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Everything posted by TheNorthCydeRises

  1. If you're Chris Paul, which team would you like to go to: a) re-sign with Clippers . . where you know you'd be playing with Blake Griffin b) sign with ATL . . where you'd be playing with Josh Smith c) sign with Dallas . . . where you'd be playing with Dirk Nowitzki
  2. CP3 leaving LA to come to ATL is a pipe dream.And people forget that one of the main reasons why he said ( years ago ) that he'd like to play in ATL, was to team up with Joe Johnson. People keep forgetting that. And even that was 7 years ago. I haven't seen or heard anything from him in recent years stating why he wants to come to ATL and ball.
  3. And a funny thing about the "rapid decline" in Joe Johnson. He played in 60 games last year, shot 45% FG and 39% 3FG. He plays in 60 of the 66 games ( 91% ) and posted a Win Share of 6.4Not outstanding by any means. Good, but not outstanding.6.4 win share / 60 games = approx .107 win share per game.Had the Hawks played an 82 game season, and JJ played in 91% of them ( 75 games ) . . . JJ would've posted a win share of 8Once again . . not outstanding, but good.That 8 win share would've been the 2nd highest of his career.The only thing in decline about JJ last year, was his shot attempts and FT attempts, which was at 15.5 FGA and 3.1 FTA last year. But it's the FGA that have been the most in decline since Drew took over as coach, and made it a point to "diversify" the offense.With all the talk about JJ "pounding the ball", it was Josh Smith that led the Hawks in usage last season at 28.4% . . . a higher usage than at ANY POINT in JJ's career. It was Smith that lead the team in shot attempts, despite having an offensive rating that ranked 10th on the team.What I want to know, is how Drew is going to convince Smith to NOT take 40% - 50% of his shots from 16+ feet, after he has basically given him the green light to take that shot for the past 2 years?
  4. SMH @ KB . . . you're much smarter than this man. Don't let your bias against a player drive you to something like this. If you're simply talking about Win Share . . . Josh led the team with 6.8. JJ was right behind him with 6.4 wins. JJ was by far the leader in Offensive Win Share with 4.4 wins. Josh was by far the leader in Defensive Win Share with 4.9 wins ( led the NBA in Defensive Win Shares ). Now here's the kicker. I can name 4 games during the regular season right off the top of my head that JJ was DIRECTLY INVOLVED with that team winning the game in the 4th quarter or overtime of that game ( Detroit, Cleveland, Utah, Boston ). And this doesn't include the countless other games in which he either scored enough, or defended well enough, to have a significant hand in the victory. The Win Share stat is good, but it isn't a definitive indicator on who ACTUALLY wins games or not. I mean, even the Win Share per 48 stat that you put stock in, sees Marvin being #2 on the team in WS48 ( .156 ) and Zaza #3 ( .147 ). Josh Smith was 5th ( .139 ). So are we to believe that on a Per 48 minute basis, that Marvin and Zaza were more important to winning than Josh Smith? Lebron James led the league in Win Share with 14.5. But Lebron provided far more "actual wins" for the Heat, than 14.5 wins. He was probably directly responsible for about 85% of their wins this year.
  5. Golden State East.Unless Smith and Horford significantly elevate their game.
  6. I agree. It's like people forgot what it was like watching that bad Hawks team. A team like that doesn't even motivate you to watch them on TV, let alone go to the games. The problem with most NBA teams, is that they believe in their OWN star talent, more than them going out to get a talent upgrade. IF the Hawks were serious about getting a superstar player in the mix, they would've traded one or both Josh Smith and Al Horford for a Dwight Howard or Chris Paul. Instead, the Hawks hold onto those guys like THEY are the future superstars. People keep dealing with the Lakers, because the Lakers are willing to give teams what they want - multiple 1st round draft picks - a willingness to take on a bad contract in a deal Most of all, the Lakers are simply smarter than most organizations. They get Kobe in a trade for Vlade Divac. They draft Bynum out of high school at #10. They get Gasol by trading multiple 1st round picks and taking a "bad contract" off of Memphis' hands. The Lakers are risk takers, while most teams play it safe.
