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Everything posted by TheNorthCydeRises

  1. Well you're definitely not getting Randle for 3/40. This will be his 2nd contract. And the 2nd contract will definitely be a 4 - 5 year deal.
  2. How about getting the ball to him when he's in the post. The last thing I want to see him doing, is jacking up 2 - 4 threes a game, but can't even get 1 post touch in a game. That's completely going away from his offensive strength. 1 three a game is fine. Bud shouldn't try to turn him into Mike Muscala.
  3. LOL . . can't count on Arizona for nothing. Kentucky fans smiling from ear to ear.
  4. Phoenix is dead last in offense, by the way. And despite having the great Devin Booker, they're last in 3 point FG% too. (( edit: And dead last in defense ))
  5. He's taking more jumpers ( 43 last season . . . 102 already this season + tonight's FGs ) . . and he's shooting better on his FTs by 3%. Try again. At least Collins had a nice game as well.
  6. Damn Dwight . . . smh. A coach that knows how to properly use him. A coach that can coach outside of his precious "system".
  7. ( sigh ) . . . OK Dwight. We get it man. We get it. He's all hyped up tonight.
  8. Dwight coming back to Atlanta like he's Godzilla. He's even making free throws tonight.
  9. My grandmama used to tell me . . . . "When you ain't got (( bleep )), you can't be picky". Hawks fans better turn those Ramen Noodles into Fettuccine Alfredo.
  10. Honestly, in today's NBA . . . 15 million per for a productive starter, is pretty decent. And Randle is close, if not already a top 10 true PF in the NBA.
  11. LOL . . see? Look at ya'll. Balking already. If a top not free agent isn't walking through that door, Schlenk will have to bet on a lower tier player, and hope he becomes a star . . . like a Julius Randle. The Lakers are 20 - 10 in their last 30 games. Here are Randle's stats: 19 ppg 9.1 rebs 3.4 asst 58% FG IDK if he and Collins would be a good fit together. What I do know is that Collins can't ( or hasn't been given the chance ) to produce like this. Oh, and just remember . . . this is a LOTTERY PICK that we're talking about here ( 7th in his draft class in 2014 ). And he's arguably the 5th best player in that draft. He was in Beast Mode the other night vs Cleveland
  12. Most of these "new fans" don't even know who Dion Glover was.
  13. We were in an 8 year playoff drought though. Up until that 2008 playoff series, the last playoff we were in took place in 2000. We did a failed mini-reset of trying to flip our aging stars, for supposedly younger up and coming stars. When that didn't work, we ended up having to trade Mutombo . . for precious cap space . . in which we used on Big Dog Robinson. And don't forget how we flipped our #3 pick for Shareef. Also . . . the move that most of the fan base supposedly hated, was the move that accelerated our move back to the playoffs. And that was giving up 2 1st rounders plus paying JJ a boatload of money upfront, to bring him to Atlanta. And we were fortunate to get him because he wanted to play closer to home, and be "the guy" on his own team. What the Hawks did, was literally the modern day equivalent of giving up 2 first round picks + Tyler Dorsey . . for the Celtics Jaylen Brown. Knight assessed JJ's talent, and guessed right. Would the fan base approve of Schlenk making such a bold move to acquire Jaylen?
  14. LOL @ shut up. I pay to see these games. Do you pay to go to these games at Philips arena? It's easy to talk "tank" when you're not spending a dang dime to see these games live. Check back when you're spending $100 a pop to see a game. Or better yet, see how the season ticket holders feel about "the tank". This team is dead last in attendance this season, due to the stunt the GM pulled. And if the right player isn't picked, that attendance number will get worse. The only person that's going to move the needle from an attendance standpoint, is Collin Sexton. And he definitely won't get picked if the Hawks have a top 3 pick. Schlenk's "plan", is to throw the house at one of the Golden State players not named Curry or Durant. It'll either be Klay Thompson or Draymond Green. What will Schlenk use as a selling point to lure either of those 2 guys to Atlanta?
  15. More like battling Cleveland, Indiana, and Washington for the 3rd seed. It's cool though. The Hawks are not only going to add Ayton, we'll add Zion Williamson, and Mac McClung ( when he comes out in his Sophomore year ). Those 3, along with Collins and Prince, will bring the Hawks back to the glory days by 2025.
  16. They were both unrestricted free agents. What was he supposed to do? Trade them in the middle of the best season ever? He screwed himself, especially in the case of DeMarre, with the 2 year contract.
  17. Sap missed like 10 games down the stretch last season, which caused the late season slide. Then he was in straight beast mode in the playoffs.
  18. It tells me that after 13 years of futility and 8 head coaches, they FINALLY get to the point in which they might win 45 games. It's party time in the Twin Cities. LOL @ Dwight and Millsap not being "difference makers". Looks like a 15 game difference to me.
  19. Ferry might not be an idiot, but it was an idiotic move. Ferry's whole philosophy was "flexibility". Those contracts made the Hawks "flexible". It was reported that Millsap himself wanted the 2 year deal. But if Ferry offered him or Carroll more years, with the option to opt out after Year 2, we retain their Bird Rights. Once they play in that 3rd year, we have the right to sign them and go over the Salary Cap. But around these parts, we covet "cap space", even if we don't have a feasible plan on how to use it. Hopefully Schlenk pulls a "Bullwinkle" and pulls a rabbit out of his hat . . ( showing my age )
  20. And they'll have to add a few vets . . or that superstar player . . in order to be relevant again. Maybe they can flip Brook Lopez for Boogie Cousins . . .
  21. So Millsap and Howard are scrubs now? You think that Collins, right now, are better than those two guys? Both of those guys could play for another 3 years, easily, and be productive players. It's hilarious how the narrative on a guy like Millsap has changed dramatically, once he's gone from the team. A guy that people talked about getting a max deal last summer, would now be on a 30 win Hawks team ( if he were healthy ). People are talking about how it limits your ability to improve the team, knowing good and well that young teams in this league rarely win. Even the T-Wolves had to scrap the "youth movement", and had to bring in Butler, Teague, and everybody's favorite gunner Jamal Crawford, in order to get over the hump. Why? Because young teams, most of the time, don't improve, even if they have a star talent on the squad. Had they continued to covet their cap space and continue to add young pieces, they'd still be on the outside looking in. And after 13 years of nothing, T-Wolves fans are giddy about the position they're in right now . . . and they're still a potential 4 game losing streak away from missing the playoffs. People hate mediocrity . . . but consistent losing makes you wish you were mediocre, just to have a little something to cheer about.
  22. All you had to do, was accept the Qualifying Offer. With Chill as our super 6th man, there's no telling how that would've affected our trajectory as a team in 2009 - 2011. But he got in his feelings, and ruined his NBA career, and future earning potential. He only made 40 million in his NBA career. That number could've easily been 80 - 100 million, had he stayed in the league.
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