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Everything posted by TheNorthCydeRises

  1. Bud is gonna ride Pero till the wheels fall off. Had to burn a TO because his bum ass is taking 15 seconds to tie his shoe? Really? PLEASE BUD ... Keep that bum on the bench !!!
  2. When you look at how easy Lebron is posting up DeMarre, that guy might be right. Very smart of Lebron ( or Blatt telling him ) to take that approach. DeMarre has no chance of defending Lebron down on the low block.
  3. You come in peace, huh? That's what she said too But she was really this: So we have to watch you carefully as the series progresses. So we gotta keep an eye on you as the series progresses.
  4. Close between Thabo, the win streak, and making the ECF, but i voted for Thabo.
  5. Sacrifice. Only eat vegetables for the next 2 weeks. Go without cable for a month. Call Dan Gilbert and take out a Quicken Loan. Something. Get to that game at all costs. You may NEVER have another chance to do this ever again.
  6. I said after we beat Houston at Philips, that I wanted to see an Atlanta vs Houston series, because the city and the fan base would be extra jacked up to beat Josh and Dwight.
  7. I listen to a lot of NBA Radio, and I have to agree with you. Outside of Joel Meyers, none of them even try valid reasons as to why the Hawks are even here, other than "luck" and an "easy path to the Finals". Then they go to "the Hawks have no stars", and "no closer". Even if all of that is true, they just dismiss us as having no shot whatsoever. The other thing is that a lot of those guys have been picking Chicago to win the East all season. They wanted so bad to believe in Derrick Rose. But when you have to shoot 20 times to score 20 points, while also shooting sub 40% FG, that makes you no better than Dennis Schröder. Which leads me to the 5 am convo I had this morning at Waffle House. I'm with my lady ( who has a rare weekend off from work ), and we're wrapping up an all nigher. I'm dressed in a new ATLANTA white Horford jersey, with a white and red Pac Man logo hat. A group of 5 guys see us sit at the counter, and one of them immediately calls me out. Here is the convo: HIM: How long you gonna wear that jersey? ME: Forever. HIM: Who's your star? ONE OF HIS BOYS ( who is a Bulls fan ): He has it on. Horford. HIM: Nah man. He ain't no star. ME: We're a team. We play team basketball. HIM: Who's gonna stop Lebron? ME: We don't need to stop Lebron. ( he makes a crazy face ) ME: Here's the secret of the Hawks. Everyone talks about our offense, but we're a DEFENSIVE team. Lebron can get his. But we'll stop everyone else. HIM: Defensive team? ME: Yeah. ( about a 30 second pause ) Who else on the Cavs is going to score besides Lebron and Kyrie? JR Smith? Delledova? HIM: All we need is Lebron. ( We're getting our food to go, but as I was leaving, the Bulls fan says this ) BULLS FAN: You're disturbing him with that jersey. ME: ( laughing ) Just tell your boy not to bet on that series. He's gonna lose his money. HIM: What did he say. ME: ( going out the door ) Don't bet on the series homie. HIM: ( lots of loud talking that I couldn't understand, as I'm going out the door ). This is going to be a fun 2 weeks. I'm wearing Hawks gear everywhere and every chance I get. 3 Horford jerseys and 3 Hawks shirts will be in rotation.
  8. Road teams in this year's playoffs are 6 - 0 in Game 6. Hawks have 2 of those 6 wins. Hawks in 5 Hawks in 6 Or Cavs in 7 ... on a JR Smith buzzer bearer via a LeBron assist. I truly think the Hawks have a great chance of taking them out early. But if it goes 7 games, that's to our disadvantage.
  9. I was shocked by those ticket prices too. Then I said to myself ... "self, the Hawks might not EVER get back to this point t EVER in your life." Scrape up thar $600 and go to a once in a lifetime event.
  10. For some reason, I want to listen to this song on repeat for about an hour. That's how I feel right now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVyVIsvQoaE
  11. There you go Teague. Become a legend tonight. Keep attacking.
  12. Pero comes in. The world falls apart. Please keep him out of the game.
  13. Whew .... I hate when a Pero cones into the game aND think he's the 1st option in the offense .
  14. I guess Josh wants to be a Rockets legend. What a 4th quarter by him last night.
  15. But those WERE gang signs though. He used to do it at Kentucky too, on occasion.
  16. I can vouch for this. At night, I'm a manager in a manufacturing facility. And whenever I'm away from my computer and out on the floor, I follow games on my phone. The NBA Gametime app usually works, but the video was lagging big time for some reason. So I followed the gamecast ( which was lagging too, but not as bad ). I like watching the animation of the ball going toward the rim before they post the score. The play before, when that ball launched a 3, I knew Pierce had shot that and was going to make it. He did, and people could see me cussing at my phone. On our possession, I went from elation sering the basketball flash at the rim, to despair when they showed that Dennis missed, to ABSOLUTE DESPAIR when it showed Washington get the rebound. After about 5 seconds, they changed the Washington rebound to a Horford rebound. The animated ball reappears right over the rim, and they showed he made it and it was a final. 82 - 81 ... HAWKS WIN!!!!
  17. Noticed that too. No celebration at all. He was the first one trying to get back on defense.
  18. And the reason you need those types of games from Al, is because role players are highly inconsistent during the playoffs. Star players play more minutes, and need to do more in this time of year.
  19. What's up man. Definitely long time. As far as what we need ... it would be nice to have a good backup big man, so that we'd never have to see Pero Antić ever again. Hopefully the young guy we have over in Spain ( Walter Tavares ) can be that guy. We could probably use a decent shooter/defender at the SF spot as well. If we can find a guy who is an all around better player than Bazemore and Sefolosha, that would be great as well. As far as the draft goes, if we can get a hold to Sam Dekker from Wisconsin or Kelly Oubre from Kansas, that would be major for us
  20. And for accuracy sake, this is my entire statement about Horford. He needed a legacy defining moment in his career. He may have just had it tonight. THIS is the Horford I wanted to see. Not the guy content with scoring 15 points and grabbing 7 rebounds. It would be great if Horford and Teague could have a superstar like game at the same time. Game 6 would be the perfect time.
  21. Bumpy, here's what you're missing. Even a guy like Joe Johnson has had a superstar game before. Multiple games actually. The question is ... was that the norm for JJ, or the exception? The same rings true for Al. Most of us thought he can have games like these, but he's rarely shown it come playoff time. Like Teague, he'll have a big game, only to be lackluster in others. What we need from Horford now, is for games like these to be expected of him. Instead of wanting "Playoff Teague", we need the emergence of "Playoff Horford". He had a superstar game tonight. When we go to Washington on Friday, I'd love to see it again.
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