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Everything posted by TheNorthCydeRises

  1. If Lebron, Durant, and Duncan had JR Smith as his 2nd best player on the team, they wouldn't win anything either. Melo is a fantastic talent that has only played with 2 other All-NBA players in their primes ( Allen Iverson and Chauncey Billups ). That "glorified jumpshooter" is easily the most versatile offensive weapon n the league. It's not his fault that he plays with a bunch of bums in New York.
  2. Ummmm . . . I don't know about all of that Dol. This GM and possibly even Bud, seem to be enamored with Antić. They like the "skill" that he brings to the team. I think they value that, over what Mike Scott can give the team. Now of course, I think they are crazy to even consider keeping Pero over Mike. But I can see them making a case for it, and actually doing it.
  3. I wonder if he is still selling cell phones?
  4. The difference is . . . will our GM listen to Bud . . or will the GM go with what HE feels the team needs the most? Bud isn't the problem here. We all know that. It's the GM and his decisions, that are the problem. He's the guy that has to give Bud the right pieces to work with.
  5. LOL . . very good call by you. Even Pop flat out told him after Game 2 that HE ( Leonard ) was the man, and just go out there and play your game. There were also some interesting comments in this thread concerning tanking and draft position. I may need to bookmark this thread for future reference, especially considering who we'll get at #15.
  6. And even past 3 star teams had big time role players off the bench that could step up and get it done. In Miami's past 2 titles, it was guys like Battier and even Mike Miller who stepped up in big moments, along with of course Ray Allen, and got the job done. In the past, it was always one of the shooters that came up big time for the Bulls, to help Jordan and Pippen out. With the 80s Lakers, it was first the emergence of James Worthy, and then Byron Scott in the latter championships, that led them to 5 titles in the decade. And with Boston's "Big 3", Parish was always the steady force in the middle, along with starters like Ainge, Dennis Johnson, and the first MVP of those Bird Boston teams, Cornbread Maxwell coming up big time. You need that star core to power your team, and then you need role players stepping up. If your core isn't good enough though, you're not winning championships. With Boston's Big 3, it was Rondo who started to emerge as a star ( much like what Leonard is doing right now ) Listening to Popvich right now talk about Leonard. He basically told him to have a mentality of . . "to hell with Timmy, to hell with Tony, to hell with Manu, you play your game. You are the man". That's an exact quote from Pop. That's him telling that to what many believe is the 4th best player on the team . . but Pop is basically telling him that you ARE the best player on the team. That's why people can't overlook the talent aspect in what the Spurs really are. The system may bring the best out of their players, but you have to have very talented players within that system, to really see them achieve the maximum level that they can.
  7. No. It only proves it even more. Duncan is a Hall of Fame player. But at this stage in his career, he's much like Kareem was in the Lakers last two championships in the 80s. He's not "the man", but he is still a vital player to what they did as a team. He's still the offensive rock of the Spurs, and a vital part of what they do on offense and defense. He's still a top 10, arguably top 5 big man in this league, especially come playoff time. Parker is in the prime of his career. He had a bad 1st half, but he started to take over the game in the 2nd half. He's going to be an All-NBA caliber player for the next 3 years or so. He's also going to the Hall. Ginobli had a horrific series last year, but played his role beautifully in this playoff season. And like Duncan, he has the ability to make timely plays at the drop of a hat. But the future star of this team is undoubtedly Kawhi Leonard. He really answered the bell in those last 3 games, and has been a steady player all throughout the playoffs. The next step for him is to be able to assume a much greater role offensively for the Spurs. Duncan, Parker, and Ginobli all had regular season Usage % of over 24%. Leonard was only at 18%. As Leonard's usage rises into the low and mid 20% range, you'll see just how good this kid can be. The Spurs are a great team. But you still need star players within a team, to become champions. Parker, Duncan, and Ginobli are still stars . . . and they may have found one more in Leonard.
  8. Lenoard's development into what looks like a future star player, just lets me know that Lance Stephenson may be the next guy to break out. Guys like these can flourish if given a larger role. They flourish because they not only are skilled enough to do it, but also because they're not afraid of the moment or afraid to fail. Lenoard has been excellent in these last 3 games. While Wade looks done. As much as people talked about the decline in Joe Johnson as he got older, it's Wade that is going to completely fall off of a cliff as he ages. He's not like JJ or even Vince Carter, in that he can rely on his jumpshot to stay viable in the league. Wade's athleticism is about the only thing he has going for him. And once he loses it, he'll be done as a player.
