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Everything posted by TheNorthCydeRises

  1. I say the Hawks tie with Charlotte and go 43 - 39, but win the tiebreaker and get the 7th seed. Then we'd lose in the 1st round to 2nd seed Miami.
  2. Interesting thread. And I see Diesel is back to taking on the world. Diesel vs Errybody. Good stuff. The 22 - 8 start after 30 games is 1 game ahead of the 21 - 9 start that the 2009 - 10 Hawks got off to. That team would go on to win 53 games and secure the 3rd seed in the East. Let's see if this squad can match or exceed that. Unfortunately, that team isn't remembered for that great regular season. That team is remembered for their epic playoff meltdown vs the Magic. And it's going to be the playoffs that eventually determines what the exiled GM's legacy will be here. As for the Joe Johnson trade, until we equal or surpass what he did here, I don't see how people can declare that trade a "win". It definitely has the potential to be a win, but it's not a win until we do something without JJ,that we couldn't do with him. So far though, this has been a season to enjoy. Hopefully the Hawks can get a top 3 seed in the playoffs, and avoid being in that 4 vs 5 slot, in which we may have to play a 50 win team like a Cleveland, just to get to the 2nd round.
  3. Man what the hell? I thought this was a thread about Millsap re-signing with the Hawks, and avoiding free agency this sumner.
  4. Hopefully the Hawks can at least go .500 during that stretch. Before we hit that stretch though, I'd love to see us win these next 5 games vs below .500 teams, to soften the blow of that late December - early January stretch, if we do falter then.
  5. I'll stick with my 43 win prediction. The squad still can't be trusted defensively. Until that moment comes, they won't approach that 49 win mark. January is a potential SEASON KILLER, if they don't get their act together defensively. And how we do on that West Coast trip in mid-March, will ultimately determine our season potential playoff seeding. It could be the difference betwween a 4th seed and an 8th seed.
  6. LOL . . it's killing some of ya'll to give Teague credit. That's cool though. He's ALMOST on the cusp of being able to say . . "My Team". I was telling you guys last year that it was Teague who consistently outplayed his man, even if we lost games. Despite his wild fluctuations in play at times, he was the most consistent Hawk last season. This season, he's taking it up a notch. Not a top 5 PG yet, but definitely in the convo as a top 10 PG as of right now. Of course, when he has his next 3 - 9 FG game for 9 points, people will shoot Teague with a shotgun once again. Until that happens, I'm enjoying the way the dude is playing lately. He's only really played 2 bad games the entire year.
  7. In Antić's last 30 games played ( 9 this season ... 7 playoff games ... last 14 games of last season ) ... Pero is shooting 20 - 102 from 3 point range. That's 19.8% Even Josh Smith can say that he shot better than that. That dude is NOT a NBA 3 point caliber shooter.
  8. TheNorthCydeRises

    Self ban

    At least we'll have home court advantage vs the Pistons.
  9. So once again, people are mad at Teague for not playing like Isaiah Thomas every game. There are a LOT of issues with this squad. This so-called "deep" squad.
  10. LOL . . . the main thing I was addicted to like crack, back in 1988, was this . . Before she signed TLC to that horrible record deal back in the day, Pebbles was arguably the finest female singer on the planet. As a young teenager, I was flat out mesmerized by this woman when her videos used to play on BET. Named my damn dog "Mercedes" after her "Mercedes Boy" video.
  11. Hawksquawk Classic thread right here. Thought JBH would at least last until we beat Detroit on Friday night. The Squawk is addictive though. Like 1988 crack cocaine adfictive.
  12. LOL . . he answered all of the softball questions. Maybe the most interesting answers were: - he's still friends with Marvin and JJ - Horford, DeMarre, and Kyle are the vocal leaders . . he and Millsap lead by example
  13. Kyle's shooting is very important to this team because we don't have reliable shot creators on this team. When his production is limited, this team is in danger of losing games.
  14. This is the big point of last night. The Cavs made it a point to know where Korver was at all times, and didn't give him a chance to breathe on offense. Marion was all over him, and even Varejao came out to help double him at times, when he caught the ball. They were treating Korver like he was a go to scorer. Without Korver, our 3 point prowess goes down significantly as a team. If teams start guarding Korver like that, that could cause serious disruption to this offense. And don't be surprised if teams start doing the same with Mike Scott, as the season wears on.
  15. Dallas was never down by 42 points in that game though.
  16. The fact is that we have to overpay for good players, in order to entice them to take a serious look at us. The front office is so paranoid about overpaying a star quality player ( due to the last contract Joe Johnson got from us ), that they don't go hard after very good players anymore. Of course, I'm not going to act like Gasol was my 1st choice this offseason. I wanted Lance. Thing about it though, I wanted Gasol here 3 years ago, when those rumors about Josh Smith was going around. People thought that trading Josh + a 1st round draft pick, would be too much for Pau. I personally would've done that in a heartbeat, looking back on it. Or given the Lakers Josh + Marvin.
  17. @Wretch No doubt big homie. It seems as if a lot of people are going through some things . . crazy things . . right now. And sports can be our temporary escape from those things, if only for a few hours. So anytime you need your "escape" from the cruel curve balls that real life can throw at you, we'll be right here.
  18. You can make a legit argument for both points. But since we traded JJ, the fact that we've done little to nothing with the cap space, is the main point.
  19. http://stats.nba.com/game/#!/0021400100/ Once you go there, click on PLAY BY PLAY. You can see video of each play of the game. Anybody who misses a game can literally rewatch key plays of the game here, or even watch all of the statistical plays of one player in the box score.
  20. Miami also shot 50% from the field and forced the 2nd most turnovers in the league last year.
  21. Not to be rude, but who cares what the other GM's think. It's about what is most important for OUR team. Had the GM actually used the cap space properly, the release of Joe Johnson should've equaled Al Jefferson + Lance Stephenson . . or at the very least just Jefferson. People are talking about JJ still not being able to get out of the 2nd round. Well here's a newsflash for people. We haven't even gotten out of the 1st round since he's been gone.
  22. Dennis had to prove that he could win that job. And management NEEDED for him to win that job. If he plays well, it makes management look like they may have an eye for young talent. Now . . . let's give Jenkins a shot to prove himself, instead of just giving Bazemore minutes he doesn't deserve right now ( even though he didn't even play last night ). Like someone said earlier, let's see if Jenkins can take Mack's minutes as well.
  23. It should be Horford AND Jefferson abusing someone else's frontcourt.
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