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Everything posted by TheNorthCydeRises

  1. In a league void of decent post up big men, Dwight still didn't get enough touches. 8 touches is nothing, to be honest. Especially when, as a team, the Hawks were 23rd in the league in 3 point shooting FG% at 34%.
  2. And that's why I would give Bud a C- for the way he managed this team this season. Even his attempts to reign in Dennis backfired. Refused to give the kids the PT they needed. Rode with Baze, despite him playing horribly. Stuck with Delaney, despite him only being able to make a 18 foot jumper ( low percentage of 3s and barely got to the rim and shot a low percentage there too ). And horribly mismanaged Dwight in that playoff series.
  3. Only in Hawkland would 13 pts - 13 rebs a game from a center, not be enough to satisfy the masses. He arguably had the best offensive season at center than any Hawk since Kevin Willis. Hawks were 27th in the NBA in offense. Can't blame that on Dwight, if he got limited touches, The 63% FG that he shot actually helped the offense from being dead last. Bud better adjust his mindset, and change his philosophy of getting the ball to the open man, when you got people on the floor tossing up brick after brick.
  4. pause at -0:42 . . . . so they DID change the number color on the white uniforms, from volt to red. That looks soooooo much better than the volt number on the white uniforms.
  5. The tankers are rejoicing right now. I think that's the 3rd media outlet that has picked us dead last. But let the GM tell it, we're striving to be "competitive". Save us Dennis. You are our only hope.
  6. They wanted to cut out on some of the back to backs and the many game stretches. I think they have it set now where no team will play no more than 16 games in a month. In year's past, they have scheduled up to 18 and 19 games in a month.
  7. http://www.nba.com/hawks/membership/plans?cid=hawks_1718flexdep_w_sch_081417_xl MEMBERSHIP PLANS Our Season Ticket Members have always been the ones we can count on most to bring the noise and the passion to Philips Arena. As a Member, you can select the Plan that's best for you. Flex Plans offer the ultimate flexibility and customization allowing you to choose your games, seats and price. Secure your spot in line by placing your $99 deposit today before they officially go on sale August 21. Our 22-Game Plan lets you enjoy half a season of Hawks basketball while still giving you access to member benefits. With the 22-Game Plan you’ll get to pick one of our matchups against either Cleveland or Golden State. The 33-Game Plan includes amazing member benefits as well, plus access to our blockbuster match ups against both Cleveland and Golden State. Or, you can go all in with the 44-Game Plan. Take advantage of the full list of Member benefits including free, designated parking to all Atlanta Hawks home games. So $99 deposit 22 home games staring at $30/gm . . . $660 + $99 = $759 33 home games starting at $25/gm . . . $825 + $99 = $924 All 44 home games starting at $20/gm . . . $880 + $99 = $979 Oh . and you can chat with a Hawks rep about the flex ticket prices in real time on the Hawks website. ( Brief talk with rep ) Prices not set yet for the flex plan, but he told me that the cheapest ticket for a "Tier 5" game was $19. And right now, the deposit isn't $99, it's $250. This is the "priority line" pricing to secure your spot and pick your own seats before they officially go on sale August 21st. They will give you a refund if you can't find any games that fit your schedule.
  8. Rare 3 home game set on Thanksgiving Weekend - Wed vs Clippers - Fri vs Knicks - Sat vs Raptors 2 home games around Christmas - Sat 23rd vs Dallas - Wed 27th vs Washington 8 out of 9 home game stretch from Jan 12th - Jan 31st Close the season with 9 of 13 games on the road No national TV games ( not even NBA TV ) . . . of course. Merry Christmas tankers. If we're not in the middle of WWIII by the season starts, this is a perfect tank schedule.
  9. LMAO . . . WTH? 5 straight road games before they play their 1st home game on Oct 27th vs PAUL MILLSAP and the Nuggets? Oh Lord. I haven't even gotten through November yet, and I have a horrible feeling about all of this. So 10 of the first 14 games are on the road ( with 3 back to backs )? They're trying to bury us early. Schlenk must be smiling from ear to ear looking at this schedule.
  10. http://www.nba.com/hawks/schedule/
  11. His fame is based on the fact that he was a high school phenom in California, and was the leader of a UCLA squad that improved their win total by 16 games and won over 30 games for the 1st time in 10 years. Lonzo was a top 5 pick long before his dad started popping off at the mouth.
  12. Pefectly played by both Lonzo and John. Had Schröder said that if the Ingram over Collins dunk was shown first, we would be giving Schröder props for sticking up for his teammate. The one thing about Ball on social media, is that he doesn't take himself too seriously. And I'm glad that Collins has the proper sense of humor as well.
