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Everything posted by TheNorthCydeRises

  1. Sounds like a dancer's name at Magic City. DJ: Coming to the stage . . . the "Queen of Bling" . . Miss Diamond Stone. Then she does her pole dance set to this . .
  2. Well that;s twice he's done this. Because he didn't talk to Dwight either, before he was traded. Dwight had to hear about it from people trolling him on Twitter.
  3. This is not tough. Anybody could've refused to re-sign someone not under contract anymore. Breaking up a team is one of the easiest things to do in sports. Building a team is hard as hell.
  4. But he did say that we were striving to be competitive. Unless Dennis turns into an All-Star caliber player, that lineup is bad.
  5. Dennis is the only thing this franchise has going for them right now. And he was 1 of only 3 players that showed up for the playoffs last season. He has my UNCONDITIONAL SUPPORT until he proves that he's more of a liability, than an asset. Now that he's officially "the man", let's see how he handles it.
  6. The GM said that he wants to build an exciting team. So is the GM lying again?
  7. 39 wins . . . 8th seed in East. Dennis plays hero ball and averages 22 pts - 8 assists and makes his 1st All-Star team. A huge blowup happens between Bud ( who has been ordered to limit Dennis' minutes ) . . and Dennis in mid-March, because the Hawks won't play themselves out of the playoffs.
  8. So what does that say about Bud as a coach?
  9. So a cheaper, younger version of last year's Dwight?
  10. Dennis will take 22 shots per game.
  11. Oh you mean the great Thaddeus Young. Would Turner + Young a better frontcourt duo over Howard + Turner?
  12. If that's true, that's fair. But I doubt that's true. Indiana messed around and got stuck. There's nothing to do in Indianapolis on a cold winter night, so the Pacers has been a top entertainment alternative. As fans say, they are NOT a "tanking fanbase". They will prefer "treadmill" over "tank". They were just forced to tank when they got caught with their pants down.
  13. Because Turner can play both positions. Myles' offensive game is more midrange, than post. He took almost 400 jumpers from 16+ feet. Dwight anchoring the paint, with Myles roaming as an extra defender, is actually kind of scary. Plus, instead of Jefferson, you can have Myles playing center with the 2nd unit. With Indiana also needing another wing, they very well may have taken a deal involving Howard and Baze.
  14. Whose to say that they wouldn't have? You give them Howard and Baze, maybe they re-sign Teague and still stay in the playoff picture. We don't know because we didn't even try.
  15. I think everyone assumed that Millsap wouldn't be back because we wouldn't be able to afford the deal and pay him for 5 years at max dollars. But for a potential 2 years at max dollars? Like I said . . if people thought we could bring back Sap at 3/90 back in November, I think most of us would've been for it, due to the number of years and the team option.
  16. No . . where they messed up at was trading Howard in the first place. And if they were dead set on trading him, they didn't have to do it so quickly. See if you could've gotten a better deal back for him. As desperate as Indiana was, I would've at least liked to see if they could've worked out a deal to get Howard and Baze out of here for Paul George + Filler. Even as a 1 year rental, a Howard/Baze for George/Al Jefferson would be big time going into 2018. We'd have 2 contracts ending and a boat load of cap space to do the rebuild then. Instead, we're stuck with the M & M Boyz ( Miles and Marco ) for multiple years.
  17. Or we can bottom out and stay at the bottom. If anybody would've told you or anybody else in this fan base at the beginning of last season that we could re-sign Sap for 3 yrs at 90 million, with a team option after year 2, people would've jumped all over that. Instead, we just let him go for nothing. Kojak ( Travis ) better have a hell of a plan up his sleeve next offseason. These "star" free agents aren't going to losing teams that aren't progressing, no matter how much money you offer them.
  18. Those were the prices when the team was terrible.
  19. I more was thinking along the lines of 8 ppg - 4 asst . . . but with 45% FG and 38% 3FG shooting. That means he could come in and really affect the game in a short amount of time, with 3 point shooting and finding open shooters.
  20. Dwight and Kemba are smiling from ear to ear.
  21. Ainge is the spades player with 2 jokers in his hand, but won't use them to cut, and actually lets books/tricks go by, because he wants to save the jokers to the end.
  22. ( Chris Tucker voice ) "55 million dollars? Who they think they signed, Chelsea Clinton?"
  23. Ferry is a big reason why we don't have any of those guys right now. The whole "flexibility" notion also means that guys can bounce right out of town on you. Then if you're not willing to go into the Luxury Tax to retain your "core", you're in a hamster wheel . . until you get thrown off of it.
  24. It's funny. Nashville sports talk radio was talking about the Hawks ( something that NEVER happens ). . . and the new arena renovations this afternoon. It caught their eye mainly because Zac Brown has something slightly similar set up in Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, for the Nashville Predators games. But the thing that caught their eye was the bar/club behind the basket. They thought that was a unique idea. Overall though, they said that the Hawks were setting up their own version of a "condo community" inside of the arena, to take the fans minds off of the basketball team. Once the renovations are done, this will probably work . . for a little while at least.
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