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Everything posted by TheNorthCydeRises

  1. He may regret it because 1) Dennis may NOT develop into the better PG over Teague, despite having a more aggressive personna and potential upside. 2) If Indiana gets its act together, and adjust the roster a bit, Indy could be a better team than us. Teague showed glimpses of "Playoff Teague" the other night vs the Thunder. That's what I get out of that exchange.
  2. The numbers for Baze and Delaney aren't encouraging. I don't know if Bembry can effectively play the point on the NBA level, but it may be time to see if he can, at least from a passing and defensive standpoint. Watching the replay of that game, Dennis and Delaney couldn't guard anybody last night. So if the bigger Bembry can do it, it may help us during times in which the opposing PG is lighting us up. I made the prediction before the season started that the rookies will be rotation players by January. Let's hope it's more like mid-December.
  3. FREE THE KIDS!! Time for Bud to really start letting them play. Prince had a nice game, but Bembry needs time as well. May as well go 12 deep, if 2 or 3 regular rotation players aren't going to show up.
  4. Favorite Ivan highlight Still my favorite Hawk scrub of all time.
  5. Errr . . . I mean that we would beat them 50 - 46 in the 2nd half.
  6. The score is now New Orleans - 54 Atlanta - 28 6:30 to go in the 2nd quarter Final score New Orleans - 101 Atlanta 103 BOOK IT!!
  7. 2 Dennis simply has to make the transition from being a guy looking for his own shot, to making others around him better. Teague had these same issues as a first year starter. Dennis had a horrible game tonight. Look for him to be stellar on Tuesday night. Dennis, outside of the turnovers, has been pretty good this season overall. If most Hawks fans had their way, Tim Hardaway Jr would've been traded or cut before opening night, because of his erratic play in the preseason. So anyone expecting Dennis to have a seamless transition from bench gunner to playmaking starter, is placing too high of expectations on him. Talk to me in January about if I should be worried about Dennis. Not in November.
  8. All I know that after a long 9 years of missing the playoffs, it was this guy, and specifically this game, that restored my passion for this team. One of my main regrets as a fan is that I wasn't there to see this live. I saw Game 3 and Game 6 in person, but not Game 4. It's a shame that this dude's legacy as a Hawk is tarnished by one comment after a frustrating playoff beatdown. He didn't have to come here. He could've stayed out West and played with a Hall of Famer. But he came here, for the chance to build something for himself. He did that. And built the foundation for this team that we still stand on, despite not having a championship. As a Hawks fan, I will be forever grateful for this moment, and what he did for this franchise. He made us relevant again.
  9. It'll take an injury, or extremely poor play to get Kyle out of the starting lineup. I don't mind him starting right now, I just would like to see his minutes reduced when he's not playing well. He's down to 27 minutes a game, but he should honestly be around 21 - 23 minutes a game. I'm glad that Bud is getting Prince some PT while Thabo is out, but he may need to do the same thing for Bembry. The kids can make an impact on the game, even if they're not good deep ball shooters yet. But I do think that as soon as Splitter and Scott are healthy, both will be sent to the D-League. Bembry for sure will be sent there. Hard to nitpick at how the team has played so far though. I don't think many people would envision us being 9 - 3 at this point of the season.
  10. Most other announce teams are absolutely clueless about us, especially when it comes to our bench players. Nique at least knows who we are playing, and can sometimes give analysis on their game, even when he's making fun of them. But like you said, if some of the people dissing Nique had League Pass, they'll see how decent Nique is, compared to others. Brevin Knight in Memphis is one of the best color commentators in the NBA, IMO.
  11. You guys aren't credible when critiquing Nique as a broadcaster. Because if I were to ask "what are some of the things he does well", none of you would come up with anything because your focus would be on his "catch phrases". Nique is damn near spot on with his analysis of game action. If he says it was a bad shot, it's because it was a bad shot. Heck, Nique took plenty of "bad shots" during his playing days, so he knows a bad shot when he sees it. Like that Schröder 3 last night on a 4 on 1 break . . . that was a bad shot, despite him being wide open. Listen to some of the other commentary around the league. Nique isn't even in the bottom 15 of NBA color commentary announcers.
  12. But who is ever a "clear cut" #1 guy in a Bud/San Antonio system? The one thing that Klay DOES bring to the table though, is that he can be that #1 guy if asked to play that role. And he can be a very explosive scorer, who can also defend. This is Klay without Curry, in the playoffs. You put Klay in THIS SYSTEM? And have him in a Kyle Korver role where most of his shots are coming off screens and catch and shoot looks? He flat out thrives. And unlike Korver, he has the ability to create off the dribble. Despite his struggles in the first 3 weeks of the season ( and honestly since the Olympics ), this is an all time great shooter we're talking about here. I mean, who does this?
  13. That's Ty Lue's "hold up, what you talkin' bout" face
  14. http://www.basketball-reference.com/play-index/psl_finder.cgi?request=1&match=single&type=totals&per_minute_base=36&per_poss_base=100&season_start=1&season_end=-1&lg_id=NBA&age_min=0&age_max=99&is_playoffs=N&height_min=0&height_max=99&franch_id=ATL&birth_country_is=Y&as_comp=gt&pos_is_g=Y&pos_is_gf=Y&pos_is_f=Y&pos_is_fg=Y&pos_is_fc=Y&pos_is_c=Y&pos_is_cf=Y&force%3Apos_is=1&c1stat=ws_per_48&c1comp=gt&c1val=.250&c6mult=1.0&order_by=ws_per_48 These are the players in Hawks history that have accumulated a Win Score/48 of .250 Howard is on this list, along with Moose. The others on this list weren't rotation players and played sparingly. For a comparison, only 4 players who were rotation players averaging 15 min/game, achieved a .250 WS/48 mark last season - Steph Curry: .318 ( which is insane ) - Kawhi Leonard: .277 - Kevin Durant: .270 - Chris Paul: .253 . . . ( he has an all time best .410 WS/48 so far this season )
  15. The Hawks will have him on speed dial if Splitter can't go, or if we have a rash of injuries amongst our bigs. This happened last year, which is why Edy played sparingly and Humphries was added to the team. If Humphries or Moose goes down, Edy will be right back on the Hawks with a 10 day or longer contract.
  16. Too big to play SF, that should've said. PF is his natural position.
  17. The main problem with Marvin was that Josh was playing his position at PF. Marvin had a nice shot, but was really too big to play PF. He is the prototypical stretch/slash 4 that can beat PF's off the dribble, and guard them as well. The "new" Marvin
  18. That's bad when we're worse than a team that doesn't even exist.
  19. The county only wants the money. Mike Molly will probably end up getting a suspended sentence, and a hefty fine for his transgressions.
  20. This is what I'm afraid of, in regards to Splitter. =
  21. From a Per 36 minute perspective, here's how Dwight's season this year ranks in his career. FG% - 1st FT% - 10th FT attempts - 3rd FT makes - 5th ORebs - 1st DRebs - 4th TotRebs - 1st Assists - 5th Steals - 1st Blocks - 3rd OffRating - 1st DefRating - 1st PER - 3rd TS% - 5th Win Score/48 - 1st In other words, he's having his best season since the 2009 - 10 season.
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