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Everything posted by TheNorthCydeRises

  1. Care to elaborate how a guard that .... - can defend at the SG position - is a very willing passer - can play the point at times - can shoot the 3 - can create his own shot - and is easily the best rebounding SG in the league ... isn't a fit for Bud's system?
  2. LOL. So now people are back in "like" with Stephenson? Stay on his bandwagon folks. His talent is going nowhere. His temperament can be controlled by a good coach that he respects.
  3. Minny would laugh in our faces. One All-Star .... 2 unproven players ... and if we are good with Love, 2 low 1st round draft picks.
  4. SMH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkItDV33gLI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zlaIhhqimY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoLS0t6wzcs Neither Horford nor Millsap can do the things offensively that Kevin Love can do.
  5. Only Hawk fans will find a way to talk themselves out of acquiring a top level talent like Love. You team Love with Horford, and the East has a PROBLEM. All I know is I saw Love in February go for 43 points - 19 rebs vs the Hawks in a dominating performance. His team lost because the Wolves kept losing Korver in transition. But make no mistake, Philips Arena was in AWE of Love, and his ability to score the basketball and grab rebounds. Anybody who wouldn't want that guy here is crrraaaaazzzyyyyy!!! It's like some of you are so used to the Hawks being mediocre, that you'd rather for the team to not take ANY risks, and just build around Mike Scott and Pero Antić.
  6. So the question is . . . would YOU want him here?
  7. Everyone knows that Stevenson is the answer, but few want to admit it.
  8. Sound like you're an advocate for bringing in Lance Stephenson, seeing that he rebounds at an elite level for a SG.
  9. Past might be the word, but so far, the new regime hasn't gotten anything out of their mid 1st round picks.
  10. The hate is definitely strong, no doubt. Let them hate. We could've used this in Game 7 in Indiana http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBJJuRB3bXQ
  11. Joe Johnson in the 2nd half of Game 5: 10 - 13 FG . . .24 points The rest of the Nets in the 2nd half: 9 - 27 . . . 21 points JJ played like a SUPERSTAR tonight. Had any one of those Nets made a damn shot going down the stretch, they would be going to Game 6, and JJ would be the hero. Instead, JJ had to literally do it all, but just came up short. Props to him tonight for playing like a superstar and making superstar type shots. Look for him to have a monster season shooting the ball next year.
  12. Upgrade the SG spot with Lance Stephenson .. start Carroll ... bring Korver off the bench.
  13. Definitely a homer type of article. It has some truth to it, but #NTTH may have died if we had actually WON Game 6. But we lost. There was a guy on peachtreehoops that said he saw a fan who had a Wade jersey underneath the red "Pac is Back" t-shirt, and threw it away after the loss. His assertion was that if we won, maybe that was a chance to convert a casual basketball/Hawk fan, into a potential hardcore fan. But his ( and others ) actions after the loss actually backed up the belief that #NTTH was still in effect. Just because there was a big buzz for one game, doesn't mean that the demons of the Hawks have been exercised. We had an even biggger buzz back in 2008, when we won Game 6 and forced a Game 7 in Boston. And while I didn't believe we had a chance in hell to win that Game 7, the city and the fans were as high as ever about the Hawks, after that series. 2 years later, they were booing the Hawks off the court because they couldn't figure out Orlando. Booing the Hawks because the city desperately wanted them to be an elite team, but just didn't have the overall talent to get there. As a Cincinnati Bengal fan, I know all too well what it is like to be at the bottom of the barrell, and to also be stuck in the middle ( like we currently are right now ). No way I would trade being that 2 to 4 win team like we were back in the early 90s, or that off and on 6 to 8 win team like we were before Marvin Lewis came. But now, we're actually good enough to win regular season games, but not good enough to win playoff games. I call it the "Bo Jackson Curse". We haven't won a playoff game since we hurt Bo Jackson in a playoff game out in Los Angeles back in 1990. 24 years of not winning one playoff game, and only 4 playoff appearances during that time. The Bengals are a little more "cooler" now, but only to Bengal fans. The rest of the world could give a damn about us. And the same thing goes for the Hawks. Until you actually WIN, nothing will change. NOTHING.
