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Posts posted by REHawksFan

  1. 20 minutes ago, marco102 said:

    This is really recency bias here.  Trae's had plenty of better games as floor general as Lamelo.  This season his floor general skills def are down compared to last, but I'd say he's proven he has great vision and ability to be a good floor general. 

    There's such little patience given to Trae here. There's no excuse for the mental lapses and dumb plays, but I think some of the TOs this year have been a direct product of not yet being comfortable with Capela, Bogie, Gallo, and Solo and where those guys are going be consistently. He's tasked with being the floor general on a team with a ton of new players and several of those players are still trying to figure out how to coexist effectively.  


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  2. 11 minutes ago, Peoriabird said:

    Not saying he isn't a valuable asset but let's not pretend that his play is not the reason for our current losing streak..Or that he doesn't need to improve his game.

    HELL YESS>  FINALLY a factual, logical statement.  TRAE's play over the last 5 games has SUCKED>  We all know that and agree with that.  When he's the premiere player on your team and he 100% sucks during a stretch, you get 1-4.  That's life in the NBA.  The difference is some of us actually believe these last 5 games are an aberration rather than an indictment because we saw what he's capable of offensively for 1.5 seasons prior to this 5 game stretch.  Some of y'all so damn eager to throw the baby (pun intended) out with the bathwater.  

    Get yer head's out yer butts. IF this team is going to win anything they NEED Trae to be the Trae we've seen the last 2 seasons. They literally can't win without him.  That's what some of us have been saying.  

    Hunter has been the best play on this team the last 5 games and the Hawks are 1-4.  Trae was the best player on the team for the first 4 games and the Hawks were 3-1.  Get the hell out with all this trade Trae, bench Trae nonsense.  It's utter foolishness.    

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  3. 3 minutes ago, AHF said:

    Can't tell if this is tongue in cheek or serious.  

    IMO, this is LP's moment right now.  One way or another, he needs to get the team back on the rails.  Getting guys healthy will help but we were pretty competitive last year with Trae, Huerter, Cam, Hunter, and Collins playing together.  We weren't as competitive over the last week or so with all of those guys plus Capela and Bogi.

    Sorry.  I thought it was obvious.  It was NOT serious. Call it sarcasm, TIC, whatever. The overreactions on here are hysterical. 

    We actually have people saying Trae needs to prove the last 5 games are just a slump. I mean, did the 100 previous games not prove what Trae is capable of?

    And Hunter has played really well for 5 games and all of a sudden he's "the best player on the team" cuz, hey, 5 games is apparently all this board needs to make definitive conclusions.  And I'm not bangin on Dre. I love his game and think he's going to be a beast before long, but come on. The hot takes are absurd. 



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  4. 1 minute ago, JayBirdHawk said:



    I'm glad he's not too worried about it, but I sure hope he understands that if he doesn't get it worked out soon, they could be fighting out of a huge hole the rest of the season. I'm a broken record in saying the Hawks go as he goes.

    In 2+ seasons with the Hawks, Trae has played 150 games:

    If he scores 30 or less pts:  Hawks are 32-83 for a .278 winning %

    When he scores 31 or more pts: Hawks are 19-16 for a .542 winning %.

    Even this year when they have had a combination of better players (compared to 2 previous years), Trae avg 33 pts in the 4 wins and 18 pts in the 5 losses. And those 5 losses have been by an avg of 6 pts per game.  Despite poor shooting at various times from Cam, Bogie, and Huerter, the Hawks would very likely have 6 or 7 wins right now if they had even an average performance from Trae during those losses.    


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  5. 1st 4 game for Trae: 33pts / 8.25ast / 50.7% fg / 34.8% 3pt / 15 fta / Hawks 3-1

    Last 5: 18pts / 9.0ast / 33.3% fg / 22.2% 3pt / 6fta / Hawks 1-4

    It ain't rocket science.  Hawks go as Trae goes by and large.

    Yes, they have more depth to withstand a minor slump from Trae but that depth is either hurt or inconsistent. 

    Hawks really miss Gallo.

