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Everything posted by TheNorthCydeRises

  1. Flip the scenario around. Would you do that if the Hawks had the #8 pick?
  2. No way Cleveland would do that. They either want one of the PGs ( Young or Sexton ) . . or a wing defender.
  3. The last time this happened, we had to clear our computer cache, and everything was fine. This time, it didn't work. Somehow, I snuck in through a cracked window in the Hawksquawk attic, and crawled my way here. Homecourt link not working for me.
  4. What is wrong with this site? I haven't been able to see anything on here since the day of the draft. I got lucky just to see this, but still can't get to the main forum.
  5. He'll get at least a 2 year pass. By Year 3, the heat will turn up on both Pierce and Schlenk. Year 4 will be a must "make the playoffs" for both guys.
  6. I watch too much women's basketball. Because when you said Nurse, this is the first person I thought of.
  7. The Hawks organization quit on Bud. Yet, we want to be rewarded with a #1 pick.
  8. With the Baby Dinosaurs just firing their Coach of the Year, this may be Bud's new landing spot.
  9. He was due 1.38 million if the Hawks retained him. I guess that's too rich for their blood. Now, they can sign all 4 draft picks and have a full roster, with no free agents being brought in.
  10. You ... can't... judge ... Dennis ... in ... a ... tank ... season.
  11. The irony of the last two Hawks coaches going to the Bucks . . with OUR star player Giannis.
  12. But even with that, we have to hope that Doncic or Ayton are generational type Hall of Fame talents. I don't think they are. Now granted, you'll have at least 2 guys in this draft who will end up being Hall of Famers. But I don't think anyone can come to a consensus of who they'll be, nor if they'll be good enough to be the lead guy on a championship team. That's what makes tanking such a bad move more than a good one. If the Hawks don't find their generational talent in these next 2 drafts, we could be in for the same scenario that we just came out from. Then when we do find him, we have to quickly surround him with players that can help make him a great player.
  13. Well, that's 10 straight losses by the Raptors to Lebron. I guess they should blow the entire team up and start from scratch. May as well tank it away.
  14. But isn't that the case for 98% of the players in this league? I mean, who has beaten Lebron in the playoffs? No one in the East in the past 7 years. And in the West, it's only been Dirk, Steph, and Durant. And Kawhi.
  15. Definitely a great article to read. It shows just what some of these players have to overcome, to get where they are right now.
  16. He's not going to have any choice but to play the young players, seeing that Schlenk has set it up for the team to be extremely young next season. http://www.spotrac.com/nba/atlanta-hawks/cap/2018/ As you can see, we already have 11 players signed for next year, with two other guys with the ability to exercise their player option. Dedmon almost certainly will exercise his option to seek a more lucrative deal. Muscala, on the other hand, may not be able to get a deal worth more than 5 million per year ( or even a multi-year deal totaling 5 million per year ). So Moose ( Musky ) may stay for one more year and get that 5 million. That will bring us to 13 players signed if both Dedmon and Moose comes back. And we have 4 draft picks in the top 33 in this draft. Plumlee ( 29 ) and Baze ( 28 ) are officially the "old men" of the team, with Dedmon ( 28 ) and Moose ( 26 ) the next oldest. If the 4 draft picks make the team, we'll have 13 players who are 25 and under on the team next year.
  17. Or how about admitting that Lebron James is arguably one of the 3 greatest players of all time? And as a person that actually likes to go to games and watch them live, I'm definitely not cool with watching a bad Hawks team for years on end.
  18. I agree. No need to dog people around Horford, to prop him up. And people don't have to forget what Horford did while he was a Hawk. Like it or not, he still made arguably the biggest play in the last 40 years of this franchise. He was absolutely spectacular in this game. If we lost this game, we probably lose the series.
  19. So we were full strength as a #1 seed, when we played Cleveland? Both teams had injuries in that series, but we had injuries to the one position we couldn't afford to have them at . . . small forward. The biggest injury to that 2014 - 15 team was to Thabo Sefolosha. He was the defensive stopper of that team off the bench who also guarded all of the league's top SGs and SFs in key stretches of the game. The Hawks were a whopping 43 - 9 with Thabo in the lineup that season. Without him, we were 17 - 13. It's not a coincidence that as soon as he went down for the season, the Hawks went from world beaters, to a decent but not great team. He comes back late in the season, and the Hawks go 5 - 2. It's too bad that he and Pero just couldn't stay at the hotel in New York in the wee hours of the morning, and have NYPDs finest break his leg in a bullcrap altercation, and ruin our dream season. And it didn't help at all that Demarre also got hurt in Game 1, and wasn't 100% the rest of the way, and Korver gets taken out in Game 2, effectively taking our main outside shooting threat away. One of the things that losing will do, is make you wish they were at least mediocre again. If we go through a 3 - 4 year drought of not making the playoffs, you'll be BEGGING the new GM ( because Schlenk will be fired if we're not in the playoffs by year 4 ), to make a move, any move, to get us back to the 8th seed. A "championship" won't even be on your mind. Getting back to playoff level will be the thing that matters. Even if we're just a 37 win team.
  20. LOL . . clever title. Must be a Public Enemy fan.
  21. With Coach Fitz off the list, it'll definitely be Collins now.
  22. The difference in the Jazz's season this year, and the Hawks, is that the Jazz let everything organically happen. And the ironic thing is that the turning point for the Jazz, was right after they had a horrible loss at home in mid January . . . to the Atlanta Hawks. They would then go 13 - 2, going into the All-Star break. Then they'll go 18 - 6 to close the season.
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