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Everything posted by TheNorthCydeRises

  1. Mac . . . Joe Smith shot almost 50% FG last year in Cleveland. This year in ATL, he shot just under 40% FG. His midrange shot totally left him. And in this series, he's waaaay to slow to be a factor. So yeah . . he's garbage.
  2. I agree . . no excuses. If people aren't going to give Smoove or Marvin the benefit of the doubt, Horford doesn't deserve it either. He simply has to play better.
  3. And we ( Smoove ) do complain too much. If he doesn't get a call, he needs to get back down the floor to play defense. It's nothing a player can do about a non-call, until you have a break in the action to talk to the official. But while the game play is going on, just get back on defense.
  4. LOL @ the Teague talk. Did Teague stop Jennings in Game 1? No. Has Teague stopped ANYBODY this year? No. Now I'm not against him playing in that 2nd quarter, to see if he can impact the game. But that kid is NOT some defensive stopper. He hasn't be that all year. And he's just as lost as anybody on defense, when his man doesn't have the ball. Just because he is quick, does not mean that he's a good defender. I'm not against Woody trying Teague, or Mario, or whomever . . . but don't act like those guys are the answer to stopping Jennings.
  5. It's funny. I thought that's what people wanted . . . ball movement to get the open man a shot, instead of a forced attempt by ISO-JOE. But I've said it all year . . . I have more confidence in a forced jumper by JJ, than I do some of these other guys getting wide open looks. I guess now people are mad because JJ didn't shoot the ball MORE? He took 9 shots . . . and made 6. Mo went 0 - 5 FG in the 4th So when JJ has it going, people just need to keep their mouths closed, and let that man do his thing. Tell those other guys to play defense.
  6. Also . . . when our opponents use code words like "athleticism and length" as bothering them offensively, what do you think they're referring to? Because compared to other frontlines, we're not a big team at all. But our length and athleticism bothers people? It's a reason for that. When the switching defense is AGGRESSIVELY played, it has caused havoc on offenses this season. But when this team plays passive, the switching defense gets exploited big time. The weak close outs on shooters are definitely a big problem. This year, the defense has been most vulnerable against PGs who can shoot the deep ball and have the ability to take the ball to the basket. That's why guys like Jennings . . and Stephen Curry . . and Nate Robinson have played really well this year. And all 3 guys had to knock down long jumpers, as well as take the ball to the hole, to beat the defense. Most PGs in this league can do one or the other, but not both. But like the OP said, the switch defense is predicated on players providing weak side help, and knowing where the shooters are. When it is ran right, the ish definitely works. But to play that defense, you need to give effort on just about every possession. Having said that . . . Woody does need to give Milwaukee multiple looks on defense.
  7. LOL @ niremetal . . . how about Scott Skiles HIMSELF talking about the switching defense, before this series started. That was the #1 concern for Milwaukee coming into this series. http://www.jsonline.com/blogs/sports/fanblogs/90724584.html
  8. Macdaddy . . . and that's another thing that people need to stop saying. The Bucks are definitely a good team. Just because they don't have Bogut, doesn't mean that they're not good. Salmons and Jennings are 2 guards who can break you down off the dribble or shoot the long jumper. When you have 2 guards who can do that, you at least have a shot in the game, if other people step up. And they've gotten people to do just that. Without Bogut, this team plays even more to their guards, which has turned out to be a good thing. I don't believe for one minute that the Bucks are capable of winning a game in Philips, but they definitely play with the type of energy and intensity at home, that we play with. But people need to stop saying that they're not a good team, because they are.
  9. The switching defense does work. When teams struggle against us, that's all they talk about. But as Crank pointed out, Milwaukee's guards are quick and can break us down off the dribble. Both Salmons and Jennings can create their own shot by going to the hole or by knocking down long jumpers ( when they get hot ). Even Ridnour can do this. So the defense definitely needs to be adjusted. Or at the very least, give the Bucks multiple looks. I would definitely like to see the Hawks go zone for a short stretch, just to see how things will shake out. See if their guards can shoot over top of the zone, or make a post player make a play. They could also aggressively double Jennings right off the bat when that pick comes, forcing bigs like Kurt Thomas or whomever to make a play if the ball is passed to them. Too bad Solo isn't here. Woody would have him up top, leading a half court trap. We just can't let Jennings dictate whatever the hell he wants to do. We have to make him do what WE want him to do.
  10. So in other words . . . run the offense through the post, even if the post players are having trouble scoring in the post? You keep saying "somehow" get production from the post. Well, the problem is that a guy like Horford isn't that good at creating his own offense. Nor is Smoove. But you'd rather for the offense to be ran through two "ifs", than the 4 time all-star, who has proven that he can score in isolation, plus set up other people? That's like telling Brandon Roy to run the offense through Marcus Camby, so that Camby can create better looks for Roy, even though Roy is perfectly capable of creating and making any shot he takes.
