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Everything posted by TheNorthCydeRises

  1. Jenkins bringing back the Black Suit?
  2. http://www.basketball-reference.com/teams/CLE/2017.html Look at the injury report part of that list. Apparently, Mo Williams is looking to reach a buyout agreement, and then retire. He hasn't reported to the Cavs all year. I thought he was just hurt. So we'll get Mo, buy him out, and possibly keep Dunleavy? Interesting. ( edit ) - For the record though, if they keep Dunleavy, he should be right back in the position he was with the Cavs . . . at the end of the bench. At 36 years old, there's no way he should be getting playing time over the young rookies.
  3. Here's another thing. I think Kyle was actually a crutch or "safety net" for Bud. He was almost trying to force feed Kyle into games, even when he was ineffective, just to have that shooting threat out on the floor. A lot of people thought that Kyle was the key to our entire offensive attack from a spacing standpoint, because you always have to have a guy near him at the 3 point line. Bud probably thought that too. But as the Hawks played better and better WITHOUT Kyle on the floor, it became apparent that we really don't need him as much as people believed. Also, Bud had to "hide" Korver on defense, or give him help. If he didn't, teams salivated when players went ISO against Kyle. Like other have said, he hasn't been the same defensively, since Delly took him out in the 2015 playoffs. I honestly want the Hawks to stay put with the moves right now. Let's see how this team plays the next couple of weeks. And let's see if Bud gives more time to the rookies, specifically Prince. The other thing that was encouraging about last night, is that Bud didn't stick with Bazemore long, who had another subpar game. Even with Korver not active, Baze only played 21 minutes. Thabo got extended minutes ( and was +14 by the way . . . which was my assertion last night about who the REAL X-factor on this team is ), and Bembry gave us a very solid 14 minutes with 6 points and decent defense. So I really want to see a scenario in which the rookies get ALL of Kyle's 28 minutes, with the most minutes going to the guy who may be playing the best. I would love to see a wing rotation like this: SG - Baze ( 24 ) - Hardaway Jr ( 22 ) - Bembry ( 2 ) SF - Thabo ( 26 ) - Prince ( 14 ) - Bembry ( 8 ) If someone is balling, extend their minutes.
  4. We're 10 - 4 in our last 14 games . . . and have a good shot to run that to 12 - 4 in our last 16, if we can take care of business vs these lower level teams.
  5. That's why the Hawks and Wes need to get out in front of the story and say exactly this. IF this is what he meant, say it. Not to make this political, but this sounds a lot like what Kellyanne Conway has to do with Trump, when he makes a "curious" statement, and she has to explain what he REALLY meant.
  6. No one accused Wes of being racist. But it was an insensitive and stereotypical comment. There's no denying that. I think Wes thought he could get away with that comment, BECAUSE he had a black wife and 3 mixed kids. And he probably HAS gotten away with that behind closed doors in private conversations. I'm just imagining the response I would get, if I made a comment like that in front of the group of about 35 employees I manage in my department . . . with about 30% of them being Black women. I know for a fact that at least one of them would take me to HR for that comment and 2 or 3 of them would call me out right on the spot for that statement. We had a white manager on my job make a flippant remark when a temporary employee decided to quit his job. The manager said . . . "That's OK. Any ol monkey can do his job, It's not hard." On the surface, there's nothing wrong with that comment. But when you make that comment, and 50% of your team consist of Black people, someone might just take that the wrong way. And 2 of them did . . . to the point that they damn near wanted to fight that manager. It didn't help that the manager was already unpopular. That comment just put it over the top. HR had to move that manager completely to another part of the facility on a different shift. About 1 year later, they put him back in the same area, but not on the same shift. Of course, the manager apologized to the people who took offense to what he said, and stated that he meant no harm in his statement. People may call this being too PC, or too sensitive. But people who may be in a position should always be aware that WORDS MATTER. Wes is lucky that there is a snow/ice threat in the South, the NFL playoffs are happening, and a possible terror or workplace shooting is going on today.
  7. Yeah right. He's in ATLANTA. If true, you don't make a comment like that, after the Ferry and Levenson debacles. Even if Wes was Black, he'd come under fire for this. But the fact that he's white WILL make it worse. The only thing that will legitimately save him, is that he is married to a Black woman. Watch the response when ESPN gets a hold of this, and the talking heads start talking. Koonin needs to tell Wes to get wayyy out in front of this right now, even have his wife on TV alongside him, to totally diffuse this situation. Ferry ran and hid when something like this went down. It will be a huge mistake for the Hawks to let social media and the media in general to control the narrative.
