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Everything posted by TheNorthCydeRises

  1. Pero didn't shut Hibbert down. That guy had been playing horrible for a 2 month stretch. Hibbert was self-checked. Some of you are acting like Pero isn't expendable. We can find someone in the D-League better than Pero. Hell, Muscala may be better than Pero. And if he isn't, blame the GM for that selection as well.
  2. Seeing that he was actually serviceable at times during the regular season ( including a few games vs the Pacers ), his performance in the playoffs is inexcusable. It's not like the guy hadn't played all year and got thrust into the starting lineup when the playoffs started. He had already played significant mi uses for this team. The GM simply needs to cut that movie villian.
  3. Funny how people forget this. We did nothing at the trade deadline when this team was free falling like Tom Petty. So you're exactly right. Blame the GM for our center situation last season. - Brand - Ayón - Antić .. we're the centers on the roster last season. And you can make an argument that all of those guys are really power forwards. Who does that?
  4. Ivan Johnson Per 36 ( 2012 - 13 ) 15.7 ppg 9.2 rebs 1.6 asst 1.9 stls 52% FG
  5. He also had a ( -1 ) PER and shot 3 - 25 from 3 point range in the playoffs.
  6. People will be wishing that Lance was on this team come January, when he'll be getting a lot of All-Star chatter about him.
  7. It's been what . . . 5 years? But I still vividly remember this game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmFFCWuf1f4 One of the more epic meltdowns by the Hawks. Dude was flat out incredible in that 4th quarter and OT. As the kids say . . . that last 3 he hit on Bibby tho.
  8. LOL . . I forgot all about Cleveland in this rant. Cleveland with Irving and Wiggins would obviously be the class of the conference. They'd be a 55+ win team. Brooklyn, Indiana, and Chicago would be the 2nd tier teams. Hawks, Hornets, and Raptors would be in the next tier ( with Toronto getting a 4 or 5 seed because they'd win the Atlantic ).
  9. Brooklyn will represent the most veteran team in the East, with a better coach than Kidd, and their All-Star center back. Under that goof Jason Kidd, they turned that horrible start into the best 2nd half finish in the East. People keep waiting on JJ to decline, but he has the type of non-athletic game that can keep him in the league playing at a fairly high level, like Paul Pierce was at his age. He's still good enough at the end of games to pull out wins for that squad. If all of those scenarios go down that the OP presented, the East could be won by Brooklyn, Indiana, or Chicago . . with 52 wins.
  10. Interesting to see where you guys are putting Brooklyn. They get an upgrade in a coach, plus get their All-Star center back from injury. I say that if all of those scenarios went down, the Hawks are a #4 seed, but Brooklyn may be the #1 seed.
  11. Like someone said earlier. If Thabo and Bazemore were the final 2 signings of free agency, maybe it wouldn't be such a big deal. But when those guys could possibly be the first two that are signed, which may prohibit a deal with a significant higher priced player . . . it's just disappointing. It's like missing out on getting the hot girl at the club . . . and settling for the OK looking fat girl at the end of the night.
  12. That's what I told him on Peachtree ... reduce the logo. Professional uniforms need to have a clean and organized look to them. His uni is a little too busy. I like the colors though. He may want to just kill the big logo on the front entirely, and put the logo on the back right under the number. Make the logo as big as the number on the back. Then make a road version of the jersey to see if the colors and design makes sense.
  13. In ___________ we trust, huh? Told ya'll about this dude. He signs Thabo. That means there about about 2 more 3 - 4 million a year type guys that are coming here. Heck, how many roster spots we have left?
  14. Excellent video. That dude possesses everything this team needs in a wing. Most of the weaknesses can be corrected with solid coaching.
  15. Phoenix is a little PG heavy now with Dragic, the unsigned Bledsoe, and now with 1st round draft pick Tyler Ennis. So I can see a sign and trade going down. Maybe not for Lance though. It could be for Evan Turner. But then again, Bledsoe is about to get Kyle Lowry money, so it may be something bigger than that.
  16. You know you can kill yourself while drinking and driving, right? Amazing how some of you are trying to diminish the seriousness of drinking and driving, and not having it being at least equal to domestic assault. All of these people that kill themselves or others while drunk. 10,000+ deaths a year and hundreds of thousands of injuries. Property damage. Loss of a job if you get your license taken away and can't get to work. All kinds of things can result from a DUI, even if you don't kill somebody. All kinds of things can happen while you're impaired from alcohol . . . including domestic violence.