  9. I'll play. LEBRON: Look at what is around you in Miami. Sure, you have the beautiful scenery, weather, women and culture that is Miami . . but that team, specifically your sidekick, is going to age horribly. Even if The Godfather Pat Riley can get quality NBA vets to take a pay cut to play with you, it still may not be enough to get out of the East because The Flash is about to become The Strobelight . . a light that just flickers on and off for no real reason, and ends up sending you into an epileptic coma. So come to Atlanta. Horford is better than Bosh, and the type of big man sidekick that you need to go into battle with. Teague is better than Chalmers, who has flat out disappeared on you. Korver is the knockdown shooter that you need to pass the ball to, when you're doing your thing with the ball. And Millsap is another high quality frontline player that will keep the squad afloat against elite teams. PG - Teague G - Korver F - Lebron PF - Millsap C - Horford That could be your starting lineup man. Look at it. No more worrying about having to get 10 rebounds a game, just to keep your team in the mix. No more worrying about a PG that can't create a shot for himself. No more having to play you out of position at PF, because the rest of your squad isn't good enough to play the spot. No more having the executive producer all up in the video . . dancing, rapping . . . As far as the money goes, it's whatever you want homie. If you want a MAX 4 year deal, you got it. In 2015, when we'll have the cap space to give you that deal, you can easily get it. But . . if you want to follow the path that Tim Duncan did, and take less than what you're worth, to add quality players to the squad, you can do that too. Would a 4 year - 72 million deal be enough to satisfy you, while enabling us to add quality role players around you? As much as they worship you in Miami, you will become IMMORTAL in Atlanta. The biggest sports icon the city has ever seen. Bigger than Vick. Bigger than Nique. Bigger than Dale Murphy. They will paint murals of your face outside of abandoned buildings. Construct statues of you in front of Philips. Give you free access to every strip club in Atlanta. And every rapper in the city will make songs about you. Most of all, you will give the city HOPE. Hope that the Hawks can win it's first Championship while in Atlanta. If you did, you will become 2nd only to Jesus Christ himself in Metro Atlanta. --------------------------------- MELO: It's time. It's time brotha. Just like in the movie Belly, when the Minister was trying to talk DMX out of assassinating him, it's time to make a change. We now have a system in Atlanta that is TAILOR-MADE to your skill set. The system isn't going to work for us, without that engine that can power the team. You're than engine man. The most versatile scorer in the league. A lot of people don't like you because they think you shoot too much. Those people are wrong. You take a volume of shots, because the talent around you has been fairly weak, especially since you've arrived in New York. People want you to pass to guys like Iman Shumpert, JR "I've never seen a bad shot" Smith, and Pablo Prignoni. Really? Look at the lineup Melo . . PG - Teague G - Korver F - Melo PF - Millsap C - Horford Look at that. You could make the Hawks the most exciting offensive team in the league. In Bud's system, you taking an open 3 pointer is not going to be frowned upon . . as long as you're open. But you're also an elite post up player, so you'll be able to get the ball anywhere you like it. And look at the supporting cast you now have. Korver is a marksman. Horford is a marksman from 18 feet. Millsap is a versatile 20 feet and in scorer. And Teague can knife right through a defense. No longer would you have to hold the entire weight of the world on your shoulders, and do it all. Join us, and while your scoring and rebounding averages may fall, you may become a much more efficient player and possibly become something you haven't achieved yet . . . a league MVP . . and a NBA Champion. Money isn't a problem. If you want that money, we got you. You're easily worth 4 yrs - 90 million. If you want to take a slight pay cut to enable us to sign quality bench guys, that would be great. If we could talk you down to 4 yrs - 70 million, that would be ideal. You'll be able to make it up in endorsements though. Coca-Cola headquarters is right here. Home Depot headquarters is right here. We can get you that extra money in endorsement deals, if you take that pay cut. But the other thing Atlanta gives you an opportunity to do, is to please WIFEY. Lala is a budding actress. And outside of being in LA, Atlanta is the best place for her career. She's already made a couple of movies in the city. You have the opportunity to keep the wife happy, become a legend in Atlanta, and win a title. Let's face it. Can you really trust Derek Fisher as your coach for the next 4 years? And can you trust Phil Jackson to bring the talent you need to New York? He couldn't even get the coach he wanted, so how can you trust him to get the players he wants? Get the hell out of NY man. Come to the Dirty Dirty and be a legend. -------------------------- GORTAT: Marcin, it's simple man. You come to play with us, and you're going to be the most beloved big man since Zaza Pachulia. And unlike Zaza, you actually have a somewhat more polished offensive and defensive game. You will instantly become a fan favorite, since our fan base likes cheering for underdog white guys like yourself. PG - Teague G - Korver F - Millsap PF - Horford C - Gortat You will give us an opportunity to conduct an experiment, to see if Millsap can adequately play about 40% of his minutes at SF, while enabling us to move Hoford to move to PF, and you anchor the middle. We need more help, QUALITY HELP on that frontline. Your presence will help to make our frontline a top 5 unit in the league. And with the ability to bring DeMarre Carroll off the bench, it makes us even more versatile. We may not be a championship squad if we add you, but we will be a top 4 team in the East, and definitely headed in the right direction. Your current team will have to make a decision. Which guy do they value more? You or Ariza? They can pay you both, and kill their cap space. Or they can keep one of you, and keep their "flexibility". So how about we give them something to think about 3 years - 27 million . . . . We need to keep you on for at least 3 seasons, to use you as an incentive for Al Horford to possibly re-sign. If we opt not to re-sign him, we still may possibly have Millsap in the mix, and can move him back to PF. ---------------------- FANS: OK fans. We have given you what some of you wanted. We've changed coaches. We've gotten rid of Joe Johnson and Josh Smith. We bought the PAC back. We even let you beat up a car with a sledgehammer right before a playoff game. So what's the problem? Oh yeah, we're not winning. So what can we do to bring more of you in? ALMOST NOTHING We've tried everything we can think of to bring more of you guys and gals to the games. It doesn't work. Promotions doesn't work. Reduced ticket prices to certain games doesn't work. Bringing in musical artists doesn't work. The only thing we can do, is to try to continue winning, and hope we can either acquire or develop a player that can be the charismatic face of the franchise. A guy that even the casual fan would pay money to see . . . instead of seeing the star of the other team. That's all we can do fans. We can't hold a gun to your heads and make you go to our games.
