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Everything posted by TheNorthCydeRises

  1. Analytics is important, but overvalued. It does have merit, but it can't be the genesis of how you build a team. This league is still about having talent, chemistry, and good coaching.
  2. ME: "Al Jefferson is a free agent ..." EVERYONE ELSE: "nooooooooo"
  3. Yes. And that's why Bud always emphasizes shooting and making shots during his timeouts. That's why Kyle still plays 30+ minutes a game, even though he's not even getting shots off. That's why Bud played Muscala over Humphries, despite the Hawks desperately needing toughness around the rim in both playoff series. Bud's offensive system doesn't value offensive rebounding ... at all. That does enable the Hawks to limit fastbreak points the other way. But that also means that when guys are tossing up bricks on offense, we're one and done. As Hotlanta once said ... ( paraphrasing ) "These guys can't shoot. That's why the system doesn't work".
  4. Horford needs to take more 3s. He needs to go the route of Chris Bosh and Kevin Love, and take more 3s. Specifically, he should absorb about 50% of the 3 point shots that Paul Millsap takes. That would put Horford near the 375 three point attempt mark ( close to 4.5 threes per game ) ( FYI - Millsap only shot 32% reg season and 24% playoffs from 3 point range ) One of the things that bugged me this season, was the green light everyone had to shoot 3s. ( 6 Hawks took 200+ threes, while 3 more took 100+ threes ) And while people complained when Horford shot and missed from 3, it was actually guys like Thabo, Dennis, and Millsap who would jack up untimely ( but open ) 3s, and bricked them. Horford shot 34% reg season and 39% playoffs from 3. He has a very legit shot to improve to a 38% three point shooter, much like how Mike Scott improved from a 34% shooter last year, to a 39% shooter this year. If Horford signs a big deal and stays in Atlanta, I want him to take on as much of the offensive load as he can. Post up more. Shoot more 3s. Do not look for an aging Kyle to bail the team out from a shooting standpoint. HE needs to bail the team out.
  5. Ya'll don't even have the lineups right Bibby - JJ - Marvin - Smith - Horford. That was your starting lineup. Jamal was the super sub. Mo was the shooter and defender off the bench. Zaza was the reserve big man banger. Teague played spot minutes at the point and occasionally received DNPs Like I said, the 2010 Hawks are the equivalent to the 2016 Raptors, a team the Hawks have had major problems with. JJ was 3rd team All-NBA Jamal was 6th man of the year Horford made his 1st All-Star team Josh was 2nd in Defensive POY voting, and was widely seen as an All-Star snub. Oh yeah, Josh wasn't a scrub back then.
  6. At the cost? The cost of what? What do we have to lose? 100% of the fan base believe that the Hawks, as currently constructed, can't win a title ... or get past Cleveland. So what is it will we lose? This team was 0 - 13 in final possessions to end a game or OT. Some of those last possessions were straight up comical. So do we stand pay, and hope everyone gets it? Do we tweak and just add a journeyman wing or big? What do we do? ( switching to Rick Pitino mode ) Dominique Wilkins isn't walking through that door, fans. Bob Petit isn't walking through that door, and Dikembe Mutombo isn't walking through that door.
  7. But could the Hawks use a player with his skillset?
  8. But if Bud loves his core, may as well call him Mike Sund.
  9. Call Phil. Tell him to talk to Melo and Lala, to see if they'd like to come to ATL for a couple of years. If so, see which big and PG Phil wants. Any big + Teague or Any big + Dennis + Splitter ( to make the deal work ) You'll add a scorer + still have the flexibility to add a player in free agency ... or re-sign Baze.
  10. 2010 Hawks were a team that was 1st in least turnovers committed and 6th in Offensive rebounding. They were also a top 10 team in defending the 3 ( because of the switching defense ). 2 ISO heavy scoring guards. Bigs who crashed the offensive boards. A "big" team at the wings. Recipe for disaster for 2016 Hawks.
  11. The difference is that we've seen Teague at his peak. I don't know if it's anything he can do to become a better player than what he is now. That's not true when talking about Dennis. He's still inconsistent, but showing more flashes of brilliance. If given the "keys" to the team, Dennis may very well take his game to that next level. That's exactly what Curry did, once they traded Monta. Teague is a very good and solid PG. Dennis is wild, makes mistakes, but shows more flashes of greatness and the will to lead, than Teague does. And because of his youth, it's a better wager to bet on Dennis being an elite PG, than hoping Jeff gets to that status.