  7. Because Cleveland is bad. And some of you act like you forget how it feels to be bad. When you're bad, you get desperate and do extreme things. Some of you say that it's best to either be real good or real bad. Ask the real bad teams if they'd rather be "real bad." Charlotte Bobcat fans would've KILLED to have last year's "cap strapped" Atlanta Hawks team in Charlotte. The fact is that the Cavs have nothing to lose. They got a young PG who looks like he could be a future All-Star. Team that up with a guy who many think is the best big man in the game ( or at the very least the 2nd best ), you now have something significant to sell your fans on. And you now acquire a guy who you can deal at the trade deadline to get something else significant, if he's dead set on not staying in Cleveland. Gotta give something to get something. And even when you get it, you can give it away to get something else. As Denzel Washington said in "Training Day" . . . http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=gafALL-R1nI
  8. So we're Golden State East. A team that might score 106 ppg, but give up 110 ppg.
  9. Actually, Ferry might not make another move for the rest of the summer, other than signing scrubs to fill out the roster. One thing that all of these expiring contracts will do, is entice a team to unload a player that might be good, but may not be worth keeping around anymore.In other words, the same way we got rid of Joe Johnson, is the same way we can get a starter caliber player.For example, say if the Hawks are in the thick of things in February, but wanted to make a move to obtain a starter caliber SF. And let's also say that Dallas is struggling, and want to unload some people. The Hawks and Mavs could start talking about a trade involving Shawn Marion to the Hawks, while we send back a few expiring or smaller contracts.Marion has 2 years left on his contract that will pay him a total of 18 million.Hawks could trade for him by sending Dallas Morrow and Petro.This could occur at the trade deadline.Hawks new starting lineupG - TeagueG - Harris/WilliamsF - MarionPF - SmithC - HorfordDespite being overpaid these days, Marion is still a good player, and has been a solid defensive player for years.He's an example of what "cap flexibility" can do for a team. Hawks trade away expiring contracts for a decent player that doesn't kill your future flexibility.
  10. Easily the 09 - 10 team- won 53 games overall- won 34 games at home- beat every team in the league at least once . . . except Oklahoma City- had I know at least 7 or 8 games that came down to the last possession, with us winning most of themToo bad that team crashed and burned the way they did in the playoffs. They should've easily been the best team since the 1988 Hawks team that lost to Boston in the playoffs.
  11. Good interview by Smith. I didn't sense anything negative in it about the team or his own future. Basically told the truth about the Dwight Howard situation. Not surprised at all that he felt that JJ and Marvin were like "brothers" to him. Fans like to create fire where there isn't even smoke. JJ and Josh passed the ball to each other all the time. And Marvin has been on the squad since JJ arrived. When both JJ and Marvin come back to Philips, they'll be chatting it up with Josh, Al, and Teague. Despite being traded, both JJ and Marvin might be in better situations as a player. So there will probably be no animosity toward the Hawks organization for those trades.
  12. JTB . . have you seen ANY report or quote stating that Dwight Howarda) Wants to play in ATL for the "hometown team"b) Has listed ATL as one of the possible destinations he'd consider playing forc) That he WANTS to team up with Josh Smithd) That he'd sign an extension with any team other than the Brooklyn Nets or LA LakersIf you have, please provide a link so I can read those quotes.The fact is that if Dwight REALLY wanted to come "home" and play for the Hawks, he would've mentioned to Orlando management that he wants to come here. At that point, he'd also probably express his desire to sign an extension.If both of those things would've happened, Dwight would be a Hawk right now, and Horford and Teague are probably with the Magic.For some reason, he simply will not CHOOSE to play for the hometown team. If we forced him to come here via trade, maybe he could grow to love playing in ATL. As of right now though, he does NOT want to come here, no matter who is on this team. As for Houston believing that they could keep him, any team that has Dwight next season, also has his Bird Rights. That means that he'd get a potential extra year and 25 mill to stay with that team. The Hawks would also have that advantage if we had him next season.But the fact is that Howard has never said that he'd like to play for the Hawks. Therefore, other teams think they could possibly get him to sign long term after playing with them for one year. Not so sure if the Hawks could, if Dwight was dead set on not playing here.
  13. I see the same thing Sothron sees when I view the site on my phone.
  14. Just watching Lou on Synergy and just focusing on the shooting fouls he draws, that dude is crafty. When he goes to the basket, he goes looking to draw a foul if a man is in front of him. While he can get to the rim and shoot the floater somewhat, his main goal seems to be to draw contact. This is probably why he shoots a lower percentage than most guards going toward the rim.He definitely has the Jamal Crawford disease though. He's in love with that 3 point shot, despite not being a good shooter from there at all. Meanwhile, he's knocking down the 16 - 23 foot shot at a 45% rate. Why guys like he and Jamal just don't take more midrange shots, is beyond me.When you shoot in the low 30% as a 3 point shooter, you're not better off taking a 3 over a long 2, when you can knock down that shot 45+% of the time.
