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Everything posted by TheNorthCydeRises

  1. Hype doesn't make this type of shot off the dribble in a one on one situation . . . on the road . . . in Game 7 . . . to win the NBA Finals. Only superstars do this.
  2. NO. Millsap playing with Dwight isn't the problem. You quickly forget that it was Dwight that dominated Toronto just a few days ago, in a bigger road win. Millsap, Howard, and Dennis are doing what they're supposed to do. It's consistency from the wings, that are the major issue with this team.
  3. Exactly what I was thinking. This isn't the 2010 Hawks, in which we had 6 solid guys and 2 role players who could contribute at times. This team is like a suspect ( fool's gold ) Spades hand, with 3 solids ( Howard, Millsap, Schröder ) and 2 possibles ( THJ and Thabo ). You think you have something good, but it may not be all that. Baze and Korver are like a Jack of Clubs and an 8 of Spades. Yes, it can get you a trick/book if things go perfectly, but most of the time, they're simply lost in the shuffle. Bud should literally be playing everybody on that bench these days, with the lack of production they're giving. Play everybody, then roll with whomever is playing the best.
  4. Those are SUPERSTAR stats though. No one expected the superstar version of Dwight to come. Heck, we would've KILLED if Horford averaged 18 and 9 in a game, let alone in a half. 27 pts - 15 rebs . . +16 . . . in 34 minutes for Dwight tonight. Those are 1st team all-NBA numbers right there. No one was expecting that from him.
  5. Hawks need to survive the first 6 minutes of this quarter. If they can extend the lead by the time the K&K Music Factory come in ( lol @ that ), they just might get a nice win tonight. ( literally 90 seconds later ) Lead down to 11, with Derozan scoring all 6 of the Raptors' points. ( sigh ) It is never easy.
  6. So far in Toronto . . . 18 pts - 9 rebs . . . in 18 minutes . . . +16 for the game for Howard ( non-impact numbers, of course ) Hawks up 17, in arguably their best half of the year.
  7. On a beach, sipping cocktails, earning 20%
  8. And to think that he JUST got inducted to the Sports Broadcasting Hall of Fame 2 nights ago, but couldn't attend. RIP Sager. You were the NBA sideline reporter we all grew up with.
  9. According to hoopsstats.com, our frontcourt is ranked #7 in the league. The backcourt? 28th
  10. Howard currently has a Win Score per 48 minute number of .173 Horford had a Win Score per 48 minute number of .172 last season. Two different players, who equally impacted the game in significant, but different ways. Meanwhile, Baze has a .008 Win Score per 48. .008 There have only been a few guys who were starters or spot rotation players, that have played this bad in Hawks history. Here is the Hawks All-Star team for Win Score/48 futility PG - Jacque Vaughn ( -.002 ) . . . 2003 - 04 G - Demarr Johnson ( .000 ) . . . 2000 - 01 F - Kent Bazemore ( .008 ) . . . 2016 - 17 PF - Antoine Walker ( .004 ) . . . 2004 - 05 ( MVP ) C - Jason Collier ( .000 ) . . . 2004 - 05 ( RIP ) 6th man - Acie Law ( .-007 ) . . . ( 2007 - 08 )
  11. Damn. Another excellent post. You get 2 Crying Native Americans for this.
  12. NO!!! If they knock the "big dog" out, they better get to the NBA Finals. Period. Point blank!
  13. See, that's my thought as well. The losing and the lawsuit brought about some deep seeded hatred from fans about this franchise . . . from ownership down to the dang cheerleaders. I myself, was a "Woody apologist" back then, when 85% of fans despised the dude, because I didn't think he was the biggest reason why we couldn't get over the hump. And in those days, Marvin was definitely the most polarizing player ever. Either you despised him for not being the #2 pick, and elevating us to championship status. Or you accepted that he was simply a solid player, and didn't hold it against him for not being a superstar. These forums are definitely tame, compared to the battles that used to take place on here. That's why this losing stretch sucks. With only 11,000 at the game last night, the fans will turn on this franchise quickly if we continue to lose. And that will make its way on here. Trust me. The newer members do NOT want to see this site go full negative. It is not pretty when it does.
  14. For $500 . . . name all of the Hawks in this video, including the coach.
  15. So no Baze for the next 2 games? Come on Taurean! This is your golden opportunity to make your mark on this team. You too THJ.
  16. Bud didn't see the impact of a Kris Humphries either, until it was too late. Bud is my dude, but I'm more and more critical of him these days. He can't let us go out like this, because his two pet wings are a big minus this season. He has to continue to change it up, and play the people who have a true impact on games. A positive impact.
  17. It'll be interesting to see how Prince does in your simulations.
  18. I always comment that he's wild as hell.
  19. The bad thing about Baze's horrible offensive stretch, is that his defense is suffering as well. When you're a liability on offense, the way you can make it up is to be a plus on defense. But he's not even that now. Start the kid, Bud.
  20. PG - Schröder G - THJ F - Prince PF - Millsap C - Howard I'd rather see this starting lineup for the next 20 games, instead of the usual starting lineup.
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