  12. This was the Al Jefferson argument 3 years ago. Since his arrival in Charlotte, they have ranked 5th, 9th and 9th in defense, with he being the main guy clearing the defensive boards. Sometimes, we as fans want the perfect fit, and will overlook guys who may be the guy we truly need. Did you see Melo's defense on Rudy in that video clip on the final possession in regulation? He forced him left and ended up stripping him of the ball as he was going up. Keep in mind that no one in the NBA over the past 10 years has made a higher percentage of last second shots, than Gay. Melo is less of a defensive liability in iso situations than Korver. And good team defensive principles can be taught, which is why Korver is considered a good team defender.
  13. The reason why it doesn't work, is because of the defensive end of the floor. Neither Teague no Schröder can guard 2s. If one of them were as good as Avery Bradley, you could play them together. Golden State had to make this decision with Curry and Monta Ellis. They traded Monta for a then injured Bogut. Then added Iggy in the offseason. Maybe the Hawks can flip Teague for a 2 or a 3 better than Baze or Korver. That will at least balance the team out a little more.
  14. Hawks could've used either player in these playoffs.
  15. 2010 Hawks. No one to guard JJ or Crawford. That team also crashed the offensive boards. 2010 Hawks are spitting image of 2016 Raptors.
  16. n o no noo nooo Noooo Nooooo Noooooo NOOOOO NOOOOOO NOOOOOOO No role players that won't improve the team. But we need significant players, to stop gaps.
  17. Do the Hawks have any player on the roster that can do what these two are doing in this clip? As far as Rudy, he's not a superstar, but he's always been a star in this league. But enough talk. This is for your enjoyment ... or hate.
  18. Because that would be worse than starting 2 guys who can't even score in clutch situations? ( Baze and Korver ) See, this is what I'm talking about. Both Gay and Melo have played in the Olympics and flat out BALLED, when they played alongside other talented guys. This league is trending toward "stars" hooking up with "stars". Yet, people want to talk negative about Melo and Rudy, when we have a guy who needs to be completely wide open, just to get his shot off ( Korver ) ... and a young guy who has talent, but is wild as hell and better suited as a 6th man ( Bazemore ). As much I hate the idea of bringing in Dwight Howard, if we could get him without losing Sap and Al, I'd be for it. Assembling a group of STAR players ( and not ROLE plaers ) is the only way we even have a shot to take down these superstar led teams.
  19. Teague - Lance - Melo\Gay - Horford - Jefferson. It's about balance, and having guys who can function as a go to guy. And guys who aren't liabilities on the court. Millsap is better than Jefferson .... now. But he wasn't 2 years ago, when Al dominated in the post and made 3rd team All-NBA. A guy like Rudy Gay has always been a clutch scorer down the stretch of games. And he can create his own shot at anytime. Better than Baze. Melo is Melo. Borderline superstar. Legitimate go to guy. Has no problem being the offensive focal point. Will even facilitate when called upon. Lance is a utility knife ... and a hustle player ... and a slasher. Had a great 2nd half of the season with Memphis. See, Hawks fans poo poo at those guys because they either couldn't be "the man" on their respective squads, or they play on losing teams, or they have a bad rep. But when you're running on a treadmill, I believe you have no choice but to take risks on players like that. What's the worse that could happen? We get saddled with a bad contract? We lose "flexibility"? What good is flexibility when the only thing you can attract are fringe or discarded role players? Especially when there is no superstar player to make those players better? We're really not in a position in which we can say no to ANY player with talent, because it's a good bet that player is more talented than everyone except Horford and Millsap. Fans accuse ownership of WLOC ( We Love Our Core ) .... While the fans have a WHEE attitude We Hate Everybody Else
  20. They don't like what I say. Then people complain about the kind of players we don't have ... or don't play. They: "We need a wing that can rebound, play defense, and score" Me: "Lance Stephenson" They: "NOOOOOOOOOOO" They: "We need a real center. A guy who can rebound and create offense in the post." Me: "Al Jefferson" They: "NOOOOOOOOOOO" They: "We need a superstar, or at least a clutch scorer at the end of games" Me: "Melo? Rudy Gay?" They: "NOOOOOOOOOO" They: "The Hawks keep getting killed on the boards." Me: "Go to a big lineup" They: "NOOOO .. err .. what do we have to lose?"
  21. I've always known what was best for the Hawks.
  22. Funny how many people say that Chris Paul is a superstar, but Paul George isn't. George can at least say that he's been to a Game 7 of a Conference Final. Only Wade and Westbrook can say that.
  23. Iso ball is a necessity when great playoff defenses can stifle an offensive system. At that point, that's when you give the ball to your offensive superstar, and let him work.
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