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Posts posted by REHawksFan

  1. 19 minutes ago, marco102 said:

    I'm rooting for it to be Dallas, just to see what the narrative will be with an out of shape Luka...

    I watched the first Dal game and I don't see a team - at least without KP - that is being talked about as a top 2 seed in the west. They looked like an all star with a bunch of ok guys around them. I just don't see it with them. 

    Is Hardaway their 2nd best player while KP is out? 

  2. I wanted Luka leading up to the draft but once they drafted Trae I was all in.  His passing was elite and I figured if nothing else he could be an elite distributor.  Never imagined he could turn into what he is today so quickly.  

    I'm not sure I've EVER seen a more effortless and expedient trip to 37 points in my life.  He wasn't taking over the game, he just didn't miss and played within the team.  Then we look up and he's at 37 in 26 min on 12 shots.  Special.  


    EDIT:  As an aside......the leader for the MVP this year went 32 pts on 26 shots and was 0-fer from 3 pt land in a losing effort.  Is he now going to get the "empty stats" moniker that Trae has lived with the last 2 years?  I'm not bitter or anything.  

    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  3. 8 minutes ago, JayBirdHawk said:

    Bearing in mind that JC's salary for this season is $4.1 million - it makes for a tough trade besides a future pick and a young player.  

    The only other option will be to combine his salary with Snell for roughly $17 million outgoing.

    It's a great point.  They can obviously maximize the return by including Snell or even Snell + Huerter if they chose to go that route for an all star.  The point being though is that a trade is certainly doable if the Hawks decide they aren't keeping him at a max deal.  To me, if he's playing to a max contract by mid year that means the Hawks are likely doing very well as a team so I probably would just wait til the summer and sign him to a max.  The real problematic scenario is if he's struggling and there's no real market for him (not likely). In that case, what do you do?  Over pay to keep him or let him walk?  The easy scenario is him playing very well and deserving a max contract. Benefits everyone. 

  4. 55 minutes ago, bleachkit said:

    Here's the thing about trading John. Wouldn't a team just wait for RFA? It's hard to see a trade happening. 

    If you wait for RFA you may not get him. You may have to compete with other teams for him to sign the offer sheet and even then the hawks could match.  If you KNOW you want JC, you trade for him with the hawks and then you get the leverage of matching any deal he receives in RFA.  That's why a trade is likely if the Hawks don't want him long term at a max contract. 

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, mrhonline said:

    They may just let him go.  That's an eventuality I don't think some of you are prepared for, but you need to at least consider it.

    Why would they?  They have him under control for 2 full seasons (if they want) so they can pretty easily trade him if he's as valuable to other teams as he thinks he is.  Time is on the Hawks side in this situation.  While they COULD end up letting him walk for nothing, it would be their decision to do so and would likely be a product of indecision early on. Once they wait too long, sure, he can walk without any compensation.  But if they handle the situation properly, they hold all the cards to be able to either retain him or trade him for value.  

  6. 1 hour ago, AHF said:

    I strongly believe we'll be able to sign him for that next offseason if he does a Brandon Ingram.

    I could be wrong, but can't the Hawks offer him a 5th year next summer that no other team can?  So even if he's bitter (I don't think he would be, but who knows) about not getting a deal early, if he proves to be worth the max and the Hawks don't want to lose him, they would still be in the drivers seat with negotiations, right?  

    So from the Hawks perspective, if JC and his team are asking for / expecting the Max, waiting makes the most sense. Either he proves to be worth the max and you end up paying the max OR he loses value and you save money at something less than the max.  

  7. 16 minutes ago, capstone21 said:

    Yes, but now we will pay more

    The max is the max.  They can't pay more than the max.  If you are saying they shouldn't have paid the max in the first place then what's the complaint to the Hawks?  If he's offered the max and they are willing, they will keep him.  If they think he'll get the max from someone but don't value him at that, then trade him during the season.  No one else knows whether the Hawks will match so it's not like the association knows he's walking and have all the leverage.  The Hawks still hold the chips.  If he was unrestricted, then this would be different.  But as a restricted FA, the Hawks can keep him or trade him but it's certainly not a given that he either walks for nothing or they over pay for him.  

  8. 3 minutes ago, capstone21 said:

    This off-season news falls to a B+ for me ... he is as good as gone and we will probably lose him for nothing 

    If they want him, they can match any offer sheet he gets. If they don't they can try to trade him this year and the new team would have 1.5 years to sign him.  He only walks for nothing if the Hawks allow him to.  They hold all the cards at the moment. 

    • Like 4
  9. 3 hours ago, REHawksFan said:

    1: 43-29

    2: 1 (Trae)

    3: 1 (Trae)

    4: None

    5: 5th

    6: 37-35

    @AHFI tried to edit number 6 after reading through the thread because it's clear I didn't understand what you were asking for.  But for some reason the edit button was gone the second time around.  Anyway, I thought you were asking for what BBall Reference would predict our record would be at the start of the season rather than what our pt diff would actually say it should be.  I'm dumb.  Now that I fully understand what the formula is, I'd like to change my answer to:

    6: 42-30



    • Like 2
  10. On 12/14/2020 at 4:18 PM, AHF said:

    For tiebreakers, please list:

    1 - Projected Record (example:  45-27 or 30-42) or Winning % (50% = 36-36 projected record)

    2 - # of All-Stars

    3 - # of All-NBA selections (don't need to say which team)

    4 - # of All-Rookie selections (don't need to say first or second team)

    5 - Eastern Conference Seed (last year we were 14th)

    6 - Expected W-L Record from Basketball Reference (final tiebreaker as the expected record usually is different by a couple of games for example being 18 wins last year vs 20 actual wins)

    1: 43-29

    2: 1 (Trae)

    3: 1 (Trae)

    4: None

    5: 5th

    6: 37-35

    • Like 2
  11. 3 minutes ago, EazyRoc said:

    For us to be shooting so bad and them to be shooting so well, this game is still close. I smell a comeback

    Not that winning matters, but it all depends on our guys finding their shot

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