  8. Props to Kyle for what he brought to this team. I thought people overvalued it at times, because we needed him to be a little more productive at times. But when his shot was on, it was a joy to watch. He's one of the best transition open 3 point shooters I've ever seen. Maybe THE best. He'll fit in well in Cleveland, who needed a shooter with JR Smith on the sidelines for another month or two. Just remember to miss those easy open 3s, when we face you guys in the EC Finals. Don't be the guy that beats us with dagger 3s. Thank you for your service to this team, sir. ( whispering to Prince ) . . . "OK dude . . . . YOU'RE UP! Do your thing."
  9. Excellent deal. Can't believe they actually did it. You have to find out what you have in Taurean Prince. But I see even Bembry contributed quite nicely tonight. Addition by subtraction.
  10. Bud has to take the hit for our record. It's not a coincidence that the Hawks are playing much better, since the lineup changes and the reduction in minutes of ineffective players. It was obvious back in November, even when we were 9 - 2, that the wings ( specifically Baze and Korver ) were a big problem. Then we started to lose in blowout fashion. That forced Bud's hand. Thabo's defense, with his ability to limit the scoring of marginal and star SGs and SFs, and his rebounding ability, has always been the barometer for this team, not the 3 point shooting. So it's no coincidence that the Hawks are 11 - 6 when Thabo starts. And if he's playing well, all the rest of the guys have to do, is play their games and not be horrible. Even with that great win streak back in 2014 - 15, it was the mid quarter/half play of Thabo that catapulted us to that historic run. As soon as he got hurt, we instantly went from a Finals contender, to road kill for Cleveland. Even last year, when the Hawks were back and forth from being mediocre to good, when Thabo finished the game with a positive +/- number, the Hawks were a whopping 28 - 3. In 2014 - 15, the Hawks were 46 - 4, when Thabo had a positive +/- number. This team will REALLY take off if Bud makes a concerted effort to play Taurean Prince at least 15 - 20 minutes a game. To do that though, it means that something would have to happen to Korver and Baze, or both ( trade, injury, etc. ). Prince is the one guy on this roster who can not only be a very good scorer on the wing, but also a very good defender. He's also a solid all-around player, which gives him the ability to stuff a box score. Bud won't give him a chance to do that though, unless backed completely into a corner, much like how Larry Drew had to turn to Teague, once Kirk Hinrich went down in the 2011 playoffs.
  11. Macdaddy beat me to it as I was typing. LMAO Diesel. Come on dog. You waged a 7 year nuclear war against Marvin Williams. And Marvin NEVER played as bad as Baze is playing now.
  12. Admitting that officiating was definitely in our favor last night, is a mark of a mature NBA fan. I was listening to the Magic radio announcers during the 3rd quarter, and they were about to literally die about the officiating. Then again, Steve Holman is ALWAYS talking about Tony Brothers, and how he screws the Hawks. That dude is definitely like an extra player for the other team, when he refs a Hawks game.
  13. Next Friday is going to be a sad, yet satisfying day. Horford is without a doubt one of the best players this franchise has had in the past 20 years, and arguably a top 15 Hawk of all time. And he did lead us to the ECF, something that no other Atlanta Hawk has been able to do. But the venom he will receive next Friday ( on national TV ) will absolutely be deserved. This will be the most hate he's received since his days as a Florida Gator. And most of us SEC fans hated Noah far worse than Horford, or any other player on that Florida squad. It will be very interesting to see how he responds to that. Who in the hell would've thought 6 years ago, that the core player most fans would have less apathy toward . . . is Marvin Williams? Joe Johnson is in the twilight of his career, but was routinely booed since the Hawks traded him. Josh Smith completely torched his Hawks bridge with the fans with his "bandwaggoners" comment in 2015. But Horford, who was the Teflon Don for years with the lack of criticism thrown his way, will be the most hated out of that trio. That's absolutely incredible. A trio that brought us back from the dead, will never get the appreciation they deserve. And yet, that's probably how it should be. Maybe in 10 years, the fans will forgive. I doubt it though.
