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Posts posted by hylndr11

  1. ITs pretty simple - its the same shit tthat happened to the falcons beginning of this year, They are beating teams due to scheme/plays and as the league adjusts you have to adjust - problem is, we dont have the players to continue the process that forces teams to play certain guys a certain way - Bud was rigtht last night, were just not that good.  We are the only team in the top 10 with this level of talent.  

  2. Soooo now its so obvious DMC and Pero being gone has killed the team and we all knew ....right, not soul was saying that shit last year, all I heard was upgrade this upgrade that. we need to keep  Sap.  Hindsight is hilarious on these boards, everyones a victim that was telling us all what was going to happen, ............and nobody was listening to them, only if............coach bud would listen to them.  

  3. When is AL going to start going all out ... playoffs - I hope so, that seems like wishful thinking but, its not like EVERYONE cant see this, His PPG is the same as last season because he is doing the 3pt thing - now hes not hustling down low, so we exchanged one thing for another.    ONly hope is that Bud says he lets try and get Homefield adv into the playoffs dont worry really about top seed?

  4. WHen Korver is saying that we dont really care and are not playing together and paying attention to detial, well there u have it these guys just dont really give fuk - thats on Bud if he cant motivate guys to some extent but I dont know how u roll with guys like this, and what made them stop caring,  Korver whos the worst player on the team just called every athlete out.  What more needs to be said, either sell the team if thats there plan with all this bullshit ownerships stuff or not, I dont understand why this year they are jaking around.

  5. Wait a minute - what about all this I always read about Pops   system  that we run same as Kerr that you dont get many rebounds cuz ur in transistion and all of this.....so were the only one of the teams that runs this similar system,  that actually isnt rebounding, ok lol. I mean what is it??  I keep hearing ppl get upset about rebounds but analyst saying its not apart of what we do.  IF these teams that get back on def quickly are still getting rebounds, THEN WERE DOING IT WRONG.  and why is that not getting talked about and alway this thing with our system. 

  6. Korver getting back ? Its already mid January - it should have been healed far by now theres been some articles on that injury and specifically him in this context.  It appears to be over for KK.  even if healthy hell just get bulldozed and beat on the playoffs anyway like last year.  

  7. fan blog fluff piece - who is it hes saying we trade for??, ohhhhh cant go that far into it that would mean actually writing something we could realistically talk about.  These sites just push content - really the BR and PH have upped there game to levels where the content is not just conjecture - and thats why you dont see them make posts like this nearly as much as they used to.  Im just peeved the team is all of a sudden playing like this like everyone else, I think the best hope we have is Dennis gets things under control and THjr displaces Korver in the starting lineup by playoffs time.  

  8. all this is bullshit - there is no trade that makes us better that a team is going to do  - who are we going to get to put into this offense that will be as good as the guys we have, that have been working in the system - not to mention who would do that trade. Its just talking about trade for the sake of it, it just doesnt make sense to do it unless some team is dumb enough to be taken advantage of.  Dont think the bucks would trade Monroe for anyone on our team.  We dont need a forward.  I just cant see it realistically 

  9. Yea - a few weeeks ago everyone here was screaming to trade Dennis, now its teague, hes not attacking when he crosses court, he is just probably holding back becausee of the ankle a little bit.  The team seems pretty obviously aware of its health at the end of thhe season and trying to manage that. We are just halfway now - still a lot to play. 

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