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Everything posted by TheNorthCydeRises

  1. I think Prince is the wild card. He's the guy that has the offensive tools to be a really good offensive player. If he has the freedom to take open shots and be a slasher ( ala Baze's role ), he'll end up thriving with the 2nd unit.
  2. Deja Vu? OK And here's your halftime entertainment . . I've never watched this video before. I only seen her BET Awards performance of this song. Damn . .
  3. More like 30/20 . . . but your point is still valid. Only Blake Griffin and Deandre Jordan are a better frontcourt duo.
  4. I predicted 57 wins this season, so an 18 game win streak would help me out a lot. Hawks can only lose 9 more games the rest of the way, to get to 57. 12 straight wins puts us at 33 - 16. That would mean the Hawks would "only" have to win 24 of the following 33 games.
  5. Top 6, if you include Marvin in the equation Cleveland - Kyle Toronto - DMC Boston - Al Indiana - Jeff Charlotte - Marvin
  6. Just scrolling through and sorting through a few columns http://www.basketball-reference.com/players/h/howardw01/gamelog/2017/ Hawks are 5 - 6 when he has 10 or more shot attempts Hawks are 4 - 4 when he scores 20 or more points Hawks are 8 - 4 when he makes 4 or more FTs Hawks are 7 - 3 when he has 7 or more Offensive Rebounds Hawks are 9 - 6 when he has 15 or more Total Rebounds Hawks are 13 - 3 when he has a positive +/- number So outside of the rebounding ( which does lead to points being scored on offense, and prevented on defense ), there's no real clear offensive metric in which Dwight affects the game positively or negatively, outside of the FTs. The +/- can be affected by anybody, even if he's not contributing himself.
  7. Dikembe's average in his 4 full seasons as a Hawk: 12.3 ppg 12.2 rebs 3.2 blks 1.2 asst 54% FG 69% FT 19.3 PER 59% Total Shot % .179 Win Score/48 min Dwight as a Hawk this season: 14.0 ppg 13.3 rebs 1.3 blks 1.2 asst 63% FG 55% FT 22.5 PER 63% Total Shot % .204 Win Score / 48 min Thing is though, when everyone is throwing up bricks around you, and not even looking to get an easier 2, I'd get upset sometimes too, if I were Dwight. He's averaging about 10.6 shots per game. If they can get that up to 12 shots per game, he could average close to 17 points while still grabbing 12+ rebounds.
  8. Sap isn't getting the full max from a team. The crazy thing is that we need Sap more than he needs us. A Hawks offer should START with what they gave Dwight ( 3 yrs - 70 mill ). He probably won't take that, and will ask for another year. A 4 year - 100 mill contract sounds ridiculous, but in this new market, it really isn't. So the Hawks have to evaluate if he's worth it. Sap is the "Anchorman" ( as Nique and Bob calls him ), because he truly is the anchor of this team, especially on the defensive end. Millsap's game isn't based on crazy athleticism. It's based on solid fundamentals. Because of this, a guy like Millsap could be an effective player well into his mid-30s, much like a Zach Randolph. But the Hawks could go into a different direction. If they want to be big players in the free agent market, they could let Sap walk, and go for a box office player . . . like a Blake Griffin. No doubt that Blake would fit in, and sell very well in Atlanta. Another disappointing season in Clipperland could lead to that team being broken up a bit, much like what we went through with JJ, Josh, and Al. In a decision between Chris Paul and Blake, the Clippers will choose to keep Blake. Question is . . . will Chris choose to stay with them, when he opts out. Both of those guys could change the entire landscape of the league, if they decide to leave the Clippers.
