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Everything posted by TheNorthCydeRises

  1. 45% FG 38% 3FG 21 ppg 5 asts Forget point guards, there have only been 2 PLAYERS in NBA history to average these numbers over their career. This man And this man
  2. Come on now. You know better than this. They don't win the Finals last season without Kyrie. Oh, and Kyrie is only 24 years old.
  3. They wanted to maximize their cap space. And Millsap was a better prospect that was on the board. But had Josh been retained, he would've been jacking up 3s like everyone else on the team.
  4. UPDATED NUMBERS FOR BAZE: PER: 10.4 WS/48: .038 TS%: .466 Still horrible, but trending upward, as JayBird said.
  5. The irony, is that in Bud's system, Josh would've been allowed to take 3s over midrange 2s. If Bud let a fake shooter like Pero Antic take a ton of 3s, Josh would've been allowed to do the same, as long as he played defense and stayed in attack mode when need be.
  6. You'll hate this answer . . . Marvin Williams.
  7. Since 2000? Hmmmm PG candidates: Terry, Lue, Bibby, Teague, Schröder SG candidates: Johnson, Crawford, Korver SF candidates: Big Dog Robinson, Marvin, Demarre, Thabo PF candidates: Shareef, Harrington, Josh Smith, Millsap C candidates: Zaza, Horford, Howard When I see this list, I'll have to move some people slightly out of position. or into their right position. PG - Schröder SG - Johnson SF - Millsap PF - Horford C - Howard That's the group that will give me the best chance to win. You could mix and match pieces off the bench to give you any type of lineup you wanted.
  8. My bad. I was thinking about Delaney for some reason.
  9. He's making 2.5 mill a year.
  10. Utah will max out Hayward, so this is a moot point. Star players don't normally stay in Utah, so they will throw the entire wallet at Gordon. White Joe Johnson is straight up balling this season
  11. That's why I was saying last night in chat, that this was the most mentally challenging game defensively in Dennis' career. Not only did he have to contend with IT, he was exposed by Marcus Smart in the post, when they were trying to pick up the 4th foul on him. Last night was a good learning experience for Dennis. Let's hope he learns from it and does better the next time. One thing is for sure, Dennis doesn't lack the confidence, so that won't be shaken.
  12. That's the thing though. Sap can't guard EVERYBODY. Giannis normally plays the 3, but he does play the 4 at times. Thabo may draw the assignment against Giannis to start the game, but Millsap may end up guarding him.
  13. They better dry those tears up, or it might get ugly on Sunday. There are 3 WTF plays in this clip. Millsap will be under the gun. But he may be one of the few people who can guard this kid in the half court. In transition though, he's better than Lebron . . . and that's saying a lot.
  14. The numbers don't lie though. http://www.basketball-reference.com/players/b/bazemke01.html Baze currently has a 9.5 PER and a .025 Win Score/48 . . . as a starter. That's almost impossible. Even Prince, with as little playing time he's received so far, is at 9.9 PER . . . ( .054 ) WS/48. That sucks . . but it's better than Baze. So I'm about to do a player search to see if someone who is getting the minutes of Baze, is playing worse than he is. Over 1000 minutes . . . PER of 10 or under . . . WS/48 of under ( .030 ) I do that search, and only THREE players come up. Brandon Ingram ( LA Lakers ) . . . Emmanuel Mudiay ( Denver ) . . . and Kent Bazemore But those guys are 19 and 20. Baze is 27 years old. http://www.basketball-reference.com/play-index/psl_finder.cgi?request=1&match=single&type=totals&per_minute_base=36&per_poss_base=100&season_start=1&season_end=-1&lg_id=NBA&age_min=0&age_max=99&is_playoffs=N&height_min=0&height_max=99&year_min=2017&year_max=2017&birth_country_is=Y&as_comp=gt&pos_is_g=Y&pos_is_gf=Y&pos_is_f=Y&pos_is_fg=Y&pos_is_fc=Y&pos_is_c=Y&pos_is_cf=Y&force%3Apos_is=1&c1stat=mp&c1comp=gt&c1val=1000&c2stat=per&c2comp=lt&c2val=10&c3stat=ws_per_48&c3comp=lt&c3val=.030&c6mult=1.0&order_by=ws
  15. Yep. It's like I said in chat last night. Baze is like a rusted out El Camino. If another team had this . . . Why would they want to trade for this? . . . The only reason would be if they thought they could turn Baze into this . . .
  16. It was definitely a "screaming out of frustration" type of game. And they still almost pulled that game out of their butt.
  17. That's exactly how it went down too. He made one mistake and was benched. My thing is that Deandre Bembry actually had a good 6 minute stint while he was in the game. He, along with Delaney, was one of the reasons why the Hawks got back in the game in the 2nd quarter. Bembry's defense was more than solid.
  18. Not after that last play of the game tonight. Hawks had no timeouts and the wrong personnel grouping in the game to adjust to Boston's zone. Millsap gets it in the corner, and has to shoot a 3 while being doubled.
  19. Damn I wanted to be down there tonight. May have to settle for Giannis and the Bucks on Sunday.
  20. That was my thought as well. The thread title had me thinking he said or did something idiotic, that would be making the rounds in the media. Like spending $30,000 at a strip club or something. As a person who is normally hypersensitive to negative imagery, the pic when viewed simultaneously with the question, didn't raise any alarms with me. I was actually looking at this at work last night when an older white co-worker came up to me to talk during break. He saw and read the picture ( tweet ), and his response was . . . "How will the guy know if you're singing the song correctly?" And you know what? That's a damn good question. If it wasn't a well known song that you're singing, how would the person know if you're singing the song right?
  21. There you go Kyle . . . (( bleep )) up their chemistry. Kyle is like . . "Don't worry Atlanta, I'll mess them up from within."
  22. Guilty as charged with the 2x jersey. I bought the new style Teague jersey last January. On the court, I have to dress like old school Khalid El-Amin these days when he was at UCONN. My days of running the point are gone . . . long gone. I'm just an old spot up SG now, that can play position defense on lazy dudes. I can still pass though, which is why young dudes always like me on the team.
  23. This is why you're seeing more of Humphries in the middle, with Moose playing alongside him.
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