  11. What in the world do you mean ONLY? When Lebron and Wade rack up a ton of assists, it's because they're passing out to wide open perimeter shooters. JJ did the same thing tonight. I think he assisted on 7 threes tonight. Seven . . . that's 21 points + the other 2 assists ( 4 points ) . . for a total of 25 points off of his 9 assists. Add the 29 that he scored, and he created 54 points. And you're talking about the dang offense being run through JJ . . like it's a BAD THING? We didn't lose tonight because of offense. The defense lost this game.
  12. He's not lying. I think they underestmated the Bucks . . . just like most of our fan base did ( and still do, for that matter ). This is really the first playoff series that the Hawks have been favored in. Even in the 4 vs 5 matchup we were in vs Miami, more people thought the Heat would beat us. In this series, we're the heavy favorite. So I'm sure they probably did underestimate how they'd come out. It's still no excuse though. They got their butts kicked. People just need to keep their eye on #5 tonight. See what his energy level is like in the 1st quarter.
  13. Lit up like a dang Christmas tree . . LOL. If JJ's and Craw's numbers were reversed, people would be packing JJ's bags for him . . calling JJ every name in the book. But since Craw is "new", he gets a pass . . for now. One more bad game though from him, and that might change, especially if we lose.
  14. Definitely true about JJ. The monster games he has had in the playoffs, have all come at home. He needs to try to carry us on the road, to offset what the other guys aren't bringing to the table on the road. But Smoove's dropoff is so dramatic, it's kind of incredible. Nobody on the team has a swing like that when it comes to home and road games, like Smoove has. But as people like to always say. As Smoove goes . . so goes the Hawks. Just keep an eye on him for Game 4, and see how he plays. I hope he comes out with plenty of energy and gets to the rim often.
  15. LOL . . . yeah . . . I knew this was the case. But I wanted concrete evidence, instead of just saying it. Cause I know people doubt opinions sometimes without facts. So I'll just post the facts. JOSH SMITH'S production in the 9 playoff road losses: --- 2008 --- vs Boston: ( Game 1 ) . . 3 - 10 FG . . 0 - 0 FT . . 6 pts . . 7 rebs . . 2 asst . . 3 blks . . 1 stl ( Game 2 ) . . 3 - 13 FG . . 7 - 10 FT . . 13 pts . . 8 rebs . . 3 asst . . 4 blks . . 2 stls ( Game 5 ) . . 4 - 13 FG . .10 - 10 FT . . 18 pts . . 5 rebs . . 3 asst . . 1 blk . . 3 stls ( Game 7 ) . . 3 - 11 FG . . 1 - 2 FT . . 7 pts . . 4 rebs . . 2 asst . . 1 blk . . 2 stls --- 2009 --- vs Miami: ( Game 3 ) . . 4 - 14 FG . . 4 - 5 FT . . 13 pts . . 8 rebs . . 0 asst . . 1 blk . . 0 stls ( Game 6 ) . . 3 - 13 FG . . 1 - 3 FT . . 7 pts . . 10 rebs. . 0 asst . . 3 blks . . 1 stl vs Cleveland: ( Game 1 ) . . 8 - 15 FG . . 6 - 10 FT . . 22 pts . . 6 rebs . . 2 asst . . 1 blk . . 0 stls ( Game 2 ) . . 2 - 13 FG . . 4 - 4 FT . . 8 pts . . 1 reb . . 3 asst . . 1 blk . . 1 stl 2010 ---- vs Milwaukee: ( Game 3 ) . . 2 - 12 FG . . 3 - 6 FT . . 7 pts . . 12 rebs . . 1 asst . . 1 blk . . 0 stls JOSH SMITH'S production in the 8 playoff home wins: --- 2008 --- vs Boston: ( Game 3 ) . . 11 - 17 FG . . 2 - 3 FT . . 27 pts . . 9 rebs . . 6 asst . . 1 blk . . 2 stls ( Game 4 ) . . 8 - 16 FG . . 12 - 13 FT . . 28 pts . . 6 rebs . . 2 asst . . 7 blks . . 2 stls ( Game 6 ) . . 3 - 8 FG . . 5 - 6 FT . . 11 pts . . 6 rebs . . 2 asst . . 3 blks . . 0 stls --- 2009 --- vs Miami: ( Game 1 ) . . 9 - 14 FG . . 5 - 6 FT . . 23 pts . . 10 rebs . . 2 asst . . 0 blks . . 3 stls ( Game 5 ) . . 6 - 16 FG . . 7 - 9 FT . . 20pts . . 8 rebs . . 4 asst . . 2 blks . . 2 stls ( Game 7 ) . . 7 - 12 FG . . 7 - 8 FT . . 21pts . . 9 rebs . . 3 asst . . 1 blk . . 2 stls --- 2010 --- vs Milwaukee: ( Game 1 ) . . 6 - 10 FG . . 0 - 2 FT . . 12 pts . . 10 rebs . . 4 asst . . 4 blks . . 0 stls ( Game 2 ) . . 9 - 11 FG . . 3 - 3 FT . . 21 pts . . 14 rebs . . 9 asst . . 2 blks . . 2 stls Like night and day folks . . . just like this team. So when you look at the Hawks on the road, look no further to how #5 is playing. Just for a summary: In 9 playoff road losses, these are his numbers: 11.2 ppg . . ( 32 - 114 ) 28% FG . . ( 36 - 50 ) 72% FT 6.8 rebs 1.8 asst 1.8 blks 1.1 stls His numbers in 8 playoff home wins: 20.4 ppg . . ( 59 - 104 ) 56.7% FG . . ( 41 - 50 ) 82% FT 9.0 rebs 4.0 asst 2.5 blks 1.6 stls This is incredible actually. I know players tend to play better at home . . but damn. You might see this kind of disparity in a role player, but not usually for a starter. The difference in shooting percentage is mind boggling.
