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Posts posted by REHawksFan

  1. Trae / ??? / Halliburton

    Cam / Huerter

    Hayward / Hunter

    JC / Gallo

    Capela / ??? / Bruno


    Intriguing.  But would still need to shore up  a few holes. 

    • Like 1
  2. 22 minutes ago, kg01 said:

    Westbrook, for all his faults and off the court interests, loves to play basketball.  That's not the case for Edwards.


    This is not a factual statement regarding Edwards.  I'm not sure if you are just saying that as a rival or if you actually believe it, but it's not true.  I have first hand knowledge of that with a contact at UGA who has no incentive to BS at this point.   

    • Thanks 1
  3. 11 minutes ago, AHF said:

    I don't follow the logic train here.  Let's follow a scenario where Atlanta is his top choice.

    GH is in discussion with the Celtics and makes it clear he wants to go to Atlanta.  Boston tells GH that they want to sign and trade him to Atlanta.

    If he opts out, he is looking at a salary that will be about $10M lower than his next year salary if he opts in.

    Why wouldn't he give Boston extra time to try to work out a deal with Atlanta that would have him coming in as part of an opt-in and extension?  That gets him to his preferred team for the most money.

    Isn't that what we would expect a FA to try to achieve?


    (Note:  I'm not saying we are necessarily his top choice but I am saying that the fact that he extended the deadline to give Atlanta and Boston time to try to work out a deal doesn't mean we aren't his top choice.  Doesn't really speak to it one way or the other.  Really speaks to him wanting to maximize his next contract which will be the last big one of his career.)

    Well my logic didn't consider that he would make more if he opts-in and extends than he would get over a longer term deal on the open market.  IF that's the case, then sure, it would benefit him to allow the trade to happen.  Maybe ATL is playing along because they really want GH.  My logic was that the money would be relatively even either way and asking for more time seemed to imply that he was looking for better opportunities with more established teams.  



  4. 3 minutes ago, NBASupes said:

    With all due respect to the Celtics beat writer, that is just not what I am being told. Just about everything coming out of Boston beat writers and people who cover the Celtics is the OPPOSITE of what's being said behind the scenes. Literally the exactly opposite. The Murphy guy says Boston is not interested in Harden, that's a lie.

    Weiss who is the Celtics Sarah Spence, aka the writer who covers the Celtics says Hayward wants to be part of a winning franchise, which is not Atlanta. Which is also a lie. Like I keep saying, everything coming out of Boston right now, is lies. 

    That's not to say those guys are liars and I have the correct info on this. That's just saying, there is a reason Marc Spears who is a million times more credible than anyone can be who's around Danny Ainge can be is reporting what he is reporting. 

    I want to believe Supes.  But like we said last night, it's doing the C's a favor that isn't necessary if both sides wanted Hayward in Atlanta that makes it seem like Hayward isn't really on board.  The extension makes it seem like he's looking for other alternatives.  

  5. 1 minute ago, NBASupes said:

    Why are you entertaining Boston fans on twitter of all places? I tend not to entertain even our fans on twitter. 

    Just read the comments on one of the tweets about the potential trade. Mistake. 

  6. 1 minute ago, NBASupes said:


    Sad news, mega deal Indy/Atlanta/3rd team dead. 

    Oladipo comp was not met and 3rd team doesn't seem as willing as they once did. 

    This may explain Atlanta's willingness to trade the OKC 1st for a backup PG. 

    I would too. 

    So you at liberty to share the would have been deal?

  7. 7 minutes ago, thecampster said:

    IMHO, this won't be an extend and trade (though its possible...stupid but possible). This will be something closer to Hayward opts in, waives trade kicker. Hawks send Dwayne Dedmon to Boston. Boston sends Hayward + one of their picks to Atlanta (I'm assuming 14).

    THIS is what I like to hear!! 14 and Hayward for Dedmon. I like it.

    • Like 2
  8. Just now, JayBirdHawk said:

    Because teams do these TPE trades all the time. It's part of the NBA business.

    So if they trade for Hayward what does that do to Hawks cap this year and going forward? Would it be 1 year of Hayward or a new deal for multiple years? 

  9. 1 minute ago, JayBirdHawk said:

    We get an asset for facilitating, Boston gets a TPE the value of whatever Gordon's salary is, it's valid for 1 year for them to use to acquire a player(s) equal to the value of the TPE.

    If it's draft capital then fine. Sounds good. Ask for 14. Then trade 6 and 14 to GSW and take Antman. LOL

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  10. Just now, Jody23 said:

    Which makes no sense.  What's the incentive for the Hawks or Hayward to do this if he really wanted to come to Atlanta?

    It sure seems like ATL isn't Hayward's first choice

    • Like 3
  11. 1 minute ago, JayBirdHawk said:


    So this reads as if he is more likely to opt out after the draft and work a SnT on a new 4? year deal with some team.


    That would seem to take Hawks out of the running.  No reason to SnT when Hawks could just sign him outright.  SnT would be for a preferred team that can't just sign him into cap space. 

    • Like 2
  12. 13 minutes ago, JayBirdHawk said:

    Wait a minute...has FAcy started?

    Lots of crying already about not signing any FAs when it hasn't officially kicked off.

    At least wait until Friday at 6:03PM

    For me, I had hopes of Hayward as a big signing and while that isn't over yet, the tea leaves seem to imply that he's not opting out to sign with Atlanta.  So that's my disappointment.  Otherwise, I'm happy to wait and see.  I just don't see a lot of big impact players out there in FA.  

  13. 2 minutes ago, AHF said:

    Last year's crew was missing JC for much of the year, Dedmon for the vast majority and Capela for the entire seasons.  Even if we run it back with only some useful vets and a new lottery pick, we won't be the same team next season.


    I know.  I just get caught up in the "what if" dreaming every year.  Nothing's done yet so it still could happen.  I've just gotten to the "dang nothings going to happen" stage of the annual trade saga.  

    • Like 1
  14. 3 minutes ago, NBASupes said:

    Gordon Hayward talks are ongoing but it seems we are getting close to a decision. Hayward has interest from Charlotte and New York as well. 

    Does this mean Hayward is close to deciding on Opt in / Opt out OR Hayward is close to deciding on Hawks OR Hawks are close to deciding on Hayward???

  15. Not sure how to feel about potential Rondo.  Dude has a habit of being cranky if he doesn't like a situation and I can't imagine him liking the Hawks situation (not a title contender) at his age.  He would need to be 100% bought in for it to work here, imo.  

  16. Do we still have traction with the "megatrade" or nah?  I thought Supes and Camp were saying that should happen yesterday or today (before the draft I guess).  Have the deals that are already done impacted the 3rd team and / or taken the trade off the table?  

    • Like 2
  17. Gone for 7 months while Hawks were were rudely excluded from all the bubble fun. I come back to the same thread I last posted in but only 200 pages longer. Good times.

    I love me some Supes intel.  Bring on the MegaTrade!!! LOL



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  18. 17 hours ago, bleachkit said:

    Why would you choose him? Luka is clearly the correct answer. Mavs fans aren't choosing Kevin Huerter.

    Because the question was about the eye test and if I'm being 100% honest.....I've seen about 4 Mavs games and Luka hasn't played in a single one. Yet Timmy has gone off in each one. So to me, while I KNOW luka is their star, the eye test for me is Timmy.

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