    Also, LP not gonna be around much longer imo. 

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  6. 1 minute ago, Atlantaholic said:

    Fair enough, but the fact is those were the optics at the very least. I hope you're right though.

    I agree that the optics aren't / weren't good. I just hold out hope that there is some other explanation other than that. 

  7. 15 minutes ago, Atlantaholic said:

    He was pulling some "ah ha" on the coach and it was petty and disheartening. 

    For me, this goes a little too far. I would just caution against projecting intent. None of us know what Trae was trying to accomplish if indeed he was purposefully playing that way.   

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  8. 2 minutes ago, gurpilo said:

    I don't know if I am wrong or perhaps I am overeacting, I know all of you are going to come mad at me but I think we would be better if we trade Trae Young for a true star PG.

    I think you are wrong. I think you are overreacting. I also think it's a moot point because this is never going to happen. I'm not mad at you. It's just not something worth discussing because it's not realistic. The only way the Hawks trade Trae is if HE demands a trade.  To the Hawks FO and Owner, Trae is their superstar and the piece they are building around. For better or worse, he's the guy for the next 5 or 6 years. As Hawks fans, we need to all hope that he continues to evolve his game and get better, because he's not going anywhere. 

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  9. 4 hours ago, AHF said:

    Every game a baseball player goes 2-5 is a very good game.  Like you said, repeat it  for a year and you accomplish something no one has done in generations.

    .400 is definitely not inefficient for batting average.  It is at a minimum good.

    We don’t disagree that neither game is exceptional on a single sample size.  My point is that if you view every 2-5 as a failure or every 1.267 point per shot night as a failure then your standard is unreasonable, imo.   Most of Klay Thompson’s career is below that level.  He has been effective or good or most of his games not a minority of them.  (1.221 for his career)

    Now wait a minute. I never once said 19 pts on 15 shots was a failure. I started out saying it was inefficient but then corrected myself and acknowledged that was an overstatement. 

    But you brought up Jordan and KG in an effort to show that his efficiency was nearly on a historic level. Thats why I made the single game argument. 

    A game at 1.267 pps is simple not a great accomplishment when it happens hundreds of times every NBA season.

    I think we actually agree.

  10. 1 minute ago, JayBirdHawk said:

    Anyone remember Trae hitting the back of his head on a players head, I think it was the Knicks game, he drove the ball, got fouled,  but the back of his head hit a Knicks players knee when he landed, he was slow to get up....he eventually did and missed the two freethrows- I wonder if he got a concussion from it. He just hasn't seemed right.

    I do remember and have wondered the same. But if he has a concussion, even a mild one, and the Hawks either don't know or know and are still playing him, that's pretty bad. 

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  11. 9 hours ago, AHF said:

    Why would you just talk about one game when measuring efficiency?  What is good should be good pretty much regardless of sample size.  

    Because it is significantly harder to do it for a whole season than for a single game. And it's even harder still to do it for an entire career.  

    There were hundreds of games just last season where players posted over 1.26 efficiency (over 100 games just among Trae, Kev, JC, and Hunter). Yet there were only 50 or so players in the NBA that ended their season with a pps above 1.26. And I would guess even fewer still end their careers at that level.  

    So if I'm going to talk about what is good efficiency, great efficiency, and historic efficiency (or just ok efficiency, bad efficiency, and horrible efficiency), I have to have the context of the sample size.   If a baseball players goes 2-5 with 1 RBI in a single game, it's considered a good game. Not a great game. Certainly not a historic game, but a good, solid game. But average .400 and 162 RBI for the season and he's an MVP. Do if for his career and he's a HOFer. Sample size matters when grading an accomplishment. 

    If you want to just say efficient is efficient and say anything at 1.20 and above is efficient, then fine. I guess I can see that. But for me, I put gradation into it because when I see 19 pts on 15 shots or 38 pts on 30 shots, I don't think to myself, dang that was one efficient game.  Heck, there were certain posters on this board raggin on Trae last year because he had a few game where he put up 30 shots (and had well over 1.26 pps on those shots).  He's been called a volume scorer because of his high FGA. But by your definition, Trae is a historically efficient scorer. 