  10. The Heat's 2 championships and 4 straight Finals appearances proves that they did things right. Whenever you have the top player in the league, combined with arguably a top 20 and a top 30 player, you're going to be in the mix every year. What you're seeing in this series is Spolestra being thoroughly out coached.
  11. Personally knew both Trenton Hassell ( best known as the defensive specialist in Minnesota ) and Shawn Marion. Trent still swings by some of the gyms and plays ball on some weekends. Dude is extremely tight with money. Definitely didn't waste his money since he's been out the league. He's a good dude. Shawn I knew through my cousin, who was best friends with his twin sister Shawnett. Super cool, laid back dude. He pretty much disowned the city he grew up and played ball in ( Clarksville, TN ) and started repping Chicago ( where he was born ) and Phoenix. Haven't seen him in person since his homeboy's funeral about 7 yrs ago.
  12. This is a very good thread by the way. An instant classic.
  13. Haha. Smoove and Toine would literally fight to see who could take the worst shot. Then JR Smith would be like ..."Oh yeah? Watch this shot!" And leave DC alone. Replace DC with Rashers Wallace.
  14. Makes you want Zaza back here huh? Our GM will make sure that the SC ( shooting center ) will return. People cried to the heavens about Josh Smith and his outside shooting. We'll the SC from Macedonia isn't much better. All we ask him to do is set some screens and hit an open shot. If he comes back, he needs to play in Summer League.
  15. This is true. And this will be the rationale that most Hawks fans will use, if he does succeed in Charlotte. But if we're going to use that rationale . . - maybe Chris Paul doesn't turn into a star player, if we take him - maybe Brandon Roy would've been a bust just like Shelden - and maybe Yi Jilian would've been just as good as Horford, if we took him at #3
  16. That works both ways though. If he fails in Charlotte, I'm sure a multitude of people will throw it right in my face . . as well they should. But if he succeeds in Charlotte, and we don't adequately address the SG/SF depth issue on this team, I wonder if people will change their tune about the decisions that the GM is making, as far as adding talent to this team.
  17. And that could be a good AND bad thing.
  18. Most of the people against Lance are some of the people that were against Al Jefferson last summer. The fan base may want to focus on the talent a guy can bring to a team, and see if his talent outweigh his potential negatives.
  19. Which makes his ability to score in isolation an asset, not a detriment. The "ball-stopping" thing was said about Joe Johnson for years, and still is said about him. That doesn't mean that JJ still wasn't productive when the ball "stopped" in his hands. He was either able to create a shot for himself, or a shot for other people. Add Lance to this squad, and he instantly becomes the best passer on this team. He might not lead the team in assists . . probably 2nd behind Teague . . but he becomes the best passer on the team, when it comes to creating assists and not throwing the ball away trying to make a play for somebody. Of course, the best PURE passer on the team is young Dennis. But he's still erratic as hell right now, and can't take minutes from Mack as of this point in his career.
  20. People around here champion how good of a coach Bud is . . as I do too. But then doesn't trust Bud to be able to handle or coach up a guy like Lance. I mean damn, if Bud's system could get career years out of both Korver and Carroll, and turn guys like Mike Scott into a viable NBA rotational player, what do people think Bud could do with a Lance Stephenson? If they want a Ginobli like type of player in this offense, Lance fits the bill. If he stays in Indiana, the Pacers will still be one of the top teams in the East. If he goes to Charlotte . . that's the nightmare scenario for the Hawks, because they become a top 4 squad over us. If he goes to Detroit . . that definitely would be interesting to say the least If he goes to the Lakers . . that would be the best case scenario for everyone in the East
  21. Should've done it last offseason. Could've done it last offseason. It's ironic that despite Horford playing center most of his career, he gets 100% of the vote so far to play PF alongside a center.
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