  13. All teams will have 4 official uniforms, with no designation for home and away jerseys. The Hawks have already announced that they'll have a "throwback" jersey in their rotation of jerseys, so let's address that first. While the blue uniforms ( in my opinion ) looked good last year, the Hawks played horribly whenever they dawned the blue. I think for the fans and city's sake, the Hawks should go with the pac-man unis. I would even go so far as to say that if you wanted to go with the old school white look, use the new color scheme with the old look. Keep the red, trim it in black, and have "hawks" in volt lettering within the red. But keeping the red, white, and gold look is just fine with me, and one of the best looking uniforms of all time in the NBA. If we keep the basic white uniforms, the obvious change I want to see, is the volt number changed to red, and outline that number in volt. I've never been too fond of the font on the front either, so if they want to change that, that'll be cool with me. With the black uniforms, the same thing applies . . the opposite way. The volt shows up better on the black than the red on black. So have "ATLANTA" written in volt, and trim it in red, just like the number is. Someone on the Adidas and Hawks design teams thought the contrast in name and number looked good, but it just doesn't keep the uniformity of the look. And once again, if they want to change the font, that's cool with me. The red jerseys have always been my favorite look. I love the ATL font, and wouldn't mind that font being used on the other 2 jerseys. But once again, I need that uniformity in the design. Either stick with the black lettering with volt trim, or volt lettering in black trim.
  14. LMAO @ 2:00 . . . I wasn't ready for that. Just them all of the advantages.
  15. Yeah it was. Had Ibaka open in the short corner, but lost the ball going at Porzingis. If they make that shot, they take the lead. Instead, Team World goes the other way, and Kyle Lowry hits a ridiculous and-1 from the FT line. Game Over. Maybe that's how Dennis will play this year, in order to tank the season for our beloved GM. Be decent the entire game, but point shave at the end with a critical turnover to lose the game.
  16. It's almost like you're trying to convince yourself of this. If Bud went .500 with this team, you give him the Coach of the Year. Just to give you perspective on this, which team is better? 2017 Hawks PG - Schröder / Delaney G - Baze / Belinelli F - Prince / Bembry PF - Ilyasova / Collins C - Dedmon / Muscala 2014 Hawks PG - Teague / Mack G - Korver / Lou Williams F - Carroll PF - Millsap / Scott C - Antic / Brand You need A LOT of things to go right for the 2017 team, just to get to the 2014 team's level. One of them is Dennis turning into a borderline All-Star ( which I'm placing a bet that he can ). The other is seeing two out of these four players playing well above their deals ( Prince, Collins, Bembry, Dedmon ) You're banking on Bud figuring something out with that 2017 team, much like Spolestra did with his rag tag team of misfits in Miami. It took him literally 1/2 of the season, but they did figure it out. But even with that team, it was how to play team defense that they figured out. They finished 5th in defense last season. The 2014 Hawks were 14th in defense. So when I look at that 2017 Hawk roster, they're going to have to win games on the defensive end. - Can Schröder live up to his "Rondo" comparisons, and start playing defense like him? So far, he's not even close. - Can Prince become Demarre Carroll 2.0? - Can Bembry get enough time in the rotation to become our perimeter defensive stopper, much in the mold of Thabo Sefolosha? - Can Collins use his athletic ability, and translate that into becoming a better defensive player? - Can Dedmon duplicate what he did with the Spurs, and do that with more minutes? Preferably, if Bud is going to win, that will have to be your starting lineup. Can't throw one of those "shooters" into the lineup, because it will disrupt the potential defensive chemistry. But we're not going to outshoot anybody and win games, without also playing defense.
  17. At this point, I wish I could just simulate the next 10 months of life, and jump straight to June 2018 . . draft night. Schlenk obviously isn't trying to field some ultra competitive team. He's basically just signing fodder for the slaughter. I wouldn't be surprised if they've already told Dennis that he's going to play 55 - 60 games next season, no matter what. Play as well as you can, but we're only playing you 65% - 75% of the season. If you're not hurt, we'll make up some injuries to have you sitting out 2 - 3 weeks at a time . . and may give you all of April off.
  18. That's what the tankers wanted, and probably the GM too. As long as we can score a lot of points, but can't stop anybody, that will satisfy those who want the Hawks to be horrible next year. I just hope the potential losing doesn't backfire, and impact the play of Dennis.
  19. Plus we got Magette to run the point for that squad. "The Lightskin Posse" . . TLP for short
  20. Gone. Gone. Gone. Gone. Gone. Gone. ( Definitely the worst loss of the offseason ) What an offseason. And it's barely August.
  21. Hey @sturt . . . I dropped $1 on a Mega Millions ticket. Can you say that I will win, so that it will happen? Thanks.
  22. Damn. Sturt made C-Viv quit. Damn you Sturt!!
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