat of a high priority ( but most of the big name guys would've been off the board by this time. So that SG would've either been taken at #59 [ and it wouldn't have been Cenk ], or, we would've acquired some outcast from another team. It's not out of the question that the Hawks would've re-acquired a guy like Wesley Person or Luscious Harris . . guys who STILL don't currently have a team. And there is a slight chance that maybe by late September, the Hawks may have given a guy like Spreewell a chance to be here. But I doubt it ) So these are your CHRIS PAUL led Hawks: C - Chandler F - Harrington F - Smoove G - Chill G - Paul G - Ivey G - Delk G - Person F - Diaw F - Turiaf C - Collier ( R.I.P.) # 59 pick Like this team now? How many games could they win? Because there's no way that Salim, ZaZa, and even JJ would be here now.
  25. Quote: It's easy to be productive in garbage time. Have a good game when it actually is a game. No it's not. It's different when you have 3 minutes left in a game, and guys are just going down and jacking up shots just to be doing it. This game tonight was essentially over by the 9 minute mark in the 3rd quarter. We were down 40 at one point. So the "garbage time" extended like 15 - 20 minutes tonight. Because of all that time left, the "garbage time" players are coached during that time. Good coaches like Riley will continue to coach up the 2nd teamers. And I'm sure Woodson still had his head in the game, coaching up the youngsters. To put it in perspective, Marvin NEVER looked this good during the summer league, against talent that saw 70% of them not even make an NBA squad. He had 17 points and 6 rebounds in the 4th quarter alone. This is the NBA man. Unless you're Shaq playing against a weak center, you just can't step out on the court, and say that you can score 15 points in a quarter, while shooting a very high percentage. Even bench players don't liked to be showed up . . by a rookie no less.
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