  17. It's worse than that D. I don't believe JJ was ever in the top 5 in votes in the East, even when he was arguably the 3rd best guard in the conference. You're exactly right on the Hawks not marketing their stars. I guess the giant Millsap billboard is a start.
  18. I don't condone me spearing her either. But it did happen in an instant. As far as Lance "gang raping" a girl, it's like I said a few weeks back. They were all high school kids when that happened. And high school kids do dumb stuff sometimes. High school boys grabbing at female parts and an actual "gang rape", are pretty two different things. But go ahead and put them in the same category. Lance got a few hours of community service for the "gang rape". And no, I didn't slam her head to the ground ( seriously doubt Lance did that either, despite the report ). What I did do, was walk out of the house without my packed clothes, went straight to my boy's house, and immediately went to ATL for the tournament. I had to buy clothes when I got to the city. Didn't talk to her for an entire day, despite her calls. I eventually called her the next day and apologized, and she did the same. Still didn't make her less crazy. We broke up 6 months later.
  19. No doubt. Now ask her about domestic assault cases . . . in which the female doesn't press charges. Not out of fear of the man, but because when she really looked back on it, the situation really wasn't that serious. I'm not at all condoning what Lance did. But Dol is making like he's a serial rapist and deliberately tried to kill his girlfriend by pushing her down the steps. Lance basically had to do community service for the incident that occurred when he was in high school. And the girl nor the police pursued the battery charges 3 years ago, despite her being "pushed" down a flight of stairs. I'm actually on the side of forgiveness. I don't hold it against Bud for having something to drink, and thinking that he was good enough to drive. Millions of people, including myself, have done that in our lives. Just understand that the consequences of getting into an accident while impaired, is just as great or heinous as hurting your significant other when you get into an altercation. But there are levels of forgiveness that normally occurs when those actions don't cause someone to be seriously injured or die He has his stance against domestic abuse, but is more forgiving of DUI . . despite DUI killing more people. Can't act like domestic violence is an inexcusable excuse, when a DUI accident can change lives in an instant. Treat them alike. But understand the circumstances around them.
  20. I've done both. I've definitely driven impaired before. Not flat out drunk, but definitely after a few beers ( although I haven't done it 15 minutes after having a beer ). And I've put my hands on a woman one time in my life. Actually speared her like Goldberg . . after she threw a glass ash tray at me . . missing my head by inches . . when she got mad at me for about to go to the SEC Tournament with my friend. She had the flu and wanted me to stay with her. But our tickets and hotel room were already paid for, so I didn't want to back out at the last minute. She had one of her hissy fits ( which I always ignored ), grabbed that ash tray, and hurled it at my head. She barely missed me, but it made me snap for a few seconds. So I speared her like Goldberg. I had never put my hands on any woman like that. After screaming in her face and calling her a crazy b--ch, I saw the fear in her eyes. That was the first and last time I ever did that to a woman. I never wanted to be pushed to that point ever again, and haven't been since. I leave women alone at the first sign of "crazy". Now does that make me a woman beater, because I speared a chick? I guess if she had called the police on me, I would've been arrested for battery, even though she wasn't hurt, and tried to hit me first.
  21. I'm not doing anything to make Lance look better. It's simply an illustration of how someone can take something, and exaggerate it to a point to make someone look real bad. And just because "facts" are reported, that doesn't mean that you can exaggerate them to a different level. The bottom line is that despite what Lance did 3 and 5 years ago, he hasn't had any incidents ( that we know of ) nearly on that level. Him being an irritant on the court is nothing. There have been plenty of irritants throughout the history of the NBA. As fans, we truly don't know how much Bud likes to drink, and if he had frequently gotten behind the wheel of his car while impaired before his arrest. But because he got arrested for DUI . . does that make him a drunk? It is what it is to me. Neither guy got convicted or disciplined because of what they did, so it's safe to assume that neither situation was as large as it was portrayed to be ( or could've turned out to be ). Hopefully, both guys learned valuable lessons from those incidents. Lance hasn't had anything come up in 3 years, other than goofy antics on the court. And Bud hasn't had any GA State Troopers pull him over on suspicion of him being drunk.
  22. That looks like the cheaper knockoff jersey that I bought 3 years ago of Joe Johnson. Doubt that's an authentic jersey.
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