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  12. 3 hours ago, AHF said:

    For reference, Michael Jordan was 1.316 for his career.

    Kevin Garnett was 1.233.

    Hakeem was 1.284.

    Ray Allen was 1.293.

    So I'd say your benchmark is too demanding.

    Well I'm talking about just one game. The threshold for efficiency to me is higher for a singular game than for a season or career. 

    Still, if you are saying 1.25 - 1.30 is elite efficiency for a season i just disagree. 

    There were 20+ players just last year that posted better than 1.30 pps.

    Trae is 1.339 for his career. He was 1.423 last season.

    I don't think 1.267 is elite when talking about a single game. 


  13. 3 hours ago, AHF said:

    On our 96 FGA from yesterday, that would have led to a 122 point total for the Hawks.  That would be good efficiency any night.

    Inefficient was probably an overstatement but I don't call an individual efficient unless they are getting up towards 1.5 pps. Kev was what, 1.25 to 1.30 without doing the math. Not bad but not great either. He was definitely the best out there though. 

    • Confused 1
  14. 1 minute ago, macdaddy said:

    Cleveland i can chalk up to the back to back.   The Knicks beat us.  They were the better team from coaching on down.   Charlotte?   Let's be honest Charlotte SUCKS.  They should have won that game by at least 20.  they practically begged us to get back in the game.   So the question is did we lay an egg or do we suck?  The truth is in the middle somewhere but based on what we've seen the Hawks with just this group of healthy players is probably a .500 team at best.   With Rondo, Gallo, Dunn/Snell, and hopefully OO we should be much better.    Getting those guys healthy is a huge ? over this season though. 

    I agree that Charlotte SUCKS.  They were up 16 after 1 and it should have been 30. With that said, I still think Hawks can be a really good team.  But last night was a culmination of missing Rondo and Gallo AND more importantly seeing the guys that were available all suck at the same time. Even as well as Huerter played, he was still just 19 pts on 15 shots. Inefficient.  The five guards that played last night were a combined 17-54 from the field and 6-31 from 3.  (And somehow it still took 40 pts from GH for the sucky Hornets to squeak out a win).  



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  15. 31 minutes ago, AHF said:

    Yeah, I feel like people are way overreacting on this.  Trae is our superstar.  We've seen enough to know that he will routinely give us better performances than what we've seen over the last 3 games and dramatically better than last game.  He is a hard worker and isn't all about jacking up the maximum number of shots for himself.  I believe in him and remain a Trae Young supporter.

    This team needs a bounceback win in the worst way.  We led in the 4th quarter yesterday and McRib had himself a game so it wouldn't take anything more than regressing to the mean for that to happen.

    My legit worry is if LP is losing Trae and this team.

    Overreactions for sure.  The reason I don't have any REAL concerns over Trae is that none of us should question what he is capable of doing. We've seen him play at a very high level for too long of a time to think it was a fluke. So the question isn't "Can Trae play better," it's why isn't he playing better.  And that leads to your biggest concern.  IF Trae isn't playing well because he's not seeing eye to eye with LP or (and this is my supposition) Is LP asking Trae to do things that he isn't comfortable doing and therefore not getting the best out of Trae, THEN we have a bigger problem than a few bad games in a row.  And it needs to get fixed quick.  

    Trae is the engine that makes the machine go. That's just a fact.  If your engine is sputtering, you won't be going very far.  


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  16. 3 minutes ago, timebomb said:

    I’m can see into the future... LP will not be our head coach the year after next.. 2 years from now! They’re going to take the Falcons good guy approach and give this “good” guy every chance, and he is a good guy. I like LP as a person, he’s great taking on social issues and what not and what have you..  win basketball games. 
    Injuries be dammed it’s LP’s rotations that make no since. It’s not coaching guys up. We have talent. 


    Dude....he may not be the coach week after next. You talkin years? Resslet ain't got no time for this nonsense. Playoffs or bust THIS year. 

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