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  1. What LBJ did to cleveland, was all ok up till the espn tv episode. he knows that was a big mistake.. and he has admitted to it. Cleveland wasn't building a team around him. they left him on an island to do it himself. San Antonio showed, that doesn't work! as good as MJ was, he needed help . Chicago got it for him, they rolled... The problem is.. HOW they got it vs how cleveland got it... I get that! Now, the real problem will be next year... its 3 straight years, Who stops it from being 4? both teams have their top 7 players signed for next year already....
  2. i believe if this same thing happened in atlanta, there would not be a topic for apologizing to the rest of the nba.
  3. i wouldnt say that. because chicago back in the day did this similar thing, as did detroit.. i think how this cavalier team was built... LBJ -free agent sign kyrie drafted thompson-drafted love - trade for draftee wiggins smith / shumpert - trade for waiters frye - trade for andy v korver trade for williams , dunleavy willams, williams claimed off waivers Ok are other fans pissed off about how this worked? or are NBA teams? i see alot of cleveland steal deals here, which means the other nba teams obviously werent too concerned with the Cavs stocking up... And its pretty obvious ONE guy makes it go....if that ONE guy isnt here, boston is playing the warriors... So where I'm going with this is... there wasnt alot of free agent signings going on.. it was mostly trades... NBA teams slit their own throats... Sure we are a zillion dollars over the cap, but thats an option for every team, and cleveland is low market... if the nba wants to close the game, then stop trading with cleveland..
  4. if cleveland doesnt do it the way they did it,, they would NEVER win a title.. football and baseball are different, a great pitching staff in baseball can carry a team a long long ways. our Indians do not make the world series if we don't get Andrew Miller in a trade... in football a great QB great defense can carry a football team a long ways.. basketball you need that ONE guy, but you need help around him. lets face it .. have you ever been to cleveland??? its not the glamour city of NY or LA or Chi. not even close. nobody would want to stay there, unless,,, UNLESS,, to win a championship .. and what drew these guys to cleveland? lebron, Kyrie , kevin.. sure im looking at this with rose colored glasses, because before the cavs did what they did last year.. i had never in my life time seen cleveland win a title..and im 51 yrs old.....
  5. parity ? means a bunch of watered down teams. what people need to realize any team current, and in past goes to the nba finals with three or more players that are all nba caliber .. i have a real problem with todays world of everyone gets a trophy.. every single team has opportunity to build their franchise however they wish. what if a team drafts 3 guys who become superstars rather quick. do they have to get rid of one or more because they became really good ??? the bulls, the celtics, the cavs, the lakers, the warriors just to name a few made it to the nba finals with an all star cast... its what it takes!
  6. I know we get a lot of grief for a heavy money roster... but as I told another fan elsewhere, teams can complain all the want but look how Cleveland was built, and how this could've been controlled better.. Lebron- drafted, left - came back kyrie - drafted Thompson - drafted JR Smith , Shumpart - traded from NY to Cleveland for dion waters Kevin Love - traded from Minn to Cleveland for Wiggins Channing Frye traded to Cleveland for Anderson Varejao D. Williams and D. Williams claimed off waivers james jones, Richard Jefferson free agent pick ups kyle korver traded from Atlanta to Cleveland for mike Dunleavy and mo williams the master brain behind all this was..... GM - David Griffin... but if other teams didn't like Cleveland stocking..then why do this ??? how many steals do you see on this list.. in helping the Cavs? Even if its for ONE year? I mean one year could mean a championship..so to me as a fan..i take it.....
  7. Korver might be in Cleveland just for one year,, but if so that's fine. Cavs biggest loss could possibly be its GM after this season,, David Griffin who built this team, could be shuffling off to Orlando... if he stays im sure there will be some new building blocks needed in Cleveland..
  8. Korver was a steal for the Cavs.. How big was he in the Toronto series. and LBJ understands this.. He is going to be a major factor moving forward..
  9. AGREE but 52 yrs of losers.. it felt nice to be a winner for once... the first team LBJ took to the finals sucked. but so did the entire eastern conference. Again Westbrook is a super mega star on an island all by himself. if he wants to ever win an nba title he is going to need help.. even if Cleveland and golden state wasn't competition in their way they still wouldn't win it..
  10. If that was the case the Browns / Falcons would be super bowl winners by now! This process happens once a decade, did we get tired of MJ vs Magic? did we get tired of Bird vs Magic ? or the bad boys in Detroit. It goes thru cycles. this wont last forever.. I wasn't a fan of kobe and shaq together. I mean we're all in this competitive give us a chance thing...
  11. The NBA made a crap load of money the past two years off the Warriros vs Cavaliers finals... they would not make that same money off the Spurs vs Celtics finals . Its a money hungry business, and they're not going to stand in the way of it.. Not when it benefits them.. Otherwise why would the allow the Cavaliers to lose 40 million dollars, and do the exact same thing this year?? Im not saying it is right, but TV billion dollar sponsorship wants it. so the NBA doesn't want to cause heart ache in that relationship... After this year those guys the Cavs signed for the remainder of the season will be gone (likely) and they will have money from their depature to steal more players. But there is something wrong with this picture when a backup player (Mozgov) can leave the Cavs and get 32 million a year from the Lakers? seriously??? But ask yourself this... if Atlanta's owner said match what those teams are doing, bring me in a super-mega- team you'd be all onboard with it... tickets are still very affordable here. I paid $120 to sit 5 rows from the floor to see the Cavs Bulls game. the Cavs owner doesn't care , he's more worried about his sky scrapers he is building in Detroit and their new arena then how much money he loses in Cleveland's team...
  12. I know you don't see the Cleveland media.. but this guy has a microphone stuck in his face after every single practice.. answer the same questions day in day out. then he has dip shits like Charles barkley always questioning him, or skip bayless.. as long as he respects his teammates and his team.. he's what I want.. and he shares the basketball probably more than he should.. but he's done that since high school..
  13. i always tell people, I do not like everyone I work with. I do work with everyone I work with. LeBron is the same. I would not be friends with him, but I would in a heartbeat want him on my team. as far as his wanting a loaded team? why wouldn't he? Westbrook does not have a loaded team, he is putting up incredible numbers. come playoff time as a fan how does that excite you.. sure he went for 35 12 12 in the playoff games but lost ! only numbers I want are NBA title numbers. anything less is failure... these guys are PAID to win championships. Cleveland lucked out that it has a billionare for an owner who uses the Cavs as a tax write off.. I mean 40 MILLION dollars this team lost last year.. Sold out every home game, including playoffs for the season. Lost 40 Million Dollars... Gilbert owns the minor league hockey team that won the Calder Cup, he owns the Arena football team that probably is losing money. Doesn't seem to phase him.. the Cavs again will lose money this season with that payroll ...
  14. always does on 2nd night of back to backs.. i wouldnt but thats not my decision. IMO they're paid to play not sit. so play them.
  15. coach wanted to sit them out to rest. they are back monday
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