  14. A lot of you who are advocating keeping most of this roster together, and just adding role players, are falling into a dangerous trap. It's the same trap that we fell into back in 2008, when we thought the talent here was "just fine", and we basically re-signed every rotation player on the squad in a 3 year period. And I'm not going to be a hypocrite. I thought re-signing guys like Marvin, Zaza, and Bibby were sound moves for keeping the chemistry of the team together. I thought keeping JJ was the right move, even if we overpaid for him. And while I thought that we HAD to trade either Smith or Horford for a PG or a more talented C, I wasn't freaking about keeping those two either. Hawk fans, make no mistake. We CANNOT keep this roster together, just because they pushed arguably the shakiest #1 seed ever to 7 games. I truly don't see how anybody can look at the rest of the Eastern Conference, and think that we are a top 4 squad, without some SIGNIFICANT UPGRADES on this team. - If Miami stays together, they will be above us - Although Indiana is having major problems right now, they will stay above us ( if they keep Lance Stephenson ) - Chicago will be getting Derrick Rose back + potentially a max free agent - Brooklyn, although old, still has a veteran laden team that is a very good basketball team. - Washington has potentially a young East All-Star backcourt with two versatile big men who are sound both offensively and defensively - Toronto also has a potential young East All-Star backcourt with good role players surrounding them - Even Charlotte with Al Jefferson is maybe a very good wing player away from being a 45+ win team. The Hawks have a good building block of talent with Horford, Millsap, and Teague. If they all played to their potential, that's 3 guys who will get All-Star consideration. But what we don't have that all of the above teams have, is a guy who can be a go-to scorer. A guy who you can give the ball to and say . . . "take us home man". Horford is the closest to being that. But he's really not. If he was, he would be like LaMarcus Aldridge. And he isn't even close to LA's level as an elite offensive player. In free agency, the Hawks can't target guys who will simply be "glue guys". They need to target people who could possibly keep elevating their games to an All-Star level ( and beyond, if possible ). The Hawks were so fragile this year, that anytime we had Horford + another rotation player out of the lineup, this team basically collapsed. As much as I like guys like Mike Scott and Shelvin Mack, it's really no way they should be back here, if we're serious about challenging for an East title. And we can't keep throwing out a starting lineup of Carroll and Korver, and expect them to outscore the opposing wings . . . because it didn't happen for most of the year. I liked the fact that we made the playoffs, but what is going on now, is the danger of making the playoffs. You can't look at this team right now, and say, oh we just need a Spencer Hawes and we'lll be OK. We just need a Lance Stephenson ( whom I really want this offseason ) and think we'll be OK. No folks. We need more than that. A LOT MORE. Don't let a good run vs the most unstable #1 seed since the 2007 Dallas Mavericks fool you into believing that we just need a few role playing pieces.
  15. Rudy Gay in Sacramento 20.1 ppg 5.5 rebs 3.1 asst 1.2 stls .482 FG% .313 3FG% .836 FT% 19.6 PER .567 TS%
  16. Hell no? JJ is shooting 54% FG and 44% 3FG in these playoffs, while averaging 21 ppg. He's playing the role in Brooklyn that he couldn't play in Atlanta. And that is the role of a pure shooter/scorer. He's been very good in that series. In Atlanta, he had to try to be a poor man's Lebron James because of our lack of talent at PG and the lack of shot creators on the team. Had he'd been playing with this version of Teague, along with a very good all around offensive talent like Millsap, we'd be at least the #3 seed this season.
  17. Nice post GM. Still doesn't mean much though in the grand scheme of things. You need guys playing at superstar level to win championships. You also need a squad that is a top 10 offensive AND defensive team most times. Houston is great offensively but flawed defensively, especially out on the perimeter. On that last play, Lillard got his good look because Harden didn't switch out on him. No defensive awareness whatsoever. Winning a title isn't easy, as you know. Having said that, it would be hilarious to see him out, and us going to Round 2.
  18. Pero stretching the defense is the biggest urban myth ever. You have to make shots to stretch a defense. Dude has been terrible offensively in this series, and he's playing less and less. Pacers are stupid for even giving Pero so much attention.
  19. This is who Pero always was. He was a streak shooter in Europe and he's a streak shooter here. January was really his only good month. His 3 point shot is more like Josh Smith's than anybody. He has no post game whatsoever. He can defend his man pretty well. His rebounding comes and goes. Kind of hard to have a negative PER, but that's what he has right now.
  20. I don't know why you're SYH at me. I told you that the league would do something significant to Sterling. And I know exactly what systematic racism is. You don't fight systematic racism by stating that you're boycotting the playoffs. You do it by actively trying to expose those
  21. I agree. I see this the same way I saw the Hawks v Bulls series back in 2011. That series went back to Chicago tied 2 - 2. Hawks played a good Game 5 until that 4th quarter, when Rose flat out took over the game. We lost that game, then got blown out in Game 6. Game 5 is critical for us. I don't think we can win a Game 7 in Indy, but we may can steal a Game 5.
  22. Both have been fighting racism and discrimination since the 1960s. Their legacy is undeniable. In today's world though, they definitely use racial controversy to their financial advantage. That still doesn't make the work that they do in fighting against discrimination less important.
  23. Farrakhan's statement - definitely . . . and he got called out big time for it. Even Black people don't mess with Farrakhan and thinks he's too far out there. Obama's statement - . . . . and here's the rest of that quote: . . . . who, you know, if she sees somebody on the street that she doesn’t know, there is a reaction that has been bred into our experiences that don’t go away and sometimes come out in the wrong way.” He's actually defending how and why his grandmother may react the way she did toward Black people, despite not being racist ( in his eyes ). Foxx's statement - a joke . . . that he got BLASTED for. Berry' statement - well . . . this is true you know. It may not be cool in today's age to say, but it is true. Civil Rights laws were intended to protect the rights of minorities and women, because during that time, white men were by far the vast majority in power. They actually made laws to suppress minority and women's rights, from voting, to eating with other whites at restaurants, to even drinking out of water fountains and using the same bathrooms. Sharpton's statement - He actuallly got more in trouble for the "homo" part of that quote, than what he said about Whites in general. Once again, he didn't get off scot free for those comments. I'll back out of this thread and just see how this plays out. The national media will have a field day with this in the morning, and we'll see what Silver does as far as punishment.
  24. LOL . . . compared to the 25 minutes - 2 points - 2 rebounds - 2 assist that Antić gave us yesterday? He was +2 though, so . . let's throw a parade for that. Antić has a 0.5 PER for the series. Hibbert has a 2.4 PER. Neither of them are doing crap. There is no "mismatch" at center. Both of those guys are 'self-checked" right now. They can leave each other open, and they still won't score.
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