  9. Here is his statement again. And keep in mind that the person he's saying this to, is a Black man who is questioning some of the things going on with the team during that losing streak, who also has his Black wife in attendance: “I know you guys may be angry with me, but I’m used to it because I have a black wife and three mixed kids, so I’m used to people being angry and argumentative.” Break down each part of his statement: 1) "I know you guys may be angry at me".... Initially, Wes may be talking about the entire fan base, or fans in the room who are upset with what the Hawks have done, or not done, at that point in the season. But the person who is pushing Wes to give him a clear plan of action may also think that he's talking about him being in the "angry" group. And keep in mind that the person asking Wes these things is Black. Remember that as the statement goes on. 2) ... "but I'm used to it because I have a black wife and three mixed kids" ... At this point, you have to wonder what in the world Wes is talking about. This middle statement has nothing to do with the first part of the statement, basketball, or even why people are angry with him. But had he'd stopped right there, it would be easier to explain why he's used to people being angry at him. Problem is, he didn't explain WHO specifically is angry or WHY he's used to people being angry and argumentative toward him. It's a very ambiguous statement that can be interpreted in a lot of ways, depending on what is said next. 3) ... "so I'm used to people being angry and argumentative." Like the first part of his statement, which people are Wes talking about? The people at the meeting upset with the direction of the Hawks? The people who don't like interracial marriage? The person who asked him the tough questions? Or his black wife and mixed kids? Which people is he used to being angry and argumentative toward him? The only people he specifically named in that statement, are his 3 mixed kids and his Black wife. And the series of questions/statements made toward Wes before he made that statement, was made by a Black person. So to the person asking the questions and making the statements critical toward Wes, he may believe each of the 3 parts in Wes' reply has: #1 - referring to him directly #2 - probably confusing the hell out of him and asking why is this relevant to his concerns about the Hawks #3 - believing that the angry and argumentative attributes either refer to him grilling Wes ... Wes' wife and kids being angry/argumentative to him ... or Black people in general, who are stereotypically angry and argumentative. And the last thing that really made it worse, is that he asked one of his white co-workers if it was OK to say that? He's already made a statement that is open for interpretation, and he asks another person if it was OK to say that? Interesting. Wes simply got the heat turned up on him during that Q and A session, and tried to deflect tough questions away with a bad and confusing joke. Then when the person e-mailed Koonin about the statement, he ( or someone he works for ) did the exact same thing . . . deflect. Just an extremely poor job of PR and keeping things on a professional level, by a group who has been flawless since the Ferry debacle.
  10. Draft placement of each Atlanta Hawk currently on the roster' 1st round picks: - Howard: ( 1st - 2004 ) - Prince: ( 12th - 2016 ) - Thabo: ( 13th - 2007 ) - Humphries: ( 14th - 2004 ) - Schröder: ( 17th - 2013 ) - Bembry: ( 21st - 2016 ) - Hardaway Jr: ( 24th - 2013 ) ( possible Hawks pick - 2019 ) 2nd round picks: - Splitter: ( 28th - 2007 ) - Scott: ( 43rd - 2012 ) - Muscala: ( 44th - 2013 ) - Millsap: ( 47th - 2006 ) - Bazemore: ( undrafted - 2012 ) - Delaney: ( undrafted - 2016 )
  11. Howard and Noel could definitely co-exist, mainly because Howard isn't the offensive focal point of the offense. He sets screens, rolls to the hole, and doesn't get the ball in the post nearly enough. And as of right now, Noel could get most of his playing time with Dwight off the floor, if need be. From a defensive standpoint, he'd be a great fit alongside Howard. The kid moves very well defensively and really reminds me of Millsap with how active he is. That play last night where he helps out to cover the guard at the top of the key, but then hustles back to block Horford's lay up, was a Millsap-like play. At one time in the NBA, range for an NBA 4 was 18 - 20 feet. That allowed post scoring centers to play strictly around the rim, while the PF alternated from post to midrange jumpers. From what I can see, I think Noel can develop his midrange jumper to the point where he can become around 35% - 40% shooter from that range, if he works really hard at it. He's currently in the high 20s, low 30s ( Josh Smith like ). But even Josh got his midrange shooting up over 40% one season. Had he'd been satisfied with that, instead of trying to extend his range, he might still be in the league right now. But then again, these new age coaches don't value the midrange shot, and would rather guys shoot 30% from 3, than 40% from the midrange and not take 3s. That's why we have so many schizophrenic shooters in the league right now.
  12. The question is . . . why wouldn't we resign Noel, especially if can be an asset to the team? He's insurance in case we decide the asking price of Millsap is too high. And he's a RFA, so we have the right to match any offer. See, I'm not a fan of getting attached to players who don't help us. If we had the opportunity to get out from under Baze's contract with a Noel + Henderson trade, I'm all for that. I think the Hawks need to find a young talent that people are either overlooking, or misusing. They thought they could cultivate Baze into a top 10 SG, but he's regressed so much that I don't know if that will happen.