  16. All people need to do, is watch #5. The game is on espn360. People can easily go back and watch the replay of the game. But don't even watch the game . . . just watch #5
  17. He was 6 - 11 FG in the first half duriing the time the entire team was playing like garbage. That's why the announcers said that. But JJ tried to carry the Hawks on his back even more in that 3rd quarter, when no one else was stepping up other than Horford on offense. JJ then went cold ( I think he missed 6 shots in a row ). So when you saw the 8 - 19 FG, that's probably why. But anybody who watched the entire game, knows that it was basically JJ, and then Zaza in the 4th quarter during garbage time, that showed up. Mo Evans took two of the most horrible shots of all time in that game. I've never seen anybody shoot a "brick lay-up" on a fast break, until Mo did it. LOL . . he didn't even draw iron.
  18. LOL @ focusing on Marvin. He was bad, no doubt. Smith and Horford were worse. It was Smoove's horrible lackadasical defensive positioning in the first place that led to the lay-up . . . not Marvin rotating from the other side of the court. And Bibby was the closest to the play, and he was clueless as well. But people talk about MARVIN on that play? Please. As for the other lay-up . . . yeah Marvin . . take a hard foul . . when you're already down 17 . . to make the situation even worse with a possible And-1. Marvin never saw Stackhouse trailing the play, until Stack received the pass at the last minute from Jennings. No . . . When our All-Star center gets 3 total friggin rebounds . . . and our supposedly All-Star PF goes 2 - 12 and scores only 7 points . . . all of that Marvin talk needs to cease. Marvin was the least of the problems last night. Tell Horford and Smoove to play with some damn heart. They're the so-called leaders on this team. Damn . . and is that Smitty talking? Smitty should know damn better. He watched this squad for 4 years.
  19. Exactly. JJ had some defensive breakdowns during that game, but the other guys were just flat out horrible. They played with no sense of urgency last night, especially Smoove. The Hawks have to understand that the playoffs is ALL ABOUT DEFENSE. These teams are too good to have defensive nights off like that. I'm still in shock that Horford only grabbed three rebounds. Three. And Crawford. Man . . . is the dude going to show up or what? Is he still hurt? People just focus on the wrong things. 19 points in the 1st quarter is bad . . . but it sitll shouldn't see you be down by 17 points. So if you give up 36 points in the quarter, that's on the defense.
  20. A big part of the problem though, is that Horford and Smoove aren't good enough to create their own offense. When we're running halfcourt offense, they need to be set up by other people, to get them good looks. Both Smoove and Horford played soft today, for some reason.
  21. Your boy Crawford needs to show up in these games. What he did in the regular season doesn't mean jack, if he can't even produce in the playoffs. We brought him to this team for this EXACT scenario . . . to provide extra scoring punch for when our young guys are struggling. But he's been Chuck Norris ( Missing in Action ) the entire series.
  22. I'm not going to get into the JJ vs Smoove debate, because it's silly. But the thing that I always watch with Josh Smith, is how he is rebounding the basketball. When he disappears in a game, it's usually in this area. When he's dominating in a game, his rebounds are usually sky high.
  23. LOL .. . I think some people would rather the Hawks FAIL, so that Woody will be fired . . . than for them to succeed and he be brought back. I can see it now . . . we beat Milwaukee in 7, but then turn around and lose the first 2 games in Orlando. People would be holding picket signs, wishing the Hawks get swept so that Woody would be fired, instead of the Hawks trying to battle back into the series by holding serve on their homecourt.
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