  15. Synergy Sports Statistical breakdown of each guy Top 4 Joe Johnson type offensive possessions: ( regular season + playoffs ) - Isolation: 23.3% of poss . . . 42.4% FG . . . 39.3% 3FG . . . 0.89 pts per poss - Spot Up: 16.9% of poss . . . 42.5% FG . . . 39.3% 3FG . . . 1.17 pts per poss - Post Up: 12.1% of poss . . . 53.3% FG . . . ----------------- . . . 1.01 pts per poss - Pick/Roll Ball Handler: 11.8% of poss . . . 40% FG . . . 34.6% FG . . . 0.80 pts per poss Top 4 Lou Williams type offensive possessions: ( regular season + playoffs ) - Pick/Roll Ball Handler: 29.6% of poss . . . 41.1% FG . . . 37.7% 3FG . . . 0.94 pts per poss - Isolation: 18.2% of poss . . . 36% FG . . . 25% 3FG . . . 0.90 pts per poss - Transition: 12.8% of poss . . . 49% FG . . . 37% 3FG . . . 1.20 pts per poss - Spot Up: 11.9% of poss . . . 34.4% FG . . . 33.3% 3FG . . . 0.96 pts per poss The thing about Lou's game is this. He is at his best and is most efficient when he is drawing fouls. This is why despite his low to mediocre percentages shooting the ball from the field, he can make his overall possessions worthwhile with his ability to draw fouls. Basically playing like a poor man's Allen Iverson. But as you see, he definitely needs the ball in his hands in order to be effective. If JJ could draw fouls at the rate that Lou could, he would be a borderline superstar in this league. But last year, he only drew a shooting foul 4.1% of the time, compared to Lou's 10.1%. Throughout the course of a game, it'll be like this for Lou. He'll be able to draw fouls and get to the FT line. As long as he doesn't fall in love with the 3 point shot ( as he has a tendency to do ), he'll be good for us. But like with Jamal Crawford, shot selection has always been a problem for him. Especially the "home run" ball. Clutch Production 2011 - 12: ( Clutch is defined as . . . 4th quarter or overtime, less than 5 minutes left, neither team ahead by more than 5 points ) Johnson: 26.1 Field Goal Att ( per 48 min ) 10.4 Free Throw Att ( per 48 min ) 7.7 Three Point Att ( per 48 min ) 37.9 pts ( per 48 min ) 46.7% FG 50% 3FG L. Williams 24.6 Field Goal Att ( per 48 min ) 16.1 Free Throw Att ( per 48 min ) 11.3 Three Point Att ( per 48 min ) 34 pts ( per 48 min ) 34.6% FG 25% 3FG If the Hawks try to turn him into something that he isn't ( like a Spot Up shooter ), he's going to crash and burn. They basically have to use him like how we used Jamal Crawford. Just give him the ball and let him do his thing. And that's the problem I see coming up this year, if we keep all of these guards. It's one thing to let him do his thing on a Sixers team in which he was not only the backup PG, but also the best scorer on the team. It's totally different to just give him the green light when we already have Teague and Harris in the mix as potential PGs, as well as good frontline scorers in Smith and Horford. Something has to give.
  16. Question :Will people be upset that Korver doesn't exactly sound thrilled at the potential of being traded to the Hawks? If so, don't read any of his quotes.
  17. I agree . . the pic is kind of crazy looking. He looks like a "widow" in that picI also agree with Sothron on the Deron vs Nash debate. If forced to choose between the two in their primes, give me Deron over Nash. Nash won an MVP while only averaging 15.5 ppg and 11.5 asst ( 2005 ). Heck, John Stockton averaged 15.6 ppg and 12.8 assists over a 10 year span during his prime years, and never got higher than 7th in the MVP voting in any year. As good as Nash is, he's nowhere near on Stockton's level. Deron isn't the shooter that those two are, but he's every bit of the passer and a more explosive scorer at times.It's scary to think that the best player that Deron has ever played with . . . was Carlos Boozer. Now he gets to play with a guy he should've been playing with for the past 7 years.As for JJ "bashing Atlanta", he did no such thing. The Hawks basically threw him out of the city, for a bunch of slugs and dead mice, yet, JJ is supposed to hold in his enthusiasm for going to Brooklyn? He's supposed to hold things in and not be excited, when he gets THIS kind of reception? The Hawks marketing team can take a page out of what they're doing in Brooklyn for JJ and Deron, and do 30% of that for Smith and Horford. At least TRY to sell those guys to the city.