  14. Prince getting that 2009 - 10 Jeff Teague treatment. Vets who aren't factors every game ( or are flat out sucking ), get major minutes anyway, which suppresses young talent. We just have to hope that when Prince finally gets his shot ( due to an injury ... or next year ), that he takes full advantage of it just like Teague did. With consistent minutes, Prince has the offensive tools to be a much better offensive player than Thabo and consistently have more impact on a game than Korver. He's already better all around than Baze. But Bud can't sit him over the rookie, because of the contract.
  15. Last 15 games he's shooting around 65% FTs, when you include tonight's 3-3 performance.
  16. I agree that the skyhook was unstoppable. LOL @ losing to the Duncan bank shot. They shouldn't let the kids vote on these lists, if it includes players old enough to be their grandaddy. Here's one though. How does Rondo's fake or Ginobli's Euro make the list, but this doesn't?
  17. The NBA is a business, and also entertainment. The "treadmill" is a reality. With all of that young talent on that team, the T-Wolves are 29th in attendance. You know why? Because no one wants to keep paying hundreds of dollars, just to see their team lose 60% - 70% of their home games. Especially when you're already playing in a wishy-washy NBA market that isn't "ride or die" for their team, no matter what . . . or doesn't have the population base to draw in random casual fans on a nighly basis. The Hawks are 23rd in the league in NBA home attendance percentage ( % of seats sold per game ), at 86.8%. That's far better than in past years, when the Hawks would struggle to get above 80% sold. But if this team doesn't win more games at home, that 86% will plummet. The Spurs game was a near sell out at 97%. When you get the fans in the building for those "BIG" games, those are the games you need to win to bring them back. Even if you're a middling playoff level team, winning at home keeps the fans engaged. The worst thing the Hawks could do right now, is sell off their best player, with no plans in bringing in, or developing, someone who can be "top dog" around here. If Dennis can be that guy, so be it. If not, what then? Go 30 - 52 and get a low lottery pick? We already have that in Prince, and he can't see the floor.
  18. I can give you a reason why . . . When you do something like this, you better at least be able to put a competitive product out on the floor. As fans, we have to come to the realization that it's not only Lebron James that's keeping us from being a championship level team or even reaching an NBA Finals. It's also Kyrie Irving and Kevin Love. We're potentially looking at 3 Hall of Famers on that Cavs team, much like what the Western Conference faced back in the 1980s with Magic, Kareem, and Worthy on the LA Lakers ( who went to 8 of the 10 NBA Finals in the 1980s with at least 2 of those 3 guys always on the roster ) . . . and the East faced in the 1990s with the Chicago Bulls always having Jordan and Pippen. Blowing it up doesn't work, unless you get a Hall of Fame player right from the jump, who can join a team with decent pieces. Sacramento still sucks. Minnesota, with all of that young talent, still sucks. Philly will still suck, unless they get a dynamic guard to play with Embiid ( who also needs to stay healthy ). Pelicans still suck with Anthony Davis, for that very reason ( lack of a dynamic guard ). Honestly, we're better off betting that Dennis and possibly a guy like Prince can develop into All-Star caliber players, while keeping good, but aging players on the team ( even if they're overpaid ), than to trying to acquire a bunch of draft picks and hope one of them is a Hall of Famer. And it is proven in the Atlanta market, that if the team isn't at least halfway good, the fans aren't coming out . . . period. If we lose Millsap, we better get Blake Griffin . . . or nothing . . . so that we can possibly add quality veteran complimentary pieces to play with the kids. And not players on bad contracts given to them by other teams.
  19. http://hoopshype.com/salaries/atlanta_hawks/ Players under contract next year - Dwight: 23.5 mill - Millsap: 21.5 .. ( player option ) - Baze: 16.9 mill .. ( throwing up a little . . . no, a lot ) - Dennis: 15.5 mill - Delaney: 2.5 mill .. ( dang, he should be dancing in the streets ) - Prince: 2.4 mill - Bembry: 1.6 mill - Hardaway Jr: 3.3 mill ( qualifying offer ) . . . in which he may be setting himself up for a 10 mill a year + deal, if he keeps playing halfway decent. That's it. This is why Bud needs to start playing Prince more, to see if he can vastly outplay his rookie contract.
  20. Unless you're getting lottery picks and/or a major upgrade at the wing, there's no sense in trading Millsap . . . even if you lost him for nothing. Too many times, these teams out think themselves. Getting back marginal players for Millsap is useless, unless they all can shoot the 3 at a high rate, which would turn us into 2011 Orlando Magic lite . . without the dominant offensive version of Dwight.
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