  13. Last night vs the Celtics Noel has only played in 9 games and 117 total minutes ( 13 minutes a game ). In that time frame, he's averaging 7 pts, 3 rebs, 1 stl, and 1 blk . . . while shooting 64% FG and 90% FT Doesn't sound like much, until you look at his Per 36 numbers 20 ppg - 8.3 rebs - 2.5 stls - 2.2 blks He also has a PER of 26.2 and a WS 48 of .249 . . . . by FAR the best on the Sixers. He's a victim of being injured . . . not being a potential superstar like Joel Embiid . . . and playing behind Okafor, who has more offensive skills, but his a HORRIBLE defender. If fact, Okafor may not be a better player than Noel . . . and Noel KNOWS this, which is why he's making so much noise about his playing time. In that clip last night, Okafor got a DNP ( don't know why ). But Noel definitely balled in his absence, along with Gerald Henderson ( surprise ). Defense has always been Noel's specialty. But his offense is now starting to blossom. Get him out of Philly and onto a REAL team in which he can contribute, and he will flourish. Bring him to ATL, and give him part of Moose's minutes and all of Humphries. Surely we can find 16 minutes a game for him right now, while extending his minutes when he plays well. He just doesn't want to rot on the bench. He wants to play and show his skills.
  14. After 36 games last season, we were 21 - 15 After 36 games this season, we're 20 - 16. The Howard move was supposed to solidify us with Dwight in the middle, and Horford finally moving to his beloved PF position. He would've been able to stay out on the perimeter and take all of the jumpers he wanted. If we kept Millsap, it would've formed BY FAR the best and most versatile frontcourt in the league. The move was a championship type move. Too bad Horford got his feelings hurt, and left ATL for a few million a year difference. PG - Schröder G - Baze F - Millsap PF - Horford C - Howard That's the lineup we would've thrown at people. If Millsap, Horford, and Dwight all played 30 minutes a game, this would've been your minutes rotation. PG - Schröder ( 32 ) - Delaney ( 16 ) G - Baze ( 26 ) - Hardaway Jr ( 18 ) - Korver ( 4 ) F- Millsap ( 12 ) - Sefolosha ( 20 ) - Korver ( 16 ) PF - Horford ( 18 ) - Millsap ( 18 ) - Moose/Scott ( 12 ) C - Howard ( 30 ) - Horford ( 12 ) - Humphries ( 6 ) The Hawks could've had a dynamic and very flexible 10 or 11 man rotation that they could've made work. You could also legitimately keep one of Howard, Horford, or Millsap on the floor at ALL TIMES, Too bad #15 wanted no part of that, and wanted more to become a Boston legend as the wingman behind Isaiah Thomas.
  15. Noel last season vs Anthony Davis He looks like a "baby Millsap"
  16. It would have to be for one of the big men in Philly ( Okafor or Noel ) . . . with a throw in ( like a Gerald Henderson, who will make a sickening 9 million this year and next year ). If the Hawks acquired Henderson, I wouldn't even play the dude, unless it was an emergency. As inconsistent as Baze is, he'd instantly become the 2nd best player in Philly, behind Joel Embiid. He'd also get the freedom to do whatever he wanted offensively, while being their best perimeter defender. He'll be crushed being traded to Philly, but might flourish there in a bigger role. And when they get Ben Simmons back ( maybe at the end of this season, but definitely by next year ), the Philly squad might be worth a little something. PG - Rodriguez ( or free agent ) SG - Bazemore SF - Simmons PF - Okafor C - Embiid With the salary cap going up, Philly has to spend a certain amount of money to get to the Salary Cap floor. Instead of paying Gerald Henderson and Jarryd Bayless 9 mill apiece, they could pay Baze that money, who will have more upside than either of those guys. That's how I would sell it to Philly. Baze + 1st round pick from Cavs for Noel + Henderson
  17. Grabbing Dwight Howard was a major attempt in trying to catch the Cavs. He's brought exactly what this team needed in the middle. It's not his fault that Baze and Korver were inconsistent as hell. Howard is having his best season in 5 years. 22.5 PER .200 Win Score/48 64% FG If Baze and Korver just played like their normal selves throughout the year, we'd be 24 - 12 right now and 1/2 game out of 2nd place. And there would be no talk of, or no trade action indicating that we might blow everything up. If only BudCox could trade Baze for a disgruntled, but good player, that would be the icing on the cake.
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