  18. JJ isn't quite at the numbers that cwebb posted. He need about another 250 points to reach 15,000 and 20 more rebounds to reach 3500 rebounds. But barring some catastrophic injury, he'll get there before Christmas. Right now, the criteria is - 14,750 points - 3450 rebs - 3500 asst and let's throw in one more . . . 1,200 threes made You know how many players in NBA history have done that? NINE Reggie Miller Kobe Bryant Ray Allen Jason Kidd Paul Pierce Steve Nash Terry Porter Vince Carter and Joe Johnson Every one on that list will go to the Hall of Fame with the exception of Porter and JJ. I think Vince has done enough to get in. But if JJ wins a title in Brooklyn as a #1 or #2 key cog, people may have to start talking Hall of Fame with him as well. The dude has been much better than the people and fans of ATL have given him credit for. It's just that JJ has NEVER played with . . . - an elite level PG - a good low post scorer . . in Atlanta. It's easy to diss the dude for his lack of consistency in the playoffs. But in the games that we DID WIN in the playoffs, he was almost always one of the main guys that was the reason for the victory. It is what it is though. He had a good 7 year career in ATL, and deserves to have his number hanging up in Philips.
  19. No Griffin.He hurt his knee this morning . . . possibly serious.
  20. LOL . . 40+ views, but no challengers yet?Can't distribute the minutes right? Can't make the rotations work?This is Drew's dilemma for next season, if this roster stays "as is".
  21. These are the following guys who can play guard for the Hawks, along with the main position they can play - Teague ( PG ) - Harris ( PG ) - Jenkins ( SG ) - Williams ( SG - PG ) - Morrow ( SG - SF ) - Stevenson ( SF - SG ) You have 48 minutes per position that you can use. Example: This was the Game 1 backcourt and wing rotation of the Hawks vs Boston PG: Teague ( 33 minutes ) - Pargo ( 10 ) - Hinrich ( 5 ) SG: Hinrich ( 27 ) - Johnson ( 11 ) - Green ( 10 ) How would you distribute the minutes at the PG and SG positions? Would you have guys playing 2 positions? Would you have guys not playing at all? If you need to go to 3 positions, and distribute minutes at the SF spot to help yourself out, you may do that. Matter of fact, let's go ahead and do that. Here is that same game, with the minutes at SF added: SF: Johnson ( 27 ) - McGrady ( 14 ) - Williams ( 7 ) For you Josh Smith at SF lovers, consider that too in the rotation. How many minutes do you want Josh Smith playing at PF. So there is your challenge. Set the rotation of players and minutes at PG, SG, and SF
  22. HawkFan . . those guards are going to be defined on how they defend the basketball. This team may be a little more exciting to watch next year, but they could easily be Golden State East. A team that can put points on the board, but can't defend anybody. There is going to be A LOT of pressure put on Josh Smith to make up for the mistakes of these guys out on the perimeter. They're too small and not tenacious enough defensively. If we have to give DeShawn Stevenson minutes at SG or SF just for defensive purposes, he's also going to cut into the shot totals of the guards we brought in. Ferry is going to have to move one of these guys for a SF, or one of those top 4 guys is going to be highly pizzed that he's not playing.
  23. The other thing is this. There is no way that Josh Smith is going to be cool with taking less shots than he did last year, with all of these guards here. This means that some, if not all of these guards, are going to be taking less shots.Shots per game last yearJohnson - 15.5 ( SG/SF )Teague - 10.2 ( PG )Green - 6.1 ( SG )Hinrich - 6.1 ( PG/SG )Pargo - 5.1 ( SG )Total: 43 shotsShots per game last year with Teague + the new additions at guardWilliams - 12.2 ( PG/SG )Morrow - 10.6 ( SG/SF )Teague - 10.2 ( PG )Harris - 8.6 ( PG )Jenkins - ??? ( SG )Total - 41.6 shotsHad Horford played most of the year, the shot totals of every guard except JJ would've been lower. With Horford back next year, you can say the same thing about the group of guards we brought in. Somebody's shots is going to drop. And possibly significantly drop.If that person is Jeff Teague, that's basically the end of him in Atlanta. But he shoots the highest percentage of all the guards left on the team, so it SHOULDN'T be him. Lou Williams is the guy most likely to be able to create his shot, but he shoots the lowest percentage of all the guards.Morrow is the best 3 point shooter of all the guardsHarris is the best all around guard from a shooting and passing standpointAnd who knows what Jenkins can do yet. By the way Drew is already talking, he already has a built-in excuse for not playing the guy . . ( his defense has to improve ) . . which is funny, because no one but Teague and maybe Lou Williams at times, play defense.
  24. You forgot Pargo too ( don't quite know how you forgot about both Green and Pargo ).Green & Pargo's numbers1593 minutes686 points136 assists153 rebounds
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