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Posts posted by REHawksFan

  1. 18 minutes ago, macdaddy said:

    30 / 9  shooting 37% from 3, 10 free throws a game at 85%,  4.5 rebounds, 1.2 steals.  

    They want to say this guy isn't elite and isn't a star.   Find me another player with these numbers who isn't a star.  jiminy christmas, it's just absurd.  




    According to BBReference, Westbrook is the only other player in the 3PT era to put up 30/9 in a single season and he shot 34% from 3PT. So the list to put up Trae's stats this year is.......TRAE. That's it. 


    • Like 4
  2. 16 minutes ago, bleachkit said:

    Yes if they give you the calls and it's within the rules, then why not. A couple times though Trae has actually turned over the ball jumping into a defender trying to get a call. 

    You just have to take the good with the bad. I haven't seen any data on it but I'd guess they call a foul far more often than they don't. As long as it stays a net positive, I'm fine with it and will live with the occasional turnover when the ref doesn't oblige.  

    • Like 2
  3. 45 minutes ago, JayBirdHawk said:

    While we are all excited for the youngins - here's to Vet Teague.  We needed everything he gave us last night.


    This is where I disagree a little bit. Yes we needed everything he gave but I thought he could have done so much more. 

    To me it looks like he dribbles too much and doesn't take the open shot when available. He hesitates. I love Jeff and hope he gets it together, but I have been kinda disappointed with what I've seen so far. 

  4. 16 minutes ago, bleachkit said:

    Yet despite all that it came down to the wire. How come we never blow anyone out?

    Guessing this is rhetorical but if not, the obvious answer is because still aren't a very good, high quality team. They have very good pieces (trae almost always and JC occasionally) and then some pieces that are uber talented but still young and highly inconsistent (Cam, Hunter, Kev) and then a bunch of guys no one else on the NBA really wants. 

    So yeah, it takes all of the Hawks limited pieces playing very good games PLUS Trae scoring 50 to beat a quality team by 5 pts. 

    I said it earlier....the Hawks are still bringing a slingshot to a gun fight most nights. Hopefully between FA and getting Capela back that will change soon.

    • Like 3
  5. 1 minute ago, Plainview1981 said:

    Teams have had back to back games going back forever. This team routinely gives up 115-125 points. Back to back or not.

    It's the 47 + min not just the back to back.  Show me another team with 4 players each logging that many minutes the night before that didn't suffer defensively. 

    News flash. They aren't good defensively. The fact that they were competitive proves they gave good effort even though they aren't very good. 

  6. 4 minutes ago, Plainview1981 said:

    They gave up 133 points and repeatedly left shooters wide open. That comes from a lack of effort. 

    They were on the 2nd of a back to back with 4 players going 47+ min last night. That they were even competitive proves they gave good effort. 

    The 4 starters that went 47+ min last night were a combined -83. There's a reason for that. 

    • Like 3
  7. 4 minutes ago, Atlantaholic said:

    7 in 48 games is not good. Of course with his usage expecting 1-2 turnovers from him is probably not very realistic. Still 3-4 should be the goal. 

    Dont believe I said it was good. But to your point, he's had 4 or fewer 21 times on 48 games. Need better than that. But as others have noted, his usage is so high that it's almost inevitable. 

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